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Ask a question about the following book:
78180 Dzidziguri, A.D.Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava = Monuments of Georgian Law. Volume I and II. [ Text in Georgian ].Tbilisi: Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, 1963, 1965.2 vols. Original cloth. iv,776 pp. & xii,760,(4) pp.; 22x15.5 cm. - (slightly worn, corners bit bumped, paper browned) Although very good, see pictures.
¶ Volume I: Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava, Tom I. Sbornik zakonov Vakhtanga VI. Tekst, issledovanie i podgotovka izdaniya prof. A. D. Dzidziguri. Kartuli samartlis dzeglebi, Tomi I. Vakhtang VI-is kanonta krebuli. Teksti, gamotkveva da gamozemistvis momzadeba: professori A. D. Dzidziguri. = Translation: Monuments of Georgian Law, Volume I. Collection of Laws of Vakhtang VI. Text, research, and preparation by Prof. A.D. Dzidziguri. Volume II: Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava, Tom II. Svetskie zakonodatelnyye pamyatniki (X?XIX vv.). Tekst podgotovil i primechaniya sostavil prof. A. D. Dzidziguri. Kartuli samartlis dzeglebi, Tomi II. Saero sakononmdeblo dzeglebi (X-XIX ss.). Teksti da shenishvnebi: professori A. D. Dzidziguri. Translation: Monuments of Georgian Law, Volume II. Secular Legislative Monuments (10th?19th centuries). Text and commentary by Prof. A.D. Dzidziguri. Two volumes in hardcover with gilt lettering, published in 1963 and 1965. Texts are fully in Georgian, with additional title pages in Russian. Each volume focuses on the laws of King Vakhtang VI (Volume I) and secular legislative documents from the 10th to 19th centuries (Volume II). Both volumes are in good condition with minor signs of use.
Price: € 270.00clear¶ Volume I: Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava, Tom I. Sbornik zakonov Vakhtanga VI. Tekst, issledovanie i podgotovka izdaniya prof. A. D. Dzidziguri. Kartuli samartlis dzeglebi, Tomi I. Vakhtang VI-is kanonta krebuli. Teksti, gamotkveva da gamozemistvis momzadeba: professori A. D. Dzidziguri. = Translation: Monuments of Georgian Law, Volume I. Collection of Laws of Vakhtang VI. Text, research, and preparation by Prof. A.D. Dzidziguri. Volume II: Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava, Tom II. Svetskie zakonodatelnyye pamyatniki (X?XIX vv.). Tekst podgotovil i primechaniya sostavil prof. A. D. Dzidziguri. Kartuli samartlis dzeglebi, Tomi II. Saero sakononmdeblo dzeglebi (X-XIX ss.). Teksti da shenishvnebi: professori A. D. Dzidziguri. Translation: Monuments of Georgian Law, Volume II. Secular Legislative Monuments (10th?19th centuries). Text and commentary by Prof. A.D. Dzidziguri. Two volumes in hardcover with gilt lettering, published in 1963 and 1965. Texts are fully in Georgian, with additional title pages in Russian. Each volume focuses on the laws of King Vakhtang VI (Volume I) and secular legislative documents from the 10th to 19th centuries (Volume II). Both volumes are in good condition with minor signs of use.
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