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Ask a question about the following book:
75188 Boverio, ZaccariaDe vera habitus forma a Seraphico B. P. Francisco institura demonstrationes XI figuris aeneis expressae ad Urbanum VIII Pont. Max. Auctore R.P.F.Zacharia Boverio Ord. FF.Minorum Capucinorum.Coloniae: Apud Constantinum Munich, 1640.12mo (13x8 cm). 19th century calf (2 minimal holes in spine). (xii), 225, (iii:blank the third pasted on endpaper) pp. including engraved title. With 35 full-page engravings in text, illustrated capitals and woodengraved tailpieces. - Paper for the greater part seriously browned, 1 engraving upside down, brown spots in places. - Extracted from the "Annales". With very charming specimen of the different dresses of the monks. - Rare. - WorldCat: 1 copy BNF
Price: € 350.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
