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Ask a question about the following book:
75276 XI me Congrès - Saint-Pétersbourg:
XIe Congrès International de Navigation Saint-Pétersbourg 1908. I. Section. Navigation Intérieure Communications & Rapports / II. Section Navigation Maritime Communications & Rapports [ 4 portfolio's with together 97 (of 98) stapled booklets ]. Association Internationale Permanente des Congrès de Navigation.Bruxelles: Travaux Publics, 1908.Original cloth portfolios with ribbons; 25.5x16.5 cm. This collection includes 97 stapled booklets, several with folding plates, plans, maps. French text. Please note that there is only one booklet missing from the 2nd Section 'Rapports,' the one authored by Szystovski and titled 'Ports maritimes.' Apart from this missing booklet, all other booklets in the collection are present and in very good condition. Very rare! Please refer to the provided pictures for further details.
Price: € 850.00clear

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