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Ask a question about the following book:
73046 Sanctius, FranciscusMinerva, seu De causis linguae Latinae commentarius, cui inserta sunt, uncis inclusa, quae addidit Gaspar Scioppius, Jacobi Perizonii, Everardus Scheidius. Editio septima.Amstelaedami (Amsterdam): apud Petrum den Hengst et filium, 1809.8vo (21x14 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine nicely gilt in compartments, morocco title-label, borders gilt, with gilt coats of arms on both covers.: repr. the Dutch lion (schoolprize, town not traced); closing ribbons (frayed). (xxxvi),1036 pp. and at the end: 26 pp. "Grammatica Latina" and (50, ii(blank)) pp. "Index". - Author's official Spanish name: Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (1523-1601), known also with his Latin name Franciscus Sanctius Brocensis. - Nice copy.
Price: € 250.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
