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Latest additions 29514 books found

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Schuster, Cardnial (Ildefons).Liber Sacramentorum. Notes historiques et liturgiques sur le Missel Romain. [ 9 volumes ].Bruxelles: Vromant.20 x 13.5 cm. 9 vols. Various editions, published between 1925-1939. 9 vols. Paperbacks. Together over 2500 pp., ill./ plates. Text in French - (covers worn and slightly damaged, spines folded, spine volume 3 taped/ broken, library labels, stamps, paper slightly browned) Although still good and complete set, rare, see pictures
Booknumber: 79110Add to cart
€ 165.00
Booknumber: 79110Add to cart

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Eusebius van Caesarea / Henk Bakker / Chris Fahner.Kerkgeschiedenis.Utrecht: KokBoekencentrum, 2023.23.5 x 15.5 cm, hardcover. 480 pages. Modern Dutch translation of Eusebius' 'Ecclesiastical History', covering the first three centuries of Christianity. Includes a revised bibliography and a new introduction by Henk Bakker. Translated by Chr. Fahner. Text in Dutch. Originally priced at 38,99 euro. As new. See picture.
ISBN: 9789043538169
Booknumber: 79109Add to cart
€ 21.00
ISBN: 9789043538169
Booknumber: 79109Add to cart

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Eming, Knut.Tumult und Erfahrung. Platon über die Natur unserer Emotionen.Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Winter, 2006.21.5 x 14 cm, hardcover. 416 pages. Text in German. Examines the origins of philosophical emotion theory in Plato rather than Aristotle, analyzing emotions as disturbances of perception and thought, as well as factors in bodily illness and moral deficiencies. Explores Plato's typological system of desire and fear, pleasure and pain, and how emotions influence change in individuals and societies. Part of the series 'Beiträge zur Philosophie, Neue Folge'. Originally priced at 55,00 euro. As new. See picture.
ISBN: 9783825351205
Booknumber: 79108Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9783825351205
Booknumber: 79108Add to cart

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Cessario, Romanus.The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2023.23.5 x 16 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. xiv,290 pages. Explores the theological and doctrinal foundation of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church, their necessity, and their role in Christian life. Emphasizes the significance of Thomas Aquinas in sacramental theology. Text in English. As new. See picture.
ISBN: 9781540962546
Booknumber: 79107Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9781540962546
Booknumber: 79107Add to cart

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Van Creveld, Martin.Pussycats: Why the Rest Keeps Beating the West and What Can Be Done About It.Mevasseret Zion, Israel: DLVC Enterprises, 2016.23 x 15 cm, paperback. xiv, 244 pages. Text in English. Small signs of use, very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9781533232007
Booknumber: 79106Add to cart
€ 17.00
ISBN: 9781533232007
Booknumber: 79106Add to cart

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Bergsträsser, Ludwig (Hg.).Der politische Katholizismus. Dokumente seiner Entwicklung. 2 Bände in einem Band (I: 1815 bis 1870. II: 1871 bis 1914).Hildesheim / New York: Georg Olms, 1976.19.5 x 14 cm, cloth hardcover. viii, 314, 396 pages. Reprint of the Munich 1921/1923 edition. Text in German. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487058979
Booknumber: 79105Add to cart
€ 25.00
ISBN: 9783487058979
Booknumber: 79105Add to cart

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Lobeck, Christian August.Pathologiae Graeci sermonis elementa. [ 2 volumes ].Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 1966.21 x 13 cm, brown cloth hardcovers. Two volumes, x, 670 pages & xvi, 430 pages. Reprint of the Königsberg 1853 and 1862 editions. Originally priced at 128,00 euro. Text in Latin and Greek. Some signs of use but in good condition, see picture.
Booknumber: 79104Add to cart
€ 25.00
Booknumber: 79104Add to cart

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Mothe-Guion, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la (sive Jeanne Marie Guyon du Chesnoy).Les Opuscules spirituels.Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 1978.16.5 x 10 cm, blue cloth hardcover. [XXXVIII*], 56, [5], 559 pages. Reprint of the Cologne 1720 edition, with a preface by Jean Orcibal. Includes Moien court & très-facile de faire Oraison (5th revised and corrected edition), Courte Apologie pour le Moien Court, Les Torrents Spirituels, Traité de la Purification de l'âme après la mort, Petit Abrégé de la Voie & de la Réünion de l'âme à Dieu, De l'Enfance de Jésus, and Instruction Chrétienne pour les jeunes gens by Madame Guyon, as well as Bréve Instruction pour tendre sûrement à la Perfection Chrétienne and Maximes Spirituelles by P. François La Combe. Originally priced at 98,00 euro. Text in French. Top of spine slightly bumped, very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487065373
Booknumber: 79103Add to cart
€ 25.00
ISBN: 9783487065373
Booknumber: 79103Add to cart

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Meyer, Dietrich (ed.) / Dose, Kai / Quack, Jürgen / Schneider, Helmut.Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf: Bibel und Bibelgebrauch. Band 1: Bibelübersetzung. Band 2: Zinzendorfs Übersetzung des Neuen Testaments, Evangelien und Apostelgeschichte. Vierspaltige Textwiedergabe: Novum Testamentum Graecum 1734 (Bengel), abermaliger Versuch 1739 (Zinzendorf), abermaliger Versuch 1744-1746 (Zinzendorf), Ebersdorfer Bibel 1727 (Luther).Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015.24.5 x 17 cm. Cloth hardcovers. Volume 1: xl, 524 pages, with 9 illustrations. Volume 2: vi, 742 pages. Series: 'Texte zur Geschichte des Pietismus', Abteilung IV, Band 7/1?7/2. Volume 1 has an 'Archiv-Exemplar' stamp, otherwise both volumes as new. Text in German. Original price 300 euro for both volumes. See picture.
ISBN: 9783525558560
ISBN 1: 9783525558560 2: 9783525558577
Booknumber: 79102Add to cart
€ 180.00
ISBN: 9783525558560
ISBN 1: 9783525558560 2: 9783525558577
Booknumber: 79102Add to cart

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Damerau, Burghard.Die Wahrheit der Literatur. Glanz und Elend der Konzepte.Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003.23.5 x 15.5 cm, paperback, 528 pages, text in German, exploration of the concept of truth in literature, discussing theoretical frameworks and their limitations, minor signs of use, very good, see picture.
ISBN: 3826025695
Booknumber: 79101Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 3826025695
Booknumber: 79101Add to cart

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Virchow, Fabian / Langebach, Martin / Häusler, Alexander (eds.).Handbuch Rechtsextremismus.Wiesbaden: Springer, 2016.24 x 17 cm, paperback, vi, 598 pages, text in German, part of the series 'Edition Rechtsextremismus', comprehensive and systematic study on right-wing extremism, covering essential aspects, current research, and controversies, slight signs of use, some dog-eared pages, see picture.
ISBN: 9783531185026
Booknumber: 79100Add to cart
€ 18.00
ISBN: 9783531185026
Booknumber: 79100Add to cart

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Althaus, Rüdiger (ed.).In verbo autem tuo, Domine / Auf dein Wort hin, Herr. Festschrift für Erzbischof Hans-Josef Becker zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres.Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018.24 x 16 cm, hardcover, 596 pages, text in German, volume 58 in the series 'Paderborner Theologische Studien', Festschrift honoring Archbishop Hans-Josef Becker with 31 contributions on themes such as the office of the bishop, contemporary theology and church, ecumenism, the Paderborn diocese, and church music, includes 17 mostly colored illustrations and four tables, original retail price 66 euro, minor shelf wear, very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783506787255
Booknumber: 79099Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9783506787255
Booknumber: 79099Add to cart

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Huberts, Willem.Soli Deo - Wouter Lutkie (1887-1968).Amsterdam: Boom, 2022.24.5 x 16.5 cm, hardcover with dust jacket, 464 pages, text in Dutch, biography of Dutch priest Wouter Lutkie, known for his controversial admiration for Mussolini and his role in the socio-economic community of Nuland, covering his political and literary connections, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789024446414
Booknumber: 79098Add to cart
€ 25.00
ISBN: 9789024446414
Booknumber: 79098Add to cart

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Perlbach, Max (Hrsg.).Preussische Regesten bis zum Ausgange des 13. Jahrhunderts.Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 1973.19.5 x 14 cm, cloth hardcover, xiii, 400 pages, text in German, reprint of the 1876 Königsberg edition published in Altpreußische Monatsschrift, collection of Prussian historical records up to the end of the 13th century, original retail price 68 euro, very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487045412
Booknumber: 79097Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9783487045412
Booknumber: 79097Add to cart

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Wilckens, Ulrich.Theologie des Neuen Testaments. [ 2 volumes, 6 books ].Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014.20.5 x 13 cm, paperbacks, 2 volumes in 6 parts, together 2182 pages, text in German, comprehensive theological study on the New Testament, covering historical, doctrinal, and canonical aspects, including Jesus' teachings, Paul's letters, and early Christian theology, original retail price 85 euro, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783788728762
ISBN 1: 9783788728168 2: 9783788728199 3: 9783788728205 4: 9783788728250 5: 9783788728267 6: 9783788728755
Booknumber: 79096Add to cart
€ 50.00
ISBN: 9783788728762
ISBN 1: 9783788728168 2: 9783788728199 3: 9783788728205 4: 9783788728250 5: 9783788728267 6: 9783788728755
Booknumber: 79096Add to cart

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Seneca / Manfred Rosenbach (ed.).Seneca Philosophische Schriften in 5 Bänden. Lateinisch und Deutsch.Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011.19 x 12 cm, paperbacks, 5 volumes in slipcase, bilingual edition in Latin and German, including Seneca's major philosophical works such as Über die Vorsehung, Über den Zorn, Über die Seelenruhe, and Briefe über Ethik, slipcase has a tear on one side that has been repaired, books in very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783534240616
Booknumber: 79095Add to cart
€ 40.00
ISBN: 9783534240616
Booknumber: 79095Add to cart

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Maigne d'Arnis, W.-H.Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis, ex glossariis Caroli Dufresne D. Ducangii, D. P. Carpentarii, Adelungii, et aliorum, in compendium accuratissimi redactum.Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 1977.25.5 x 15.5 cm, brown cloth hardcover, 1168 pages, text in Latin, reprint of the 1866 Paris edition, medieval and late Latin lexicon compiled for the interpretation of both sacred and secular medieval texts, based on the glossaries of Du Cange, Carpentier, Adelung, and others, original retail price 208 euro, very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487064260
Booknumber: 79094Add to cart
€ 100.00
ISBN: 9783487064260
Booknumber: 79094Add to cart

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Wackernagel, P.A. / Henschel, D.G. / Janson, H.W. / Bazin, G. / Hamann, R. / etc. (eds.).Kunst van Europa / Kunst der Wereld. [ 32 volumes ].Amsterdam: Elsevier, Ca. 1960-1980.32 hardcovers in slipcases. Includes mounted color plates and numerous black-and-white illustrations. Kunst van Europa (18 volumes) covers European art history from antiquity to modern movements, including Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, and Impressionism. Kunst der Wereld (14 volumes) explores non-European art with a focus on Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas. Text in Dutch. Minor wear, books in very good condition, see picture. Due to the weight of the complete set, additional shipping costs may apply.
Booknumber: 79093Add to cart
€ 80.00
Booknumber: 79093Add to cart

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Bemmann, Martin.Beschädigte Vegetation und sterbender Wald: Zur Entstehung eines Umweltproblems in Deutschland 1893-1970.Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012.24 x 16 cm, hardcover, 540 pages, text in German, with 13 illustrations, volume 5 in the series 'Umwelt und Gesellschaft', historical study on the perception and treatment of forest damage due to air pollution in Germany between 1893 and 1970, analyzing the transformation of forest damage from an economic concern to a major environmental issue, original retail price 89 euro, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783525317105
Booknumber: 79092Add to cart
€ 29.00
ISBN: 9783525317105
Booknumber: 79092Add to cart

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Erman, Adolf.Die Religion der Ägypter: Ihr Werden und Vergehen in vier Jahrtausenden. Mit einem Vorwort von Jan Assmann [ Neuauflage der Ausgabe von 1978 mit dem Nachwort von Eberhard Otto. Die I. Auflage erschien 1934. ].Berlin: De Gruyter, 2001.23.5 x 16 cm, hardcover with dust-jacket. 2nd edition, xlii, 484, text in German, with 186 illustrations and 10 plates, study of Egyptian religion from Cheops to Cleopatra, covering all aspects of the mortuary cult, cultural history, and dynastic developments, introduced by Jan Assmann and with an afterword by Eberhard Otto, original retail price 109,95 euro, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783110170405
Booknumber: 79091Add to cart
€ 49.00
ISBN: 9783110170405
Booknumber: 79091Add to cart

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Gredt, Joseph.Die aristotelisch-thomistische Philosophie. Erster Band: Logik und Naturphilosophie. Zweiter Band: Psychologie, Metaphysik und Ethik.Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones Scholasticae, 2023.21.5 x 15.5 cm, hardcovers, 2 volumes, xii, 434 + viii, 374 pages, text in German, 'Eurospan reprint' German translation of 'Elementa philosophiae aristotelico-thomisticae', one of the most comprehensive and influential works of Neo-Thomism, covering Aristotelian-Thomistic logic, natural philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, and ethics, original retail price 158 euro for both volumes, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783868382839
ISBN 1: 9783868382839 ISBN 2: 9783868382846
Booknumber: 79090Add to cart
€ 95.00
ISBN: 9783868382839
ISBN 1: 9783868382839 ISBN 2: 9783868382846
Booknumber: 79090Add to cart

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Rodríguez Almenar, Jorge M. / Villar Revilla, Ignacio (eds.).Oviedo: Relicario de la Cristiandad. Actas del II Congreso Internacional sobre el Sudario de Oviedo.Oviedo, 2007.24 x 17 cm, paperback, 724 pages, illustrations in color, text mainly Spanish and partly English, conference proceedings from the II International Congress on the Sudarium of Oviedo, covering historical, scientific, theological, and archaeological studies on the relic, including comparative studies with the Shroud of Turin, spine folded, otherwise in very good condition, see picture.
Booknumber: 79089Add to cart
€ 30.00
Booknumber: 79089Add to cart

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Nabert, Nathalie (ed.).La prière dans l'ordre des Chartreux.Paris: Beauchesne / Cerf, 2024.21,5 x 13,5 cm, paperback, 272 pages, text in French, study on prayer in the Carthusian Order, exploring its historical development, theological foundations, and spiritual practices, including influences from the Desert Fathers and the Eastern and Western traditions of hesychasm, featuring an anthology of key Carthusian authors, original retail price 29 euro, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9782204164641
Booknumber: 79088Add to cart
€ 17.00
ISBN: 9782204164641
Booknumber: 79088Add to cart

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Van Gemeren, Rémon.Schitterende verontrusting: Leven en werk van Carel Willink.Amsterdam: Boom, 2023.24,5 x 17 cm, hardcover with dust jacket, 628 pages, ill., 64 plates in color, text in Dutch, richly illustrated biography of Dutch painter Carel Willink, exploring his life, artistic development, and the cultural context of the 20th century, analyzing his enigmatic and unsettling style, original retail price 62,50 euro, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789024434961
Booknumber: 79087Add to cart
€ 32.00
ISBN: 9789024434961
Booknumber: 79087Add to cart

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Heindl, Erich J. / Speyer, Adelheid / Speyer, Wolfgang (eds.).Das Christentum - unverstanden und missbraucht. Die Religion der Liebe steht erst an Ihrem Anfang. 2. Auflage.Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 2012.21 x 14,5 cm, paperback, x, 324 pages, in the series " Theologische Texte und Studien, " volume 17, text in German, theological study examining the historical distortions and misinterpretations of Christianity, analyzing how political powers and philosophical influences shaped Christian doctrine away from Jesus' original message of love and peace, original retail price 24.80 euro, as new, see picture
ISBN: 9783487148021
Booknumber: 79086Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9783487148021
Booknumber: 79086Add to cart

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Weiß, Bardo.Der dreieine Schöpfer und die frühen deutschen Mystikerinnen.Paderborn / Munchen / Wien / etc.: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2006.24 x 16.5 cm, hardcover, 846 pages, text in German, theological study on the role of the Trinity and Creation in the spirituality of early German female mystics, exploring their connection to Augustinian Trinitarian theology and its influence on their mystical writings, original retail price 157.90 euro, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783506757357
Booknumber: 79085Add to cart
€ 95.00
ISBN: 9783506757357
Booknumber: 79085Add to cart

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Gaume, Jean-Joseph.Où allons-nous? Coup d'oeil sur les tendances de l'époque actuelle - La situation : douleurs, dangers, devoirs, consolations des catholiques, dans les temps actuels. Suivi de Où en sommes-nous? Étude sur les évènements actuels 1870 et 1871. Nouvelle édition regroupant les trois opuscules en un seul volume.Cadillac: Éditions Saint-Rémi, 2021.25 x 16.5 cm, hardcover, 414 pages, text in French, original retail price 29 euro, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9782816205459
Booknumber: 79084Add to cart
€ 17.00
ISBN: 9782816205459
Booknumber: 79084Add to cart

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Gaume, Jean-Joseph.Biographies évangéliques. Nouvelle édition rassemblant les deux tomes originaux en un seul. 2ème édition, revue et corrigée.Cadillac: Éditions Saint-Rémi, 2023.25 x 16.5 cm, hardcover, 644 pages, text in French, newly typeset edition of Gaume's classic work on the lives of saints and biblical heroes, based on the 19th-century Gaume-Frères edition, fully revised and corrected using Migne's Patrologia Latina, preserving historical accuracy and theological depth, original retail price 35 euro, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9782816204551
Booknumber: 79083Add to cart
€ 21.00
ISBN: 9782816204551
Booknumber: 79083Add to cart

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Ebke, Thomas.Lebendiges Wissen des Lebens: Zur Verschränkung von Plessners Philosophischer Anthropologie und Canguilhems Historischer Epistemologie.Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2012.24,5 x 17.5 cm, hardcover, 414, (2) pages, in the series " Philosophische Anthropologie, " volume 9, text in German, comparative study of the philosophical anthropology of Helmuth Plessner and the historical epistemology of Georges Canguilhem, exploring their dialectical relationship and its implications for contemporary life sciences and philosophy, original retail price 154,95 euro, small signs of use, several pages with some lines in pencil, although very good , see picture.
ISBN: 9783050055732
Booknumber: 79082Add to cart
€ 60.00
ISBN: 9783050055732
Booknumber: 79082Add to cart

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Beyer, Hartmut / Kiliç, Sinem / Roling, Bernd / Wallura, Benjamin (eds.).Alte und neue Philosophie: Aristotelismus und protestantische Gelehrsamkeit in Helmstedt und Europa (1600-1700).Wiesbaden / Wolfenbüttel: Harrassowitz Verlag / Herzog August Bibliothek, 2023.24 x 17 cm, hardcover, 388 pages, some illustrations, text in German, part of the series " Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, " volume 175, collection of scholarly essays examining the influence of Aristotelian philosophy on Protestant scholarship in Helmstedt and Europe during the 17th century, exploring intersections between classical philosophy and emerging Protestant thought, as new, see picture
ISBN: 9783447119351
Booknumber: 79081Add to cart
€ 42.00
ISBN: 9783447119351
Booknumber: 79081Add to cart

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Grabmann, Martin.Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode. Erster Band: Die scholastische Methode von ihren ersten Anfängen in der Väterliteratur bis zum Beginn des 12. Jahrhunderts. Zweiter Band: Die scholastische Methode im 12. und beginnenden 13. Jahrhundert. [ 2 volumes ].Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988.24,5 x 17,5 cm, cloth hardcovers, 2 volumes, xiv, 354 pp + xiv, 586 pp, text in German, unchanged reprint of the 1909/1911 Herder edition, fundamental study on the development of the scholastic method from its origins in patristic literature to the early 13th century, previous owner's name, light signs of use, paper slightly yellowed/browned, very good condition, see picture.
Booknumber: 79080Add to cart
€ 40.00
Booknumber: 79080Add to cart

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Assel, Heinrich.Elementare Christologie. Erster Band: Versöhnung und neue Schöpfung. Zweiter Band: Der gegenwärtig erinnerte Jesus. Dritter Band: Inkarnation des Menschen und Menschwerdung Gottes. [ 3 volumes ].Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2020.24 x 16 cm, hardcover, Together 1,344 pages, text in German, Christology exploring reconciliation, the present memory of Jesus, and the incarnation, analyzing Jesus' death as an act of God's love and its implications for humanity, Slipcase damaged, otherwise in very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783579081366
Booknumber: 79079Add to cart
€ 45.00
ISBN: 9783579081366
Booknumber: 79079Add to cart

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Maier, Gerhard (ed.).Edition C Bibelkommentar, Neues Testament, Gesamtausgabe im Schuber.Wuppertal: SCM Brockhaus, 2018.18 x 11 cm, paperbacks, 8,976 pages across 5 volumes, text in German, comprehensive commentary on the New Testament, analyzing each verse with theological reflection and practical application, includes introductions to each book detailing origin and characteristics, rich in cross-references, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783417253658
Booknumber: 79078Add to cart
€ 47.00
ISBN: 9783417253658
Booknumber: 79078Add to cart

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Snel, Johan.De zeven levens van Abraham Kuyper: Portret van een ongrijpbaar staatsman. Vierde druk.Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2021.23 x 15 cm, paperback, 400 pages, 8 plates with illustrations in color, text in Dutch, biography exploring seven facets of Abraham Kuyper's life-adventurer, speaker, scholar, activist, journalist, and statesman-based on new sources, offering a multifaceted view of this influential Dutch figure, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789044645088
Booknumber: 79077Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9789044645088
Booknumber: 79077Add to cart

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Klett, Manfred.Von der Agrartechnologie zur Landbaukunst: Wesenszüge des biologisch-dynamischen Landbaus. Eine Landwirtschaft der Zukunft.Dornach: Verlag am Goetheanum, 2021.23,5 x 16,5 cm, hardcover, 488 pages, illustrations, text in German, explores the evolution from conventional agricultural technology to the art of biodynamic farming, highlighting the potential of this approach to restore human-nature relationships and address ecological and social challenges, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783723516683
Booknumber: 79076Add to cart
€ 29.00
ISBN: 9783723516683
Booknumber: 79076Add to cart

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Selderhuis, Herman J. (ed.).Handboek Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis. 4e druk.Utrecht: Kok, 2019.24,5 x 16,5 cm, hardcover, xxii, 986 pages, text in Dutch, comprehensive reference work on the history of Christianity in the Netherlands, with contributions from Catholic and Protestant scholars, covering the interaction between social, cultural, and ecclesiastical developments, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789043517096
Booknumber: 79075Add to cart
€ 49.00
ISBN: 9789043517096
Booknumber: 79075Add to cart

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Oosterhuis, Huub / Alex van Heusden.Tora: De vijf boeken van Mozes. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomium.Middelburg: Skandalon, 2024.24,7 x 15,5 cm, hardcover, 808 pages, text in Dutch, complete translation of the Torah, staying close to the Hebrew source text, reflecting the original's literary power, epic style, and poetic subtlety, enriched with annotations clarifying the Hebrew text, often referencing Jewish traditions, intended for reading aloud, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9789493220775
Booknumber: 79074Add to cart
€ 30.00
ISBN: 9789493220775
Booknumber: 79074Add to cart

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Bendel, Rainer (Hrsg.).Aufbrüche und Umbrüche: Kirche und Gesellschaft Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas zwischen den Weltkriegen (1918?1939).Köln/ Weimar/ Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2007.25 x 17.5 cm, hardcover, x, 276 pages, in the series " Forschungen und Quellen zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte Ostdeutschlands, " volume 37, text in German, collection of scholarly essays examining the transformations within religious communities and the interactions between societal and religious groups in East-Central and Southeastern Europe during the interwar period, focusing on the dynamics between authoritarian, restorative, and democratic movements within the church and society, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783412295059
Booknumber: 79073Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9783412295059
Booknumber: 79073Add to cart

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Kertzer, David I.Der Papst, der schwieg: Die geheime Geschichte von Pius XII., Mussolini und Hitler.Darmstadt: wbg Theiss, 2023.22 x 15 cm, hardcover with dust jacket, 704 pages, text in German, detailed investigation based on newly opened Vatican archives into the role of Pope Pius XII during World War II, examining his silence on the Holocaust and his relationships with Mussolini and Hitler, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783806245028
Booknumber: 79072Add to cart
€ 23.00
ISBN: 9783806245028
Booknumber: 79072Add to cart

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Zumkeller, Adolar / Andreas E.J. Grote.Das Mönchtum des heiligen Augustinus. 3., bearbeitete und mit einem Nachwort von Andreas E.J. Grote versehene Auflage.Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2018.22,5 x 15,5 cm, paperback, 626 pages, in the series " Cassiciacum - Forschungen über Augustinus und den Augustinerorden ", volume 54, 3rd revised edition with a new afterword by Andreas E.J. Grote, text in German, standard work on Augustine's monasticism, detailing the origins and characteristics of the Augustinian monastic ideal, including German translations of key ascetic-monastic texts by Augustine, with updated annotations, an expanded bibliography, and a research history overview, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783429042035
Booknumber: 79071Add to cart
€ 32.00
ISBN: 9783429042035
Booknumber: 79071Add to cart
