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Ask a question about the following book:
76729 Jac-Lyl, L. Ferreté, André Astier, Baxter, Sibec, Robert Ato, (illustr. Albiol, Warner, Rob, Würth a.o. a.o.)6 partitions musicales. Pt format. (accordéon et orchestre de danse): 1) Panam' (paroles et musique). Vive Louison. Step - Marche chanté & -- Champion du monde (1954). Java. - 2) Jac-Lyl et Max-Francy. Frégate. Tango pour accordéon et orchestre de danse. - 3) L. Ferretté et A. Carcelle. Fiesta de Sambas: Samba-Guaracha. Romantica Bahia: Samba Lenta. - 4) André Astier. Qui êtes-vous? Un boléro. Raymond Boissière. Panama-samba. Un samba. - 5) Francis Baxter. El cacatoes. Baïon. Sibec. Exquisito. Mambo. 6) Robert Ato. Topaze! Tango & Souvenance. Tango. Musique de Albert Huard et Albert Huard Junior.Paris: Different editors, c. 1955.6 musical scores for accordeon and dance orchestra. Small size (26,5x17,5 cm). Each item 12 pp. - 1) Louison (Louis Bobet, coureur). 11 pages with annotated music and frontcover, printed in red, designed by (no signature). Paris, Édition 5.O.P., no date. - 2) Jac-Lyl. 7 p. annotated music, 5 p. blank, 1 p. advertisements and 1 p.: frontcover printed in blue and designed by Warner. Paris, Éd. Arc-en-Ciel, no date. - 3) Ferreté. 10 pp. annotated music, 1 p. backcover advertisement and 1 p. frontcover printed in red and green, designed by Rubio Albiol. Barcelona & Paris, Carcelle et Ferreté, 1955. - 4) 10 pages with annotated music, backcover with advertisement and frontcover printed in red and green illustrated, designed by Billon(?). Paris, Éd. A. Reurbrecht, n.d. - 5) Baxter. 10 pp. annotated music, backcover with advertisement; frontcover on a blue background designed by Rob. Paris, Éd. Franciana, n.d. - 6) Huard. 10 pp. annotated music, backcover advertisement and fontcover monochromatic designed by Würth. Paris, Publications Albert Huard, n.d.
Price: € 90.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
