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2159 books found

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Al-Tabari, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir.Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk [ History of the Prophets and Kings - The History of al-Tabari ] 4 volumes, text in Arabic.Cairo: Dar al-Ma'arif, 1960-1963.25 x 18 cm, blue half leather with gilt titles on the spines, four volumes. Text in Arabic. A critical edition of Al-Tabari's monumental chronicle on the history of prophets and kings, edited by Muhammad Abu al-Fadl Ibrahim. Volumes published between 1960 and 1963. The bindings show minor wear, with some scuffing. Pages lightly age-toned. Ex-libris stamp in each volume. Very good. See pictures. Weight is 4.7 kg.
Booknumber: 78883Add to cart
€ 425.00
Booknumber: 78883Add to cart

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Ibrahim Ahmad / Al-Mullah Al-Saad.Min Laqatat al-Wathiqa al-Jadida li-Misr al-Qahira wa Masajiluha bi-Wilayatiha al-Qibtiyya wa al-Shar'iyya. [ text in Arabic ] [ Excerpts from the New Document of Egypt's Cairo and Its Records in Its Coptic and Legal Jurisdictions ].Cairo: The Great Royal Press, Bulaq, 1886-1889.Rare complete set of 20 volumes, bound in four books. Size 27.5 x 20.5 cm. The text is entirely in Arabic. Bound in blue half leather with raised bands; the leather is faded due to sun exposure. The paper has yellowed and browned over time, showing fragility. Some pages have small tears, and a few larger tears have been repaired with pasted paper. Each volume contains a stamp from the previous owner. Weight is 5.3 kg. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78881Add to cart
€ 3500.00
Booknumber: 78881Add to cart

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Potestà, Gian Luca (ed.).Annali di Scienze Religiose. Gioacchino da Fiore e la sua eredità dottrinale - International Journal of Religious Scholarship. 5, 2012, Nuova Serie.Turnhout: Brepols, 2012.23.5 x 15.5 cm. Paperback. Multilingual: Italian, English. Small signs of use. Several pages with some annotations in pencil, otherwise very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9782503533742
Booknumber: 78879Add to cart
€ 40.00
ISBN: 9782503533742
Booknumber: 78879Add to cart

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Potestà, Gian Luca (ed.).Annali di Scienze Religiose. Il 'Cronista', Esdra e Neemia: la dialettica tra regalità e sacerdozio - International Journal of Religious Scholarship with an annotated bibliography of Ambrosian studies. 1, 2008, Nuova Serie.Turnhout: Brepols, 2008.23.5 x 15.5 cm. Paperback. Multilingual: Italian, English, German, Arabic. One page with a very small defect, a few pages including the title page with some annotations in pencil, otherwise very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9782503527581
Booknumber: 78878Add to cart
€ 40.00
ISBN: 9782503527581
Booknumber: 78878Add to cart

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Waziri, Muhammad.Al-Qamus al-jughrafi lil-bilad al-Misriyya min ahd qudama al-Misriyyin ila sanat 1955 [ text completely in Arabic ] 4 volumes [ The Geographical Dictionary of Egyptian Lands from the Era of the Ancient Egyptians to the Year 1955 ].Cairo: Matbaat Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyya, 1953-1960.Four volumes, 27.5 x 19.5 cm, uniformly bound in blue half-leather with gilt lettering on spine. Text in Arabic. Paper slightly yellowed, ex-libris stamp of previous owner in each volume. Very good set, see picture. Weight is 4.3 kg.
Booknumber: 78877Add to cart
€ 385.00
Booknumber: 78877Add to cart

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Vogler, Günter (ed.).Wegscheiden der Reformation. Alternatives Denken vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert.Weimar: Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1994.24.5 x 18 cm. Green cloth hardcover with dust jacket. 556 pp. Text in German. Small tear in dust jacket, spine of dust jacket discolored, a few pages with notes and underlining in pencil, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 3740008326
Booknumber: 78875Add to cart
€ 12.00
ISBN: 3740008326
Booknumber: 78875Add to cart

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Senko, Wladyslaw.Mateusza z Krakowa De praxi Romanae Curiae.Wroclaw ? Warszawa ? Krakow: Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1969.24 x 16.5 cm. Paperback. 188 pp. Text in Polish and Latin. Cover with a small tear, paper browned, otherwise good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78874Add to cart
€ 22.00
Booknumber: 78874Add to cart

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Veldeke, Hendrik van.Servaaslegende.Maastricht: Stichting Historische Reeks Maastricht, 1993.22.5 x 22.5 cm. Softcover. 164 pp. illustrations. 'Vierkant Maastricht' 20. Cover with light signs of use and sun-faded, otherwise good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78873Add to cart
€ 15.00
Booknumber: 78873Add to cart

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Westermann, Ascan.Die Türkenhilfe und die politisch-kirchlichen Parteien auf dem Reichstag zu Regensburg 1532.Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1910.23 x 15 cm. Softcover. viii, 237 pp. 'Seidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte' 25. heft. Text in German (Fraktur). Spine and edges of the cover paper damaged, spine broken in several places, book block loose in binding. Several pages with annotations and underlining in pencil. A worn but still acceptable study copy. See picture.
Booknumber: 78871Add to cart
€ 12.00
Booknumber: 78871Add to cart

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Leclercq, Jean / François Vandenbroucke / Louis Bouyer.La spiritualite du Moyen Age.Paris: Aubier, 1961.23 x 15 cm. Green cloth, original paper covers preserved. 720 pp. - 'Histoire de la Spiritualité Chrétienne, 2'. Text in French. Spine of the binding is entirely missing, but the book block remains intact with no loose pages, though paper browned. Otherwise still a good/ acceptable copy. See picture.
Booknumber: 78869Add to cart
€ 15.00
Booknumber: 78869Add to cart

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Akker, Nico van den / Nissen, Peter.Wegen en dwarswegen. Tweeduizend jaar christendom in hoofdlijnen.Amsterdam: Boom, 1999.24 x 17 cm. Paperback. 300 pages. Illustrated. Signed by one of the authors, Peter Nissen. Few pages with some notes and underlining in pencil. Otherwise good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789053523896
Booknumber: 78859Add to cart
€ 16.00
ISBN: 9789053523896
Booknumber: 78859Add to cart

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Wolff, Uwe.Iserloh. Der Thesenanschlag fand nicht statt. Herausgegeben von Barbara Hallensleben. Mit einem Geleitwort von Landesbischof Friedrich Weber und einem Forschungsbeitrag von Volker Leppin.Basel: Institut für Ökumenische Studien der Universitat Freiburg Schweiz / Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag, 2013.23.5 x 16 cm. Harcoverviii,268,(4) pages. Series: Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia (= Neue Serie der Ökumenische Beihefte) Nr. 61. Text in German. Spine sun-faded, several pages with some notes and underlinings in pencil. Still very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9783724519560
Booknumber: 78858Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9783724519560
Booknumber: 78858Add to cart

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Caspers, Charles M. A.De eucharistische vroomheid en het feest van Sacramentsdag in de Nederlanden tijdens de Late Middeleeuwen.Leuven : Peeters, 1992.24 x 16 cm. Wrappers (paperback) With dustjacket. xiv,320 pp. - " Miscellanea Neerlandica, 5 " Text in Dutch with a summary in English (3 pp.) and French (3 pp.). Includes bibliographical references pp. 279-310 and index. dust-jacket slightly damaged, previous owner's name in ink, several pages with notes in the margins and underlinings in pencil, although still good, see picture.
ISBN: 9068314246
Booknumber: 78855Add to cart
€ 12.00
ISBN: 9068314246
Booknumber: 78855Add to cart

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Wolgast, Eike.Die Wittenberger Theologie und die Politik der evangelischen Stände. Studien zu Luthers Gutachten in politischen Fragen.Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1977.24 x 16.5 cm. Green cloth hardcover. 320 pages. Series: Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, Band XLVII. Text in German. Spine cloth faded. Cloth with a few stains. Paper slightly browned, several pages with annotations and underlining in pencil, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 3579043080
Booknumber: 78854Add to cart
€ 12.00
ISBN: 3579043080
Booknumber: 78854Add to cart

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Nichols, Stephen G.Romanesque Signs: Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography.New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983.23.5 x 15.5 cm. Paperback. xiii, 248 pages. Illustrated. Series: Y-572. Text in English. Light reading crease, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 0300036779
Booknumber: 78853Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 0300036779
Booknumber: 78853Add to cart

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Werner, Matthias.Adelsfamilien im Umkreis der frühen Karolinger. Die Verwandtschaft Irminas von Oeren und Adelas von Pfalzel. Personengeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur frühmittelalterlichen Führungsschicht im Maas-Mosel-Gebiet.Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 1982.24 x 17 cm. Paperback. 348 pages. Series: Vorträge und Forschungen, Sonderband 28. Text in German. Cover discolored, slightly damaged, rear cover with (water) stain but not very disturbing, several pages with annotations in the margins and underlining in pencil, name of previous owner in pen, all in all still a good working copy. See picture.
ISBN: 3799566880
Booknumber: 78851Add to cart
€ 18.00
ISBN: 3799566880
Booknumber: 78851Add to cart

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Poorthuis, Marcel / Salemink, Theo (eds.).Een donkere spiegel: Nederlandse katholieken over joden, 1870-2005. Tussen antisemitisme en erkenning.Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers, 2006.24.5 x 16.5 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket. 962 pages. Plates with illustrations and photographs. Text in Dutch. Dust jacket with some signs of use and slightly discolored, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789056252168
Booknumber: 78850Add to cart
€ 18.00
ISBN: 9789056252168
Booknumber: 78850Add to cart

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Palacky, Franz.Die Geschichte des Hussitentums und Prof. Constantin Höfler. Kritische Studien.Prag: Verlag von Friedrich Tempsky, 1868.22.5 x 15 cm. Later half-cloth binding. iv,168 pages. Text in German. Paper browned, otherwise very good. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78849Add to cart
€ 65.00
Booknumber: 78849Add to cart

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Veen, Mirjam Gertia Katinka Van.'Verschooninghe van de roomsche afgoderye'. De polemiek van Calvijn met nicodemieten, in het bijzonder met Coornhert.Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2001.25 x 16.5 cm. Green cloth binding. 282 pages. Doctoral dissertation. Text in Dutch. In very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78848Add to cart
€ 45.00
Booknumber: 78848Add to cart

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Baker, Derek (ed.).Church Society and Politics. Papers read at the Thirteenth Summer Meeting and the Fourteenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society.Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1975.22 x 15 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket. xvi, 440 pages. Text in English. Some pages with annotations in the margins and underlining in pencil, although very good. See picture.
ISBN: 0631169709
Booknumber: 78847Add to cart
€ 12.00
ISBN: 0631169709
Booknumber: 78847Add to cart

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Ibn Taghribirdi, Jamal al Din Abu al Mahasin Yusuf.Al Nujum al Zahira fi Muluk Misr wa al Qahira. [ volumes 1-12 of the series entirely in Arabic (of 16?) ].Cairo: Dar al Kutub al Misriyya, 1956.27.5 x 20 cm. 12 volumes, blue half leather bindings with raised bands and gilt lettering on the spines. Leather slightly scuffed in places. Ex-libris stamp of the previous owner in each volume. Several title pages repaired, probably removed name, as visible in the pictures. Paper slightly browned. This set is incomplete, containing volumes 1 to 12 of the original 16. Otherwise in good condition. See pictures. Weight is 15.4 kg. Extra shipping required.
Comprehensive historical chronicle of Egyptian rulers from the early Islamic period to the Mamluk Sultanate. Written by Ibn Taghribirdi (1410-1470), an Egyptian historian of Mamluk descent, this work details political events, dynastic struggles, military campaigns, and economic developments. Entirely in Arabic.
Booknumber: 78844Add to cart
€ 650.00
Comprehensive historical chronicle of Egyptian rulers from the early Islamic period to the Mamluk Sultanate. Written by Ibn Taghribirdi (1410-1470), an Egyptian historian of Mamluk descent, this work details political events, dynastic struggles, military campaigns, and economic developments. Entirely in Arabic.
Booknumber: 78844Add to cart

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Rícan, Rudolf / Molnár, Amedeo.Die Böhmischen Brüder: Ihr Ursprung und ihre Geschichte. Mit einem Kapitel über die Theologie der Brüder.Berlin: Union Verlag, 1958.20.5 x 13.5 cm, half cloth hardcover with dust jacket. 376 pp, frontispiece, folding map/plan in rear. Text in German. Dust jacket browned and damaged, paper browned, but still good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78838Add to cart
€ 11.00
Booknumber: 78838Add to cart

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Nissen, Peter.Norbertus van Gennep: Godzoeker in tijden van verandering.Heeswijk: Uitgeverij Abdij van Berne, 2009.24 x 16 cm, paperback. 128 pp, illustrated with photos. Text in Dutch. Presentation copy, signed by Peter Nissen. Light signs of use, very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789070395322
Booknumber: 78837Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789070395322
Booknumber: 78837Add to cart

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Pollet, J.V.Julius Pflug (1499-1564) et la crise religieuse dans l'Allemagne du XVIe siècle: Essai de synthèse biographique et théologique.Leiden / New York / etc.: E.J. Brill, 1990.24.5 x 16 cm, blue cloth hardcover with gilt title and dust jacket. iv, 446, (2) pp. Frontispiece with a portrait of Julius Pflug. 'Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought', Volume XLV. Text in French. Dust jacket slightly damaged, top edge with a small stain, paper somewhat thumbed. Various pages with annotations in the margins and underlining in pencil, but still good. See picture.
ISBN: 9004092412
Booknumber: 78835Add to cart
€ 22.00
ISBN: 9004092412
Booknumber: 78835Add to cart

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Oediger, Friedrich Wilhelm.Über die Bildung der Geistlichen im späten Mittelalter.Leiden / Köln: E. J. Brill, 1953.24.5 x 16 cm, paperback. xii, 148 pp. 'Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters', Band II. Text in German. Cover somewhat discolored with some spots, corners slightly bumped. Previous owner's name in ink, various pages with annotations and underlining in pencil. Used but still good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78834Add to cart
€ 15.00
Booknumber: 78834Add to cart

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Otten, Willemien.The Anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena.Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1989.26.5 x 17.5 cm, paperback. vi, 214 pp. Loose list of thesis propositions included. Text in English. Academic dissertation on the anthropological thought of Johannes Scottus Eriugena. Light signs of use, very good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78831Add to cart
€ 35.00
Booknumber: 78831Add to cart

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Bejczy, István.De legende van Pape Jan: De utopische benadering van het openbare lichaam in middeleeuwen en Renaissance.Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1989.24 x 17 cm, paperback. 186 pp, 1 plate. Text in Dutch. Doctoral thesis in medieval history, focusing on the legend of Prester John and its utopian implications. Very good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78830Add to cart
€ 22.00
Booknumber: 78830Add to cart

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Gerrits, G.H.Inter Timorem et Spem: A Study of the Theological Thought of Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen (1367-1398).Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1986.24.5 x 16.5 cm, blue cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. xvi, 332 pp. 'Studies in the History of Christian Thought', Volume XXXVII (37). Text in English. Dust-jacket damaged, various pages with annotations in the margins and underlining in pencil, otherwise still good. See picture.
ISBN: 9004077189
Booknumber: 78828Add to cart
€ 38.00
ISBN: 9004077189
Booknumber: 78828Add to cart

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Westra, Liuwe H.The Apostles' Creed: Origin, History, and Some Early Commentaries.Utrecht: Katholieke Theologische Universiteit, 2002.24.5 x 16 cm, paperback. iv, 604, (2) pp. Loose thesis propositions included. Text in English with a summary in Dutch. Reading crease, previous owner's name in pen, various pages with annotations and underlining in pencil, but still in good (working) condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78826Add to cart
€ 40.00
Booknumber: 78826Add to cart

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Eck, Johann / Pierre Fraenkel (ed.).Enchiridion locorum communium adversus Lutherum et alios hostes ecclesiae (1525-1543).Münster / Westfalen: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1979.24 x 17.5 cm, paperback. 140, 468, (4) pp. Series 'Corpus Catholicorum', volume 34. Frontispiece with an image on both sides. Text in Latin and German. Reading creases, cover slightly stained. Previous owner's name in pen on the title page, various pages with annotations in the margins and underlining in pencil. Despite all, still good usable. See picture.
ISBN: 3402031825
Booknumber: 78825Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 3402031825
Booknumber: 78825Add to cart

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Bange, Petty.Thomas More, zijn wereld en zijn Utopia: Een humanistische fantasie uit 1516 in haar historische context bezien.Hilversum: Verloren, 2017.24 x 17 cm, paperback. 156 pp. With illustrations. Text in Dutch. Small crease on the lower right corner of the cover, a few pages with pencil markings in the margins. Still very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789087046545
Booknumber: 78824Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9789087046545
Booknumber: 78824Add to cart

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Belting, Hans.Das Bild und sein Publikum im Mittelalter: Form und Funktion früher Bildtafeln der Passion.Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1981.20 x 13.5 cm, paperback. 320 pp., ill. Text in German. 'Gebr. Mann Studio-Reihe'. Study on the form and function of early Passion image panels in the Middle Ages. Reading crease, signs of use, previous owner's name in pen, some annotations and underlining in pencil. Despite all, still good. See picture.
ISBN: 3786113076
Booknumber: 78823Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 3786113076
Booknumber: 78823Add to cart

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Bange, Petty.Thomas More 1478 - 1535. Een humanist aan het hof.Amersfoort / Brugge: Bekking & Blitz uitgevers, 2009.16.5 x 11 cm, half cloth hardcover. 128 pp., ill. Text in Dutch. 'Miniaturen' series, volume 31. Few notes/ markings in pencil. Otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789061096177
Booknumber: 78822Add to cart
€ 6.00
ISBN: 9789061096177
Booknumber: 78822Add to cart

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Bange, Petty.Desiderius Erasmus: Portret van een humanist.Amersfoort / Brugge: Bekking & Blitz uitgevers, 2007.16.5 x 11 cm, half cloth hardcover. 128 pp., ill. Text in Dutch. 'Miniaturen' series, volume 20. Biography of the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536), focusing on his life, ideas, and influence. Few notes/ markings in pencil. Otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789061096023
Booknumber: 78821Add to cart
€ 6.00
ISBN: 9789061096023
Booknumber: 78821Add to cart

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Mitteis, Heinrich.Der Staat des hohen Mittelalters. Grundlinien einer vergleichenden Verfassungsgeschichte des Lehnszeitalters. Elfte, unveränderte Auflage.Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1986.24.5 x 18 cm. Green cloth hardcover. xii, 486 pages. Text in German. Paper slightly yellowed, otherwise in very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78817Add to cart
€ 12.00
Booknumber: 78817Add to cart

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Koedood, Peter.De hofnar: Van maatschappelijk verschijnsel tot toneelnar.Weesp: Heureka, 1983.23 x 15 cm. Paperback. 94 pages. Illustrated. Text in Dutch. In good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9062623816
Examines the historical role of jesters from medieval courts to their representation in theater, exploring their social function, influence, and evolution over time.
Booknumber: 78816Add to cart
€ 6.00
ISBN: 9062623816
Examines the historical role of jesters from medieval courts to their representation in theater, exploring their social function, influence, and evolution over time.
Booknumber: 78816Add to cart

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Sombart, Werner.Der Bourgeois. Zur Geistesgeschichte des modernen Wirtschaftsmenschen. (5. und 6. Tausend, first published 1913).München und Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1920.22.5 x 16 cm. Hardcover, half cloth binding. viii, 540 pages. Text in German, printed in Gothic script. Cloth somewhat damaged, paper browned, some foxing, but still good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78813Add to cart
€ 18.00
Booknumber: 78813Add to cart

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Derks, Thea.Reinbert de Leeuw. Mens of melodie.Amsterdam: Leporello Uitgevers, 2014.24.7 x 18 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket. 382 pages. Illustrated with photos. Text in Dutch. In very good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9789079624089
Booknumber: 78810Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9789079624089
Booknumber: 78810Add to cart

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Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.).Corpus Iuris Canonici. Editio Lipsiensis Secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas. Pars prior: Decretum Magistri Gratiani. Pars secunda: Decretalium Collectiones.Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1955 (Reprint of the 1879 Tauchnitz edition).29.5 x 21.5 cm. Two volumes. Later black cloth bindings with (damaged) title labels on the spines. cii, 1468 columns, (2) & lxxii, 1340 columns, (2) pages. Text in Latin. Ex-libris and library stamps. Paper somewhat yellowed/browned. Few stains to edges. Some pages with pencil annotations, few leaves slightly loose in the binding but overall still good set. Weight 4.1 kg. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78808Add to cart
€ 300.00
Booknumber: 78808Add to cart

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Grebner, Christian.Kaspar Gropper (1514 bis 1594) und Nikolaus Elgard (ca. 1538 bis 1587): Biographie und Reformtätigkeit. Ein Beitrag zur Kirchenreform in Franken und im Rheinland in den Jahren 1573 bis 1576.Munster: Aschendorff, 1982.23 x 15.5 cm. Paperback. xlii, 856 pages. Series 'Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte', vol. 121. Text in German. Spine folded, several pages with annotations and underlining in pencil, otherwise good. See picture.
ISBN: 3402037688
Booknumber: 78804Add to cart
€ 18.00
ISBN: 3402037688
Booknumber: 78804Add to cart
