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Snel, Johan.De zeven levens van Abraham Kuyper: Portret van een ongrijpbaar staatsman. Vierde druk.Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2021.23 x 15 cm, paperback, 400 pages, 8 plates with illustrations in color, text in Dutch, biography exploring seven facets of Abraham Kuyper's life-adventurer, speaker, scholar, activist, journalist, and statesman-based on new sources, offering a multifaceted view of this influential Dutch figure, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789044645088
Booknumber: 79077Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9789044645088
Booknumber: 79077Add to cart

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Klett, Manfred.Von der Agrartechnologie zur Landbaukunst: Wesenszüge des biologisch-dynamischen Landbaus. Eine Landwirtschaft der Zukunft.Dornach: Verlag am Goetheanum, 2021.23,5 x 16,5 cm, hardcover, 488 pages, illustrations, text in German, explores the evolution from conventional agricultural technology to the art of biodynamic farming, highlighting the potential of this approach to restore human-nature relationships and address ecological and social challenges, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783723516683
Booknumber: 79076Add to cart
€ 29.00
ISBN: 9783723516683
Booknumber: 79076Add to cart

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Selderhuis, Herman J. (ed.).Handboek Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis. 4e druk.Utrecht: Kok, 2019.24,5 x 16,5 cm, hardcover, xxii, 986 pages, text in Dutch, comprehensive reference work on the history of Christianity in the Netherlands, with contributions from Catholic and Protestant scholars, covering the interaction between social, cultural, and ecclesiastical developments, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9789043517096
Booknumber: 79075Add to cart
€ 49.00
ISBN: 9789043517096
Booknumber: 79075Add to cart

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Oosterhuis, Huub / Alex van Heusden.Tora: De vijf boeken van Mozes. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomium.Middelburg: Skandalon, 2024.24,7 x 15,5 cm, hardcover, 808 pages, text in Dutch, complete translation of the Torah, staying close to the Hebrew source text, reflecting the original's literary power, epic style, and poetic subtlety, enriched with annotations clarifying the Hebrew text, often referencing Jewish traditions, intended for reading aloud, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9789493220775
Booknumber: 79074Add to cart
€ 30.00
ISBN: 9789493220775
Booknumber: 79074Add to cart

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Bendel, Rainer (Hrsg.).Aufbrüche und Umbrüche: Kirche und Gesellschaft Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas zwischen den Weltkriegen (1918?1939).Köln/ Weimar/ Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2007.25 x 17.5 cm, hardcover, x, 276 pages, in the series " Forschungen und Quellen zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte Ostdeutschlands, " volume 37, text in German, collection of scholarly essays examining the transformations within religious communities and the interactions between societal and religious groups in East-Central and Southeastern Europe during the interwar period, focusing on the dynamics between authoritarian, restorative, and democratic movements within the church and society, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783412295059
Booknumber: 79073Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9783412295059
Booknumber: 79073Add to cart

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Kertzer, David I.Der Papst, der schwieg: Die geheime Geschichte von Pius XII., Mussolini und Hitler.Darmstadt: wbg Theiss, 2023.22 x 15 cm, hardcover with dust jacket, 704 pages, text in German, detailed investigation based on newly opened Vatican archives into the role of Pope Pius XII during World War II, examining his silence on the Holocaust and his relationships with Mussolini and Hitler, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783806245028
Booknumber: 79072Add to cart
€ 23.00
ISBN: 9783806245028
Booknumber: 79072Add to cart

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Zumkeller, Adolar / Andreas E.J. Grote.Das Mönchtum des heiligen Augustinus. 3., bearbeitete und mit einem Nachwort von Andreas E.J. Grote versehene Auflage.Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2018.22,5 x 15,5 cm, paperback, 626 pages, in the series " Cassiciacum - Forschungen über Augustinus und den Augustinerorden ", volume 54, 3rd revised edition with a new afterword by Andreas E.J. Grote, text in German, standard work on Augustine's monasticism, detailing the origins and characteristics of the Augustinian monastic ideal, including German translations of key ascetic-monastic texts by Augustine, with updated annotations, an expanded bibliography, and a research history overview, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783429042035
Booknumber: 79071Add to cart
€ 32.00
ISBN: 9783429042035
Booknumber: 79071Add to cart

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Härle, Wilfried.Dogmatik. 6. Auflage.Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.23 x 15,5 cm, paperback, 718 pages + 42 pages front matter, in the series De Gruyter Studium, 6th revised and expanded edition, text in German, comprehensive overview of Christian dogmatics, addressing key theological concepts, terminology, biblical and ecclesiastical traditions, and contemporary questions, updated with current literature and research perspectives, intended for theology students, pastors, and religious educators, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783110777734
Booknumber: 79070Add to cart
€ 23.00
ISBN: 9783110777734
Booknumber: 79070Add to cart

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Ruiz-Domènec, José Enrique.De droom van Odysseus: De Middellandse Zee als bakermat van geschiedenis en cultuur. Vertaald uit het Spaans door Jos den Bekker.Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2023.23,5 x 15.5 cm, cloth hardcover with dust jacket, 510 pages, some illustrations, text in Dutch, historical and cultural exploration of the Mediterranean as the cradle of Western civilization, tracing its influence from ancient times to the present, very good condition, see picture. Few small stains to egde, otherwise fine, see picture.
ISBN: 9789029096430
Booknumber: 79069Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9789029096430
Booknumber: 79069Add to cart

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Swirc, Maurice.De Indische doofpot: Waarom Nederlandse oorlogsmisdaden in Indonesië nooit zijn vervolgd.Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 2022.22 x 14 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 664 pages, 16 plates with photographs. Text in Dutch. Investigation into Dutch war crimes in Indonesia between 1945 and 1949, focusing on why these crimes were never prosecuted, based on secret government documents, legal analysis, and historical research. As new, see picture.
ISBN: 9789029541572
Booknumber: 79068Add to cart
€ 17.00
ISBN: 9789029541572
Booknumber: 79068Add to cart

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Breviary - Breviarium Romanum:Breviarium Romanum. Ex decreto SS. Concilii Tridentini Restitutum Summorum Pontificum Cura Recognitum. Cum textu psalmorum e versione PII Papae XII auctoritate edita. (complete in 2 volumes). Pars Prior - Pars Altera.Mechliniae: H. Dessain, 1961.17.5 x 11.5 cm. 2 volumes. Black limp calf leather, gilt. Edges gilt. Inside dentelle. Together ca. 2000 pages; 17,5x11,5 cm. Bookmark ribbons. Printed on thin (bible) paper. Text in Latin. Leather bit rubbed, signs of use, slightly browned, few dog-ears. Although still (very) good set. See pictures.
Booknumber: 79067Add to cart
€ 185.00
Booknumber: 79067Add to cart

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Kretzmann, Norman & Anthony Kenny Jan Pinborg. (Eds.)The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy from the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism 1100-1600. Associate Editor Eleonore Stump.Cambridge: University Press, 1988.22.5 x 15 cm. Paperback. xiv,1036 pp. Text in English - Very good condition, see picture
ISBN: 9780521369336
Booknumber: 79066Add to cart
€ 30.00
ISBN: 9780521369336
Booknumber: 79066Add to cart

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Angenendt, Arnold.Geschichte der Religiosität im Mittelalter. 4. Auflage.Darmstadt: WBG, 2009.24.5 x 17.5 cm hardcover. xii, (2), 986 pages. 16 plates with black-and-white illustrations. Text in German. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783534224784
Booknumber: 79065Add to cart
€ 25.00
ISBN: 9783534224784
Booknumber: 79065Add to cart

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Surius, Laurentius.Historiae seu vitae sanctorum juxta optimam coloniensem editionem, nunc vero ex recentioribus et probatissimis monumentis numero auctae, mendis expurgatae et notis exornatae, quibus accedit Romanum martyrologium breviter illustratum. 12 (of 13) volumes.Augustae Taurinorum: Pontificia et Archiepiscopali eq. P. Marietti, 1875-1880.Half cloth with marbled boards. Text in Latin. 12 volumes (of 13), covering the months January to December. Richly documented and expanded version of the classic hagiographical work by Laurentius Surius, based on the Cologne edition but corrected and enriched with additional notes and a commentary on the Roman Martyrology. Paper browned with widespread foxing. Several library stamps present. Covers show various water stains and moisture marks. Bindings remain solid. Overall a complete set with visible wear but still good, see pictures.
Normally 13 volumes in total, but this set includes only the first 12 volumes (Januarius - December), the supplementary 13th volume with appendices and indexes is missing.
Booknumber: 79064Add to cart
€ 450.00
Normally 13 volumes in total, but this set includes only the first 12 volumes (Januarius - December), the supplementary 13th volume with appendices and indexes is missing.
Booknumber: 79064Add to cart

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Patuzzi, Joannes Vincentius.Ethica Christiana sive Theologia Moralis in compendium redacta. Opera inchoata a Patuzzi et post ejus mortem continuata atque perfecta a P. Fantini, cum vita et operum eius notitia.Bassani [sed prostant Venetiis]: Apud Remondini, 1770.16 volumes bound in 8 books, contemporary half leather bindings with gilt spine titles on red labels, raised bands, and red edges. Text in Latin. Comprehensive work on Christian ethics and moral theology, initiated by Dominican theologian Joannes Vincentius Patuzzi and completed after his death by his confrere P. Fantini, who also added a biographical note on Patuzzi. Grounded in Thomistic theology, the work reflects the theological and moral debates of the late 18th century. Each volume with institutional library stamps and labels, bindings visibly worn, spines with cracks and small losses, corners bumped, occasional foxing and minor damp stains inside, but overall a solid and attractive set, see pictures.
Booknumber: 79063Add to cart
€ 800.00
Booknumber: 79063Add to cart

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Janssens, Laurentio.Summa theologica ad modum commentarii in Aquinatis summam praesentis aevi studiis aptatam (Complete set in 9 volumes).Friburgi Brisgoviae [ Freiburg im Breisgau ]: Herder, 1900-1921.24 cm, 9 volumes, mixed bindings. Volumes I-VI in contemporary half leather with gilt titles and decoration on spine. Volumes VII-IX in publisher's half cloth with gilt titles and decoration on spine. Together over 7500 pages. Text in Latin (leather slightly rubbed/ stained, cloth with labels, stamps, paper slightly browned) Although still (very) good set. See pictures.
¶ Contents: Vol. I & II: Pars Prior & Pars Altera. Tractatus De Deo Uno. Vol. III: Tractatus De Deo Trino. Vol. IV. & V. Tractatus De Deo-Homine sive de Verbo Incarnato. Vol. VI. Tractatus De Deo Creatore et de Angelis. Vol. VII. & VIII. Tractatus De Homine seu de Hominis Natura, Elevatione et Lapsu. Vol. IX. Tractatus De Gratia Dei et Christi.
Booknumber: 79062Add to cart
€ 350.00
¶ Contents: Vol. I & II: Pars Prior & Pars Altera. Tractatus De Deo Uno. Vol. III: Tractatus De Deo Trino. Vol. IV. & V. Tractatus De Deo-Homine sive de Verbo Incarnato. Vol. VI. Tractatus De Deo Creatore et de Angelis. Vol. VII. & VIII. Tractatus De Homine seu de Hominis Natura, Elevatione et Lapsu. Vol. IX. Tractatus De Gratia Dei et Christi.
Booknumber: 79062Add to cart

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Ott, Ludwig.Grundriß der katholischen Dogmatik. 11. Auflage, mit Literaturnachträgen.Bonn: Nova & Vetera, 2010.24.5 x 16.5 cm, hardcover. 686 pages. Text in German. Standard reference work in Catholic dogmatics, offering a structured overview of Catholic doctrine with references to key theological literature. This 11th edition includes an updated bibliography. Original retail price 55 euro. Condition very good/ fine, see picture.
ISBN: 9783936741254
Booknumber: 79061Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9783936741254
Booknumber: 79061Add to cart

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Voges, Stefan.Konzil, Dialog und Demokratie. Der Weg zur Würzburger Synode 1965?1971.Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2015.24 x 16 cm, blue cloth hardcover with dust jacket. 458 pages. Text in German. Study focusing on the reception of the Second Vatican Council (1962?1965) in Germany, tracing the path leading to the Würzburg Synod (1971?1975). The book examines both church and societal influences on the synod's development, highlighting the constitutional process and its role as a test case for the practical implementation of the Council?s renewed ecclesiology. Part of the series " Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Zeitgeschichte, Reihe B: Forschungen ", volume 132. Original retail price 76 euro. Condition: very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9783506782120
Booknumber: 79060Add to cart
€ 40.00
ISBN: 9783506782120
Booknumber: 79060Add to cart

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Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand / Meyer, Betsy / Haessel, Hermann. / Landshuter, Stephan / Lukas, Wolfgang / Osthof, Matthias / Rickenbacher, Elisabeth / Zeller, Hans / Fenten, Sandra / Goetz, Thomas / Zihlmann, Patricia (Hrsg.).Verlagskorrespondenz: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Betsy Meyer - Hermann Haessel mit zugehörigen Briefwechseln und Verlagsdokumenten. Briefe Juli 1874 bis 1879. Reihe: C. F. Meyers Briefwechsel. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe; Bd. 4.2.Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2014.25.5 x 18 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 496 pages, with 23 illustrations. 'Lesezeichen' loose inserted. Text in German. Second part of the critical edition documenting the correspondence between Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, his sister Betsy Meyer, and their publisher Hermann Haessel. This volume covers the period from July 1874 to 1879, providing insight into their complex author-publisher relationship, literary projects, and Meyer's growing success. The letters reveal a wealth of details about 19th-century literary and publishing life. Original retail price 78 euro. Condition as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783835315464
Booknumber: 79059Add to cart
€ 38.00
ISBN: 9783835315464
Booknumber: 79059Add to cart

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Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand / Meyer, Betsy / Haessel, Hermann. / Fenten, Sandra / Goetz, Thomas / Lukas, Wolfgang / Recker-Hamm, Ute / Zeller, Hans / Zihlmann, Patricia (Hrsg.).Verlagskorrespondenz: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Betsy Meyer - Hermann Haessel mit zugehörigen Briefwechseln und Verlagsdokumenten. Briefe 1855 bis April 1874. Reihe: C. F. Meyers Briefwechsel. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe; Bd. 4.1.Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2014.25.5 x 18 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 576 pages, with 59 illustrations. 'Lesezeichen' loose inserted. Text in German. Scholarly critical edition documenting the correspondence between Swiss writer Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, his sister Betsy Meyer, and their Leipzig publisher Hermann Haessel. Covers Meyer's literary beginnings in the 1850s, his early translation projects, and his breakthrough successes in the 1870s, including the publication of Jürg Jenatsch and Der Schuß von der Kanzel. The letters reflect a complex author-publisher relationship, mediated at times by Betsy Meyer, offering rich insights into 19th-century literary life. Original retail price 78 euro. Condition as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783835314917
Booknumber: 79058Add to cart
€ 38.00
ISBN: 9783835314917
Booknumber: 79058Add to cart

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Hauschildt, Friedrich / Hahn, Udo / Siemens, Andreas (Hrsg.).Die Gemeinsame Erklärung zur Rechtfertigungslehre. Dokumentation des Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsprozesses.Göttingen: VELKD / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.24 x 16 cm, hardcover. 1115 pages. Text in German. Comprehensive documentation tracing the development and reception of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, officially confirmed on October 31, 1999, in Augsburg between the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church. This declaration addresses the core doctrinal dispute of the Reformation concerning justification by grace alone. The volume includes official statements, theological opinions, and documents related to the signing ceremony, as well as responses from the World Methodist Council, which officially recognized the declaration in 2006. Original retail price ?275. Condition very good/ fine, see picture.
ISBN: 9783647561363
Booknumber: 79057Add to cart
€ 165.00
ISBN: 9783647561363
Booknumber: 79057Add to cart

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Kraus, Karl. / Wagenknecht, Christian (Hrsg.).Ausgewählte Werke. 4 Bände.Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2020.20.5 x 12.5 cm, original cardboard bindings issued without dust jackets. Text in German. This four-volume set presents a comprehensive selection of works by Karl Kraus, including satires, polemics, and critical essays that shaped Austrian literary and social discourse. Edited by Christian Wagenknecht. Condition very good/ fine, see picture.
ISBN: 9783534271672
Booknumber: 79056Add to cart
€ 70.00
ISBN: 9783534271672
Booknumber: 79056Add to cart

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Diebitz, Stefan.Spiel und Widerspiel: Der Mensch in seiner Natur.Stuttgart: Omega Verlag, 2009.17,5 x 12,5 cm, hardcover. 384 pages. Text in German. Philosophical study exploring the relationship between different forms of life and the unique position of humans, drawing on thinkers such as Nicolai Hartmann, Max Scheler, and Helmuth Plessner, as well as biologists like Adolf Portmann and Hans Driesch, developing a philosophy of expression that re-centers emotions such as shame, pride, fear, and desire. Condition very good/ fine, see picture.
ISBN: 9783933722287
Booknumber: 79055Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9783933722287
Booknumber: 79055Add to cart

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San Juan de la Cruz.Obras completas de San Juan de la Cruz : edicion critica, notas y apendices por Lucinio Ruano de la Iglesia. Éd. 2 impr. 7.Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2019.Original hardcover. xxvi,1150 pp.; 20x13 cm. " B. A. C., 015 " Spanish. As good as new, see picture
ISBN: 9788479140489
Booknumber: 79054Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9788479140489
Booknumber: 79054Add to cart

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Pieper, Josef.Werke [ complete set, 11 volumes and CD-ROM ].Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1995-2008.11 vols. Original hardcovers with dust-jackets. Text in German / Deutsch. - Very good. See pictures
ISBN: 9783787317233
Contents: 1, Darstellungen und Interpretationen: Platon, 2002. VIII, 392 pp. 2, Darstellungen und Interpretationen: Thomas von Aquin und die Scholastik, 2001. VI, 490 pp. , 3, Schriften zum Philosophiebegriff, 1995. VI, 345 pp. 4, Schriften zur Philosophischen Anthropologie und Ethik: Das Menschenbild der Tugendlehre, 1996. VI, 442 pp. 5, Schriften zur Philosophischen Anthropologie und Ethik: Grundstrukturen menschlicher Existenz, 1997. VI, 422 pp. 6, Kulturphilosophische Schriften, 1998. V, 472 pp. 7, Religionsphilosophische Schriften, 2000. VIII, 649 pp. 8/1, Miszellen. Register und Gesamtbibliographie, 2005. 414 pp. 8/2, Miszellen. Register und Gesamtbibliographie, 2008, Hamburg : Felix Meiner, X, 415-948 pp. +CD . , Erg.Bd. 1, Ergänzungsband 1: Frühe soziologische Schriften, 2004 & , Erg.Bd. 2, Ergänzungsband 2: Autobiographische Schriften, 2003. 706 pp.
Booknumber: 79053Add to cart
€ 800.00
ISBN: 9783787317233
Contents: 1, Darstellungen und Interpretationen: Platon, 2002. VIII, 392 pp. 2, Darstellungen und Interpretationen: Thomas von Aquin und die Scholastik, 2001. VI, 490 pp. , 3, Schriften zum Philosophiebegriff, 1995. VI, 345 pp. 4, Schriften zur Philosophischen Anthropologie und Ethik: Das Menschenbild der Tugendlehre, 1996. VI, 442 pp. 5, Schriften zur Philosophischen Anthropologie und Ethik: Grundstrukturen menschlicher Existenz, 1997. VI, 422 pp. 6, Kulturphilosophische Schriften, 1998. V, 472 pp. 7, Religionsphilosophische Schriften, 2000. VIII, 649 pp. 8/1, Miszellen. Register und Gesamtbibliographie, 2005. 414 pp. 8/2, Miszellen. Register und Gesamtbibliographie, 2008, Hamburg : Felix Meiner, X, 415-948 pp. +CD . , Erg.Bd. 1, Ergänzungsband 1: Frühe soziologische Schriften, 2004 & , Erg.Bd. 2, Ergänzungsband 2: Autobiographische Schriften, 2003. 706 pp.
Booknumber: 79053Add to cart

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Grillmeier, Alois & Theresia Hainthaler (eds.).Jesus der Christus im Glauben der Kirche. Band 1 & 2. [ in 6 volumes ].Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 1989-2022.6 vols. Orig. hardcovers with dust-jackets. Together ca. 4200 pages.; 23x16 cm. Text in German. Very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783451390258
¶ Contents of the six volumes: Band 1: Von der Apostolischen Zeit bis zum Konzil von Chalcedon (451) 3., verb. u. erg. Aufl. 1990. ISBN 3451185474. Band 2/1: Das Konzil von Chalcedon - Rezeption und Widerspruch (451 - 518) 2., verb. und erg. Aufl. 1991. ISBN 3451185482. Band 2/2: Die Kirche von Konstantinopel im 6. Jahrhundert. 1989. ISBN 3451185490. Band 2/3: Die Kirchen von Jerusalem und Antiochien (nach 451 - 600). 2002. ISBN 3451220261. Band 2/4: Die Kirche von Alexandrien mit Nubien und Äthiopien (nach 451). 1990. ISBN 345122027X. Band 2/5: Die Kirche in Persien von Luise Abramowski. 2022. ISBN 9783451390258.
Booknumber: 79052Add to cart
€ 198.00
ISBN: 9783451390258
¶ Contents of the six volumes: Band 1: Von der Apostolischen Zeit bis zum Konzil von Chalcedon (451) 3., verb. u. erg. Aufl. 1990. ISBN 3451185474. Band 2/1: Das Konzil von Chalcedon - Rezeption und Widerspruch (451 - 518) 2., verb. und erg. Aufl. 1991. ISBN 3451185482. Band 2/2: Die Kirche von Konstantinopel im 6. Jahrhundert. 1989. ISBN 3451185490. Band 2/3: Die Kirchen von Jerusalem und Antiochien (nach 451 - 600). 2002. ISBN 3451220261. Band 2/4: Die Kirche von Alexandrien mit Nubien und Äthiopien (nach 451). 1990. ISBN 345122027X. Band 2/5: Die Kirche in Persien von Luise Abramowski. 2022. ISBN 9783451390258.
Booknumber: 79052Add to cart

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Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold. / Blei, Franz (Hrsg.).Gesammelte Schriften. 5 Bände. Nachdruck der Ausgabe München und Leipzig 1909 - 1913. Band I: Die Gedichte, Der Hofmeister, Anmerkungen übers Theater, Amor vincit omnia. Band II: Die Lustspiele nach dem Plautus, Der neue Menoza. Band III: Dramen, Dramatische Fragmente, Coriolan. Band IV: Schriften in Prosa. Band V: Schriften in Prosa.Hildesheim: Olms, 2002.21.5 x 15 cm, cloth hardcovers. Band I: 546 pages, Band II: 482 pages, Band III: 475 pages, Band IV: 403 pages, Band V: 411 pages. Text in German. Reprint of the 1909 edition published in Munich and Leipzig, edited by Franz Blei, containing Lenz' poetry, plays, dramatic fragments, essays, and prose writings. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487116549
Booknumber: 79051Add to cart
€ 120.00
ISBN: 9783487116549
Booknumber: 79051Add to cart

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Courcelles, Dominique de (Hrsg.).Mystique. Texte précédé de Paysages spirituels par Pierre-Antoine Fabre.Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Millon, 2020.24 x 16 cm, paperback. 318 pages. Text in French. Study on mysticism, exploring its figures, doctrines, and expressions across religious and cultural contexts, with a preface essay by Pierre-Antoine Fabre titled Paysages spirituels. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9782841373826
Booknumber: 79050Add to cart
€ 19.00
ISBN: 9782841373826
Booknumber: 79050Add to cart

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Grosseteste, Robert / Thomas von Aquin.Summa Liconiensis super octo libris Physicorum Aristotelis. Exposito super octo libris Physicorum Aristotelis.Hildesheim: Olms, 2000.28.5 x 20.5 cm, red cloth hardcover, IV, 232 pages, text in Latin. Reprint of the Venice 1500 edition, including the complete Aristotelian text. This volume presents both Robert Grosseteste's Summa Liconiensis and Thomas Aquinas' Exposito on Aristotle's Physics, offering essential medieval commentaries on this cornerstone of Aristotelian natural philosophy. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487111186
Booknumber: 79049Add to cart
€ 47.00
ISBN: 9783487111186
Booknumber: 79049Add to cart

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Bouhours, Dominique.Les entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugène.Hildesheim: Olms, 2010.25.5 x 18.5 cm., green cloth hardcover, 445, [46] pages with 1 plate and several vignettes, text in French. Reprint of the original Paris edition from 1671. This work, immediately successful upon publication, consists of six conversations in the style of refined salon discussions between friends, covering topics such as the sea as an object of contemplation, the French language, secrets, "Le Bel Esprit", the indescribable, and mottos. Bouhours, considered the heir to Claude Favre de Vaugelas, was a recognized authority in philology and stylistics. In these Entretiens, he promotes purity and clarity in the French language, reflecting his purist views. Original price 138 euro. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487143064
Booknumber: 79048Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9783487143064
Booknumber: 79048Add to cart

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Rüdiger, Andreas / Ulrich Leinsle (Hrsg.).Philosophia pragmatica. [ 3 volumes ].Hildesheim: Olms, 2010.20.5 x 12.5 cm, green cloth hardcovers, 3 volumes, together 12, [13], 875, [24] pages, part of the series " Thomasiani ", volume 5.2, text in Latin. Reprint of the original Leipzig edition from 1723. In his Philosophia pragmatica, Rüdiger presents his reconstruction of philosophy based on both internal and external experience, as well as his epistemological and methodological concept of metaphysics. Rüdiger, perhaps the most significant and independent student of Christian Thomasius, was the first within German university philosophy to conceptualize philosophy -especially metaphysics- as an "empirical science." This work starts with epistemology as the foundation for all philosophical knowledge, concept formation, and methodology. Rüdiger's influence extended through his students August Friedrich Müller and Adolph Friedrich Hoffmann to Christian August Crusius, ultimately shaping the early thinking of Immanuel Kant. Original price 354 euro. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487142425
Booknumber: 79047Add to cart
€ 90.00
ISBN: 9783487142425
Booknumber: 79047Add to cart

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Rüdiger, Andreas / Ulrich Leinsle (Hrsg.).Philosophia synthetica.Hildesheim: Olms, 2010.20.5 x 12.5 cm, green cloth hardcover, XIV, [16], 12, 319 pages, part of the series " Thomasiani. Materialien und Dokumente zu Christian Thomasius ", volume 5.1, text in Latin. Reprint of the original Leipzig and Halle edition from 1707, including the separately published Dissertatio ad Lectorem Philosophiae Suae Syntheticae, addressing censorship interventions, also reprinted from 1707. This Philosophia synthetica is Rüdiger's first comprehensive presentation of his philosophy for his students, blending Thomasius' influence with an eclectic approach to personal truth-finding and critical evaluation. Rüdiger was the first in German academic philosophy to frame philosophy, especially metaphysics, as an "empirical science". The work begins with epistemological questions as the foundation for all philosophical knowledge, concept formation, and methodology. Original price 118 euro. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487143255
Booknumber: 79046Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9783487143255
Booknumber: 79046Add to cart

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Gundling, Nikolaus Hieronymus / Martin Mulsow (Hrsg.).Via ad Veritatem. Partes I-III komplett: Pars I: Ars recte ratiocinandi. Pars II: Philosophia moralis. Pars III: Jurisprudentia naturalis. [ 4 volumes ].Hildesheim: Olms, 2016.21.5 x 15.5 cm, green cloth hardcovers, 4 volumes, together XIII, [133], 777 pages with 1 folding plate, part of the series " Thomasiani. Materialien und Dokumente zu Christian Thomasius ", volumes 2.1-3, text in Latin. Reprint of the original Halle editions from 1713-1715. In this teaching work, Gundling -student of Christian Thomasius- covers logic, ethics, and natural law. His learned yet entertaining style made his lectures in Halle, where he taught philosophy, rhetoric, and law, extremely popular and resulted in an unprecedented wave of published lecture notes even decades after his death. In addition to Thomasius' philosophy, the work also draws heavily on Locke and Hobbes. Original price 472 euro. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487154626
Booknumber: 79045Add to cart
€ 170.00
ISBN: 9783487154626
Booknumber: 79045Add to cart

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Abel, Félix-Marie.Histoire de la Palestine depuis la conquête d'Alexandre jusqu'à l'invasion arabe. Tome 1: De la conquête d'Alexandre jusqu'à la guerre juive. Tome 2: De la guerre juive à l'invasion arabe.Hildesheim: Olms, 2004.22 x 15.5 cm, blue cloth hardcovers, 2 volumes, xvi, 596, (2) ages, x, 406 pages with 4 folding maps, text in French. Reprint of the original Paris editions from 1952. Based on all available sources, Félix-Marie Abel -Dominican, biblical scholar, archaeologist, and geographer who spent many years in Jerusalem- examines the political history of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab invasion. Original price 316 euro. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487125404
Booknumber: 79044Add to cart
€ 110.00
ISBN: 9783487125404
Booknumber: 79044Add to cart

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Müller, Joseph.Die musikalischen Schätze der Königlichen- und Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Königsberg in Preußen : Aus dem Nachlasse Friedrich August Gotthold's. [Nebst Mittheilungen aus dessen musikalischen Tagebuechern]. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Theorie der Tonkunst. Im Anhang Joseph Müller-Blattau, Die musikalischen Schätze der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek zu Königsberg in Preußen.Hildesheim / New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1971.Original blue cloth hardcover, gilt. 'Abteilung I und II [mehr nicht erschienen]' Reprint of 1870 edition - Right upper corner slightly bumped. Very good, see picture. Price when new is 84 euro
ISBN: 9783487532899
Booknumber: 79043Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9783487532899
Booknumber: 79043Add to cart

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Berger, Samuel.L'histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du Moyen Âge.Hildesheim: Olms, 1976.19.5 x 13.5 cm, green cloth hardcover, XXIV, 444 pages, text in French. Reprint of the original Paris edition from 1893. Scholarly study of the history of the Latin Vulgate Bible during the early Middle Ages, analyzing its textual development, manuscript tradition, and historical reception. Very good condition, see picture. Original price 74 euro.
ISBN: 9783487061092
Booknumber: 79042Add to cart
€ 22.00
ISBN: 9783487061092
Booknumber: 79042Add to cart

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Fürst, Julius.Geschichte der biblischen Literatur und des jüdisch-hellenistischen Schriftthums. Historisch und kritisch behandelt.Hildesheim: Olms, 1973.19.5 x 13 cm, cloth hardcovers, 2 volumes, Together XXXIX, 1135 pages, text in German. Reprint of the original Leipzig editions from 1867 and 1870. This historical and critical study examines biblical literature and Jewish-Hellenistic writings, contextualizing them within the intellectual and cultural life of ancient Israel. The work includes chronological investigations, literary and aesthetic analyses, and comprehensive depictions of political, social, and religious conditions. Light shelf wear, very good condition, see picture. Original price 158 euro.
ISBN: 9783487045689
Booknumber: 79041Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9783487045689
Booknumber: 79041Add to cart

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Routh, Martinus Josephus.Reliquiae sacrae sive, auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique saeculi post Christum natum quae supersunt ad codices mss. recensuit, notisque illustravit Martinus Josephus Routh. Accedunt synodi, et epistolæ canonicæ, nicæno concilio antiquiores. Editio altera.Hildesheim: Olms, 1974.18 x 13 cm, cloth hardcovers, 5 volumes, together LV, 2416 pages, text in Latin and partly greek. Reprint of the second edition originally published in Oxford in 1846. Important collection of fragmentary texts and early Christian writings from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, including pre-Nicene synodal texts and canonical letters. Very good condition, see picture. Original price was 388 euro.
ISBN: 9783487051420
Booknumber: 79040Add to cart
€ 80.00
ISBN: 9783487051420
Booknumber: 79040Add to cart

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Platon.Platon. Werke in 8 Bänden: Griechisch - deutsch. Jubiläumsausgabe 2019, unveränderter Nachdruck der 1. Auflage 1977.Darmstadt: WBG Edition, 2019.20 x 12.5 cm, cloth hardcovers, 8 volumes in cardboard box, together 5384 pages, text in Ancient Greek and German. This bilingual edition presents the complete works of Plato, featuring the original Greek text alongside German translations. The set includes critical revisions and, in some cases, new translations of classical works by Friedrich Schleiermacher and others. Minor wear to box. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783534271092
Booknumber: 79039Add to cart
€ 150.00
ISBN: 9783534271092
Booknumber: 79039Add to cart

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Gundling, Nikolaus Hieronymus / Martin Mulsow (Hrsg.).Philosophische Discourse oder Academische Vorlesungen über seine Viam ad Veritatem.Hildesheim: Olms, 2016.21.5 x 15.5 cm, green cloth hardcovers, 4 volumes, XIII, [197], 1462 pages, part of the series 'Thomasiani. Materialien und Dokumente zu Christian Thomasius', volumes 2.4-6, text in German. Reprint of the original editions published in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig in 1739-1740. Complete set in four volumes. Volume 1 covers logic (Vernunft-Lehre oder Logique), volumes 2 and 3 address ethics (Sitten-Lehre) and natural law (Recht der Natur), both based on Gundling's 'Via ad Veritatem'. Very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783487154572
Booknumber: 79038Add to cart
€ 165.00
ISBN: 9783487154572
Booknumber: 79038Add to cart
