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Ask a question about the following book:
73160 Abdias
Histoire de la vie des apostres. Recueillie par Abdias, premier Evesque de Babylon, translatée du Grec en Latin par Jule Africain aussi Evesque, & depuis mise en nostre vulgaire. Les Apostres se departoyent iojeux de devant la face des Iuges, parce qu'ils ont esté estimé dignes de recevoir iniure par le nom de Iesus. Act. 5. De nouveau a esté adioustée la vie de sainct Marcial Evesque de Limoge. - In the earlier editions of 1564, 1569, 1579 and 1582 the first part of the title was different: "L'Histoire apostolique...".Lyon: Pierre Rigaud, 1612.16mo (12x8 cm). Contemporary vellum, spine with label with title in handwriting (vellum soiled; ties gone. (viii), 216 numbered leaves. (First fly-leaf missing; stamps and small inscription in ink on title; first 5 leaves with minuscule wormhole in text; paper throughout age-toned; irregular bookblock; Tog. 4 small brown spots and waterstain in last 5 leaves). - With 12 decorated woodcut capitals. Charming little book, 'hagiographie un peu romanesque'(Brunet Suppl. I,1, other edition) written by one of the 72 disciples of Jésus. Collection of New Testament Apocrypha. - This very rare edition is not known to the bibliographers.
Price: € 400.00clear

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