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Ask a question about the following book:
75229 M. le C. de B*** de l'Académie Françoise (Cardinal de Bernis)Oeuvres complettes.Londres (Paris: (Cazin), 1779.2 vols. 12mo (13x7,5 cm). Contemporary mottled calf, spines nicely gilt in compartments, with morocco title-labels; edges gilt; marbled endpapers. viii,231,(i:blank); (vi),168 pp. (large convent-stamp verso titles; minuscule wormhole in margin leaves second vol.). With engraved frontispiece. - François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis, cardinal, was one of the most prominent figures in the autobiography of Casanova and an important diplomat. - In spite of the mentioned imperfections a very nice and spotless set, part of the "Collection parisienne de petits formats à figures, edited at Paris by Hubert Cazin.
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