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Augustinus, Aurelius / Joost van Neer / Auke Tigchelaar / Izak Wisse.De strijd van een christen [ De agone christiano ].Budel / Eindhoven: Damon / Augustijns Instituut, 2006.20.5 x 13 cm. Hardcover with dust-jacket. 144 pages. Text in Dutch. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789055737284

Booknumber: 78664Add to cart € 12.00

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Johannes de Rupescissa / Lerner, Robert E. / Morefod-Fattebert, Christine.Johannes de Rupescissa - Liber Secretorum Eventuum. Édition critique, traduction et introduction historique.Fribourg: Éditions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 1994.24 x 17 cm paperback. 326,(6) pages. Spicilegium Friburgense, volume 36. Text in Latin and French. Reading crease, cover somewhat discolored. Name of the previous owner written in pen. Some annotations and underlining in pencil. Although good, see picture.
ISBN: 2827106507

Booknumber: 78663Add to cart € 45.00

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Otten, Willemien.From Paradise to Paradigm. A Study of Twelfth-Century Humanism.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2004.24.5 x 16 cm hardcover. xvi, 330 pages. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, volume 127. Text in English. First 20 pages with some notes and underlinings in pencil. Spine sunned. Otherwise very good.
ISBN: 9789004140615

Booknumber: 78662Add to cart € 70.00

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Posthumus Meyjes, G.H.M.Jean Gerson - Apostle of Unity: His Church Politics and Ecclesiology.Leiden / Boston / Koln: Brill, 1999.24.5 x 16 cm cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. xvi, 436, (4) pages, 5 plates. Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, volume 94. Text in English. Some pages with notes and underlinings in pencil, still very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789004112964

Booknumber: 78661Add to cart € 60.00

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Gerardus Magnus / Rijcklof H. F. Hofman (ed.).Gerardi Magni. Sermo ad clerum Traiectensem de focaristis - [ Opera minora contra focaristas ] - Opera omnia II, 1.Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.24.5 x 15.5 cm. Orange cloth hardcover. 654 pages, 4 b/w ill. Languages: Latin, English. " Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (CCCM 235) " Price when new: EUR 340,00. As good as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9782503533469
     During a diocesan synod in 1383, the Dutch church reformer Geert Grote (1340-1384) delivered a sermon in which he strongly condemned priests in the Diocese of Utrecht who lived with concubines, known as *focarists*. After delivering his sermon, Grote expanded his argument into a written treatise consisting of 26 dicta or chapters, totaling more than 3,500 lines. Grote took a strict position, stating in dictum 2 that anyone attending the offices of a notorious focarist commits a mortal sin. His uncompromising stance met with significant opposition, leading to the creation of various shorter works summarizing or clarifying aspects of his arguments. Ultimately, his opponents succeeded in bringing about his downfall. This volume presents the key documents related to the *focarist* controversy in a scholarly edition, replacing the earlier 19th-century version. It also includes the first published edition of a Middle Dutch partial translation, along with a recently discovered fragment expanding on the content of dictum 2. A detailed analysis of Grote?s sources offers new insights into his use of authorities and predecessors.

Booknumber: 78660Add to cart € 155.00

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Gheyloven Roterodamus, Arnoldus / Weiler, Anton G. (ed.).Arnoldus Gheyloven Roterodami. Gnotosolitos parvus e codice Seminarii Leodiensis 6 F 18 editus. Cura et studio Anton G. Weiler.Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2008.24.5 x 15.5 cm. Orange cloth hardcover. clxxviii, 642 pages. Languages: Latin, English. " Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (CCCM 212) " Price when new: EUR 350,00. As good as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9782503051215
     ¶ Arnold Gheyloven (c. 1375/1420) was born in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). He studied liberal arts in Vienna, and canon law in Bologna and Padua. Around 1407 he joined the regular canons of the Windesheim monastery at Groenendaal near Brussels. He composed c. 30 works, among which the Gnotosolitos parvus ('Small Know Yourself'), which text has been preserved in one single manuscript (Liège, Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire 6 F 18). Gheyloven wrote this text for students, preparing themselves for the priesthood in a paedagogium at Louvain or with the Brethren of the Common Life in Deventer. This Summa of moral theology, canon law, and spirituality shows what these young men had to learn with regard to faith and morals, the sacraments and the works of charity. Acting as confessors, they were supposed to pass on these moral senses to their penitents, in the century before the Reformation.

Booknumber: 78659Add to cart € 165.00

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Maas, Paule.The Liber Sententiarum Magistri A. Its place amidst the sentences collections of the first half of the 12th century.Nijmegen: Centrum voor Middeleeuwse Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1995.24 x 17 cm. Wrappers (paperback) vi,(2),364 pages. Thesis = Proefschrift: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. English and Latin text with summary in Dutch. - " Middeleeuwse studies, 11 " Covers slightly worn, notes and underlinings in pencil throughout, although still good. See picture.
ISBN: 9073419050

Booknumber: 78658Add to cart € 18.00

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Dante Alighieri / Cialona en Peter Verstegen.De goddelijke komedie. Met alle prenten van Gustave Doré. Vertaald door Ike Cialona en Peter Verstegen. (2 volumes).Amsterdam: Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, 2001.24.5x16.5 cm. 2 vols. Orig. cloth, gilt. With dust-jackets. In slipcase. 738,ii pages & 578,ii pages. " Grote Bellettrie Serie (Gouden Reeks) " Text in Dutch. (Gift) notes and names in ink on the first blank page) Otherwise in fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789025308704

Booknumber: 78657Add to cart € 50.00

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Augustinus van Hippo / Van Bavel, T.J.Augustinus van Hippo. Over de Drie-eenheid. Ingeleid en vertaald door T.J. van Bavel.Leuven: Peeters, 2005.22 x 14.5 cm. hardcover with dust jacket. 484 pages. Text in Dutch. Dust-jacket sun-faded, few notes/ lines in pencil. Still very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789042915848
     ¶ Summary: Over het algemeen zegt men dat de drie belangrijkste werken die Augustinus geschreven heeft, de volgende zijn: de Belijdenissen, De stad van God en Over de Triniteit. In het Nederlands bezitten wij een vertaling van de twee eerst vernoemde werken, maar er bestond nog geen Nederlandse vertaling van Over de Triniteit. Met deze uitgave brengt Prof. Dr. T.J. van Bavel daar verandering in. Al Augustinus' werken beantwoorden aan pastorale eisen, polemische noodzaak of aandrang van vrienden. De Trinitate is duidelijk een uitzondering op deze regel. Hoewel me niet kan ontkennen dat er polemische of pastorale motieven in voorkomen, voeren zij toch niet de boventoon. Het doel van Augustinus lijkt te zijn in de eerste plaats zijn geloof uit te diepen. Het is geen academische verhandeling, maar het verslag van een persoonlijke zoektocht.

Booknumber: 78656Add to cart € 26.00

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Augustinus, Aurelius / Jan den Boeft / Ineke Sluiter.Wat betekent de bijbel? Christelijke scholing in tekstbegrip en presentatie. De doctrina christiana. Ingeleid, vertaald en toegelicht door Jan den Boeft en Ineke Sluiter.Amsterdam / Leuven: Ambo / Kritak, 1999.22 x 14.5 cm. black cloth, gilt titel. With dustjacket. 248 pages - " Ambo Klassiek " Text in Dutch. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9063037996

Booknumber: 78655Add to cart € 26.00

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Augustinus, Aurelius / Ton Hertogh / Sander van der Meijs / Leo Wenneker.Vier evangelisten één evangelie [ De consensu euangelistarum ]. Ingeleid door Joost van Neer en Martijn Schrama O.S.A.Budel / Eindhoven: Damon / Augustijns Instituut, 2012.22 x 15 cm. Hardcover with dust-jacket. 380 pages. Text in Dutch. Very good condition, see picture. Price when new is 44,90 euro.
ISBN: 9789460360299

Booknumber: 78654Add to cart € 26.00

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Allen, P.S. / Allen, H.M. / Garrod, H.W. (eds.). Des. Erasmi Roterodami ( Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam ).Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami denuo recognitum et auctum. Vol. I-XI (1484 - 1536) and Vol. XII Indices. [ complete set, 12 volumes ].Oxonii: In Typographeo Clarendoniano, (1963).23.5 x 15 cm. original cloth with gilt lettering, with dust jackets. 12 volumes. Over 6000 pages, illustrated with plates. Text in Latin. Some edges with few stains; paper browned due to aging; dust jackets slightly damaged, price clipped dust-jackets. Previous owner's names in first volume; some notes and underlinings in pencil, and some notes in ink in the margins, not very disturbing. Still good set, see pictures.
     ¶ P.S. Allen began to work on his edition of Erasmus' correspondence in 1893 and the first volume was published in 1906. He died in 1933 with the edition more than half complete. His wife, the late Mrs. H.M. Allen, and his friend, Professor Garrod, continued the work; and the last volume of the text, Volume XI, appeared in 1947. - Reprinted lithographically in Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford.

Booknumber: 78653Add to cart € 1000.00


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Erasme / Erasmus.Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Répertoire des oeuvres d'Érasme. 1-3 série [ in 1 volume ]. 1. Liste sommaire et provisoire des diverses éditions de ses oeuvres. 2. Auteurs publiés, traduits ou annotés par Érasme. 3. Sources. Biographies d'Érasme et écrits le concernant; ouvrages qui contiennent des notes d'Érasme, des extraits de ses oeuvres, etc.Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1961.23 x 15.5 cm. Black cloth, gilt title. iv,186, 68, 66 pages. Reprint of edition Gand, Direction de la Bibliotheque de l'Universite de l'Etat 1893 (slightly worn, bit browned) Although still very good, see picture.
Booknumber: 78652Add to cart € 40.00

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Angenendt, Arnold.Geschichte der Religiosität im Mittelalter.Darmstadt: Primus Verlag, 1997.24.5 x 17.5 cm hardcover with dust-jacket. xii, 986 pages. 16 plates with black-and-white illustrations. Text in German. Various pages with underlining and annotations in pencil. Name of the previous owner written in pen on the first blank page. Although still good, see picture.
ISBN: 3896780174

Booknumber: 78651Add to cart € 12.00

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Felmberg, Bernhard Alfred R.Die Ablasstheologie Kardinal Cajetans (1469?1534).Leiden / Boston / Koln: Brill, 1998.24 x 16 cm blue cloth hardcover with dust jacket. xvi, 444 pages. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, volume 66. Text in German. Dust jacket with a few small tears, otherwise very good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78650Add to cart € 50.00

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Pranger, M.B.The Artificiality of Christianity: Essays on the Poetics of Monasticism.Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2003.24 x 16 cm black cloth hardcover with dust jacket. xviii, 332, 2 pages. Figurae Series. Text in English. A few pages with some underlining and annotations in pencil. Dust jacket with light signs of use. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9780804745246

Booknumber: 78649Add to cart € 55.00

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Pranger, M. B.Bernard of Clairvaux and the Shape of Monastic Thought: Broken Dreams.Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994.24 x 16 cm cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. xii, 376,(4) pages. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, volume 56. Text in English. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9004100555

Booknumber: 78648Add to cart € 45.00

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Huysmans, R.G.W.Liber I. Algemene Normen van het Wetboek van Canoniek Recht. De Normis Generalibus. Kerkelijke wetten en gewoonten, beschikkingen, gunsten en rechtshandelingen, fysieke en juridische personen, bestuursmacht, haar functies en spreiding, toekenning en verlies van ambten.Leuven: Peeters, 1993.24.5 x 16.5 cm red cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. 370 pages. Text in Dutch. Presentation copy, signed in pencil with 'Ruud Huysmans'. Dust-jacket slightly worn; very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789042915572

Booknumber: 78647Add to cart € 40.00

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Huysmans, R.G.W.Liber VI. Kerkelijk Strafrecht. Sancties in de Kerk. De sanctionibus in Ecclesia: Historische inleiding en het Wetboek van 1983, strafwet en strafverordening, strafbaar subject, straffen, toepassing en ophouden van straffen, afzonderlijke misdrijven en hun straffen, administratieve, disciplinaire sancties.Leuven: Peeters, 2005.24.5 x 16.5 cm red cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. 394 pages. Text in Dutch. Presentation copy, signed in pencil with 'Ruud'. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789042915572

Booknumber: 78646Add to cart € 40.00

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Mühlen, Karl-Heinz zur.Reformatorische Vernunftkritik und neuzeitliches Denken: Dargestellt am Werk Martin Luthers und Friedrich Gogartens.Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1980.24 x 16 cm cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. x, 338 pages. Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, volume 59. Text in German. Cover somewhat discolored and damaged. Some pages with annotations and underlining in pencil. Name of the previous owner written in pen. Although still (very) good, see picture.
ISBN: 3161422325

Booknumber: 78645Add to cart € 22.00

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Goris, Harm J.M.J,Free creatures of an eternal God : Thomas Aquinas on God's infallible foreknowledge and irresistible will.Nijmegen / Utrecht / Leuven: Thomasfonds / Peeters, 1996.24 x 16 cm paperback. vi, 346 pages. Text in English. A white sticker with the subtitle is on the cover, likely a printing error. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9068318667

Booknumber: 78644Add to cart € 22.00

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Lindberg, Carter (ed.).The Reformation Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Early Modern Period.Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2002.24.5 x 17 cm paperback. xiv, 396 pages. Text in English. One or two pages with slight pencil markings. Although still very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9780631218395

Booknumber: 78643Add to cart € 25.00

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Rainini, Marco.Corrado di Hirsau e il 'Dialogus de cruce': Per la ricostruzione del profilo di un autore monastico del XII secolo.Firenze: Sismel, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014.25 x 18 cm cloth hardcover with dust jacket. xxvi, 436, 2 pages and 10 color plates. Millennio Medievale 101, Strumenti e studi n.s. 38. Text in Italian. Presentation copy, signed by Rainini on the title page. Some pages with underlining in pencil and occasional marginal notes. Although still (very) good, see picture.
ISBN: 9788884505408

Booknumber: 78642Add to cart € 40.00

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Schulze, Manfred.Fürsten und Reformation: Geistliche Reformpolitik weltlicher Fürsten vor der Reformation.Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1991.23.5 x 16 cm blue cloth hardcover. With dust jacket, viii, 232 pages. Spätmittelalter und Reformation. Neue Reihe. 2. Text in German. Dust jacket slightly worn and yellowed; some pages with underlining in pencil and occasional marginal notes. Although still good, see picture.
ISBN: 3161457382

Booknumber: 78641Add to cart € 20.00

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Cochlaeus, Johannes / Edited by Ralph Keen.Responsio ad Johannem Bugenhagium Pomeranum.Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1988.25 x 16.5 cm green cloth hardcover. 178 pages. Text in Latin. Bibliotheca Humanistica & Reformatorica, volume 44. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9060044002

Booknumber: 78640Add to cart € 15.00

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Rouwhorst, G. A. M.Les hymnes pascales d'Ephrem de Nisibe. Analyse théologique et recherche sur l'evolution de la fete pascale chrétienne a Nisibe et a Edesse et dans quelques Eglises voisines au quatrième siècle. I. Etude. II. Textes (2 volumes).Leiden / New York / Köln: E. J. Brill, 1989.2 volumes. Orig. blue cloth, gilt. xiv,224 pp. & viii,140 pp.; 24 cm. " Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Formerly Philosophia Patrum. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language. Volume 7, 1 & 2 ". Dedication copy, signed 'Gerard Rouwhorst' Text in French. - Spines slightly sunned, minor wear, very good set. See picture.
ISBN: 9004088393

Booknumber: 78639Add to cart € 90.00

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Grabmann, Martin / Ludwig Ott (ed.).Mittelalterliches Geistesleben. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Scholastik und Mystik. Mit der Bibliographie Martin Grabmanns herausgegeben von Ludwig Ott. [ Fotomechanischer Nachdruck (ca, 1960). ].München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1926-1956.23.5 x 16.5 cm, original black cloth with gilt text on spines and front covers, with dust jackets. xii, 586; xii, 650; xii, 480 pages. Three volumes. Dust jackets damaged and stained, volume 3 also has a moisture stain on the lower edges of the pages, but the interior of the books is unaffected and, apart from some browning, clean and in good condition. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78638Add to cart € 100.00

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Visser, Derk.Apocalypse as Utopian Expectation (800-1500): The Apocalypse Commentary of Berengaudus of Ferrières and the Relationship between Exegesis, Liturgy and Iconography.Leiden / New York / etc.: E. J. Brill, 1996.24.5 x 16.5 cm, blue cloth hardcover with dust jacket, xvi, 240 pages and 16 plates with b&w illustrations. Published as volume LXXIII in the series Studies in the History of Christian Thought. Text in English. Fine condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9789004106215

Booknumber: 78637Add to cart € 65.00

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Dierkens, Alain.Abbayes et chapitres entre Sambre et Meuse: VIIe-XIe siècles: Contribution à l'histoire religieuse des campagnes du haut Moyen Âge. Préface de Georges Despy.Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 1985.24.5 x 17 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 368 pages, some illustrations, folding map. Published as Beihefte der Francia, Band 14. Text in French. Very good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 3799573143

Booknumber: 78636Add to cart € 22.00

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Böttigheimer, Christoph.Zwischen Polemik und Irenik: Die Theologie der einen Kirche bei Georg Calixt.Munster: LIT Verlag, 1996.24 x 17 cm, hardcover. xii, 430, (6) pages. Text in German. Published as Band 7 in the series Studien zur systematischen Theologie und Ethik. Some small stains on the cover, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 3825828379

Booknumber: 78635Add to cart € 70.00

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Hascher-Burger, Ulrike / August den Hollander / Wim Janse (eds.).Between Lay Piety and Academic Theology: Studies Presented to Christoph Burger on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2010.25 x 17 cm, hardcover, issued without dust jacket. xxii, 556 pages, Brill's Series in Church History volume 46. Contributions on lay piety and academic theology from the Middle Ages to modern times. Fine condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9789004186002

Booknumber: 78634Add to cart € 80.00

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Van Oostrom, Frits.Stemmen op schrift: Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur vanaf het begin tot 1300.Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 2006.24.5 x 17.5 cm, half cloth, issued without dust jacket. 640 pages, text in Dutch. Edges of the pages thumbed with some spots. A few names in ink on the first page, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 903512944X

Booknumber: 78633Add to cart € 12.00

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Angenendt, Arnold.Monachi Peregrini. Studien zu Pirmin und den Monastischen Vorstellungen des Frühen Mittelalters.München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1972.27.5x19.5 cm. Original green cloth. 270 pages. " Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften, Band 6 " Text in German / Deutsch. Few small stains to binding; previous owner's name; small signs of use; very good, see picture.
Booknumber: 78632Add to cart € 45.00

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Dungersheim, Hieronymus.Hieronymus Dungersheim - Schriften gegen Luther.Münster, Westfalen: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1987.25 x 17.5 cm, hardcover. xii, 264 pages. Introduction in German, text in Latin. Published as Volume 39 in the series Corpus Catholicorum. This volume contains Hieronymus Dungersheim's polemical writings against Martin Luther, including 'Theorismata duodecim contra Lutherum' and 'Articuli sive libelli triginta', reflecting early Catholic responses to the Reformation. Very good. See picture.
ISBN: 3402034530

Booknumber: 78631Add to cart € 17.00

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Bäumer, Remigius / Chrysos, Evangelos / Grohe, Johannes / Meuthen, Erich / Schmitt, Karl (Hrsg.).Synodus: Beiträge zur Konzilien- und allgemeinen Kirchengeschichte. Festschrift Walter Brandmüller.Paderborn / München / Wien / Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1997.24 x 17 cm, hardcover. 980 pages. Text in German. This Festschrift honors Walter Brandmüller and brings together scholarly contributions on church councils and general church history, reflecting on key developments in ecclesiastical historiography. Top edge of the spine with a slight dent; 2 or 3 pages with marginal notes in pencil; otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 3506734342

Booknumber: 78630Add to cart € 45.00

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Burrows, Mark Stephen.Jean Gerson and De Consolatione Theologiae (1418): The Consolation of a Biblical and Reforming Theology for a Disordered Age.Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1991.23 x 15 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. xiv, 312, (2) pages. Text in English. Published as Volume 78 in the series Beiträge zur historischen Theologie. This scholarly work examines Jean Gerson's 1418 treatise, De Consolatione Theologiae, exploring its context and significance as a source of comfort through biblical and reforming theology during a tumultuous period. Dust jacket damaged; some pages with underlinings and marginal notes in pencil; otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 3161456009

Booknumber: 78629Add to cart € 30.00

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Hinnebusch, John Frederick / Jacques de Vitry.The Historia Occidentalis of Jacques de Vitry: A Critical Edition.Fribourg: The University Press, 1972.25 x 18 cm, paperback. XXII, 314 pages. Text in Latin, with introduction and notes in English. Published as Volume 17 in the series Spicilegium Friburgense. This critical edition presents a scholarly version of the Historia Occidentalis, part of Jacques de Vitry's larger historical work, providing insights into medieval history, the Crusades, and ecclesiastical affairs. Spine with reading crease; previous owner's name; corners slightly bumped; 1 or 2 notes in pencil; otherwise very good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78628Add to cart € 40.00

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Fuchs, Thomas.Konfession und Gespräch: Typologie und Funktion der Religionsgespräche in der Reformationszeit.Koln: Böhlau Verlag, 1995.23.5 x 15.5 cm, hardcover. xiv,544,(2) pages. Text in German. Published as Volume 4 in the series 'Norm und Struktur ? Studien zum sozialen Wandel in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit'. Small signs of use; previous owner's name in ink; some pages with underlinings or notes in the margins; otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 341204895X

Booknumber: 78627Add to cart € 45.00

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Reuling, Hanneke.After Eden: Church Fathers and Rabbis on Genesis 3:16-21.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2006.24.5 x 16.5 cm, hardcover. XVIII, 372, (4) pages. Text in English. Published as Volume X in the 'Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series', this work examines interpretations of Genesis 3:16-21 by early Church Fathers and classical rabbinic sources. It explores how both traditions have understood themes such as procreation, labor, mortality, and corporeality, offering insights into their distinct yet interconnected approaches to fundamental aspects of the human condition. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789004146389

Booknumber: 78626Add to cart € 80.00

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Frishman, Judith / Otten, Willemien / Rouwhorst, Gerard (eds.).Religious Identity and the Problem of Historical Foundation: The Foundational Character of Authoritative Sources in the History of Christianity and Judaism.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2004.24.5 x 16.5 cm, hardcover. X, 588, (2) pages. Text in English. Published as Volume VIII in the 'Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series', this work examines how Christian and Jewish traditions have established their foundational texts and authoritative sources, shaping theological and historical discourse. It explores the tension between historical development and claims of divine revelation, as well as the impact of modern critical scholarship on religious authority. Small signs of use, very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789004130210

Booknumber: 78625Add to cart € 85.00

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