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Ask a question about the following book:
78331 Muratova, Xénia.Bestiarium. Fac-similé du manuscrit du bestiaire Ashmole 1511, conservé a la Bodleian Library d'Oxford.Paris: Club du Livre, 1984.Two-volume edition in French, including a facsimile of the medieval Bestiary Ashmole 1511 manuscript from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, alongside a study by Xénia Muratova. The facsimile volume reproduces the illuminated manuscript with detailed animal depictions and allegorical meanings. The accompanying commentary volume analyzes the origins, evolution, and influence of bestiaries within medieval culture and literature. The facsimile is bound in full leather with blind-stamped decorations, and the commentary volume in half leather with cloth boards. Both volumes are housed in a matching slipcase. This is copy number 2494 of a limited edition. The facsimile volume contains 104 folios, featuring approximately 130 miniatures, including six full-page illuminations. The commentary volume includes 160 pages , 16 b/w plates and in rear 'Études pour un bestiaire par Luben Dimanov', (1),and 9 pages with drawings/ black-and-white illustrations. Measures 29 x 19 cm. Fine condition, see picture.
Price: € 250.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
