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Ask a question about the following book:
78527 Van Noordwijk, Bernard / Pool, Hermine (Editor) / Storm van Leeuwen, Jan.Zondags Zilver: Drie eeuwen versierde kerkboekjes.Heerenveen: Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap, 2006.19 x 13 cm, hardcover. 468 pages, richly illustrated with color images. Text in Dutch. Small signs of use, very good. See picture.
¶ Comprehensive overview of three centuries of decorated church books in the Netherlands from 1650 to 1900, featuring hymnals, Bibles, and prayer books from Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish traditions. The collection showcases exquisite craftsmanship with silver clasps, leather bindings, and gilded edges, originating from the private collection of Bernard van Noordwijk. Published in conjunction with the 2006 exhibition at the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam.
Price: € 10.00clear¶ Comprehensive overview of three centuries of decorated church books in the Netherlands from 1650 to 1900, featuring hymnals, Bibles, and prayer books from Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish traditions. The collection showcases exquisite craftsmanship with silver clasps, leather bindings, and gilded edges, originating from the private collection of Bernard van Noordwijk. Published in conjunction with the 2006 exhibition at the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam.
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