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Ask a question about the following book:
73155 Phaedrus
Phaedri, Aug. Liberti, Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Cum integris commentariis Gudii, Rittershusii, Rigaltii, Neveleti, Heinsii, Schefferi, Praschii & excerptis aliorum. Curante Petro Burmanno. Ed. tertia emendatur & Indice aucta.Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden): Apud Saluelem Luchtmans et Filium, 1745.8vo (21x14 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine nicely gilt in compartments, with morocco title-label; both covers surrounded by decorative borders and with gilt central piece: coats of arms of Novio Magum (Nijmegen). (Top spine damaged; first hinge broken and repaired with new endpapers (clumsy repaired). 62,(ii),398; (ii),258 and 72 pp. With engraved frontispiece-title (pasted on thick paper). Printed title printed in red and black, with woodcut vignette. - Contents: 1) 62 pp. "Praefatio'; 'Vita Phaedri à Joh. Scheffero'; 'De aetate Phaedri ex Vossio'; 'Catalogus Editionum Phaedri'; 'Phaedri Fabularum Inscriptiones'. 2) 398 pp. 'Phaedri Fabularum Aesopianum'. 3) (ii),258 pp. 'Marquardi Gudii Notae in Phaedrum' & Cunradi Rittershusii In Phaedri Fabulas Notae'. 4) 72 pp. Index I-III: 'Index in Phaedri Fabulas', 'Index Rerum', Index Auctorum'. - Schoolprize-binding, unfortunately first hinge damaged, but for the rest binding and interior (marginal small waterstain in 2 quires) in good condition.
Price: € 200.00clear

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