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78660 Gerardus Magnus / Rijcklof H. F. Hofman (ed.).Gerardi Magni. Sermo ad clerum Traiectensem de focaristis - [ Opera minora contra focaristas ] - Opera omnia II, 1.Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.24.5 x 15.5 cm. Orange cloth hardcover. 654 pages, 4 b/w ill. Languages: Latin, English. " Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (CCCM 235) " Price when new: EUR 340,00. As good as new, see picture.
¶ During a diocesan synod in 1383, the Dutch church reformer Geert Grote (1340-1384) delivered a sermon in which he strongly condemned priests in the Diocese of Utrecht who lived with concubines, known as *focarists*. After delivering his sermon, Grote expanded his argument into a written treatise consisting of 26 dicta or chapters, totaling more than 3,500 lines. Grote took a strict position, stating in dictum 2 that anyone attending the offices of a notorious focarist commits a mortal sin. His uncompromising stance met with significant opposition, leading to the creation of various shorter works summarizing or clarifying aspects of his arguments. Ultimately, his opponents succeeded in bringing about his downfall. This volume presents the key documents related to the *focarist* controversy in a scholarly edition, replacing the earlier 19th-century version. It also includes the first published edition of a Middle Dutch partial translation, along with a recently discovered fragment expanding on the content of dictum 2. A detailed analysis of Grote?s sources offers new insights into his use of authorities and predecessors.
Price: € 155.00clear¶ During a diocesan synod in 1383, the Dutch church reformer Geert Grote (1340-1384) delivered a sermon in which he strongly condemned priests in the Diocese of Utrecht who lived with concubines, known as *focarists*. After delivering his sermon, Grote expanded his argument into a written treatise consisting of 26 dicta or chapters, totaling more than 3,500 lines. Grote took a strict position, stating in dictum 2 that anyone attending the offices of a notorious focarist commits a mortal sin. His uncompromising stance met with significant opposition, leading to the creation of various shorter works summarizing or clarifying aspects of his arguments. Ultimately, his opponents succeeded in bringing about his downfall. This volume presents the key documents related to the *focarist* controversy in a scholarly edition, replacing the earlier 19th-century version. It also includes the first published edition of a Middle Dutch partial translation, along with a recently discovered fragment expanding on the content of dictum 2. A detailed analysis of Grote?s sources offers new insights into his use of authorities and predecessors.
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