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Ask a question about the following book:
78659 Gheyloven Roterodamus, Arnoldus / Weiler, Anton G. (ed.).Arnoldus Gheyloven Roterodami. Gnotosolitos parvus e codice Seminarii Leodiensis 6 F 18 editus. Cura et studio Anton G. Weiler.Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2008.24.5 x 15.5 cm. Orange cloth hardcover. clxxviii, 642 pages. Languages: Latin, English. " Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (CCCM 212) " Price when new: EUR 350,00. As good as new, see picture.
¶ ¶ Arnold Gheyloven (c. 1375/1420) was born in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). He studied liberal arts in Vienna, and canon law in Bologna and Padua. Around 1407 he joined the regular canons of the Windesheim monastery at Groenendaal near Brussels. He composed c. 30 works, among which the Gnotosolitos parvus ('Small Know Yourself'), which text has been preserved in one single manuscript (Liège, Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire 6 F 18). Gheyloven wrote this text for students, preparing themselves for the priesthood in a paedagogium at Louvain or with the Brethren of the Common Life in Deventer. This Summa of moral theology, canon law, and spirituality shows what these young men had to learn with regard to faith and morals, the sacraments and the works of charity. Acting as confessors, they were supposed to pass on these moral senses to their penitents, in the century before the Reformation.
Price: € 165.00clear¶ ¶ Arnold Gheyloven (c. 1375/1420) was born in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). He studied liberal arts in Vienna, and canon law in Bologna and Padua. Around 1407 he joined the regular canons of the Windesheim monastery at Groenendaal near Brussels. He composed c. 30 works, among which the Gnotosolitos parvus ('Small Know Yourself'), which text has been preserved in one single manuscript (Liège, Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire 6 F 18). Gheyloven wrote this text for students, preparing themselves for the priesthood in a paedagogium at Louvain or with the Brethren of the Common Life in Deventer. This Summa of moral theology, canon law, and spirituality shows what these young men had to learn with regard to faith and morals, the sacraments and the works of charity. Acting as confessors, they were supposed to pass on these moral senses to their penitents, in the century before the Reformation.
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