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Ask a question about the following book:
76770 Allouche, Delhys & Stein, Sibec, Zemp (composers). (Warner, Bal illustr).4 partititions musicales (accordéon & orchestre). Pt. format: 1) El chi-cha-é. Le nouveau cha-cha-cha & Mambo à Jéricho. Le mambo qui surboum!. Deux nouveautés "super typic" de Yvan Allouche. - 2) Pamela. Samba. Paroles et musique de Étienne Delhys. Soleil. Rumba-Boléro. Paroles de Georges Coulonges, musiqu de W. Stein. - 3) Musrok-musrol. Fox-rok. Paroles de Paule Delyl. & Perico del Cuba. Cha cha cha. 2 succès de Sibec. - 4) Aurore printanière. Rmba de André Zemp. Paroles de André FissierParis & Bordeaux: Different editors, c. 1955.4 musical scores (accordeon and orchestra). Small size (27x17 cm). - 1) Paris, Publications Yvan Alloyche, 1956. 16 pp.: 15 pp. annotated music and illustrated frontcover, printed in blue, designed by Warner. - 2) Bordeaux, Les Éditions de France. 12 pp.: 10 pp. annotated music, frontpage illustrated, designde by Bal and backpage with advertisement. - 3) Paris, "On danse à Paris" J. Verschueren, 1957. 16 pp.: 14 pp. annotated music, illustrated frontpage and advertisement on backpage. (Sl. traces of use). - 4) Paris, Publications Musicales André Zemp, no date. 18 pp.: 1 p. advertisement, 1 frontpage illustrated and printed in green, 16 pp. annotated music
Price: € 70.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
