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Ask a question about the following book:
73948 (Anonym)De vrouwen-peirle (peerle), ofte dryvoudige historie van Helena de Verduldige (Dogter van Antonius / koning van Scytien), Griseldis de Zagtmoedige (huysvrouwe van Gautier), en Florentina de Getrouwe (Huysvrouwe van Alexander van Mets), alle dry aenzienelyk in vele deugden; maer meest in lydzaemheyde die zy in tegenspoed, overlast en beproevinge getoont hebben. Genomen uyt de oude historien / en nieuwelings tot voordeel der jongheyd oversien / by-een vergaderd en zeer verbeterd.Gent: by J. Begyn, aen de Appel-Brugge in den Engel, N.d. (c. 1780.4to (19x16,5 cm). Modern red halfcloth, covers with red decorative paper; endpapers new. 56 pp. Printed in 2 columns. With, on general title and 2 other subtitles, woodengravings (repeated) with the three saints. And 12 other engravings in text. - At the end (Approbation) by Max. Van Eynatten, Kanonik en Scholaster tot Antwerpen. - 4 leaves partly browned and 1 leaf with brown spot; some skilfull restaurations of margins, but on the whole a nice copy of an often used chapbook .
Price: € 250.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
