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Ask a question about the following book:
78563 Petrie, Sir W. M. Flinders.The Petrie Egyptian Collection and Excavations [ 11 volumes ]. Volume titles: Amulets / Scarabs and Cylinders with Names / Buttons and Design Scarabs / Shabtis / Glass Stamps and Weights / Objects of Daily Use / Tools and Weapons / Prehistoric Egypt with Corpus of Prehistoric Pottery and Palettes / Tell El Amarna / Naqada and Ballas / Illahun, Kahun and Gurob.Warminster / Encino: Aris & Phillips / Joel L. Malter & co, 1975-1974.30.5 x 22.5 cm (Volume 1, second edition 1975), 32 x 23.5 cm (Volumes 2-11, 1974), hardcovers with dust jackets. 11 volumes. Text in English. The dust jackets, especially the spines, are somewhat sun-faded with occasional light damage. Aside from a few small spots, the books are in excellent condition. See pictures.
¶ This 11-volume series presents detailed studies of various aspects of ancient Egyptian artifacts and excavation findings by Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie. These volumes are facsimile reprints of the original editions published between 1914 and 1935, offering valuable insights into daily life and burial practices in ancient Egypt. ISBN 1: 0856680044 2: 0856680109 3: 0856680117 4: 0856680125 5: 0856680133 6: 0856680141 7: 085668015X 8: 0856680168 9: 0856680176 10: 0856680184 11: 0856680192.
Price: € 750.00clear¶ This 11-volume series presents detailed studies of various aspects of ancient Egyptian artifacts and excavation findings by Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie. These volumes are facsimile reprints of the original editions published between 1914 and 1935, offering valuable insights into daily life and burial practices in ancient Egypt. ISBN 1: 0856680044 2: 0856680109 3: 0856680117 4: 0856680125 5: 0856680133 6: 0856680141 7: 085668015X 8: 0856680168 9: 0856680176 10: 0856680184 11: 0856680192.
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