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Ibrahim Ahmad / Al-Mullah Al-Saad.Min Laqatat al-Wathiqa al-Jadida li-Misr al-Qahira wa Masajiluha bi-Wilayatiha al-Qibtiyya wa al-Shar'iyya. [ text in Arabic ] [ Excerpts from the New Document of Egypt's Cairo and Its Records in Its Coptic and Legal Jurisdictions ].Cairo: The Great Royal Press, Bulaq, 1886-1889.Rare complete set of 20 volumes, bound in four books. Size 27.5 x 20.5 cm. The text is entirely in Arabic. Bound in blue half leather with raised bands; the leather is faded due to sun exposure. The paper has yellowed and browned over time, showing fragility. Some pages have small tears, and a few larger tears have been repaired with pasted paper. Each volume contains a stamp from the previous owner. Weight is 5.3 kg. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78881Add to cart € 3500.00


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Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.).Corpus Iuris Canonici. Editio Lipsiensis Secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas. Pars prior: Decretum Magistri Gratiani. Pars secunda: Decretalium Collectiones.Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1955 (Reprint of the 1879 Tauchnitz edition).29.5 x 21.5 cm. Two volumes. Later black cloth bindings with (damaged) title labels on the spines. cii, 1468 columns, (2) & lxxii, 1340 columns, (2) pages. Text in Latin. Ex-libris and library stamps. Paper somewhat yellowed/browned. Few stains to edges. Some pages with pencil annotations, few leaves slightly loose in the binding but overall still good set. Weight 4.1 kg. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78808Add to cart € 300.00


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Huysmans, R.G.W.Liber I. Algemene Normen van het Wetboek van Canoniek Recht. De Normis Generalibus. Kerkelijke wetten en gewoonten, beschikkingen, gunsten en rechtshandelingen, fysieke en juridische personen, bestuursmacht, haar functies en spreiding, toekenning en verlies van ambten.Leuven: Peeters, 1993.24.5 x 16.5 cm red cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. 370 pages. Text in Dutch. Presentation copy, signed in pencil with 'Ruud Huysmans'. Dust-jacket slightly worn; very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789042915572

Booknumber: 78647Add to cart € 40.00

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Huysmans, R.G.W.Liber VI. Kerkelijk Strafrecht. Sancties in de Kerk. De sanctionibus in Ecclesia: Historische inleiding en het Wetboek van 1983, strafwet en strafverordening, strafbaar subject, straffen, toepassing en ophouden van straffen, afzonderlijke misdrijven en hun straffen, administratieve, disciplinaire sancties.Leuven: Peeters, 2005.24.5 x 16.5 cm red cloth hardcover with dust-jacket. 394 pages. Text in Dutch. Presentation copy, signed in pencil with 'Ruud'. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789042915572

Booknumber: 78646Add to cart € 40.00

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Gabidzashvili, E.Didi Sjuliskanoni ( The Great Nomocanon ). Translated from the old Greek texts, with commentary and references. Edited and prepared by E. Gabidzashvili and a team of scholars, including D. Donadze and M. Nikolaishvili. [ Georgian text ].Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 1975.Original cloth. 628 pp.; 26.5x18 cm. Georgian text - (small signs of use, paper slightly browned) Although very good, see picture.
     This work is a translation and analysis of the Nomocanon, a significant canonical and legal text within the Orthodox tradition. It includes a thorough interpretation of ecclesiastical laws and their application, based on old Greek manuscripts, with detailed commentary and cross-references provided by the editors. The Nomocanon is a cornerstone of Orthodox canon law, combining ecclesiastical laws with civil regulations.

Booknumber: 78183Add to cart € 150.00


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Dzidziguri, A.D.Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava = Monuments of Georgian Law. Volume I and II. [ Text in Georgian ].Tbilisi: Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, 1963, 1965.2 vols. Original cloth. iv,776 pp. & xii,760,(4) pp.; 22x15.5 cm. - (slightly worn, corners bit bumped, paper browned) Although very good, see pictures.
     Volume I: Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava, Tom I. Sbornik zakonov Vakhtanga VI. Tekst, issledovanie i podgotovka izdaniya prof. A. D. Dzidziguri. Kartuli samartlis dzeglebi, Tomi I. Vakhtang VI-is kanonta krebuli. Teksti, gamotkveva da gamozemistvis momzadeba: professori A. D. Dzidziguri. = Translation: Monuments of Georgian Law, Volume I. Collection of Laws of Vakhtang VI. Text, research, and preparation by Prof. A.D. Dzidziguri. Volume II: Pamyatniki gruzinskogo prava, Tom II. Svetskie zakonodatelnyye pamyatniki (X?XIX vv.). Tekst podgotovil i primechaniya sostavil prof. A. D. Dzidziguri. Kartuli samartlis dzeglebi, Tomi II. Saero sakononmdeblo dzeglebi (X-XIX ss.). Teksti da shenishvnebi: professori A. D. Dzidziguri. Translation: Monuments of Georgian Law, Volume II. Secular Legislative Monuments (10th?19th centuries). Text and commentary by Prof. A.D. Dzidziguri. Two volumes in hardcover with gilt lettering, published in 1963 and 1965. Texts are fully in Georgian, with additional title pages in Russian. Each volume focuses on the laws of King Vakhtang VI (Volume I) and secular legislative documents from the 10th to 19th centuries (Volume II). Both volumes are in good condition with minor signs of use.

Booknumber: 78180Add to cart € 270.00


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Dupont, Franz.Les Les degrés de la volonté criminelle et l'état de récidive. Thèse de doctorat spécial en sciences juridiques présentée à l'Université libre de Bruxelles.Bruxelles / Paris: Bruylant-Christophe & Cie / Librairie Générale de Droit, 1906.Original publisher's paper wrappers, unopened copy. iv,168 pp.; 25x16.5 cm. Text in French / Français. Doctoral thesis in legal sciences presented at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Very well-preserved, see picture
Booknumber: 77991Add to cart € 50.00

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Keverling Buisman, F. (ed.).Verdrag en Tractaat van Venlo : Herdenkingsbundel, 1543-1993.Hilversum: Verloren, 1993.Original cloth. 282 pp.; 24.5x16.5 cm. " Werken uitgegeven door Gelre, Vereeniging tot beoefening van Geldersche geschiedenis, oudheidkunde en recht No. 43 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9065503714

Booknumber: 77915Add to cart € 20.00

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Storme, Marcel (ed.).Recht en macht. Colloquium georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van vijftig jaar zelfstandigheid der Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Brussel, 16 December 1988.Brussel: Paleis der Academien, 1990.Paperback. 278 pp.; 24x16 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. Very good, see picture
ISBN: 906569434X

Booknumber: 77859Add to cart € 25.00

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Magits, M.Demografische en sociale strukturen te Leuven (1846-1860) Bijdrage tot de stadsgeschiedenis in de 19e eeuw.Brussel: Vrije Universiteit, dienst uitgaven, (1974).Paperback. 254 pp.; 24x16 cm. "Centrum Sociale Strukturen en ekonomische konjunktuur. Werkkollege over Geschiedenis van het recht en over de instellingen. Demografie 1" Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (title in ink on spine) Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 77836Add to cart € 10.00

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Rijswijk, B. van.Geschiedenis van het Dordtsche Stapelrecht.'s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1900.Half cloth hardcover. iv,112 pp.; 25x17 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - (previous owner's stamp, slightly browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77697Add to cart € 35.00


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Coopmans, J. P. A.De rechtstoestand van de Godshuizen te 's-Hertogenbosch vóór 1629.Zuid-Nederlandsche drukkerij n.v.: 's-Hertogenbosch, 1964.Paperback. viii,214 pp.; 24x16 cm. Text in Dutch (small signs of use, paper bit browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77480Add to cart € 8.00

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Halewyck, Michel.La Recherche de la Paternité et la condition des enfants naturels en Allemagne. Rapport présenté au Ministre de la Justice [ Ministère de la Justice ].Bruxelles: Ferdinand Larcher / Societe Belge de Librairie, 1906.Later hardcover. viii,254 pp.; 26x17 cm. Text in French / Français. (covers slightly soiled, ex-libris on endpaper, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77344Add to cart € 40.00

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Diagou, Gnanou.Principes de Droit Hindou [ 2 volumes in 1 binding ].Pondichéry: Imprimerie de la Mission, 1929.Half leather hardcover, leather corners. iv,324,180 pp.; 25.5x17 cm. Text in French / Français. (few small tears repaired with acid-free tape) Otherwise in very good condition. See pictures
Booknumber: 77290Add to cart € 220.00


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A battle journal - Recht en Vrijheid / S. de Jong / P. J. Schmidt (eds.).Recht en Vrijheid [1e Jaargang]. Officieel orgaan van de sectie Holland der Liga tegen Imperialisme en Koloniale Overheersching. September 10, 1927 - June 23, 1928, total 21 issues [all published] bound together.Amsterdam: [ League against Imperialism ], 1927-1928.Later red hardcover. 12,6,12,8,12,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 pp.; 36x28 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. [ paper browned, pages issue 6 misnumbered, some pages with small tears, few pages restored at edges with white paper ] Although (very) good, see pictures, very rare
     With contributions of: Abdul Manaf, R. Palme Dutt, S. de Jong, Jef Last, C. van der Pol, Henriëtte Roland Holst, Paul Kies, A. Fenner Brockway, Mohammad Hatta, Edo Fimmen, Marcel van de Velde, J.D.L. Le Febvre, Soemarto, F. van der Goes, and others

Booknumber: 77258Add to cart € 325.00


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Mallett, James K. (ed.).The ministry of governance.Washington: Canon Law Society of America, 1987.Paperback. xii,256 pp.; 23x15 cm. " With Oars and Sails Book One " Text in English. - Very good, see picture
ISBN: 094361631X

Booknumber: 77152Add to cart € 18.00

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Académie de Droit International de la Haye / The Hague Academy of International Law:Recueil des Cours. Collected courses of The Hague Academy of International Law 1971 I. Tome 132 de la collection.Leyde: Sijthoff, 1971.Original green cloth, (hardcover). viii,576 pp.; 24x15.5 cm. (slightly browned, several library stamps also on edges) Otherwise very good, see picture
ISBN: 9028600523

Booknumber: 77144Add to cart € 40.00

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Verdross, Alfred.Die Quellen des universellen Völkerrechts. Eine Einführung.Freiburg: Verlag Rombach, 1973.Paperback. 148 pp.; 20.5x13 cm. " Rombach Hochschul Paperback " Text in German / Deutsch - (label on spine, stamp on rear title page) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 3793009785

Booknumber: 77140Add to cart € 15.00

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Neumann, Johannes.Grundriss des Katholischen Kirchenrechts.Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1981.Paperback. xviii,376,(2) pp.; 22x14.5 cm. Text in German / Deutsch - (small signs of use) Very good. See picture
ISBN: 3534077601

Booknumber: 76937Add to cart € 6.00

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Towfigh, Emanuel V.Die rechtliche Verfassung von Religionsgemeinschaften : eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Bahai. 2., um ein Vorwort ergänzte, im übrigen unveränderte AuflageTubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021.Paperback. xx,270,(2) pp.; 23x15 cm. " Jus Ecclesiasticum 80 " Text in German / Deutsch - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9783161609602

Booknumber: 76774Add to cart € 40.00

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Caenegem, R. C. van.Geschiedenis van het strafrecht in Vlaanderen van de XIe tot de XIVe eeuw. (Avec résumé français).Brussel: Paleis der Academiën, 1954.Wrappers (paperback). xxii,400 pp.; 26 cm. - " Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren. Verhandeling, Nr 19 " Text in Dutch. (small signs of use, previous owner's name, some marginal lines/ notes in pencil on several pages) Although in very good condition.
Booknumber: 76726Add to cart € 32.00

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Heffter, A. G. / Jules Bergson.Le droit international public de l'Europe. Traduit sur la III. édition de l'original Allemand et augmenté d'un tableau politique de l'Europe, des nouveaux traités et de la jurisprudence Française par Jules Bergson.Berlin / Paris: E. H. Schroeder / Cotillon, 1857.Half leather hardcover. xii,492 pp.; 21x14.5 cm. Text in French / Français - (leather bit rubbed, corners bumped, 2 pencil drawings on endpapers, slightly browned) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76673Add to cart € 60.00


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Coutarel, A.Le participationnisme ou la justice dans l'organisation du travail.Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1898.Half cloth hardcover. 380 pp.; 22x14 cm. Text in French / Français. - (ex-libris, paper slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76667Add to cart € 40.00


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Sacre, M. / Em. Lousse (intr.).Voor elk arrondissement een Commissaris der Regering - PW art. 132 - Historiek, Rechtssituering.Leuven / Paris: Nauwelaerts / Beatrice Nauwelaerts, 1970.Paperback; 24x15.5 cm. xvi,200,(16) pp., folding maps in colour, large folding map in colour loose inserted. " Anciens Pays et Assemblees d'Etats / Standen en Landen 30 " Text in Dutch (spine folded, small signs of use) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76643Add to cart € 22.00

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Coopmans, J. A. A.De rechtstoestand van de Godshuizen te 's-Hertogenbosch vóór 1629. Zuid-Nederlandsche drukkerij n.v. 's-Hertogenbosch 1964.Leuven / Paris: Nauwelaerts / Beatrice Nauwelaerts, 1964.Paperback. (16),viii,214,(16) pp.; 24x15.5 cm. " Anciens Pays et Assemblees d'Etats / Standen en Landen 31 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands (small signs of use) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76637Add to cart € 12.00

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Perrot, Georges.Essais sur le droit public et privé de la république Athénienne. Le droit public.Paris: Ernest Thorin, 1867.Half leather hardcover. Front cover with gilt decoration and text 'Lycée Impérial Louis le Grand'and price/ prix label on endpaper = Price binding. lx,344 pp.; 22x14.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (leather bit rubbed, paper slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76561Add to cart € 70.00


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Jhering, Rud. von.La lutte pour le droit. Traduit de l'Allemand par O. de Meulenaere.Paris: A. Marescq, 1890.Original green cloth, gilt title. xxxii,114,ii pp.; 19x12 cm. Text in French / Français. - (slightly browned) Very good, see picture - original 1890 edition
Booknumber: 76469Add to cart € 40.00


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(Christyn, J.-B.Landt-charter des Landts ende Graefschap van Meghem (Megen). And: Costuymen, usantien, oude ghebruycken ende observantien van rechten inden Lande ende Graef-schappe van Meghem... And: Naer den landt-recht van Boxtel 11 October 1552. By Lambert Aertssen, Aert Goyaerts, a.o.tÁntwerpen: Michiel Knobbaert, 1682.Folio (35x22 cm). 19th Century wrappers of marbled paper. 36 pp. with large engraved title-vignette and engraved end-piece. (Paper age-toned). - From:"Generale costumen vanden lande ende hertogdommen van Brabandt, Fol. 1013".
Booknumber: 76454Add to cart € 80.00


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(Christyn, J.-B.Landt-charter des Landts ende Graefschap van Meghem (Megen). And: Costuymen, usantien, oude ghebruycken ende observantien van rechten inden Lande ende Graef-schappe van Meghem... And: Naer den landt-recht van Boxtel 11 October 1552. By Lambert Aertssen, Aert Goyaerts, a.o.tÁntwerpen: Michiel Knobbaert, 1682.Folio (35x22 cm). 19th Century wrappers of marbled paper. 36 pp. with large engraved title-vignette and engraved end-piece. (Paper age-toned). - From:"Generale costumen vanden lande ende hertogdommen van Brabandt, Fol. 1013".
Booknumber: 76436Add to cart € 80.00


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Penlington, Valerie Ann.Law in Hong Kong.Hong Kong: L. I. B., 1978.Original hardcover. (4),x,356 pp.; 22x14 cm. Text in English. - (small dent in cover) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76423Add to cart € 40.00

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Guggenheim, E. A.Boltzmann's Distribution Law. [ 3rd printing ].Amsterdam: North Holland, 1963.Original cloth. vi,62 pp.; 18.5x12 cm. Text in English. - Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 76186Add to cart € 15.00

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Vleeschouwers- Van Melkebeek, Monique.Documenten uit de praktijk van de Gedingbeslissende rechtspraak van de Officialiteit van Doornik. Oorsprong en vroege ontwikkeling (1192-1300).Brussel: Academia van Belgie, 1985.Paperback. 92 pp.; 26x18 cm. " Iuris Scripta Historica I " Text in Latin. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9065693785

Booknumber: 76170Add to cart € 15.00

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Leppin, Volker.Rechtfertigung und Gelassenheit : Predigten.Stuttgart: Radius, 2020.Paperback. 208 pp.; 21x13 cm. Text in German / Deutsch - As new, see picture
ISBN: 9783871735387

Booknumber: 75838Add to cart € 9.00

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Scheffczyk, Fabian.Der Provinzialverband der preußischen Provinz Brandenburg 1933-1945. Regionale Leistungs- und Lenkungsverwaltung im Nationalsozialismus.Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008.Paperback. xvi,274,(2) pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. " Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts 58 " Text in German / Deutsch. - (right upper corner very slightly bumped) Otherwise very good/ fine, see picture
ISBN: 9783161497612

Booknumber: 75747Add to cart € 42.00

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Schmitz, Heribert.Reform des kirchlichen Gesetzbuches Codex Iuris Canonici 1963-1978. 15 Jahre Päpstliche CIC-Reformkommission.Trier: Paulinus Verlag, 1979.Paperback. 120 pp.; 21x14.5 cm. "Canonistica Beiträge zum Kirchenrecht Band 1". Text in German / Deutsch. - (erased name with ink, stamps on title page) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 3790203092

Booknumber: 75453Add to cart € 18.00

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Cerutti, F.F.X. (ed.).Middeleeuwse rechtsbronnen van stad en heerlijkheid Breda. [ 3 volumes ] Deel I. Inleiding. Rechtsbronnen tot 1405. Deel II. Rechtsbronnen 1405 tot 1477. Deel III. Rechtsbronnen 1477 tot 1504. Supplement op de delen I en II. Indices.Utrecht / Zutphen: Kemink en Zoon N.V. / Walburg Pers, 1956-1990.Paperbacks. (10),lxxxii,396 pp., viii,750 pp. & vi,328 pp.; 24x16 cm. - " Oud-Vaderlandsche Rechtsbronnen, Werken der Vereeniging tot Uitgave der Bronnen van het Oude Vaderlandsche Recht Derde reeks, 17, 17/2 & 20 " (small signs of use, vol. 1 bit browned, vol. 3 with previous owner's name) Very good set, see picture
ISBN: 9060116763

Booknumber: 75310Add to cart € 75.00

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Rahner, Karl & Angelus Häussling.Die vielen Messen und das eine Opfer. Eine untersuchung Über die Rechte norm der Messhäufigkeit.Freiburg: Herder, 1966.Wrappers (paperback) 144 pp.; 21.5x14 cm. - " Quaestiones Disputatae, 31 " (previous owner's name and label on half title page) Otherwise very good, see picture
Booknumber: 75078Add to cart € 7.00

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Maroto, Philippo / Joanne Postius.Institutiones Iuris Canonici ad normam novi codicis. Accedunt pro hispanis lecciones de disciplina eclesiastica de Espana [ 2 volumes in 1 binding ].Madrid / Roma / Barcelona: Editorial del Corazon de Maria, 1918-1919.Hardcover. 736,264 pp.; 22x16 cm. Text in Latin. - (label on spine, stamp on endpaper and title page, half-title page slightly damaged, paper browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74791Add to cart € 55.00


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Fuenmayor, Amadeo de / Valentín Gómez-Iglesias / José Luis Illanes.Die Prälatur Opus Dei. Zur Rechtsgeschichte eines Charismas. Darstellung, Dokumente, Statuten.Essen: Ludgerus Verlag, 1994.Original hardcover. xiv,686,(2) pp.; 24x17.5 cm. " Munsterischer Kommentar zum Codex Iuris Canonici Beiheft 11 " Text in German / Deutsch - (covers discolored/ sun-faded) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 38749701988

Booknumber: 74755Add to cart € 35.00

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Krans, H. B. / C. J. J. M. Stolker / W. L. Valk / M. H. Wissink (eds.).Vermogensrecht. Elfde druk. Tekst & Commentaar. De tekst van de boeken 3,5,6,7, titels 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 7, 7A, 7B, 9, 14 en 15 en Boek 10, titels 1, 9, 10, 11, 13 en 14 van het BW, verwante regelgeving en IPR voorzien van commentaar.Deventer: Wolters Kluwer, 2021.Original blue hardcover, with dust-jacket. xxvi,3176,(12) pp.; 18.5x12.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (one page damaged at the edges due to incorrect binding and subsequently appears to have been roughly trimmed, yet no text loss) Otherwise in 100% proper condition. See pictures. Price when new is 384 euro
ISBN: 9789013160826

Booknumber: 74729Add to cart € 120.00

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