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Ask a question about the following book:
73054 Frontinus
S. Julii Frontini. Libri quatuor strategematicon. Cum notis integris Francisci Modii, Godescalci Stewechii, Petri Scriverii, & Samuelis Tennulii. His accedunt, cum P. Scriverii, tum aliorum Doctorem ineditae observationes. Curante Francisco Oudendorpio, qui & suas adnotationes lectiones adjecit.Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1731.8vo (19x13 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine richly gilt in compartments, morocco title-label; coats of arms of Novio Magum (Nijmegen) on both covers, decorated gilt borders (leather rubbed; first hinge dam. but still holding strong; gilt faded except for the coats of arms). Schoolprize binding with schoolprize for Francisco d'Almaras pasted in on verso frontispiece. (74),512 (incl. Index I 'Nomina') and 128 pp. Index II 'Rerum et verborum' (112 p); Index III 'Notarium in Frontinum' (13 p.); Index IV (2 p.), (1 blank) pp. With engraved frontispiece (outer margin short). - Good interior condition (only about 6 small brown spots).
Price: € 220.00clear

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