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Ask a question about the following book:
78345 Philoponi [ Philoponus ], Johannis [ Johannes ].Commentariae Annotationes in Libros Priorum Resolutivorum Aristotelis. Übersetzt von Guillelmus Dorotheus. Neudruck der Ausgabe Venedig 1541 mit einer Einleitung von Koenraad Verrycken und Charles Lohr.Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1994.Volume 4 in the series ' Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca Versiones latinae temporis resuscitatarum litterarum (CAGL) '. Reprint of the 1541 Venice edition of John Philoponus's commentary on Aristotle's 'Prior Analytics'. Edited with an introduction by Koenraad Verrycken and Charles Lohr. The commentary, presented in Latin, provides insights into Aristotelian logic, particularly syllogistic reasoning. This copy is signed by Koenraad Verrycken with a small dedication. Bound in hardcover, xvi,(2),(178) pages, measuring 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Very good, see picture.
Price: € 100.00clear Fields marked with a * are required
