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Juste, Théodore.Precis de l'histoire contemporaine (1815-1871).Bruxelles: Bruylant-Christophe, 1875.Brown cloth hardcover, (4),ii,356 pp.; 19.5x13.5 cm. Dedication copy, signed. Text in french (slightly worn, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing mainly to endpapers) Very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 77973Add to cart € 70.00


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(Anonym) (Chr. Sepp, illustr.)Atlas des enfans, ou Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre la géographie, avec un nouveau traité de la sphère, et XXIV cartes enluminées. Nouvelle édition corrigée et fort augmentée. - At the end: Nouveau traité de la sphère, où l'on explique le mouvement des astres, & les systémes du monde ancien & moderne, l'usage des globes & des mesures géographiques. Nouvelle édition corrigée & fort augmentée.Anvers: C.M. Spanoghe, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1786.Small 8vo (18,5x10,5 cm). Original wrappers damaged but covered with recent handmade decorative paper. viii,236,42,(ii) pp. With engraved frontispiece showing a putti bearing the world on his shoulders with on the background sailingships welcomed by fire-musketry. With 24 handcoloured maps, including 1 worldmap with globe, 2 engravings with spheres and 1 with the spherical machine. - Paper first quires a bit age-toned, a few small dog's ears, but on the whole a nice interior condition, complete with all the engravings. - Rare edition, 'possibly pirated from the identical Amsterdam edition' (WorldCat)
Booknumber: 76713Add to cart € 700.00


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(Christyn, J.-B.Landt-charter des Landts ende Graefschap van Meghem (Megen). And: Costuymen, usantien, oude ghebruycken ende observantien van rechten inden Lande ende Graef-schappe van Meghem... And: Naer den landt-recht van Boxtel 11 October 1552. By Lambert Aertssen, Aert Goyaerts, a.o.tÁntwerpen: Michiel Knobbaert, 1682.Folio (35x22 cm). 19th Century wrappers of marbled paper. 36 pp. with large engraved title-vignette and engraved end-piece. (Paper age-toned). - From:"Generale costumen vanden lande ende hertogdommen van Brabandt, Fol. 1013".
Booknumber: 76454Add to cart € 80.00


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(Christyn, J.-B.Landt-charter des Landts ende Graefschap van Meghem (Megen). And: Costuymen, usantien, oude ghebruycken ende observantien van rechten inden Lande ende Graef-schappe van Meghem... And: Naer den landt-recht van Boxtel 11 October 1552. By Lambert Aertssen, Aert Goyaerts, a.o.tÁntwerpen: Michiel Knobbaert, 1682.Folio (35x22 cm). 19th Century wrappers of marbled paper. 36 pp. with large engraved title-vignette and engraved end-piece. (Paper age-toned). - From:"Generale costumen vanden lande ende hertogdommen van Brabandt, Fol. 1013".
Booknumber: 76436Add to cart € 80.00


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(Christyn, J.-B.Costuymen (costumen) ende usantien der stadt vanden Grave. And: Costuymen ende usantien vande stadt ende Lande van Cuyck.t'Antwerpen: Michiel Knobbaert, 1682.Folio (35x22 cm). 19th Century wrappers of marbled paper. 22 pp. With large engraved title-vignette and engraved end-piece. (Paper age-toned). - (From "Generale Costumen vanden lande ende hertogdommen van Brabandt, fol. 969 (2x & 981 2x)-986)".
Booknumber: 76434Add to cart € 80.00


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Le Vieil, M.L'art de la peinture sur verre et de la vitrerie, 1774. Preceded by: Description des arts et métiers, faites ou approuvées par Messieurs de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. Avec figures en tailee-douce, 1761.Paris: Chez Saillant & Noyon et Dessaint, 1761-1774.Large folio (47x31 cm). No binding (interim blind wrappers). Uncut. Description des arts et métiers: ii(halfti),ii(title),iv pp. - L'art de la peinture: vi(Préface), vii-x(Éloge historique), xi-xiv (Extratis des Registres), 1-240(Le Traité), 241-245(Explication des planches) and 13 engraved plates designed and engraved by De la Gardette. (Some innermargins restored, marginal waterstains to 40 leaves; 2 leaves with marginal tear repaired; first leaf 'Traité' and leaf 219-220 soiled). (Outer margin of plate I-XII seriously waterstained, plate XIII with small inner- and outer margin with waterstain also affecting the plate). - A moderate copy caused by the waterstains and the condition of plate XIII, but for the rest spotless copy with wide margins
     L'art de la peinture: Part I: La peinture du verre considérée dans sa partie historique - II: La peinture du verre considérée dans sa partie chimique et méchanique. - III: L'art de peindre sur verre.

Booknumber: 76431Add to cart € 300.00


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(Anonym)Maçonnerie d'adoption (Maçonnerie des Dames). Hérédon, L'an de la G.: L.: 5807.Paris (Hérédon): Chez le F.: Brun, 5807 (1807).Large 4to (27x20 cm). Recently nicely rebound in 18th century style. Halfvellum with vellum cornerpieces, covers with marbled paper. Old label on frontcover. Endpapers of handmade paper. Text divided in 9 divisions (complete). (Margins partly damaged and restored). 102 numbered pages, 9 blank leaves and 9 leaves with handwritten numbers and signatures of approbation: "1 App(rentie) Maitresse"; "2 App G(rande) inspectrice"; "3 App Dépositaire"; "4 Comp(agnonne) Maitresse", "5 Comp G inspectrice"; "6 Comp Dépositaire"; "7 Maitrise Maitresse"; "8 Maitrise G inspectrice"; "9 Maitrise Dépositaire". - Inaugural rites for the 'Soeurs'. (Paper with small spots and partly age-toned). - Printed at Fontainebeau at the office of F.: (Frère) Castineau-la-Roche. -Extremely rare
Booknumber: 76338Add to cart € 450.00


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Twist, Johan vanGenerale Beschrijvinge van Indien. Ende in 't besonder Kort verhael van de Regering, Ceremonien, Handel, Vruchten en Geleghentheydt van 't Koninckrijck van Gusuratten (Gujarat), staende onder de beheerschinghe van den Groot-Machtighen Koninck Cajahan: anders genaemt den grooten Mogor. Uyt verscheyden Autheuren ende eyghen onder-vindinge vergadert ende by een ghestelt. Part of "Oost-Indische voyagien door dien Begin en Voortgangh, van de Verenighde Nederlandtsche geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie... Daer in begrepen 16 Voyagien".t'Amstelredam (Amsterdam): Joost Hartgers, 1648.4to (19,5x15 cm). Nice modern binding in old style: boards with marbled paper, endpapers of mould paper with watermark 'Pro Patria'. Title, with vignette (printer's mark) "Myn glas loopt ras", and 94 pp. - P. 1-78 in o r i g i n a l state, p. 79-94 in f a c s i m i l e: neatly reprinted on thick paper. - p. 74-98: Aenwijsinge van meest alle Custen, Drooghten ende Reden om door Indien te seylen. In the original part lightbrown watertain to inner margin; upper margin a bit shorter. - A perfect restoration of the rare first edition (partly!) of this work. - See: Landwehr, V.O.C. Hartgers' Collection no 251 and 554 (collation).
Booknumber: 76068Add to cart € 160.00


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Srcieck, Adriaen Van.Van t'beghin der eerster volcken van Europen, insonderheyt vanden oorspronck ende saecken der Nederlandren, XXIII boecken, met betoon vande dwalinghen der Griecken ende Latinen op t'selve beghin ende den ghemeynen oorspronck.Ypres: F. Bellet, 1614.Vellum binding. (36),560,(320) pp.; 29.5x21 cm. With engraved title page and author's coat of arms by Guillaume du Tielt. (The spine shows slight damage, and some labels have been removed. Top edge with stain, paper slightly affected. There is a small piece missing from the engraved title page, and a few notes can be found on the title pages. The paper has a slightly browned tint, with some pages more affected than others. Some pages may be a bit challenging to read due to the thinness of the paper, which allows text from the other side to shine through) Nevertheless, the book is still in very good condition. Please refer to the attached pictures for more details.
     - The author attempts in this work to prove that the language and origin of the Flemish people are much older than those of the Greeks and Romans. Through a curious and peculiar etymology, he aims to demonstrate that the ancient peoples spoke the Celtic language (German and Flemish), and even Adam and Eve spoke Flemish. The work consists of a Latin introduction, 560 pages of Dutch text, and 2 "originem indices" (geographicus and miscellus) with Latin and Flemish keywords spanning 320 pages.

Booknumber: 75564Add to cart € 890.00


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La Bruyère, (Jean) deLes caractères de Théophraste, avec Les Caractères ou les moeurs de ce siècle. Nouvelle édition.Londres (Paris): (Cazin), 1784.3 vols. 12mo (12,5x8 cm). Contemporary half calf; spines gilt, with morocco title-labels; small leather cornerpieces (bumped and some sl. damaged); covers with marbled paper. 1) (iv),283,(ii: blank) pp., including subtitle: p.71-72 at the beginning of "Moeurs de ce siècle". With engraved frontispiece by Delvaux. 2) (iv),287,(i: blank) pp. (minuscule hole in page 81-82). 3) (iv), 278 pp. incl. subtitle p.155-156 at the beginning of "Discours prononcé dans l'Académie Françoise". - Each volume with "Table des Châpitres" at the end. - Good, spotless set, part of the "Collection parisienne de petits formats à figures" edited at Paris by Hubert Cazin. - Satirical portraits of his contemporaries of the 17th century.
Booknumber: 75234Add to cart € 160.00


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M. le C. de B*** de l'Académie Françoise (Cardinal de Bernis)Oeuvres complettes.Londres (Paris: (Cazin), 1779.2 vols. 12mo (13x7,5 cm). Contemporary mottled calf, spines nicely gilt in compartments, with morocco title-labels; edges gilt; marbled endpapers. viii,231,(i:blank); (vi),168 pp. (large convent-stamp verso titles; minuscule wormhole in margin leaves second vol.). With engraved frontispiece. - François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis, cardinal, was one of the most prominent figures in the autobiography of Casanova and an important diplomat. - In spite of the mentioned imperfections a very nice and spotless set, part of the "Collection parisienne de petits formats à figures, edited at Paris by Hubert Cazin.
Booknumber: 75229Add to cart € 200.00


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Le Tasse (Torquato Tasso)Jérusalem délivrée. Poëme Du Tasse. Nouvelle traduction.Londres (Paris): (Cazin), 1780.2 vols. 12mo (12,5x8 cm). Contemporary mottled calf, spines richly gilt, with morocco title-labels; covers with gilt borders; edges gilt; marbled endpapers (hinges rubbed; first hinge first vol. damaged but still holding strong). (iv),342, (ii:blank); (ii),331, (iii:blank) pp. (large convent-stamp on titles). With engraved frontispiece ('Le Dessin est de M. Desrays') and 2 large vignettes (putti's & portrait of Godefroy) and floral tail-pieces. - Charming booklets edited at Paris by Hubert Cazin in the "Collection parisienne de petits formats à figures". - Perfect interior condition.
Booknumber: 75228Add to cart € 150.00


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Weller, HieronymusEnnaratio epistolarum dominicalium recens edita, et locupletata, authore Hieroniemo Wellero.Norimbergae (Nürnberg): In officina Ioannis Montani, & Ulrici Neuberi, 1551.Small 8vo (16x11 cm). Contemporary binding: vellum over wooden boards, spine with ribbons; covers richly blindstamped: lines around borders with circular ornements between borders and rectangular decorations surrounded by flowers as centerpieces (vellum browned). With date on frontcover "1557.". With 2 small clasps (of 2 corners vellum damaged on edge). (viii), 143 and 222,(ii) leaves.2 Parts: "Dominica prima adventus - Dominica Iudica" and "In festo Paschatis - In festo ascensionis" (viii),143, (2 blank); 222,(ii) leaves. Title printed in red and black. - Paper age-toned (lightbrown); a few old underlinings and annotations in ink; corner of 1 leaf repaired) - Carefully printed in Latin, with different paragraphs in Greek or German with different types. Weller (1499-1572) was a Lutheran theologian and a close friend of Luther. - Very rare and good specimen of a 16th century book.
Booknumber: 75222Add to cart € 600.00


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Simon, JulesVichy et ses environs. Album-livre pittoresque. Dessins de J. Simon et Hubert Clerget. Lithographies par A. Dauzats, E. Ciceri, Deroy, Hubert Clerget, titre par Champagnat.Vichy et Cusset: Bougarel Fils, Éditeur, ( c. 1860).Oblong large 8vo (19,5x27,5 cm). Violet publisher's cloth, covers nicely decorated with gilt borders of flowers and centerpieces resp. title and medallion. Edges gilt, marbled endpapers. 1 blank leaf, halftitle, title, 4o pp. text, 1 blank leaf. Decorated capitals, head- and tailpieces and other woodengravings in text. With yellowtoned lithographs: A) frontispiece with the churches of Abrest, Vesse, Hauteville and Cusset, B) 28 lithographed views of Vichy and surroundings. - Textleaves with serious brown spots, but almost not affecting the plates which are clean. - The text and plates partly with marks of a folt, but passable.
     The 28 lithographs showing: Rue Cunin - Vieux Vichy - Source de l'Hopital - Parc et Établissement thermal - Ét.: Grille et Galerie - Ét.: Rotonde et Salon - Villa Imperiale - Habitation impériale (Maison Strauss) - Nouvel Établissement thermal - Place Verrier - Fontaine de la Chaume - Source des Célestins - Nouvel Ét. des Célestins - Source Lardy (marginal brown spots) - Moulin de Presles - Usine à gaz - Ste Marie de Cusset - Place de Cusset - Casino des Justices - Le Coure Saillant - Château de Busset - Beffroi de Chateldon - Costumes des environs de Vichy - Chateau de Billy - Chateau de Randan (2) - Chateau de Maulmont (marginal brown spots) - Pont de Ris.

Booknumber: 75194Add to cart € 400.00


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Boverio, ZaccariaDe vera habitus forma a Seraphico B. P. Francisco institura demonstrationes XI figuris aeneis expressae ad Urbanum VIII Pont. Max. Auctore R.P.F.Zacharia Boverio Ord. FF.Minorum Capucinorum.Coloniae: Apud Constantinum Munich, 1640.12mo (13x8 cm). 19th century calf (2 minimal holes in spine). (xii), 225, (iii:blank the third pasted on endpaper) pp. including engraved title. With 35 full-page engravings in text, illustrated capitals and woodengraved tailpieces. - Paper for the greater part seriously browned, 1 engraving upside down, brown spots in places. - Extracted from the "Annales". With very charming specimen of the different dresses of the monks. - Rare. - WorldCat: 1 copy BNF
Booknumber: 75188Add to cart € 350.00


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Dassance, L'Abbé.Heures nouvelles, paroissien complet Latin-Français, à l'usage de Paris et de Rome.Paris: L. Curmer, 1841.Large 8vo (23x16 cm). Contemporary darkgreen calf, covers and spine richly gilt with ornamental gilt decoration with a cross as centerpieces in romantic style. Endpapers with lacework tooling decoration and inside dentelle. Edges gilt. 91 corner sl. bumped). Together 846 pp. with engraved frontispiece, 2 titles: "Les Heures" & "La Messe" lithographed in vivid colours and metallic gold ink on art paper and 11 other engravings. Printed on 'papier de Chine', but the plates on normal paper and therefore with more or less serious brown spots. With ornamental capitals and many pages in illuminated frames in early photo-engraving. - Collation: ii (halftitle), ii (title), viii (Préface), xvi (Calendrier), xvi (Souvenirs de famille), 8oo, i (Classement des gravures), iii (blank) pp. - Nice example of 19th century typography and romantic bookbinding. "Reliure aux ornaments de style rocaille".
Booknumber: 75187Add to cart € 400.00


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(Pluche, L'Abbé))Histoire du ciel, ou l'on recherche l'origine de l'idolâtrie et les méprises de la philosophie, sur la formation des corps célestes, & de toute la nature. Nouvelle édition.Paris: Chez les Frères Estienne, 1771.2 vols. 12mo (17x10,5 cm). 19th century green half calf bindings, spines gilt in compartments, covers with decorated paper (sl. rubbed); marbled endpapers. 560 and 520 pp. with frontispiece and 23 (of 25) engraved plates. (Numbered I-XXIV and VII Suppl) - (X and XXI missing). - Tome premier: xxxvii (plan de l'ouvrage), ii (ordre des planches), i (explication frontispiece), 518 (text with plates), ii Privilège) pp. - Tome second: iv,515, i (Approbation) pp. - Plates show mythological figures and symbols of the Greeks and Egyptians. -Unfortunately 2 plates missing but a good set in attractive bindings. (Convent stamp on first blank leaves)
Booknumber: 75186Add to cart € 160.00


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Thomas SanchezR. patris Thomae Sanchez Cordubensis, e Societate Iesu (Tómas Sánchez S.J. 1550-1610), De sancti matrimonii sacramento disputationum. Tomi tres. Posterior & accuratior editio... Complectitur hic tomus libros VI, quorum I: agit de sponsalibus, II: De essentia, & consensu matrimonii in genere, III: de consensu clandestino, IV: de consensu coacto, V: de consensu conditionato, VI: de onationibus interconiuges, sponsalitia, & arrhis.Lugduni (Lyon): Sumptibus societatis Typographorum, 1637.3 vols. in 1 binding. Folio (37x24 cm). Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards. Spine with ribbons; covers blindstamped with centerpiece (small hole in frontcover, minimal wormholin); with 2 brass clasps with (renewed) leather locking plate. - Tomus Primus: 520 pp.: (ii) title printed in red and black, with woodcut vignette, (iv) Elogia & Approbatio, (xiv) Index, 500 text. - Tomus Secundus: 404 pp.: 1 & 2: Title and Approbatio, 3 & 4 Elogia & Proemium, 5-404 text. - Tomus Tertius: 472 pp.: 408 pp. incl. title, 58 pp. Index Rerum, 4 pp. Index Locorum iure Concilio Tridentino, 2 pp. blank. - Underlinings with pencil, some with blue colour-pencil in Disputatio VII,XXVII and IX,XXI; some quires browned; light brown spots in places; small tear in lower margin of 18 leaves. - Unfortunately the binder has forgotten to put in 1 quire: Six leaves between Disputatio LXIII-LXVXIX of Liber VII missing. - Sanchez'most important work, carefully printed in 2 columns, Claudii Larjot,Ioannis Iullieron, Irenaei Barlet, & Scipionis Iasserme. - Good, wellbound copy, but 1 quire (see above) missing.
Booknumber: 75176Add to cart € 450.00


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(Anonym)Extrait de la Galerie Théatrale. Biographie pittoresque des principaux acteurs et actrices de Paris. Cinquante biographies ornées de 25 magnifiques portraits en pied,...Paris: Chez tous les libraires, 1872.Large 4to (37x28 cm). Contemporary halfleather with cornerpieces; spine with ribbons; gilt title on spine. Covers with decorated paper; marbled endpapers. Uncut. Halftitle, title with vignette, 50 biographies of artists of about 4 or 6 pages text with numerous large head- and tailpieces and 25 engraved plates of the artists in the costumes of their favourite cast. On title "finement coloriés", but our copy has black and white plates. The plates are engraved by different artists. In this compilation the numbered plates are not consecutively placed. For the greater part printed on thick paper (outer margins sl. browned and partly with small waterstain). - Binding: top and foot spine, edges covers and cornerpieces rubbed and partly a bit damaged. But on the whole a good copy of this very rare album.
     Portraits of: Talma - Raucourt - Brocard - Batiste - Champmeslé - Casimir - Beavalet - Jenny-Colon - Baptiste Ainé - Dabadie - Duchenois - Boullard - Dupont - Desbrosses - Dorval - Chollet - Dorus-Gras - Desmares - Desessarts - Duclos - Demerson - David - Cinti-Damoreau - Derivis...

Booknumber: 75154Add to cart € 450.00


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Des Champsneufs, PierreDavidis suspiria, excepta a Petro des Champsneufs Soc. Iesu Sacerdote. - Bound with: Anonym (Pierre Des Champsneufs). Axiomata evangelica Christi Domini et Apostolorum verbis concepta.Paris: Apud Sebastianum Cramoisy, 1659.2 titles but 1 work in contemporary leather binding. Spine gilt in compartments (top and foot spine and corners damaged with loss of leather). viii,77,(i) pp. and (iv),128,(xviii: 'Index Davidis exe(r)pta' & 'Index Axiomata) pp. With 2 engraved title-vignettes (repeated) and 1 (of 2) frontispieces. - First editions . The 2 titles together forming the complete text of 232 pages. - See: Bibliothèque Mazarine owing the same combination. - With a cupper-engraved exlibris of Sanson and a later one of G. Desjardins. - 1 frontispiece missing. - Very rare.
Booknumber: 75153Add to cart € 180.00


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(Collectif)Description de la cavalcade et des chars de triomphe du jubilé de 1820, suivie De l'Ordre du Service et des Cérémonies religieuses, qui auront lieu à l'église de Ste-Gudule, dans la quinzaine du Jubilé; et Du Programme des Fêtes communales et particulières, qui seront données à Bruxelles, depuis le 15 jullet jusques et y compris le trente du même mois 1820.Bruxelles: Chez M.-E. Rampelbergh, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1820.4to (26x22 cm). 19th century halfvellum with vellum cornerpieces; covers with decorated paper. (ii: Title), (ii: 'Avant-Propos'), (ii: 'Description de la cavalcade'), (iv: 'Régence de la ville de Bruxelles', printed in 2 columns (paper browned)). - Together 5 leaves with folding frontispiece of the 'cavalcade' (28x50 cm) lithography with explanatory lithographed text by G. P. vanden Burggraaf. Inner margins renewed with stiff paper; paper age-toned, frontispiece with brown spots and small strip of the picture along margin discolored (by glue?). - Very rare. See WorldCat: Only the lithography after C. Coine is available at Allard Pierson Depot, Amsterdam.
Booknumber: 75136Add to cart € 240.00


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AnonymEen schoone historie van Fortunatus Borze Ende van zyn Wensch-hoedeken. Zeer genuchelijk ende vermaekelijk om lezen / bezonderlijk voor de Jonkheyd. Den lesten druk. Van nieuws overzien, en op vele plaetzen verbetert.t'Antwerpen: Franciscus Ignatius Vinck, Boekdrukker en Verkooper in 't Klapdorp in de vyf Ringen, c. 1770.Small 8vo (15x9 cm). Modern binding in old style: halfmorocco, gilt title on spine; covers marbled paper. 112 pp. With large woodcut (5x7 cm) on title and 38 woodcuts about the same size in text. With decorative woodcut tailpieces. - Paper discolored and with marginal stains; margins very short; outer upper corner of last 6 leaves damaged of which the last leaf with loss of some types, but on the whole, for an often used chapbook in good condition
Booknumber: 73976Add to cart € 220.00


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De Sacy5 pamphlets in 1 vol. 1) Les enluminures du fameux almanach, en estampe, qui parut en 1653, de la part des Jésuites, intitulé: La déroute, et la confusion des Jansénistes. Ces enluminures ont été faites pour y répondre, & sont attribuées à feu Monsieur (Isaac-Louis, le Maistre) De Sacy. On y a joint l'estampe (not present as usual). - 2) Desciption exacte de la planche La Déroute & Confusion des Jansénistes. Avis de l'éditeur. Les nouveaux appellans ou la bibliothèque des damnez. - 3) Choregraphus ou la rejouissance infernale. Poeme. - 4) Histoire véritable 1731. Lucifer dédomagé. Mandement du monsieur Momus. Catéchisme en vers. - 5) L'allure du mandement de M. l'Archevêque d'Arles, du cinqième septembre 1732. Pour la publication du Jubilé de Clement XII.Liege, Bruxelles, etc.: Different editors, 1732-1733.5 pamphlets in 1 vol. 12mo (17x10 cm). Contemporary calf, spine with ribbons, gilt in compartments, with morocco title-label; decorated gilt border inside; marbled endpapers. 1) Liege, Chez Le Curieux, au Temple de Mémoire, 1733. (iv:blank),(x),95,(i:blank)pp. With 2 portraits: of De Sacy and of Cornelius Jansenius (both portraits cut to the engraving and pasted on contemporary paper). - 2)No publ., no date. Descripion .. (v),(:blank) pp. Avis .. (ii)pp. Les nouveaux appellans .. 36 pp. - 3) Constantinople, de l'Imprimerie Calotine, 1732. (iv),32 pp. - 4) No publ., no date. 47,(i:blank) pp. - 5) A Bruxelles, 1732. (ii:blank),3-31, (iii:blank) pp. - Nice copy of the 5 pamphlets, of which 3 with an individual title. - "Réimpression completer de l'édition de 1683" - Very rare
     réimpression completer de .. : aanvullende herdruk vd editie 1683

Booknumber: 73975Add to cart € 500.00


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Expilly, (Jean-Joseph)Le géographe. Manuel, contenant la description de tous les pays du monde, leurs qualités, leur climat, le caractère de leurs habitans, leurs villes capitales, avec leurs distances de Paris, & les routes qui y mènent, tant par terre que par mer; les changes et les monnoies ... . par M. l'abbé Expilly. Nouvelle édition, avec des cartes géographiques.Paris: Chez Bauche, 1769.Small 8vo (13,5x7,5 cm). Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments, with ribbons; morocco title label (rubbings to leather, mainly the edges and to label (with loss of text); marbled endpapers. (ii:blank), (viii), 472, (ii:blank) pp. With 6 folding maps, engraved and designed by Martinet. A richly decorated 'Mappemonde, Représentée en Hémisphéres' (15x10 cm) and 'L'Europe', 'Asie', 'Afrique', 'Amérique', 'La France' (12x10 cm each). - Old ownership in ink on halftitle "Thevenet Presbyter". - Charming booklet with nice typography: each leaf within border, some small woodcuts (1 on title and some tailpieces), pagination surrounded by 4 trefoil-leaves.
     1 ex op internet, 120, andere editie

Booknumber: 73972Add to cart € 200.00


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(Anonym)De vrouwen-peirle (peerle), ofte dryvoudige historie van Helena de Verduldige (Dogter van Antonius / koning van Scytien), Griseldis de Zagtmoedige (huysvrouwe van Gautier), en Florentina de Getrouwe (Huysvrouwe van Alexander van Mets), alle dry aenzienelyk in vele deugden; maer meest in lydzaemheyde die zy in tegenspoed, overlast en beproevinge getoont hebben. Genomen uyt de oude historien / en nieuwelings tot voordeel der jongheyd oversien / by-een vergaderd en zeer verbeterd.Gent: by J. Begyn, aen de Appel-Brugge in den Engel, N.d. (c. 1780.4to (19x16,5 cm). Modern red halfcloth, covers with red decorative paper; endpapers new. 56 pp. Printed in 2 columns. With, on general title and 2 other subtitles, woodengravings (repeated) with the three saints. And 12 other engravings in text. - At the end (Approbation) by Max. Van Eynatten, Kanonik en Scholaster tot Antwerpen. - 4 leaves partly browned and 1 leaf with brown spot; some skilfull restaurations of margins, but on the whole a nice copy of an often used chapbook .
Booknumber: 73948Add to cart € 250.00


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Hentzy, R.Promenade pittoresque dans l'échêvé de Bâle aux bords de la Birs, de la Sorne, et de la Suze, accompagnée de XXXXIV paysages et sites romantiques, fidèlement copiés 'après nature. Par Mr. Hentzy, éditeur des Alpes et glaciers de la Suisse. Tome I (seul/only).La Haye: Chez G. Bakhuysen, 1808.8vo (22x14 cm). Contemporary boards covered with later blue wrappers with original paper title-label. (ii: Title),199,(i:blank) pp. Uncut. The first volume only with 19 brown-tinted aquatints. - Some lightbrown spots, but on the whole a clean copy of the first volume with all its aquatints (20-44 in second volume). - Very rare first edition, printed on handmade paper of J. Honig en Zoon.
     The aquatints: 1) Bâle - 2) Hopital de St. Jaques - 3-6) Ire - 4e Ruine de Pfeffingen - 7) Angestein - 8) Pont d"Angestein - 9) Munchen-stein - 10) Reichenstein - 11) Chateau de Birseck - 12) Chateau de Dornbach - 13) Pont de Dornbach - 14) Lands-croon - 15) Le Moulin de la Birs - 16) Chateau de Bourg - 17) Bains de Fluen - 18) Chateau de Rolberg - 19) Marienstein

Booknumber: 73914Add to cart € 1200.00


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FlorianFables choisies. Edition ornée de cinquante estampes.Paris & Lille: Chez Delarue, resp. Blocquel, c. 1830.Large 4to (25x21,5 cm). Orig. editor's boards, illustrated on both covers (spine missing; corners bumped). 36 pp., incl. ornemental title. Printed in 2 columns. With 50 large engraved plates (18x12 cm): portrait of J. P. Clarisse Florian and 49 engravings for the 49 fables described. - 1 plate for "Le Petit Chien" is placed in place of "La Taupe et les Lapins". - The plate for the first fable "La Fable et la Vérité" neatly coloured by hand.
Booknumber: 73239Add to cart € 200.00


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Marivaux a.o.Made-up volume. 11 pièces "Comédie en trois actes.." contenu dans un volume. Authors Collé (2 pièces), De Boissy, Destouches, Dorat, Goldoni, Marivaux (3 pièces), De Monvel & De PalapratParis: various publishers, about 1775.1 vol. 8vo (20x13 cm). Contemporary half calf; with ribbons; spine gilt in compartments, with 2 title-labels; covers marbled paper (sl. rubbed). On title-labels "Comedies en 3 Actes" and "2". - 1) Marivaux. Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard. Lyon, Defay fils, 1776. 72 pp. - 2) Goldoni, Le bourru bienfaisant. Nouv. éd. Paris, Ruault, 1778. 60 pp. - 3) De Monvel. L'amant bourru. Paris, 1778. 56 pp. - 4) Collé, Dupuis et des Ronais. Avignon, Chambeau, 1769. 44 pp. - 5) De Boissy, L'époux par supercherie. Avignon, Chambeau, 1773. 38 pp. - 6) Destouches, La fausse Agnès ou le Poète campagnard. Paris, Duchesne, 1780. 64 pp. 7) Marivaux, Les fausses confidences. Marseille, Lallemand et Compagnie, 1772. 72 pp. - 8) De Palaprat, Le grondeur. Nouv. éd. Paris, Didot l'aîné, 1778. 60 pp. 9) Collé, La partie de chasse de Henri IV. Nouv. éd. Paris, Delalain, 1776. 52 pp. - 10) Marivaux, La surprise de l'amour français. Nouv. éd. Paris, 1774. 60 pp. - 11) Dorat, La feinte par amour. Paris, Delalain, 1773. 68 pp. - Nice and clean copy
Booknumber: 73236Add to cart € 220.00


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De Cottignies, F.Étrennes tourquennoises, ou Recueil de chansons facétieuses et plaisantes sur les Tourquennois, par feu F. De Cottignies, dit Brule-Maison. Troisième édition, revue et corrigée avec les airs notés. And: Deuxième - Huitième Etrennes Tourquennoises et Lilloises, ou Reueil de chansons, en vrai patois de Lille & de Tourcoing. Pour la présente année. At the end: Calendrier pour l'année MDCCCXI (1811).Tourcoing, resp. Lille: Vanackere, Libraire-Editeur, c. 1820.8 'Etrennes' in 2 vols. Small size (10x6 cm). Glazed paper over boards (spine 2nd vol. with tear with loss of some paper). Vol. I, 1: 64 pp., including 4 blank pp.; 2: 64 pp. ; 3: 64 pp. Of 2 leaves outer margin cut short with loss of some text.; 4: 72 pp. - Vol. II, 5: 64 pp.; 6: 64 pp. incl. "Histoire de Mr. Herring, et de Pierre-Joseph Delbassedeule".; 7: 64 pp.; 8: 64 pp. (incl. 4 blank pp.) incl. "Histoire de Jean-Quertoffe Berdin, fils de Jacques, jardinier des Ursulines de Tourcoing" and 16 pp. "Calendrier pour l'année 18111". - Etrennes 1-8 (of 10?) with together 28 pp. with annotated music. - Brown spots in places, 2 leaves with loss of text, but on the whole a nice collection with amusing songs. Some nice headpieces, every leaf with printed border.
Booknumber: 73228Add to cart € 240.00


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AbdiasHistoire de la vie des apostres. Recueillie par Abdias, premier Evesque de Babylon, translatée du Grec en Latin par Jule Africain aussi Evesque, & depuis mise en nostre vulgaire. Les Apostres se departoyent iojeux de devant la face des Iuges, parce qu'ils ont esté estimé dignes de recevoir iniure par le nom de Iesus. Act. 5. De nouveau a esté adioustée la vie de sainct Marcial Evesque de Limoge. - In the earlier editions of 1564, 1569, 1579 and 1582 the first part of the title was different: "L'Histoire apostolique...".Lyon: Pierre Rigaud, 1612.16mo (12x8 cm). Contemporary vellum, spine with label with title in handwriting (vellum soiled; ties gone. (viii), 216 numbered leaves. (First fly-leaf missing; stamps and small inscription in ink on title; first 5 leaves with minuscule wormhole in text; paper throughout age-toned; irregular bookblock; Tog. 4 small brown spots and waterstain in last 5 leaves). - With 12 decorated woodcut capitals. Charming little book, 'hagiographie un peu romanesque'(Brunet Suppl. I,1, other edition) written by one of the 72 disciples of Jésus. Collection of New Testament Apocrypha. - This very rare edition is not known to the bibliographers.
Booknumber: 73160Add to cart € 400.00


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Petavius;, Dionysius (Denys Petau)Dionysii Petavii Aurelianensis e Societate Iesu. Rationarium temporum. In quo aetatem omnium sacra profanaque Historia Chronologicis probationibus munita summatim traditur. Editio recentissima. Cui accedit Supplementum, quo Historia ad hoc usque tempus continuatur, ut & Tabulae Genealogicae utriusque, Veteris Recentisque Temporis; item Tertia Pars. necnon & Notae multò copiosiores, tam priores quàm posteriores: denique Indices longè auctores.Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden): Apud Theodorum Haak, 1724.8vo (20x13 cm). Contemporary blind vellum, title in ink on spine (vellum partly soiled). 152 (incl. title); 660; (ii),195,(vii); 245,(ii: Index),(i:blank) pp. With 2 titles printed in red and black, with woodcut vignettes (first title with stamps and small stain). With frontispiece-portrait and engraved frontispiece: interior of a library. And with 7 (1 folding) other engravings with portrait insets. - The first unnumbered 152 pp. 'Prefatio in Editionem Genevensem Anni 1720'. - Next 660 pp. 'Rationarii Temporum I' (528 pp.) with 'Stemmata' (56 pp) and 'Indices'76 pp. - 'Rationarii Temporum II'. 204 pp. incl. title, 'Ptolemaei Canon Regum' & 'Index'. - 'Rationarium Temporum III'. 245 pp. 'Successiones Patriarcharum, Pontificum, Imperatorum, ac Regum V. & N. Testamenti'. and 2 pp. 'Index'. - Some spots, a few leaves browned, but on the whole a nice copy
Booknumber: 73156Add to cart € 300.00


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PhaedrusPhaedri, Aug. Liberti, Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Cum integris commentariis Gudii, Rittershusii, Rigaltii, Neveleti, Heinsii, Schefferi, Praschii & excerptis aliorum. Curante Petro Burmanno. Ed. tertia emendatur & Indice aucta.Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden): Apud Saluelem Luchtmans et Filium, 1745.8vo (21x14 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine nicely gilt in compartments, with morocco title-label; both covers surrounded by decorative borders and with gilt central piece: coats of arms of Novio Magum (Nijmegen). (Top spine damaged; first hinge broken and repaired with new endpapers (clumsy repaired). 62,(ii),398; (ii),258 and 72 pp. With engraved frontispiece-title (pasted on thick paper). Printed title printed in red and black, with woodcut vignette. - Contents: 1) 62 pp. "Praefatio'; 'Vita Phaedri à Joh. Scheffero'; 'De aetate Phaedri ex Vossio'; 'Catalogus Editionum Phaedri'; 'Phaedri Fabularum Inscriptiones'. 2) 398 pp. 'Phaedri Fabularum Aesopianum'. 3) (ii),258 pp. 'Marquardi Gudii Notae in Phaedrum' & Cunradi Rittershusii In Phaedri Fabulas Notae'. 4) 72 pp. Index I-III: 'Index in Phaedri Fabulas', 'Index Rerum', Index Auctorum'. - Schoolprize-binding, unfortunately first hinge damaged, but for the rest binding and interior (marginal small waterstain in 2 quires) in good condition.
Booknumber: 73155Add to cart € 200.00


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HoratiusQuinti Horatii Flacci Poëmata, scholiis sive Annotationibus instar Commentarii illustrata, à Ioanne Bond (John Bond). Editio nova.Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1676.12mo (13x7,5 cm). Contemporary leather, spine with ribbons, gilt, with morocco title-label, gilt border around sides (top spine dam.; corners dam. ). (iv),234,(iii: Vita), (iii: blank) pp. and engraved title (different waterstains; paper age-toned; names and stamp on blank leaves and on engraved title; old underlings in ink; short margins. - Mediocre copy, but "ces in-douze (12mo) elzeviriens sont en leur genre ce que l'art typographique a produit de plus parfait" (Willems, Les Elzevier. No 1517).
Booknumber: 73129Add to cart € 120.00


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Thomas a Kempis (Thomas von Kempen)De imitatione Christi. Libri quatuor. Cum Indice, Praxi, et Vita Thomae à Kempia (Vita ex variis autoribus ab Heriberto Rosweydo concinnata).Paris: Apud Méquignon Juniorum, 1823.12mo (11x6 cm). Contemporary darkred morocco, spine gilt, covers with gilt border (gilt faded; corners sl. dam.); marbled endpapers, interior dentelle. (iv),x,274 pp. incl. engraved title. (some small spots; paper partly soiled; of upper margin outer corner of 2 quires dam.). - Nevertheless a charming miniature book from the library of J. A. Faivre, with his engraved exlibris pasted in. Printed with extreme small type.
Booknumber: 73104Add to cart € 150.00


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ChaptalTraité théorique et pratique sur la culture de la vigne, avec l'art de faire le vin, les eaux-de-vie, esprit-de-vin, vinaigres simples et composés. Tome premier (seul)Paris: Chez Delalain, fils. De l'imprimerie de Marchant, An IX - 1801.8vo (20,5x13 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine nicely gilt, with morocco labels (1 label sl. dam.; top and foot spine sl. rubbed); covers with gilt border; marbled endpapers. xviii,408 pp. (stamp on title; only a very few brown spots). With 12 engraved plates by Hulk representing 'les diverses espèces de vignes' and 3 tables: 2 folding tables and 1 table on 4 pages. - Nice copy of the first volume. Very rare
Booknumber: 73059Add to cart € 300.00


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FrontinusS. Julii Frontini. Libri quatuor strategematicon. Cum notis integris Francisci Modii, Godescalci Stewechii, Petri Scriverii, & Samuelis Tennulii. His accedunt, cum P. Scriverii, tum aliorum Doctorem ineditae observationes. Curante Francisco Oudendorpio, qui & suas adnotationes lectiones adjecit.Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1731.8vo (19x13 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine richly gilt in compartments, morocco title-label; coats of arms of Novio Magum (Nijmegen) on both covers, decorated gilt borders (leather rubbed; first hinge dam. but still holding strong; gilt faded except for the coats of arms). Schoolprize binding with schoolprize for Francisco d'Almaras pasted in on verso frontispiece. (74),512 (incl. Index I 'Nomina') and 128 pp. Index II 'Rerum et verborum' (112 p); Index III 'Notarium in Frontinum' (13 p.); Index IV (2 p.), (1 blank) pp. With engraved frontispiece (outer margin short). - Good interior condition (only about 6 small brown spots).
Booknumber: 73054Add to cart € 220.00


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Sanctius, FranciscusMinerva, seu De causis linguae Latinae commentarius, cui inserta sunt, uncis inclusa, quae addidit Gaspar Scioppius, Jacobi Perizonii, Everardus Scheidius. Editio septima.Amstelaedami (Amsterdam): apud Petrum den Hengst et filium, 1809.8vo (21x14 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine nicely gilt in compartments, morocco title-label, borders gilt, with gilt coats of arms on both covers.: repr. the Dutch lion (schoolprize, town not traced); closing ribbons (frayed). (xxxvi),1036 pp. and at the end: 26 pp. "Grammatica Latina" and (50, ii(blank)) pp. "Index". - Author's official Spanish name: Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (1523-1601), known also with his Latin name Franciscus Sanctius Brocensis. - Nice copy.
Booknumber: 73046Add to cart € 250.00


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(Anonym) (Maximilian Dufrène)Rudimenta geographica & heraldica. Anfangsgründe der Erdbeschreibung und Heraldik ... zum Gebrauch der Schulen. Neue, vermehrte, und mit Kupfern verbesserte Auflage. - Rudimenta historica, sive Brevis facilisque methodus juventum... Historische Anfangsgründe, oder kurze und leichte Weise die katholische Jugend in der Geschichte zu unterrichten. Zum Gebrauch der Schulen abgefasst. Opusculum Sextum (vol. 6): Die Kirchengeschichte.Augsburg: im Verlag der Joseph Wolffischen Buchhandlung, 1794 & 1791.2 works in 1 binding. 8vo (18x11 cm). Contemporary half leather, with cornerpieces; covers with marbled paper (top and foot spine dam.; tears in hinges; corners bumped with some damage). Ad 1): (viii),316 pp. With "Tabula" and 7 engravings: 5 heraldic plates (1 folding), 1 folding plate with 4 figures (planetarium and calculation) and 1 large folding world map, 15x28 cm. representing the Western and Eastern hemispheres. - Ad 2: (iv),354 pp. - On page 354: O.A.M.D.G. (Omnia Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) a jesuit motto. - 2 Jesuitical schoolbooks, printed on thin paper, a bit age-toned but spotless. With charming woodcut-vignette on first title.
Booknumber: 73036Add to cart € 250.00


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Vosgien - ÉchardDictionnaire géographique-portatif, ou Description des royaumes, provinces, villes, ... et autres lieux considérables des quatre parties du monde: dans lequel on indique en quels roïaumes, provinces, & contrées, ces lieux se trouvent; les princes dont ils dépendent; les rivières, baies, mers, montagnes; leur distance en lieues françoises, .. & les lieux où se sont données les principales batailles. Traduit sur la treizième édition de Laurent (Lawrence) Échard, avec des additions & des corrections considérables, par Monsieur Vosgien. Nouvelle édition, revue, augmentée & corrigée.Paris: Chez la veuve Didot, Libraire, 1769.Small 8vo (17,5x11,5 cm). Contemporary tree calf, spine with ribbons gilt in compartments, morocco title-label (label damaged; tears in first hinge; leather with loss of small pieces of layer caused by desiccation); marbled endpapers, edges painted red. xvi,784 pp. (some small convent-stamps). With 2 folding maps: 1) "L'Europe divisée En ses Grands Etats 1769"; 2) "Mappe-Monde Divisée en ses quatre Parties 1769" world map, 15 x29 cm dep. the Eastern and Western hemispheres, not signed, but engraved by A. V. Krevelt (see variant edition of Amsterdam, 1770) - Nice interior condition, printed in 2 columns by Didot.
Booknumber: 73032Add to cart € 200.00


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Vosgien - EchardDictionnaire géographique-portatif, ou Description des royaumes, provinces, villes, patriarchats, évêchés, duchés, comtés, marquisats, villes, ports, forteresses, citadelles et ... . Dans lequel on indique en quels royaumes, provinces & contrées, ces lieux se trouvent; les princes dont ils dépendent; les rivières, baies, mers... , les sièges que les villes ont soutenues, les grands hommes, etc. Traduit de l'anlois, sur la treizième édition de Laurent Échard, par Mr. Vosgien, chanoine de Vaucouleurs. Nouvelle édition augmentée de la géographie ancienne, & de plus de 700 articles de la géographie moderne, etc.Anvers: Chez J. Grangé, 1783.2 vols. 8vo (19x13 cm). Blind half vellum, with ribbons; marbled covers (rubbed, with loss of paper). (ii),xxviii,576;(iv),600 pp. (Half-title first vol. missing; stamp verso halftitle second vol.; first quires first vol. with waterstain in upper corner; paper browned in vol. 1 between p. 145 and 160). Printed in 2 columns. With 2 engraved folding maps: 1) "L'Europe divisée en ses grands états 1783"; 2) "Mappe-Monde divisée après toutes les découvertes qui ont été faites jusqu'en 1783 par I.A.M." world map, 15x28 cm, depicting the Eastern and Western hemispheres, engraved by Ph. J. Maillart (waterstain in upper part). - At the end of 2nd vol. 2 supplementary leaves, 514bis-516bis, "Extrait des Articles préliminaires de Paix, signés à Versailles le 20 Janvier 1783, contenant ce qui régarde la Géographie, pour servir de supplément". - Pages 515-540 "Liste des Abbayes de France (et Pays Autrichiens)"; 541-599 "Table des Noms Latins"; 600: "Errata"(page smudged).
Booknumber: 73031Add to cart € 200.00

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