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Ask a question about the following book:
78286 Ferrari, Giorgio E. / Mario Salmi / Gian Lorenzo Mellini.The Grimani Breviary. Reproduced from the illuminated manuscript belonging to the Biblioteca Marciana, Venice. With 110 colour plates, 29 black-and-white illustrations.London: Thames & Hudson, 1972.Bound in cloth with gilt lettering, accompanied by a slipcase. 276 pp.; 29x22 cm. Text in English - Fine condition, see picture.
¶ Facsimile edition in English of the 'Grimani Breviary', a 16th-century illuminated manuscript renowned for its exquisite miniatures and intricate decorations. The original manuscript is housed in the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice. This edition includes a preface by Giorgio E. Ferrari, an introduction by Mario Salmi, and commentaries on the plates by Gian Lorenzo Mellini, translated from Italian by Simon Pleasance, Linda Packer, and Geoffrey Webb.
Price: € 35.00clear¶ Facsimile edition in English of the 'Grimani Breviary', a 16th-century illuminated manuscript renowned for its exquisite miniatures and intricate decorations. The original manuscript is housed in the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice. This edition includes a preface by Giorgio E. Ferrari, an introduction by Mario Salmi, and commentaries on the plates by Gian Lorenzo Mellini, translated from Italian by Simon Pleasance, Linda Packer, and Geoffrey Webb.
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