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Ask a question about the following book:
59366 HELLINGA, Lotte / DUFF, E. GordonPrinting in England in the Fifteenth Century. E. Gordon Duff's Bibliography with supplementary descriptions, chronologies and a census of copies by Lotte HellingaThe Bibliographical Society / The British Library, London.2009, xvii,278pp. Cloth. No dustjacket as issued. 26 x 20 cm. In very good condition.
¶ Since its publication in 1917, Duff's bibliography has been the standard reference for all printing in England and continental printing for the English market before 1501. Its 431 entries include accurate transcriptions, and 53 full-page plates illustrate all founts of type used in England and some of the continental founts. This edition revised by Lotte Hellinga, updates the work by adding 46 full descriptions of items that have come to light since 1917, a new and extensive census of copies, combined with a concordance to the main incunabula bibliographies and catalogues. A new chronological index, based on the results of recent research, replaces Duff's Typographical Index.
Price: € 29.00clear¶ Since its publication in 1917, Duff's bibliography has been the standard reference for all printing in England and continental printing for the English market before 1501. Its 431 entries include accurate transcriptions, and 53 full-page plates illustrate all founts of type used in England and some of the continental founts. This edition revised by Lotte Hellinga, updates the work by adding 46 full descriptions of items that have come to light since 1917, a new and extensive census of copies, combined with a concordance to the main incunabula bibliographies and catalogues. A new chronological index, based on the results of recent research, replaces Duff's Typographical Index.
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