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272 books found      

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Ottino, Hiria.Dictionnaire de Médecine chinoise.Paris: Larousse, 2001.Stiff wrappers. xvi,334,(2) pp.; 21x15 cm. " Les référents " Text in French / Français - (previous owner's stamp) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782035730008

Booknumber: 77753Add to cart € 24.00

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Barends, Sharief.tRNA-Like Structures in Translation.Leiden: Universiteit, 2003.Paperback. 216 pp.; ills.; 24x17 cm. Thesis, list of theses (stellingen) loose inserted. Text in English. - (covers slightly worn) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77056Add to cart € 15.00

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Scholl, William M.Practipedie. La Science de Procurer, le Bien Être aux pieds et de Supprimer les Causes de leurs Déformations ainsi que celles de la Chaussure. Basée sur les Expèriences, Inventions et Méthodes du Docteur William M. Scholl. [ title on cover 'Cours elementaire de Practipédie' ].London: International School of Practipedics, 1922.Original hardcover. 128 pp.; ills.; 19x13 cm. Text in French / Français. - (stamps, previous owner's name, slightly browned) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76539Add to cart € 22.00


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Hermant, Paul / Denis Boomans.La médecine populaire. Préface de Albert Marinus.Bruxelles / Léau: Charles Peeters.No year, ca. 1930. Orig. wrappers (paperback) xvi,240 pp.: 36 ill.; 24x16 cm. Uncut, unopened. - " Bulletin du Service de Recherches Historiques et Folkloriques du Brabant " French. (covers bit worn, paper bit browned, stamp) Although very good, see picture.
Booknumber: 76325Add to cart € 12.00

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Petit, M. / M. Louis.Traité des maladies des os, dans lequel on a representé les Appareils & les Machines qui conviennent à leur guérison. Nouvelle Édition, revue & augmentée d'un discours historique & critique sur cet Ouvrage. Tome second.Paris: P. G. Cavellier, 1775.Original leather hardcover. iv,430,ii pp.; with several wood engravings.; 17x10.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (leather rubbed and damaged, part of spine missing, paper bit browned, few dog-ears, only volume 2) Although still good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76296Add to cart € 50.00


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Grever, Maria.Een ecologische breukervaring? Corona en historisch besef. An ecological rupture? Corona and historical consciousness [ Afscheidscollege / Valedictory Lecture Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 19 februari 2021 ].Hilversum: Verloren, 2021.Paperback. 32 pp.; 23x15 cm. Dutch and English - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789087049322

Booknumber: 76027Add to cart € 6.00

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Hamlin, Christopher.Cholera. The Biography.Oxford: University Press, 2009.Original hardcover, dust-jacket. x,344 pp.; 20.5x13.5 cm. Text in English. Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9780199546244

Booknumber: 76022Add to cart € 9.00

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Abad-Gallardo.Fine de vie. Les manoeuvres maçonniques pour le 'droit à mourir'.Paris: Tequi, 2018.Paperback. 192 pp.; 18x11 cm. Text in French / Français - As new, see picture
ISBN: 9782740321034

Booknumber: 75818Add to cart € 8.00

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Bonnières, Dr Alix de.La fin de vie apaisée : la sédation profonde et continue en questions. Préface de Claire Fourcade.Paris: Tequi, 2021.Paperback. 184 pp.; 18x11 cm. Text in French / Français - As new, see picture
ISBN: 9782740323458

Booknumber: 75817Add to cart € 8.00

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De Le Bidart de Thumaide (le Chevalier)Des améliorations que reclame la législation pharmaceutique Belge.Liége: Félix Oudart, Imprimeur-Éditeur, 1844.8vo (23x15 cm). Contemporary morocco (sl. rubbings mainly caused by shelfwear) On both covers gilt ornemental borders and gilt centerpieces surrounded by blindstamped floral ornements; spine gilt; inner dentelle and dark-blue endpapers resembling silk. Gilt edges.- Beautiful romantic binding. 242 pp. (first (blank) leaf browned, a few small spots in places, but over all a good copy). - "Ouvrage Couronné par le Cercle Médico-Chimique et Pharmacautique de Liége". - With large (5 lines) autograph dedication by the author to Félix Bogaerts.
Booknumber: 75151Add to cart € 200.00


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Duval, P. / J. Gatellier / G. Haret / A. Dariaux / Jean Quénu / Etienne Sorrel / Sorrel-Dejerine / and othersAtlas de Radiographie Osseuse. I. Squelette Normal. Deuxième édition. II. Pathologie. I. Lésions Traumatiques. II. Lésions non Traumatiques. [ 2 volumes ] & Tuberculose Osseuse et Ostéo-Articulaire & Radiologie Clinique du Tube Digestif. 1. Estomac-Duodénum. 2. Fasc. I - II. Oesophage, intestin, foie et glandes annexes [ 3 volumes ].Paris: Masson et Cie, 1927-1932.6 books together. Original cloth; 32x26 cm. Many illustrations. Text in French / Français. - (cloth slightly soiled, previous owner's name, stamp, signs of use) Although still (very) good, see picture. Together 17.3 kg!
Booknumber: 74868Add to cart € 250.00


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Kespi, Jean-Marc.Acupuncture. [ Calligraphie de Hua Hsia Tseu ].Moulins-les-Metz: Maisonneuve, 1982.Original cloth hardcover. 788 pp.; ills, figures.; 30.5x22 cm. Text in French / Français. - (few small spots to covers) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 2716000824

Booknumber: 74574Add to cart € 185.00

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Mutschler, Ernst / Hartmut Derendorf / Monika Schäfer-Korting / Karey Elrod / Kerry S. Estes.Drug Actions. Basic Principles And Therapeutic Aspects.Stuttgart / Boca Raton / Ann Arbor / etc.: Medpharm / CRC, 1995.Original hardcover. xxii,800 pp.; 27.5x20.5 cm. Text in English. - (spine taped, small signs of use) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 3887630211

Booknumber: 74453Add to cart € 30.00

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Fritsch, Gustav.Über Bau und Bedeutung der Area Centralis des Menschen. Mit 68 Folio-Tafeln und 10 Figuren im Text.Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1908.Original half cloth hardcover. viii,150 pp.; 68 plates, and a transparent gauge loosely inserted to aid in reading the plates; 43.5x33 cm. [folio size] Text in German / Deutsch. - (title label spine bit damaged, covers with few small spots) Although in very good/ fine condition, see picture
Booknumber: 74429Add to cart € 80.00


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Cohen, Henri / Brigitte Stemmer.Consciousness and Cognition. Fragments of Mind and Brain.Amsterdam / Boston / etc.: Elsevier, 2007.Original hardcover. xxviii,260 pp.; ills., and 4 plates in color; 26x18 cm. Text in English. Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9780123737342

Booknumber: 74412Add to cart € 20.00

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Rateitschak, K.H. & E.M. / H.F. Wolf.Parodontologie. 802 meist farbige Abbildungen in 1125 Einzeldarstellungen.Stuttgart / New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1984.Original hardcover, clear plastic dust-jacket. x,322 pp.; 31.5x23.5 cm. Many illustrations " Farbatlanten der Zahnmedizin Band 1 " Text in German / Deutsch. - Very good.
ISBN: 3136556011

Booknumber: 74410Add to cart € 90.00

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Sohl, Franciscus Engelbert Karel Emile.Verbranding met dodelijke afloop. Een studie van 173 patienten die tussen 1 januari 1953 en 1 januari 1963 overleden in een brandwonden-afdeling. (With a summery in English).Beek: Drukkerij 'Econoom', 1966.Paperback. 116 pp.; 24.5x16 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. Thesis / Proefschrift Kath. Universiteit Nijmegen. List of theses (stellingen) loose inserted. - Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 74328Add to cart € 12.00

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McAdams, Stephen / Emmanuel Bigand (eds.).Thinking in Sound. The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.Paperback. xiv,354 pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. " Oxford Science Publications " Text in English. (previous owner's name) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9780198522577

Booknumber: 74315Add to cart € 12.00

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Metcalfe, Dean D. / Hugh A. Sampson / Ronald A. Simon.Food Allergy: Adverse Reactions to Foods and Food Additives. Third Edition.Blackwell Publishing, 2003.Original cloth. xvi,592 pp.; 28.5x22 cm. Text in English. Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 0632046015

Booknumber: 74254Add to cart € 98.00

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Bosch, Peggy.Needles on the couch. Acupuncture in the Treatment of Depression, Schizophrenia and Sleep Disorders.Nijmegen: Vantilt, 2015.Paperback. 264 pp.; ills.; 24x17 cm. Thesis 'Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen' " Donders Series " Text in English. - (few small stains on covers) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9789462840287

Booknumber: 74172Add to cart € 16.00

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Reijsen, P.P.M. vanMedisch-professionele autonomie en gezondheidsrecht.Lelystad: Koninklijke Vermande, 1999.Paperback. 280 pp.; 24x16 cm. " Reeks Gezondheidsrecht 10 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9789054586623

Booknumber: 74154Add to cart € 30.00

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Hertwig, Oscar.Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Sechste Theilweise Umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 415 Abbildungen im Text und 2 Lithographischen Tafeln.Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1898.Half leather hardcover. xviii,634 pp.; ills, fig., plates; 25x18 cm. Text in German / Deutsch - (leather bit weak at hinges, stain on top edge, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74136Add to cart € 20.00


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LavaterLe Lavater des dames, ou l'art de connaître les femmes sur leur physionomie. Septième édition.Bruxelles: Aug. Wahlen, Lib.-Imp. de la Cour, 1826.12mo (14,5x9,5 cm). Contemporary decorated paper over boards; spine with morocco title-label (sl. rubbings, mainly to the corners). (vi),74,(ii:blank) pp. (Brown spots to textpages, not affecting the plates. With 30 engraved plates: 2 with illustrations of expressions and 28 portraits coloured by hand.
Booknumber: 73974Add to cart € 180.00


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Ottin, N. J.Précis analytique et raisonné du système de Lavater sur les signes physiognomiques, ou Moyen de pénétrer les dispositions des hommes, leurs penchans, leurs aptitudes, leur genre d'esprit, son degré de culture et de maturité, par l'observation de leur constitution, de leurs habitudes extérieures, et principalement par l'examen des formes de la tête, de ses capacités et des traits de la physiognomie.Paris: Librairie Médicale de Crochard, 1834.Small 8vo (16x10,5 cm). Original printed boards, uncut (some small imperfections). 486 pp. With frontispiece, 2 coloured lithographs and 21 other plates, each with 2 or more illustrations. - Leaves browned, some serious brown spots in places and many lighter brown spots. - First edition.
Booknumber: 73932Add to cart € 60.00


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Cerbelaud, RenéFormulaire des principales spécialités de parfumerie et de pharmacie. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée et augmentée.Paris: En vente chez R. Cerbelaud, pharmacien, 1920.Large 8vo (25x18 cm). Orig. printed and blindstamped cloth (2 small tears in first hinge). 1584 pp. The last pages 'Adresses utiles' printed on rose paper. - A wealth of information in alphabetical order: Agar-agar (algue de Java), Baumes, Comprimés, Crèmes, Eaux de Cologne, Émulsions, Extraits, Granulés, Liqueurs, Pansements, Savons, Sels, Sirops, Solutés et Sérums, Valérianates, Vins médicamenteux, etc. - A fair copy
Booknumber: 73907Add to cart € 60.00

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Charette, Gilbert.Homöopathische Arzneimittellehre für die Praxis. Geleitwort von Gunther Seng. 4. Auflage.Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag, 1985.Original hardcover. 492 pp.; 27x18 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (covers bit soiled, several pages with notes in the margins (in Dutch) and underlinings in ink) Although still good, see picture
ISBN: 3777305170

Booknumber: 73871Add to cart € 15.00

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Hughes, James G. / John F. Griffith (eds.).Synopsis of Pediatrics. Sixth Edition with 191 illustrations.St. Louis / Toronto / Princeton: The C. V. Mosby Company, 1984.Original wrappers. xviii,1086 pp.; 23.5x17 cm. Text in English. Very good, see picture
ISBN: 0801628563

Booknumber: 73870Add to cart € 40.00

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Voth, Dieter / Peter Gutjahr / Paul Glees.Hydrocephalus im frühen Kindesalter. Fortschritte der Grundlagenforschung, Diagnostik und Therapie. 227 Einzelabbildungen, 111 Tabellen.Stuttgart: Enke Verlag, 1983.Paperback. xii,380 pp.; ills.; 24x17 cm. Text in German / Deutsch.
ISBN: 3432936419

Booknumber: 73865Add to cart € 10.00

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Lange, Prof. Dr. max.Verhandlungen der Deutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft. Vierundfünfzigster Kongress Abgehalten vom 20. bis 23. September 1967 in Köln. Mit 595 Abbildungen und 43 Tabellen. Beilageheft zu Band 104 der Zeitschrift für Orthopädie.Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1968.Paperback. l,520 pp.; ills.; 25x18 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (covers slightly worn and bit discolored, name on cover, few dog-ears) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73843Add to cart € 30.00

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Hahnemann, Samuel.Reine Arzneimittellehre. Unveränderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe letzter Hand mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. Hanns Rabe. 3. Nachdruck. [ 6 volumes ].Heidelberg: Karl F. Haug Verlag, 1983.6 vols. Hardcovers. xii,(10),504,(2) pp., ii,462 pp., ii,368 pp., ii,356 pp., 346 pp. & 334 pp.; 21x13.5 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (paper bit browned, several pages with marginal notes in ink) Although (very) good, see picture
ISBN: 3776000848

Booknumber: 73812Add to cart € 60.00

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North, John.Practical Observations on the Convulsions of Infants [ Reprint of 1826 edition London, Burgess and Hill - Special Edition, privately printed for the members of The Classics of Neurology & Neurosurgery Library ].New York: Gryphon Editions, 1992.Bound in genuine leather by Arcata Graphics/ Sherwood and stamped in gold. All edges gilt. (2),x,(2),282,(2) pp.; 23.5x14 cm. Text in English. As good as new, see pictures
Booknumber: 73809Add to cart € 25.00

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Godlee, Sir Rickman John.Lord Lister. Third Edition, Revised. [ Reprint of 1924 edition Oxford, Clarendon - Special Edition, privately printed for the members of The Heirs of Hippocrates Library ].New York: Gryphon Editions, 1993.Quarter-bound in genuine leather by Arcata Graphics/ Sherwood and stamped in gold. All edges gilt. xvi,686,(2) pp., ill., plates; 23x15.5 cm. Text in English. As good as new, see pictures
Booknumber: 73808Add to cart € 30.00


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Lentz, Dr André (ed.).Bibliographie d'acupuncture auriculaire (Classifications et Résumés) - Auricular Acupuncture Bibliography (Classifications and Abstracts).Langres - Saints-Geosmes, 2000.Paperback. 352 pp.; 24x16 cm. - (name on title page) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73801Add to cart € 80.00

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YANG KI KEOU (Tchen Tchiu Ta Tchreng) / Gilbert Brusselaars.Tcheu Tcheng Tsoung Yao. Formulaire Thérapeutique de Yang Ki Keou (Tchen Tchiu Ta Cchreng).Nice: Année Ou-Wou, 1978.Paperback. vi,122 pp., ill.; 28.5x22 cm. French and Chinese - (slightly worn, few dog-ears, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73783Add to cart € 60.00

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Takahashi, Mutsumasa.Atlas of Carotid Angiography.Tokyo: Igaku Shoin Ltd., 1977.Original hardcover, dust-jacket. xviii,526 pp.; many ills./ photogr.; 30.5x22 cm. Text in English. - (right upper corner slightly damaged, previous owner's name) Otherwise very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73760Add to cart € 50.00


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Schnorrenberger, Dr. med. Claus / Pao Erh-li.Stechen und Brennen (Zhen-jiu). Die speziellen Techniken der chinesischen Akupunktur. Mit 60 Abbildungen und 28 Tabellen.Stuttgart: Hippokkrates, 1976.Original hardcover. 288 pp., ill.; 23x16 cm. Text in German - (covers slightly worn) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 3777303976

Booknumber: 73743Add to cart € 25.00

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Wei-p'ing, Wu / J. Lavier / Philip M. Chancellor.Chinese Acupuncture. [ Second Impression ].Denington Estate, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Health Science Press, 1973.Original hardcover. 181,(11) pp., 3 plates; 22x14 cm. Text in English. - (covers slightly damaged, bit browned, previous owner's name) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 0850320119

Booknumber: 73742Add to cart € 20.00


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Cheong, W. C. / C. P. Yang.Synopsis of Chinese Acupuncture (Revised Edition).Hong Kong: The Light Publishing Co., 1976.Original hardcover. iv,122,vi pp.; ills.; 21x14 cm. Text in English - (edges covers bit bumped, stamp on endpaper) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73740Add to cart € 35.00


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Bollinger, O.Atlas und Grundriss der Pathologischen Anatomie. I. Band. Zirkulations-, Respirations- & Digestionsapparat, sowie Leber, Gallenwege und Pankreas. Mit 82 farbigen Abbildungen auf 72 Tafeln nach Originalen von Maier A. Schmitson und 32 Textillustrationen. Zweite, stark vermehrte Auflage.Munchen: J. F. Lehmann, 1901.Original green cloth. viii,218,16 pp.; ills, plates.; 19x14 cm. " Lehmans Medicin Handatlanten Band XI " Text in German / Deutsch. - (inner hinges taped, traces of removed adhesive tape on endpapers, slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73728Add to cart € 35.00


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Martindale - Norman W. Blacow / Ainly Wade (eds.).Martindale. The extra Pharmacopoeia : Incorporating Squire's Companion. Twenty-sixth Edition. The authoritative reference work on drugs and medicines in current use.London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1972.Original hardcover (leather look) with dust-jacket. xxvi,(2),2320 pp.; 23x16 cm. Text in English. - (dust-jacket damaged, name, signs of use) Although still (very) good, see picture
ISBN: 0853690782

Booknumber: 73690Add to cart € 22.00

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