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Niermeyer, J. F. / C. van de Kieft (ed.).Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus. Lexique latin médiéval-français/anglais. A medieval Latin-French/English dictionary.Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1976.26.5 x 19 cm. Orig. blue cloth, gilt. xvi,x,(2),1138 pp. Latin - Cloth rubbed and worn, previous owner's name in ink, although interior is clean and very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9004047921

Booknumber: 78811Add to cart € 55.00

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Simonis, Jan G.C. / A. P. J. Jacobs en A. M. P. P. Janssen.Zielzorgers in het bisdom Roermond, 1840-2000.Sittard: Stichting Charles Beltjens, 2001.Paperback. 540 pp.: ill., portraits; 24x16.5 cm. Dutch text. - Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9072459520
     ¶ 'Het repertorium bevat de gegevens van de priesters, die sinds 1840 werkzaam waren in de parochies van het bisdom Roermond, geïnventariseerd en voorzien van een korte biografie. Deze uitgave kan dan ook gezien worden als een belangrijk en kostbaar standaardnaslagwerk voor en over de clerus van ons bisdom.'

Booknumber: 77924Add to cart € 12.00

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Duverger, E. & H. Rombaut (eds.).Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek. (België) 24 Volumes.Brussel: Paleis der Academiën, 1964 - 2020.24 vols. Red cloth hardcovers; 26.5x19 cm. - " Koninklijke Vlaamse Academiën van België " Text in Dutch. Very good set, see pictures.
ISBN: 9789065691989
     ¶ Lopende reeks / still running.

Booknumber: 77644Add to cart € 250.00


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Pimentel, Jitschak.Woordenboek Hebreeuws - Nederlands. Tweede druk.Oud Bussem / Naarden: Strengholt, 1983.Paperback. 456,(16) pp.; 21x15 cm. - (slightly browned) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77069Add to cart € 25.00


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Gasc, F. E. A.A concise dictionary of the French and English languages.London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1919.Original cloth. xviii,942 pp.; 16.5x13 cm. - (some spots/ foxing to edges) In very good/ fine condition, see picture
Booknumber: 76956Add to cart € 15.00

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Wheeler, Marcus / Boris Unbegaun / Paul Falla / Della Thompson.Oxford Russian Dictionary. Fourth edition. Russian-English. English-Russian. Revised and updated by Della Thompson.Oxford: University Press, 2007.Original hardcover, with dust-jacket. xxii,1322 pp.; 26.5x19.5 cm. (small signs of use) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9780198614203

Booknumber: 76875Add to cart € 22.00

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VOORT, TH. V.D.Het dialekt van de gemeente Meerlo - Wanssum. Woordenboek met inleiding.Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1973.Orig. blue cloth, gilt. With dustjacket. 346 pp.: map, ill.; 23 cm. Text in Dutch. - " Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur. Herausgegeben von Cola Minis. 6. Band " (d.j. sl. worn) Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 74794Add to cart € 15.00

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Vries, M. de, L.A. te Winkel a.o.Woordenboek der Nederlandsche [ Nederlandse ] Taal ( WNT ). [ 37 (of 44) volumes, not complete, vol. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 3 vols. 'aanvullingen' are missing ] - added: Handleiding bij het Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal.'s-Gravenhage: Sdu Uitgevers, 1993 - 2001.Together 38 books. Original paperbacks ; 20 cm. Dutch text. - Facsimile (reduced size) reprint of the edition 1882-1993. (some spines bit folded, spines bit stained, slightly browned, few small imperfections) Although still very good but unfortunately not complete - see pictures.
ISBN: 9789012066136

Booknumber: 74715Add to cart € 100.00


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Ernst, Richard.Comprehensive dictionary of engineering and technology with extensive treatment of the most modern techniques and processes. Volume X English-French - Dictionnaire général de la technique industrielle tenant compte des techniques et procédés les plus modernes. Tome X. Anglais-Français.Wiesbaden: Brandstetter, 1984.Original hardcover. viii,1400 pp.; 24x15.5 cm. - (previous owner's stamps, paper browned) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 3870971185

Booknumber: 73857Add to cart € 20.00

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Santholzer, R. / C. Santholzer.Five language dictionary of surface coatings - plating - product finishing - corrosion - plastics and rubber. English / American, Czech, Russian, German, French.Oxford: Pergamon, 1969.Original cloth hardcover, with dust-jacket. vi,580 pp. index. - (dust-jacket damaged, libr label, library stamps, paper slightly browned) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 73856Add to cart € 40.00

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Helck - Otto.Kleines Wörterbuch der Aegyptologie. 2., verbesserte Auflage.Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1970.Original blue cloth, dust-jacket. 426,(2) pp.; 17x10 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (dust-jacket damaged and taped, paper bit browned) Although still very good, see picture
ISBN: 3447000104

Booknumber: 73850Add to cart € 10.00

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Ansteinsson, John.Norsk - Engelsk. Teknisk ordbok. Norwegian - English technical dictionary.Trondheim / Kobenhavn: F. Bruns / Torkild Beck, 1954.Original half cloth hardcover. (8),328 pp.; 21.5x15.5 cm. " Radet for Teknisk Terminologi the Norwegian Council for Technical Terminology " - (spine slightly damaged, ticket on cover, stamp on endpaper and on title page, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73848Add to cart € 25.00

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Dorian, A. F.Six-Language Dictionary of Plastics and Rubber Technology. A comprehensive dictionary in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.London: Iliffe Books Ltd, 1965.Original green cloth. 14,808 pp.; 25.5x21.5 cm. - (small trace of removed tickets, stamp on endpaper, title page and bottom edge ) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73841Add to cart € 40.00


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Mathews, Jeremy F. / Daniel Tse (intr.).The English-Chinese glossary of legal terms (Second edition).(Hong-Kong): Government Printer, 1996.Paperback. 674 pp.; 21x15 cm. (small signs of use) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73834Add to cart € 30.00

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Bahder, Egon v.Technologisches Wörterbuch Russisch. Deutsch-Russisch Russisch-Deutsch.Essen: Verlag W. Girardet, 1970.Original cloth. viii,510,(2) pp.; 21x15 cm. - (slightly discolored, stamp on endpaper and bottom edge) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73829Add to cart € 20.00

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Wittfoht, A.M.Plastics Technical Dictionary English-German / German-English - Kunststofftechnisches Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch. [ 2 volumes ].Munchen / Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1981.2 vols. Later blue cloth hardcovers. x,550 pp. & x,534 pp.; illustrations; 19.5x13.5 cm. (small signs of use, few stamps) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 3446115226

Booknumber: 73819Add to cart € 20.00

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Volkart, Dipl.-Ing. Karlheinz.Gips-Wörterbuch. Dictionnaire du Gypse et du Plâtre. Gypsum and Plaster Dictionary. Deutsch English Französisch / Allemand Anglais Français / German English French.Paris / Wiesbaden, Berlin: Editions Eyrolles / Bauverlag, 1971.xvi,176 pp.; 24x17 cm. - (covers with few stains, paper bit browned, previous owner's stamp (DSM Bibliotheek)) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 3762504601

Booknumber: 73802Add to cart € 30.00

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Hyatt-Woolf, Charles (ed.).The Optical Dictionary. An optical and ophthalmological glossary of English terms, symbols and abbreviations, together with the English equivalents of some French and English terms relating to physical, physiological and pathological optics. To which are added a number of general and mathematical expressions.London / Philadelphia: The Gutenberg Press / P. Blakiston, 1904.Original green cloth. x,77 pp. and 9 pp. ads; 21.5x14.5 cm. Text in English. - (small signs of use, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73800Add to cart € 45.00


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Bojnansky, V. / A. Fargasova.Dictionary of Plant Virology in five languages English, Russian, German, French and Spanish.Amsterdam / Oxford / New York / Tokyo: Elsevier, 1991.Original hardcover. xxii,472 pp.; 24.5x17.5 cm. - (small signs of use) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 0444987401

Booknumber: 73764Add to cart € 85.00

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Ernst, Richard.Dictionary of Industrial Technics Vol. I. German-English. Reprint 1972 & Wörterbuch der Industriellen Technik. Band II. Englisch-Deutsch. Dritte, vollkommen überarbeitete und erheblich erweiterte Auflage 1972 [ 2 volumes ].Wiesbaden: Brandstetter Verlag, 1972-1971.2 vols. Original brown cloth. (8),806,(2) pp. & (8),1404,(4) pp.; 19x12 cm. - (signs of use, some stains to edges, stamp on endpapers, paper bit browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
ISBN: 3870970030

Booknumber: 73708Add to cart € 35.00


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Hauduroy, Paul.Dictionnaire des Bactéries Pathogènes pour l'homme, les animaux et les plantes suivi de la liste des êtres microscopiques conservés dans les collections de cultures types. Deuxième edition complètement refondue.Paris: Masson et Cie, 1953.Original cloth. viii,692,64,(2) pp.; 27.5x19.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers with few stains) Otherwise very good, see picture
Booknumber: 72972Add to cart € 50.00

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SCHUURMANS STEKHOVEN, W.Geneeskundig woordenboek. nederlands - engels, engels - nederlands.Amsterdam: de Bussy, 1949.17 cm. original cloth, gilt. 289 pp. -(paper browned as usual, otherwise (very) good).
Booknumber: 72787Add to cart € 20.00

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WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK, H.Woordenboek autotechniek. engels-nederlands. (voor personen- en bedrijfsauto's).Utrecht: Presse-Papier, 1993.20 cm. original paperback. 318 pp. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9072212169

Booknumber: 72471Add to cart € 10.00

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CLERCQ, F.S.A. de.Nieuw plantkundig woordenboek voor nederlands indië. met korte aanwijzingen van het nuttig gebruik der planten en hare beteekenis in het volksleven en met registers der inlandsche en wetenschappelijke benamingen.Amsterdam: J.H. De Bussy, 1909.28 cm. original cloth. 396 pp. -(libr label, library stamps, with plasticized cover, otherwise good).
Booknumber: 72244Add to cart € 50.00

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HEURN, F.C. van.Woordenboek van phytopathologische uitdrukkingen en namen. verklarend woordenboek van nederlandse, engelse en latijnse uitdrukkingen op het gebied van landbouw, dierenteelt en bevoorrading, in het bijzonder ten gebruike bij de bestrijding van plantenziekten en -plagen en de toepassing van "spray-oils" en andere voor dat doel in de handel gebrachte preparaten. nederlands-latijn-engels en latijn-engels-nederlands.Amsterdam: Koninklijke Shell Laboratorium, 1949.27 cm. original cloth. 158 pp. -(libr label, library stamps, otherwise good).
Booknumber: 72240Add to cart € 12.00

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LAAN, K. ter.Folkloristisch woordenboek van nederland en vlaams belgië.'s-Gravenhage: van Goor, 1949.20 cm. original cloth, gilt. 504 pp. -(slightly bumped, otherwise (very) good).
Booknumber: 70776Add to cart € 12.00

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BEENEN, P. H. H.Dialect en volkskunde van Herten.Roermond: Poell, 1973.2 vols in 1. 30 cm. cloth. 470 pp. many ills. Deel 1. "Op zich Hertes". Beknopte spraakkunst, Woordenboek en verdere Vermeldingswaardigheden van het, tot nu toe, onbeschreven Dialect van Herten. Deel 2. "Herten het oude dorp aan de Maas in het begin dezer eeuw". -(very) good.
Booknumber: 69649Add to cart € 35.00

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BERNS, J.B.Namen voor ziekten van het vee. Een dialectografisch onderzoek in het gebied van het woordenboek van de brabantse en limburgse dialecten.A'dam: Rodopi, 1983.or wrappers. 316 pp. "Amsterdamer publikationen zur sprache und literatur".
Booknumber: 68283Add to cart € 14.00

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Boleslawa Zlotnickiego, Doc. Dra. Med. (ed.).Lexicon Medicum. Anglicum. Russicum. Gallicum. Germanicum. Latinum. Polonum.Warszawa: Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1971.Original hardcover, dustjacket. xii,1604 pp.; 26.5x21 cm. - (slightly worn, few stains on cover, paper bit browned) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 67955Add to cart € 30.00

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THEIL, M.N.Dictionnaire biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes pour servir à l'intelligence des auteurs grecs et latins en usage dans les établissements d'instructionParis, Firmin Didot.1865, III,675pp. Illustrated. Halfleather. with 5 raised bands. Boards and endpapers marbled. Top of spine with damage , name on titlepage, paper foxed, though a good copy (see pictures). TEXT IN FRENCH!!! Pakketzending.
Booknumber: 67294Add to cart € 20.00

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BRONGERS, J.A.Boekwoorden woordenboek. Rondgang door de boekenwereld. 2e geheel herziene druk.Uitgeverij De Buitenkant, Amsterdam.1996, 2e geheel herziene druk, 222pp. Gebonden. 16x10,5cm. Oplage 1500 exemplaren. In zeer goede staat.
ISBN: 9789070386764

Booknumber: 67164Add to cart € 8.00

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GIESBERS, Charlotte / SCHOLTMEIER, HarrieWoordenboek van de Gelderse Dialecten. (6 delen)Uitgeverij Matrijs.2005-2008, 6 paperbacks. Soms naam voorin, verder in extreem goede staat. Pakketzending.
     "Rivierengebied De mens - Het huis - De wereld Veluwe De mens - Het huis - De wereld"

Booknumber: 63343Add to cart € 49.00


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Goldstein, MelvynTibetan for Beginners and Travellers (english - Tibetan)Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar.1982, 62pp. paperback. 15,5x12cm. First free endpaper partly browned and with privious owner stamp, else in good condition.
Booknumber: 63118Add to cart € 10.00

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GERVEREAU, Laurent (sous la direction de)Dictionnaire mondial des imagesNouveau Monde Editions.2006, 1119pp. Illustrated. Hardcover. Covers with some very light signs of use, else in good condition. TEXT IN FRENCH!!! Pakketzending.
ISBN: 9782847361858

Booknumber: 62502Add to cart € 20.00

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REISCH, GregoriusDie erste Enzyklopädie aus Freiburg um 1495. Die Bilder der 'Margarita Philosophica' des Gregorius Reisch, Prior der KartauseFreiburg, Herder.1970, Faksimile-Druck von 850 Exemplaren, dieses Exemplar trägt die Nummer 325, Illustriert. Kunstleder, kein Schutzumschlag. Gut erhalten.
Booknumber: 62340Add to cart € 18.00

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EGGERS, Dave / et alThe Future Dictionary of America + CD. A book to benefit progressive causes in the 2004 elections featuring over 170 of America's best writers and artistsMcSweeny's Books / Barsuk Records.2004, 208pp, Illustrated + CD. Hardcover. With dustjacket. In good condition.
ISBN: 9780241143124

Booknumber: 62025Add to cart € 7.00

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WOERKOM, Thijs vanBetuws buukske. Over-Betuws woordenboek en 43 dierenfabels van Jean de la Fontaine in deze streektaalOosterhout, In eigen beheer uitgegeven, T. van Woerkom.2000, 152pp. Met illustraties van Gustave Doré, Paperback. Kaft ietsje smoezelig (zie foto). Verder in goede staat.
ISBN: 9789090144184

Booknumber: 60880Add to cart € 18.00

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GIESBERS, CharlotteWoordenboek van de Gelderse Dialecten. Rivierengebied. Het huis.Uitgeverij Matrijs.2005, 256pp, Geïllustreerd. Paperback. In zéér goede staat.
ISBN: 9789053452813

Booknumber: 60713Add to cart € 9.00

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PAZZINI, Claudia ( a cura di)Proverbi figurati nell'età dei lumi 1786 - 1788. Incisioni di Carlo Lasinio dalle collezioni della Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation.Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation.2005, 93pp. Illustrated. Paperback. In good condition. TEXT IN ITALIAN !!!
Booknumber: 60643Add to cart € 10.00

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KLAUSER, Renate / MEYER, OttoClavis Mediaevalis. Kleines Wörterbuch der MittelalterforschungWiesbaden, Harrassowitz.1966, 311 S.+ VIII Tafeln. Leinen gebunden. Ohne Schutzumschlag. Gut erhalten.
Booknumber: 60639Add to cart € 7.00

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