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Ask a question about the following book:
79144 Luther, Martin / Härle, Wilfried / Schilling, Johannes / Wartenberg, Günther / Beyer, Michael / Beutel, Albrecht / Korsch, Dietrich / Slenczka, Notger / Zschoch, Hellmut.Martin Luther Studienausgabe. Lateinisch-Deutsche Studienausgabe Band 1: Der Mensch vor Gott Band 2: Christusglaube und Rechtfertigung Band 3: Die Kirche und ihre Ämter & Deutsch-Deutsche Studienausgabe Band 1: Glaube und Leben Band 2: Wort und Sakrament Band 3: Christ und Welt. [ 6 volumes ].Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2006-2022.21.5 x 15 cm, hardcovers, Band 1: 728 pages (2nd edition, 2022), Band 2: 560 pages, Band 3: 800 pages, Band 4: 704 pages, Band 5: 928 pages, Band 6: 952 pages. Text in German and Latin. Original texts with translations and scholarly commentary. Total original retail price is 308 euro. On a few minor dents to the edges of some bindings, the set is in very good/ fine condition, see picture.
¶ ISBN 1: 9783374070312 / 2: 9783374022403 / 3: 9783374022410 / 1: 9783374028801 / 2: 9783374028818 / 3: 9783374028825.
Price: € 198.00clear¶ ISBN 1: 9783374070312 / 2: 9783374022403 / 3: 9783374022410 / 1: 9783374028801 / 2: 9783374028818 / 3: 9783374028825.
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