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Lala, Ismail.Knowing God: Ibn Arabi and Abd al-Razzaq al-Qashani's Metaphysics of the Divine.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2020.24 x 16 cm, hardcover. xiv, 228 pages. Text in English. Some pages with green and pink highlighting, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789004400511
     Published as part of the series Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies, Volume 109. This scholarly work examines the metaphysical perspectives of the influential mystic Ibn Arabi and his disciple Abd al-Razzaq al-Qashani, focusing on their interpretations of the divine nature. It provides an in-depth analysis of their theological viewpoints and contributions to Islamic philosophy.

Booknumber: 78548Add to cart € 65.00

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Nasr, Seyyed Hossein / Leaman, Oliver (Editors).History of Islamic Philosophy. Part II.London and New York: Routledge, 2002.24 x 16 cm, hardcover. Pages xvi, 783?1212 (only Part II). Text in English. Traces of partially removed library label on the spine, stamps on the edges and on the back of the title page, signs of use but still good. See picture.
ISBN: 041513160X
     Published as part of the series Routledge History of World Philosophies, Volume 1. This work explores the development of Islamic philosophy from its origins to the present day, covering various schools of thought and key figures.

Booknumber: 78549Add to cart € 25.00

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Spruyt, Joke.Logica Morelli edited from the manuscripts with an introduction, notes and indices.Turnhout: Brepols, 2004.16 x 24 cm, paperback. 388 pages. Introduction in English, text in Latin. As new. See picture.
ISBN: 9782503517247
     Published as part of the series Studia Artistarum, Volume 12. This volume presents the first critical edition of a 15th-century Spanish logic textbook, tentatively titled "Logica Morelli," based on manuscripts from the libraries of Sevilla and Zaragoza. The work compiles material used for introductory courses on logic, covering topics such as terms, propositions, argumentation, universals, categories, and obligations. It offers valuable insights into the teaching and practice of logic at Spanish universities during the late Middle Agess

Booknumber: 78555Add to cart € 18.00

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Griffel, Frank (ed.).Islam and Rationality. The Impact of al-Ghazali Papers collected on his 900th Anniversary. Vol. 2.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2016.24 x 16 cm, hardcover, 324 pages, some facsimile plates. " Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Text and Studies Volume 98 " Text in English. This volume contains twelve scholarly contributions examining the work and influence of al-Ghazali on Islamic and Western thought. It covers his philosophical, theological, and legal ideas, and how they shaped subsequent Islamic intellectual traditions. Condition: First endpaper missing, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789004306950

Booknumber: 78540Add to cart € 90.00

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Schomakers, Ben.De kern van het zijnde. Een inleiding tot de Metafysica van Aristoteles.Budel: Damon, 2005.24.5 x 16.5 cm, hardcover, 292 pages. Text in Dutch. Published as Band 1 in the 'Aristoteles - Metafysica' series. This book offers an in-depth introduction to Aristotle's Metaphysics, one of the most influential and complex philosophical works that shaped Western thought. Schomakers analyzes the structure, terminology, and core questions of the Metaphysics and places them in the context of Greek philosophy and Aristotle's broader philosophical project. Condition: Ex-libris stamp and mark, small signs of use. Very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789055735990

Booknumber: 78545Add to cart € 12.00

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Philoponi [ Philoponus ], Johannis [ Johannes ].Commentariae Annotationes in Libros Priorum Resolutivorum Aristotelis. Übersetzt von Guillelmus Dorotheus. Neudruck der Ausgabe Venedig 1541 mit einer Einleitung von Koenraad Verrycken und Charles Lohr.Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1994.Volume 4 in the series ' Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca Versiones latinae temporis resuscitatarum litterarum (CAGL) '. Reprint of the 1541 Venice edition of John Philoponus's commentary on Aristotle's 'Prior Analytics'. Edited with an introduction by Koenraad Verrycken and Charles Lohr. The commentary, presented in Latin, provides insights into Aristotelian logic, particularly syllogistic reasoning. This copy is signed by Koenraad Verrycken with a small dedication. Bound in hardcover, xvi,(2),(178) pages, measuring 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 3772812244

Booknumber: 78345Add to cart € 100.00


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List, Christian.Why Free Will Is Real.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019.Hardcover, with dust-jacket. viii,216 pp.; 21.5x14.5 cm. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9780674979581
     Written in English, this book presents a scientifically rigorous argument affirming the existence of free will, challenging the skepticism of many scientists and philosophers. Christian List, a professor of philosophy and political science, contends that free will is a higher-level psychological phenomenon, emergent from but not reducible to physical processes, akin to ecosystems or economies.

Booknumber: 78246Add to cart € 20.00

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Nebel, Gerhard.Hamann.Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag, 1973.Original cloth, with dust-jacket. 352 pp.; 20.5x13.5 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (dust-jacket slightly damaged) Although very good, see picture.
ISBN: 312906060X
     This German book provides an in-depth analysis of Johann Georg Hamann, an 18th-century German philosopher. Gerhard Nebel examines Hamann's critiques of Enlightenment rationalism, his life, and his philosophical contributions, highlighting his influence on German intellectual history.

Booknumber: 78202Add to cart € 22.00

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Jens, Tilman.Die Die Freiheit zu leben - und zu sterben: Ein Bekenntnis.München: Ludwig Buchverlag, 2021.Original hardcover, with dust-jacket. 192 pp.; 20.5x13 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. A few pages with dog-eared corners and some small tears, otherwise in very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783453281424
     An introspective account by Tilman Jens, reflecting on personal experiences with illness, the concept of self-determination, and the philosophical and emotional challenges of confronting the end of life. A deeply personal exploration of autonomy, life quality, and mortality.

Booknumber: 78206Add to cart € 9.00

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Bensussan, Gérard.Miroirs dans la nuit: Lumières de Hegel.Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2022.Paperback. 268,(4) pp.; 19.5x13.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9782204148085
     This French work offers an innovative interpretation of Hegel's philosophy, focusing on the metaphors of 'night' and 'mirror' to elucidate the emergence of the Spirit. Bensussan examines how, in the darkest night, a mirror reflecting nothingness can inexplicably generate light, symbolizing the speculative thought that interrogates the emergence of light from darkness. The second part provides a historical analysis of post-Hegelian thought, exploring how philosophers like Schelling, Marx, Nietzsche, and Rosenzweig sought to move beyond Hegel's system. Bensussan reads Hegel's philosophy of Spirit as a Faustian narrative, akin to a novel or epic poem, offering a fresh approach that challenges traditional hermeneutic and academic methods.

Booknumber: 78213Add to cart € 12.00

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Pareyson, Luigi.Verità e interpretazione.Milan: Ugo Mursia Editore, 2018.Paperback. (10),256,(8) pp.; 22.5x15.5 cm. " Opere Complete Volume 15 " Amazon reprint. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9788842534716
     This book explores the philosophical concepts of truth and interpretation, engaging with modern currents such as existentialism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, neopositivism, and the human sciences. Pareyson develops a critical and ontological view of truth, addressing its historical and multifaceted dimensions while reconnecting it to its foundational role in thought and existence.

Booknumber: 78221Add to cart € 20.00

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Waterfield, Robin.Plato van Athene: Een leven als filosoof.Amsterdam: Athenaeum, 2024.Paperback. 360 pp.; 21.5x13.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789025316372
     Biografie van Plato, die geboren werd in een rijke Atheense familie, aanvankelijk dichter wilde worden, maar na de terechtstelling van zijn leermeester Socrates de politiek verliet om de filosofische school de Akademie op te richten. Behandelt zijn pogingen om zijn filosofie in de praktijk te brengen, zoals zijn betrokkenheid bij de politiek in Syracuse.

Booknumber: 78239Add to cart € 16.00

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Hume, David.An enquiry concerning human understanding. Edited by tom L. Beauchamp.Oxford University Press, 1999.Paperback. vi,296 pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. " Oxford Philosophical Texts. The complete editions for students " Text in English. - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9780198752486

Booknumber: 73752Add to cart € 10.00

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Cornil, Georges.Une vision allemande de l'État à travers l'histoire et la philosophie. Culture et civilisation selon Paul von Sokolowski.Bruxelles: Palais des Académies, 1936.Paperback. 198 pp.; 25.5x16.5 cm. " Académie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Mémoires, Collection in-8°, Deuxième Série, Tome XXXVIII " Text in French / Français. Original paper cover with slight yellowing and minor edge wear. The interior is entirely uncut, meaning the pages have not been separated, indicating it has never been read. The binding is firm and intact, and the overall condition is very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77990Add to cart € 16.00

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Dantu, Gustave.L'éducation d'après Platon.Paris: Felix Alcan, 1907.Original paperback. xxii,230,(2) pp.; 25.5x16.5 cm. Untrimmed edges, mostly still unopened. Text in French / Français. (showing signs of age, spine cracked, browning and wear at the edges and paper) Early 20th-century work that interprets Plato's educational ideals for modern audiences. See picture
Booknumber: 77992Add to cart € 30.00

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Loocke, Philip van.Connectionisme en Natuurfilosofie: Een onderzoek naar enkele mogelijkheden tot concrete interactie. Verhandeling ingediend met het oog op de graad 'geaggregeerde voor het hoger onderwijs'. Promotor: Prof. dr. Fernand Vandamme. Labo voor Toegepaste Epistemologie. Vakgroep Wijsbegeerte en Moraalwetenschap Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte.Gent, (1994).Paperback. iv,274 pp.; 22.5x15.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 78013Add to cart € 35.00

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Chambrun, Le Comte de.Le philosophie et la muse. Dialogues sur la musique.Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1884.Original paperback. iv,150 pp.; 24x15.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers worn and soiled, paper browned, corners slightly bumped) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 78019Add to cart € 20.00

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Pascal.Études sur Pascal. Contributions by M. Blondel, L. Brunschvicg, J. Chevalier, H. Höffding, J. Laporte, F. Rauh, and M. de Unamuno. Numéro spécial de la Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale )Avril-Juin 1923).Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1923.Paperback. iv,129-350 pp.; 25.5x16.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (spine folded and slightly damaged, cover and paper browned) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 78022Add to cart € 20.00

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Fouillée, Alfred.Morale des idées-forces.Paris: Felix Alcan, 1908.Half leather hardcover, gilt title, marbled covers. (4),lxiv,391,(1) pp.; 23x15 cm. Text in French / Français - (paper browned, spots/ foxing mainly to edges and endpapers, some pages with line/ underlinings in pencil) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77960Add to cart € 35.00


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Cousin, Victor / Jacqueline Pascal.Oeuvres diverses de Victor Cousin. Jacqueline Pascal. Fragments littéraires. Introduction générale a l'histoire de la philosophie morale au XVIIIe siecle. Vanini, des écrits, sa vie et sa mort.Bruxelles: Societe Belge de Librairie Hauman et Ce., 1845.Half leather hardcover. Marbled covers (4),328 pp.; 28x18.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (leather hinges slightly weak, edges of the first 4 pages repaired, paper slightly browned, with occasional spots/foxing throughout) Overall in very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 77962Add to cart € 65.00


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Simon, Jules.La liberté de conscience.Paris: L. Hachette, 1857.Half leather hardcover, leather corners. iv,450 pp.; 18x12 cm. Text in French / Français. - (previous owner's name inscribed, tipped-in portrait, paper slightly browned, with one or two lines in red pencil) Overall in very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 77966Add to cart € 20.00


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Boutroux, Emile.De la contingence des lois de la nature. Deuxieme edition.Paris: Felix Alcan, 1895.Half leather hardcover, leather corners. Marbled covers and endpapers. (8),170,(2) pp.; 19x12.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (paper browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77967Add to cart € 45.00


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Desjardins, Arthur.Les Les devoirs essai sur la morale de Cicéron. [ 1st. ed.].Paris: Didier, 1865.Hardcover. xviii,444,(2) pp.; 20.5x14 cm. Text in French / Français. - (leather rubbed, hinges bit weak, paper slightly browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77968Add to cart € 50.00


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Jacques, M. A.Oeuvres philosophiques de Fénelon, nouvelle édition, collationnée sur les meilleurs textes. Traité de l'Existence de Dieu. Lettres sur la Métaphysique. Réfutation du Système de Malebranche.Paris: Charpentier, 1843.Half leather hardcover, gilt. Leather corners. Marbled covers, endpapers and edges. lxxii,484 pp.; 18x12 cm. Text in French / Français - (leather rubbed, hinges bit weak, spots/ foxing although mainly to endpapers and edges) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77970Add to cart € 45.00


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Taine, H.L'idéalisme anglais. Étude sur Carlyle.Paris / Londres / New York: Germer Bailliere, 1864.Original cloth. iv,188,10 pp.; 19x12 cm. Text in French / Français. - (cloth slightly soiled/ with spots, paper with stains/ foxing) Although still very good, see picture
     First edition based on five 1860 articles, played a key role in shaping the French understanding of Thomas Carlyle's ideas.

Booknumber: 77972Add to cart € 40.00


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Ueberweg, Friedrich.Friedrich Ueberwegs Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. (5 volumes).Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1953.5 vols. Blue cloth hardcovers; 24x16.5 cm. Text in German (bindings damaged, volume 1 taped, paper slightly browned, few pages with some notes/ underlinings) Although still good. See picture
     ¶ Teil 1 : Die Philosophie des Altertums / hrsg. von Karl Praechter. 13 Auflage. xx,672,254,ii pp. Teil 2 : Die patristische und scholastische Philosophie. Herausgegeben von Bernhard Geyer. 12. ... Auflage. 1951. xviii,826 pp. Teil 3 : Die Philosophie der Neuzeit bis zum Ende des XVIII. Jahrhunderts von Max Frischeisen-Köhler und Willy Moog. 14... Auflage. 1953. xvi,812 pp. Teil 4 : Die deutsche Philosophie des XIX. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart. Herausgegeben von Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich. 13.... Auflage. 1951. xiv,734 pp. Teil 5 : Die Philosophie des Auslandes vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis auf die Gegenwart. Herausgegeben von Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich. 13... Auflage. 1953. xl,432 pp.

Booknumber: 74171Add to cart € 160.00


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Voigts, Manfred.'Wir sollen alle kleine Fichtes werden!' Johann Gottlieb Fichte als Prophet der Kultur-Zionisten.Berlin / Wien: Philo, 2003.Paperback. 232 pp.; 20.5x13.5 cm. Text in German / Deutsch - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 382570310X

Booknumber: 77895Add to cart € 12.00

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Grindt, Helmut / Jacinto Rivera de Rosales (eds.).Die Wissenschaftslehre von 1807 'Die Königsberger' von Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Eine kooperative Interpretation.Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2006.Paperback. viii,194 pp.; 22x15 cm. " Fichte-Studien Band 26 " Text in German / Deutsch - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789042020245

Booknumber: 77896Add to cart € 30.00

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Zöller, Günter / Hans Georg von Manz (eds.).Grundbegriffe in Fichtes Spätwerk.Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2009.Paperback. xxii,248,(2) pp.; 22x15 cm. " Fichte-Studien Band 32 " Text in German / Deutsch - (spine slightly folded) Very good condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789042026421

Booknumber: 77897Add to cart € 35.00

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Asmuth, Christoph (ed.).Kant und Fichte - Fichte und Kant.Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2009.Paperback. x,406 pp.; 22x15 cm. " Fichte-Studien Band 33 " Text in German / Deutsch - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789042026544

Booknumber: 77898Add to cart € 40.00

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Taver, Katja V.Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1810. Versuch einer Exegese.Amsterdam / Atlanta: Rodopi, 1999.Paperback. xviii,396 pp.; 22x15 cm. " Fichte-Studien Supplementa 12 " Text in German / Deutsch - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789042006799

Booknumber: 77899Add to cart € 35.00

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Kok, Ton de.Wat is God? Filosofen & schrijvers op zoek.Bussum: Thoth, 2013.Paperback. 318 pp.; 21x13.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands- Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789068686333

Booknumber: 77905Add to cart € 8.00

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Williams, Thomas.The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus.Cambridge: University Press, 2003.Paperback. xvi,408 pp.; 22.5x15.5 cm. Text in English. - (some small stamps) Otherwise clean and very good, see picture
ISBN: 9780521635639

Booknumber: 49598Add to cart € 17.00

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Tonquédec, Joseph de.La philosophie de la nature. Premiere partie. La nature en général. Prolégomènes.Paris: P. Lethielleux, (1956).Paperback. 112 pages; 22.5x14 cm. Uncut, partly still unopened. - " Les Principes de la Philosophie Thomiste II " Text in French (covers bit damaged, tear in rear cover and small part missing, paper browned, only the first part 'Prolégomènes' of 3) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 77761Add to cart € 20.00

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Suckau, E. de.Étude sur Marc-Aurèle. Sa vie et sa doctrine.Paris: Chez A. Durand, 1857.Half cloth Hardcover. xii,244 pp.; 23x14.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (right upper corner slightly bumped, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing throughout) Although (very) good, see picture, rare
Booknumber: 77770Add to cart € 60.00


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Boudot, Pierre.La Momie et le Musicien. Nietzsche.Lyon: Jacques-Marie Laffont, 1981.Paperback. xvi,272 pp.; 24x15.5 cm. " Theia Bibliotheque des Philosophies " Text in French / Français - (covers slightly worn at edges, previous owner's stamp, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 2863680420

Booknumber: 77739Add to cart € 9.00

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Vignaux, Paul.Justification et prédestination au XIVe siècle. Duns Scot, Pierre d'Auriole, Guillaume d'Occam, Grégoire de Rimini.Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1934.Original paperback. viii,192,(2) pp.; 25.5x17 cm. " Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses XLVIIIe Volume " - (spine bit damaged, label on spine, edges covers worn, stamp on title page, paper slightly browned) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 77743Add to cart € 70.00

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Dopp, Joseph.Félix Ravaisson. La Formation de sa Pensée d'après des documents inédits.Louvain: Editions de l'Institut Superieur de Philosophie, 1933.Wrappers (paperback) viii,394 pp.; 25x16.5 cm. Dedication copy, signed 'JDop'. Text in French (spine/ covers bit worn, paper bit browned, several pages with some notes in the margins and underlinings) Although still good, see pictures
Booknumber: 77747Add to cart € 45.00

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Nietzsche, Friedrich.Aldus sprak Zarathoestra. Een boek voor allen en voor niemand. Derde druk.Amsterdam / Antwerpen: Wereldbibliotheek, 1950.Original cloth. 340,(4) pp.; 20x14 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - (few small spots/ foxing, slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77642Add to cart € 10.00

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Dwelshauvers, Georges.Les méthodes de l'idéalisme scientifique. La Révolution philosophique du XIXe siècle - La Réforme de la Psychologie.Paris / Verviers: Bibliotheque Gilon, 1892.Original wrappers (Paperback) 94 pp.; 24x16 cm. Untrimmed edges, still unopened. Text in French / Français - (spine/ covers browned and bit soiled, edges covers bit damaged, first endpaper for 2/3 removed probably to remove a name) Otherwise very good, see picture - text on cover 'Exemplaire d'Auteur' - rare
Booknumber: 77664Add to cart € 80.00

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