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Ask a question about the following book:
73059 ChaptalTraité théorique et pratique sur la culture de la vigne, avec l'art de faire le vin, les eaux-de-vie, esprit-de-vin, vinaigres simples et composés. Tome premier (seul)Paris: Chez Delalain, fils. De l'imprimerie de Marchant, An IX - 1801.8vo (20,5x13 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine nicely gilt, with morocco labels (1 label sl. dam.; top and foot spine sl. rubbed); covers with gilt border; marbled endpapers. xviii,408 pp. (stamp on title; only a very few brown spots). With 12 engraved plates by Hulk representing 'les diverses espèces de vignes' and 3 tables: 2 folding tables and 1 table on 4 pages. - Nice copy of the first volume. Very rare
Price: € 300.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
