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78724 Erasmus : Ch. Béné / A. Godin / S. Dresden.Opera Omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami. Recognita et adnotatione critica instructa notisque illustrata. [ V-2 ] Ordinis quinti, tomus secundus.Amsterdam / New York / Oxford: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1985.25.5 x 17.5 cm. Later black cloth, hardcover. x,400 pp., some ill. Int. in French, text in Latin. Cloth with some stains, first 20 pages with some notes and underlinings in pencil. Otherwise very good, see picture.
¶ This volume contains Erasmus' *Enarrationes in Psalmos. Pars Prior*, which includes six detailed exegeses on selected Psalms. The text reflects Erasmus' humanist approach to biblical interpretation, emphasizing moral and theological lessons within the broader context of Christian thought. The structure of the volume is as follows 1. Preface 2. Introduction Générale by Ch. Béné 3. Enarratio Allegorica in Primum Psalmum Beatus Vir edited by A. Godin 4. Commentarius in Psalmum II Quare Fremuerunt Gentes edited by S. Dresden 5. Paraphrasis in Tertium Psalmum Domine Quid Multiplicati edited by S. Dresden 6. In Psalmum Quartum Concio edited by Ch. Béné 7. Enarratio Psalmi XIV Qui Est De Puritate Tabernaculi Sive Ecclesiae Christianae edited by Ch. Béné 8. In Psalmum XXII Enarratio Triplex edited by Ch. Béné 9. Liste des abréviations 10. Index nominum. These commentaries provide insight into Erasmus' engagement with both patristic sources and contemporary religious debates, offering a critical perspective on late medieval and early Reformation theology.
Price: € 80.00clear¶ This volume contains Erasmus' *Enarrationes in Psalmos. Pars Prior*, which includes six detailed exegeses on selected Psalms. The text reflects Erasmus' humanist approach to biblical interpretation, emphasizing moral and theological lessons within the broader context of Christian thought. The structure of the volume is as follows 1. Preface 2. Introduction Générale by Ch. Béné 3. Enarratio Allegorica in Primum Psalmum Beatus Vir edited by A. Godin 4. Commentarius in Psalmum II Quare Fremuerunt Gentes edited by S. Dresden 5. Paraphrasis in Tertium Psalmum Domine Quid Multiplicati edited by S. Dresden 6. In Psalmum Quartum Concio edited by Ch. Béné 7. Enarratio Psalmi XIV Qui Est De Puritate Tabernaculi Sive Ecclesiae Christianae edited by Ch. Béné 8. In Psalmum XXII Enarratio Triplex edited by Ch. Béné 9. Liste des abréviations 10. Index nominum. These commentaries provide insight into Erasmus' engagement with both patristic sources and contemporary religious debates, offering a critical perspective on late medieval and early Reformation theology.
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