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Ask a question about the following book:
73129 Horatius
Quinti Horatii Flacci Poėmata, scholiis sive Annotationibus instar Commentarii illustrata, ą Ioanne Bond (John Bond). Editio nova.Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1676.12mo (13x7,5 cm). Contemporary leather, spine with ribbons, gilt, with morocco title-label, gilt border around sides (top spine dam.; corners dam. ). (iv),234,(iii: Vita), (iii: blank) pp. and engraved title (different waterstains; paper age-toned; names and stamp on blank leaves and on engraved title; old underlings in ink; short margins. - Mediocre copy, but "ces in-douze (12mo) elzeviriens sont en leur genre ce que l'art typographique a produit de plus parfait" (Willems, Les Elzevier. No 1517).
Price: € 120.00clear

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