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Ask a question about the following book:
78439 Schouteet, A. (ed.).Regesten op de oorkonden. Deel 1: 1089-1300. Deel 2: 1301-1339. Deel 3: 1340-1384.Brugge: Genootschap voor Geschiedenis Société d'Emulation, 1973-1979.24 x 16 cm. Three volumes in paperback bindings. Volume 1 (1973) covers the period 1089-1300, Volume 2 (1978) 1301-1339, and Volume 3 (1979) 1340-1384. Text in Dutch. Published as part of the series "Brugse Geschiedbronnen / Stadsarchief van Brugge, 4,5 en 6 " These volumes form the first half of the six-part series, which provides a comprehensive collection of regesta of charters, offering valuable historical insights into documents preserved in the Bruges City Archives. In very good condition. (slightly browned) Very good, see picture.
Price: € 65.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
