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198 books found

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Dawson, John.Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel.Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, 1997.23.5 x 16 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 376 pages. Text in English. Spine of the dust jacket slightly sun-faded, small signs of use, very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9781568810256
Biography of Kurt Gödel, focusing on his life and groundbreaking contributions to logic and mathematics, particularly his incompleteness theorems. The book also covers Gödel's personal struggles and his academic career at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.
Booknumber: 78551Add to cart
€ 35.00
ISBN: 9781568810256
Biography of Kurt Gödel, focusing on his life and groundbreaking contributions to logic and mathematics, particularly his incompleteness theorems. The book also covers Gödel's personal struggles and his academic career at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.
Booknumber: 78551Add to cart

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Galdeano y Yanguas, Zoel García de.El método aplicado à la ciencia matemática.Logrono: Imp. de Federico Sanz, 1875.Original wrappers (Paperback) 52 pp., ills.; 19.5x14.5 cm. Dedication copy, signed 'Z.G.deGaldeano' - (stamps, library markings, paper bit browned, dog-ears) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77816Add to cart
€ 30.00
Booknumber: 77816Add to cart

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Grossman, Stanley I. / Richard B. Lane.Calculus Fourth Edition.San Diego / New York / Chicago / etc.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich / Academic Press, 1988.Original hardcover. xx,866,108,18 pp.; 26x20.5 cm. Text in English. - Very good.
ISBN: 0155057596
Booknumber: 77501Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 0155057596
Booknumber: 77501Add to cart

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Verriest, Gustave.Cours de Mathématiques Générales a l'usage des étudiants en sciences naturelles [ 2 volumes ]. 1. Calcul différentiel. Géométrie analytique a deux dimensions. 2. Géométrie analytique a trois dimensions. Calcul intégral.Louvain / Paris: Editions Universitas / Gauthier-Villars, 1923-1925.2 vols. Paperbacks. 338 pp. & 388 pp.; 25.5x17 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers bit worn and slightly stained, some spots/ foxing to edges) Although very good, interior is clean, see picture
Booknumber: 77052Add to cart
€ 70.00
Booknumber: 77052Add to cart

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Sonnet, H. / G. Frontera.Éléments de géométrie analytique. Troisième édition.Paris: Hachette, 1873.Green half cloth hardcover. vi,726 pp.; 2 folding plates.; 22x13.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - ((water)stain on first 20 pages, spots/ foxing throughout) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77047Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 77047Add to cart

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Sturm, Ch. / E. Prouhet.Cours d'analyse de l'école polytechnique. Dixième edition [ 2 volumes ].Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Fils, 1895.2 vols. Green half cloth hardcovers. xxxii,564 pp. & x,658 pp.; 22x14 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers slightly soiled, paper browned, some spots/ foxing) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77035Add to cart
€ 40.00
Booknumber: 77035Add to cart

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Laisant, C. A.La Mathématique. Philosophie - Enseignement.Paris: Georges Carre et C. Naud, 1898.Original . iv,292,40 pp.; 22x14 cm. " Bibliothèque de la Revue Générale des Sciences " Text in French / Français. - (stain on cover, previous owner's name, paper browned) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 76541Add to cart
€ 16.00
Booknumber: 76541Add to cart

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Lambot, Oscar.Traité de perspective linéaire. Texte & Atlas [ 2 volumes ].Bruxelles: Maison d'Edition Alfred Castaigne, 1904.2 vols. Paperbacks. vi,132 pp. & 31 plates; 25x17 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers worn and stained, title in ink on spine, slightly browned) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76467Add to cart
€ 60.00
Booknumber: 76467Add to cart

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Prault - Tarif des glaces:Nouveau tarif du prix des glaces. Avec celui des droits sur les ouvrages d'or et d'argent, la loi y relative, et la Liste des Commissaires Priseurs.Paris: Chez Prault, (1793).Blind wrappers. iv,116 pp.; 18x11 cm. Text in French / Français. - (used, edges bit worn and soiled, few stamps) Although (very) good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76402Add to cart
€ 65.00
Booknumber: 76402Add to cart

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(Manuscript) A. R. HappelLessen voor de algebra of stelkunst of Verschillende bewerkingen van stelkunstige grootheden. 1ste & 2de stukje.No place: No ed., 1839.Folio (31x20 cm). Contemporary boards, covered with marbled paper; with paper title-label on frontcover (spine broken and a bit loosening, covers rubbed). Excercice-book with 117 pages text and at the end 25 blank leaves: handmade Van Gelder paper. (ii: blank), ii: (General title) pp., Eerste stukje: optelling, aftrekking, vermenigvuldigen, deelen en ontbinding der grootheden, - der breuken, - der magten, worteltrekking uit samengestelde grootheden, vierkants- en cubiek worteltrekking uit getallen, herleiding, optelling enz. der wortelgrootheden. 74 pp.- Tweede stukje. Evenredigheden of equitaties. 18 pp., opgeloste vraagstukken omtrent twee of meer grootheden. 15 pp., onbepaalde vraagstukken vierkants-vergelijkingen. 5 pp. & vraagstukken door v-v opgelost. 6 pp. Tog. 44 pp. - The whole in a very good legable handwriting.
Booknumber: 76393Add to cart
€ 200.00
Booknumber: 76393Add to cart

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A. Grangé / Negociant:Den grooten Nederlandsche Negociant, of getrouwen en ervaeren koopman. Zoo tot het oprekenen der Geld-speciën, jaerlyksche Inkomsten enz., als alle soorten van Koopmanschappen en Handelingen, zoo in het groot als in het kleyn. Zeer dienstig voor alle persoonen, zelfs zonder de cyffer-konst te hebben geleerd. Nieuwen druk, Nauwkeuriglyk overzien en overrekend.Antwerpen: A. Grange, No year (1800).Leather hardcover. ii,536 pp.; 17x10.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (leather rubbed and bit damaged at edges and corners, old notes on endpapers, spots, browned, used) Although good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76295Add to cart
€ 120.00
Booknumber: 76295Add to cart

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Gillispie, Charles Coulston.Lazare Carnot savant. A monograph treating Carnot's scientific work, with facsimile reproduction of his unpublished writings on mechanics and on the calculus, and an essay concerning the latter by A.P. Youschkevitch.Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1971.Original blue cloth. With dust-jacket. xii,362 pp.; 28.5x22 cm. Text in English - (dust-jacket slightly damaged) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76285Add to cart
€ 12.00
Booknumber: 76285Add to cart

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Cortazar, D.J. / D. de Cortazar.Tratado de trigonometria y topografia. Vigesimasegunda edicion.Madrid: Sucesores de Hernando, 1904.Blue half leather hardcover. iv,216 pp.; 4 folding plates.; 22x14.4 cm. - (corners bumped, paper browned, stamps) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74664Add to cart
€ 18.00
Booknumber: 74664Add to cart

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Lande, Jérome de la / F.C.M. Marie / Baron Reynaud / M. Bailleul.Tables de logarithmes... Nouvelle édition augmentée de formules pour la résolution des triangles.Paris: Gauthier Villars, 1868.Leather hardcover. xlii,204,32,(8) pp.; 16x10.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers bit rubbed, slightly borned, spots/ foxing) Although very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 74663Add to cart
€ 35.00
Booknumber: 74663Add to cart

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Serret, J. A.Traité d'arithmétique.Paris: Bachelier, 1852.Hardcover. xii,408,16 pp.; 21.5x13.5 cm. 1st. ed. Text in French / Français. - (edges covers worn, previous owner's name, stamps, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing) Although very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 74660Add to cart
€ 80.00
Booknumber: 74660Add to cart

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Gauss, Quelle di / / Lodovico Ciccolini / Luigi Buoncompagni.Formole analitiche pel calcolo della pasqua e correzione di Quelle di Gauss con critiche osservazioni su quanto ha scritto del calendario il delambre di Lodovico Ciccolini e dal medesimo dedicate a sua eccelenza D. Luigi Buoncompagni principe di Piombino ec. ec.Roma: Nella Stamperia de Romani, 1817.Original stiff cardboard wrappers. xiv,142,(2) pp.; folding tables.; 23x15.5 cm. Text in Italian - (covers worn, rear cover with large stain, stamps on title page and on rear title page, some spots/ foxing) Although still (very) good, see pictures
Booknumber: 74659Add to cart
€ 70.00
Booknumber: 74659Add to cart

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Fourcroy, A.F.Philosophie chimique, ou Vérités fondamentales de la chimie moderne, destinées à servir pour l'étude de cette science. Troisième éditionParis: F. Schoell, 1806.Vellum hardcover. (iv),vi,450 pp.; 18x11 cm. Text in French / Français. - (spine damaged, parts of spine missing, stamps on title page, right upper corner half title page is missing probably due to removed name) Although still very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 74658Add to cart
€ 50.00
Booknumber: 74658Add to cart

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Lefèvre, A.Manuel du trigonomètre, servant de guide aux jeunes ingénieurs qui se destinent aux opérations géodésiques suivi de diverses solutions de géométire pratique, de quelques notes et de plusieurs tables.Paris: Courcier, 1819.Half leather hardcover. iv,284,ii pp.; With tables, including 3 folding and 2 folding plates, comprising a total of 29 illustrations; 20x13 cm. Text in French / Français. (leather bit damaged, covers worn, stamp on title page, previous owner's name, paper bit browned, spots/ foxing) Although still (very) good, see pictures
Booknumber: 74657Add to cart
€ 80.00
Booknumber: 74657Add to cart

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Oddi, Joseph.Recherches mécaniques sur la théorie du tirage des voitures, ou application des principes de la mécanique à cette même théorie.Paris: Courcier / Fantin / Mme Huzard, 1806.Original cardboard hardcover. ii,84 pp.; folding plate.; 22x13.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers bit soiled, some small spots/ foxing) Although very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 74656Add to cart
€ 100.00
Booknumber: 74656Add to cart

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Schouten, G.De grondslagen der rekenkunde met toepassingen op grenswaarden, oneindige reeksen en produkten, gedurige breuken, dubbelreeksen.Groningen: P. Noordhoff, 1916.Original cloth. xii,136 pp.; figures.; 25x16.5 cm. " Noordhoff's verzameling van wiskundige werken deel 3 " (slightly worn, bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74023Add to cart
€ 15.00
Booknumber: 74023Add to cart

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Schuh, Dr. Fred.Het getalbegrip, in het bijzonder het onmeetbare getal, met toepassingen op de algebra, de differentiaal- en de integraalrekening. Met 457 vraagstukken.Groningen: P. Noordhoff, 1927.Original cloth. xx,286,(2) pp.; figures.; 25x16.5 cm. " Noordhoff's verzameling van wiskundige werken. Deel 13 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands - (slightly worn, bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74021Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 74021Add to cart

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Martens, Hans.The Uncertainty Principle.Eindhoven: T.U., 1991.Paperback. viii,236 pp.; 24x17 cm. Thesis T.U. Eindhoven. List of theses (stellingen) loose inserted. Text in English. - (previous owner's name, small signs of use) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73723Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 73723Add to cart

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Manelli, AntonioDella trisezione dell'angolo ovvero L'Applicazione del teorema: L'angolo al centro di un cerchio è il doppio dell'angolo alla circonferenza, purchè i lati dell'uno e dell'altro poggino sul médesimo arco. (Euclide libro III proposizione XX).Roma: Tipografia Fratelli Pallotta, 1893.Large 8vo (30x21 cm). Embossed silk or cloth?. Covers with gilt border and on both covers coats of arms of a cardinal. Marbled endpapers. With reading ribbon(ii),15,(i:blank) pp. With 3 original photographs pated in on 3 cardboard leaves. - Stamps on title Very rare, we traced only 1 copy in the Staatsbibliotek Berlin.
Booknumber: 73126Add to cart
€ 250.00
Booknumber: 73126Add to cart

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Condillac / J.B.V.Oeuvres de Condillac, Revues, corrigées par l'Auteur, imprimées sur ses manuscrits autographes, et augmentées de La Langue des Calculs, ouvrage posthume. La Langue des Calculs. [Bound with:] L'arithmétique enseignée par des moyens clairs et simples... toutes les règles necessaires au commerce; Par J.B.V., ancien Officier supérieur du Génie.Paris: Ch. Houel / Le Normant / Fournier, (1798) / 1807.Half leather hardcover. ii,480 pp. & 290 (of 292 pp., pages iii-iv in the beginning are missing) & 3 folding engravings; 20.5x12.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (front hinge leather partly broken/ loose, piece of title page missing, stamps on rear title page, some spots/ foxing) Although still good, see pictures
Booknumber: 72888Add to cart
€ 180.00
Booknumber: 72888Add to cart

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Euler, Léonard.Elémens d'algebre, Traduits de l'allemand avec des notes et additions. Tome premier: De l'analyse déterminée. [seconde édition].Lyon: Bruyset, (1784).Full leather binding. xvi,704 pp.; 20x13 cm. Text in French / Français. - (leather rubbed and partly slightly damaged, numbers on title page, stamps on rear title page, some pages bit browned, only volume 1) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 72887Add to cart
€ 180.00
Booknumber: 72887Add to cart

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Ozanam, Mr (Jacques).Cours de Mathematique, qui comprend Toutes les Parties de cette Science les plus utiles & les plus necessaires à un homme de Guerre, & à tous ceux qui se veulent perfection dans les Mathematiques. Tome Quatrième. Qui contient la Mecanique & la Perspective.Paris: Jean Jombert, 1693.Contemporary leather. (8),108 pp. & 36 engraved plates; 19.5x12.5 cm. - (leather bit rubbed, the mention that this is part 4 has been removed from the title page, so that there is now a hole in it, some minor imperfections) Very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 72885Add to cart
€ 220.00
Booknumber: 72885Add to cart

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BROER, H.W. and F. VERHULST (eds).Dynamische systemen en chaos. een revolutie vanuit de wiskunde.Utrecht: Epsilon, 1990.24 cm. or softcover. xiv,350 pp. many ills. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9050410200
Booknumber: 72745Add to cart
€ 15.00
ISBN: 9050410200
Booknumber: 72745Add to cart

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HEESTERBEEK, H., O. DIEKMANN and H. METZDe wiskundige kat, de biologische muis en de jacht op inzicht. verkenningen op het grensvlak van wiskunde en biologie.Utrecht: Epsilon, 2004.23 cm. original softcover. viii,226 pp. ills. bibliography. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9050419855
Booknumber: 72737Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9050419855
Booknumber: 72737Add to cart

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GUEDJ, D.De stelling van de papegaai. roman over de geschiedenis van de wiskunde.Amsterdam: Anthos, 2010.20 cm. original paperback. 558 pp. ills. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9789041413413
Booknumber: 72717Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9789041413413
Booknumber: 72717Add to cart

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BRINKMAN, P.L.Handboek voor de communicatie in de wiskunde. engels-nederlands nederlands-engels met aanvullende woordenlijsten nederlands-duits-frans duits-nederlands frans-nederlands.Amsterdam/Brussel: Agon Elsevier, 1974.21 cm. original hardcover. x,406 pp. bibliography. -(covers partly sunned, otherwise (very) good).
ISBN: 901010463X
Booknumber: 72679Add to cart
€ 25.00
ISBN: 901010463X
Booknumber: 72679Add to cart

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BECKERS, D.Het despotisme der mathesis". opkomst van de propaedeutische functie van de wiskunde in nederland 1750-1850.Hilversum: Verloren, 2003.24 cm. original softcover. 246 pp. ills. index. -good.
ISBN: 9065507620
Booknumber: 72673Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9065507620
Booknumber: 72673Add to cart

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GULIK-GULIKERS, I van.Meetkunde opnieuw uitgevonden. een studie naar de waarde en toepassing van de geschiedenis van de meetkunde in het wiskundeonderwijs.Groningen, 2005.24 cm. original softcover. 270 pp. ills, diagrams. Ph.D. Thesis. -(very) good.
Booknumber: 72671Add to cart
€ 15.00
Booknumber: 72671Add to cart

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ESSEN, A. van den.Nieuwe getallenstelsels. over schoonheid en nut van ongewone wiskunde.Diemen: Veen Magazines, 2010.23 cm. original paperback. 298 pp. ills. index. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9789085713364
Booknumber: 72611Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9789085713364
Booknumber: 72611Add to cart

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Pieter Meijer (publ.).Algemeene oefenschoole van konsten en weetenschappen. vierde afdeeling. behelzende de wiskonstige weetenschappen en 't geen tot dezelve behoort. eerste deel, tweede deel en derde deel. (complete 4e afdeeling, vols. 10,11 & 12 of the series) [3rd book = Institutiones horologica, of eene wis- en natuurkundige beschouwing van uurwerken; Grondbeginselen van de chronologie of almanak- en tyd-rekening; Kort begrip der tydrekenkunde betreklyk tot de oude historie ]Amsteldam: Pieter Meijer, 1763,1770,1782.3 volumes. 22 cm. original halfleather, gilt title on spine. 510,(6), 460,(6), 364 pp. The first volume contains 4 plates, numbered 1-4. - The second volume contains 4 plates, numbered 5-8, and 7 plates, numbered 1-7, 2 plates numbered 1 & 2, and 3 unnumbered plates.- The third volume contains 10 plates. In total, there are 30 plates. [The plates in the third volume are (water)stained, and in the first volume, there is a stain at the first pages. Hinges are a bit weak, leather slightly rubbed, some corners bit bumped, title-page volume 3 loose, 1 plate volume 3 loosening] Otherwise still (very) good). See pictures
Booknumber: 72501Add to cart
€ 600.00
Booknumber: 72501Add to cart

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GUYOT, (Edme Gilles).Nieuwe natuur- en wiskonstige vermaaklykheden, betreklyk den Zeilsteen, de Getallen, de Gezigtkunde, de Scheikunde en eene meenigte anderen nooit voor dezen in 't licht gegeven. Uit het Fransch Vertaald en met eenige Aanteekeningen vermeerderd.Rotterdam: Reinier Arrenberg, 1771-1775.4 volumes. 16,5 cm. original halfleather, gilt on spine. xiv,414,(4); 24,622,(2); 28,396,(4); 28,338,(2) pp. 24, 16, 23, 10 numbered engraved folding plates. Bladwyzer (index). -very good. unfortunately 1 leaf is missing XIV of XVI pages. An almost complete and very nice set of this first Dutch edition. A rich collection of scientific experiments, with many illustrations on 73 plates.
Booknumber: 72499Add to cart
€ 600.00
Booknumber: 72499Add to cart

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PISTORIUS, M.R.Exit problems of Lévy processes with applications in finance. eerste passage problemen van Lévy processen met toepassingen in financiering.Utrecht: Faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica, 2000.24 cm. original paperback. 152 pp. bibliography. Ph.D. thesis. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9039333858
Booknumber: 71963Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9039333858
Booknumber: 71963Add to cart

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BLIJ, F. van der, J.P. HOGENDIJK and F. OORT. (eds).Kaleidoskoop van de wiskunde 1. van priemgetal tot populatiegenetica.Utrecht: Epsilon, 1990.24 cm. original paperback. 192 pp. references. -(spine sunned, otherwise (very) good).
ISBN: 9050410235
Booknumber: 71952Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9050410235
Booknumber: 71952Add to cart

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ALBERTS, G.Jaren van berekening. toepassingsgerichte initiatieven in de Nederlandse wiskundebeoefening 1945-1960.Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1998.24 cm. original paperback, with a dedication from the autor. 494 pp. ills. references. index. -(very) good.
ISBN: 9053563172
Booknumber: 71842Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9053563172
Booknumber: 71842Add to cart

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BAARS, J.A. and J.A.M. de GROOT.On topological and linear equivalence of certain function spaces.Amsterdam: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 1992.24 cm. original paperback. 202 pp. references. index. "CWI Tract". -(very) good.
ISBN: 9061964113
Booknumber: 71661Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9061964113
Booknumber: 71661Add to cart

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SCHULTE, B.P.M. (ed).Vijftig jaren beoefening van de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen in nederland 1913-1963.No place, nd (1963).24 cm. original stiff wrappers. 118 pp. some ills. bibliography. references. -(top corner bumped, otherwise (very) good).
Booknumber: 70908Add to cart
€ 10.00
Booknumber: 70908Add to cart
