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1211 books found

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Mauquoy-Hendrickx, Marie / Liebaers, Herman / Schmook, Ger (red.).Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de grafische kunst: Opgedragen aan Prof. Dr. Louis Lebeer ter gelegenheid van zijn tachtigste verjaardag.Antwerpen: Vereeniging van de Antwerpsche Bibliophielen, 1975.24 x 16 cm, paperback with original publisher?s cover. 466 pages, illustrated in black and white. Contains 29 contributions on the history of graphic art, dedicated to Prof. Dr. Louis Lebeer on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Text in Dutch and French. The book is in very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78586Add to cart
€ 15.00
Booknumber: 78586Add to cart

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Bromer, Anne / Edison JulianMiniature Books. 4,000 Years of Tiny TreasuresHarry N. Abrams - The Grolier Club, 2007.27,5 x 25 cm. Cloth, with dust jacket. 215 pp, Illustrated. In very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9780810992993
Miniature books, most of which are less than three inches (76.2mm) tall and some almost too small to see, have delighted readers for centuries. Popular because they were easily carried or concealed, these historic books range from tiny thumb bibles to illustrated nursery rhymes. They can be traced back to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, before the invention of printing, when text was handwritten and pictures painted. With the development of the printing press, thinner paper and largeer typefaces, the number of miniature books published increased. Little books served very practical purposes holding information in easily portable and compact spaces. Nobles, nuns, priests, students and lay persons found it easier to travel with miniature books tucked into pockets or attached to girdles and belts. Painters enjoyed the challenge of making them with extravagant bindings of tortoise shell, leather, sterling silver, embroidery and vellums. Napoleon had a miniature traveling set of Shakespeare's plays.
Booknumber: 78513Add to cart
€ 45.00
ISBN: 9780810992993
Miniature books, most of which are less than three inches (76.2mm) tall and some almost too small to see, have delighted readers for centuries. Popular because they were easily carried or concealed, these historic books range from tiny thumb bibles to illustrated nursery rhymes. They can be traced back to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, before the invention of printing, when text was handwritten and pictures painted. With the development of the printing press, thinner paper and largeer typefaces, the number of miniature books published increased. Little books served very practical purposes holding information in easily portable and compact spaces. Nobles, nuns, priests, students and lay persons found it easier to travel with miniature books tucked into pockets or attached to girdles and belts. Painters enjoyed the challenge of making them with extravagant bindings of tortoise shell, leather, sterling silver, embroidery and vellums. Napoleon had a miniature traveling set of Shakespeare's plays.
Booknumber: 78513Add to cart

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Bearman, Frederick A. / Krivatsy, Nati H. / Mowery, J. Franklin.Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare LibraryWashington: The Folger Shakespeare Library - Harry Abrams, 1992.31.5 x 24 cm, cloth binding with dust jacket. 272 pp. Illustrated with 244 images, including 14 color plates. Introduction by Anthony Hobson. Text in English. In very good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9780810933125
Booknumber: 78507Add to cart
€ 30.00
ISBN: 9780810933125
Booknumber: 78507Add to cart

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Thienen, Gerard van / Goldfinch, John (Edited by).Incunabula Printed in the Low Countries. A Census.Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1999.25 x 18 cm, cloth binding without dust jacket. lix, 636 pp. Illustrated. " Bibliotheca Bibliografica Neerlandica, Volume XXXVI " Text in English. Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9789060044520
Booknumber: 78501Add to cart
€ 75.00
ISBN: 9789060044520
Booknumber: 78501Add to cart

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Haas, Hendrik de.De boekbinder: Of volledige beschrijving van al het gene wat tot deze konst betrekking heeft.Utrecht: HES uitgevers / FGE [Organisatie Fabrikanten van Grafische Eindprodukten], 1984.24 x 16 cm. Hardcover with imitation vellum boards, gilt lettering on black label on spine. [36] pp. introduction, xvi, 166 pp. facsimile of the original 1806 edition, including 9 large folding plates; [20] pp. facsimile handwritten notes. Text in Dutch.
This publication is a facsimile of the original 1806 edition by Hendrik de Haas, the first Dutch book on bookbinding. It includes an introduction by W.G.J. Callenbach and an essay on the book and author by Jan Storm van Leeuwen. The top edge has a few brown spots, but the book is otherwise in very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78460Add to cart
€ 22.00
This publication is a facsimile of the original 1806 edition by Hendrik de Haas, the first Dutch book on bookbinding. It includes an introduction by W.G.J. Callenbach and an essay on the book and author by Jan Storm van Leeuwen. The top edge has a few brown spots, but the book is otherwise in very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78460Add to cart

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Lemmens, Albert / Stommels, SergeRussian Artists and the Children's Book 1890-1992 + CDNijmegen: LS, 2009.Original hardcover with dust-jacket. 512 pp. + CD loose inserted. [thesis] Dedication copy, signed by one of the authors. In very good condition. See pictures
ISBN: 9789079393053
Full color with over 1100 images. CD included with thousands of additional images! Written and privately published by Albert Lemmens and Serge Stommels in The Netherlands. The main goal of Russian Artists and the Children's Book 1890-1992 is to present an overview of illustrations for children's books by Russian artists. Therefore, the emphasis lies on the artists and not on the authors. Many Russian artists, even the most famous, worked as illustrators for children's books. In part one a chronological survey of the illustrated Russian children's book is positioned within its historical context. In the second part seventeen artists are portrayed. A description of their life and work is given and the position of illustrations for children's books within their oeuvre is discussed.
Booknumber: 77169Add to cart
€ 295.00
ISBN: 9789079393053
Full color with over 1100 images. CD included with thousands of additional images! Written and privately published by Albert Lemmens and Serge Stommels in The Netherlands. The main goal of Russian Artists and the Children's Book 1890-1992 is to present an overview of illustrations for children's books by Russian artists. Therefore, the emphasis lies on the artists and not on the authors. Many Russian artists, even the most famous, worked as illustrators for children's books. In part one a chronological survey of the illustrated Russian children's book is positioned within its historical context. In the second part seventeen artists are portrayed. A description of their life and work is given and the position of illustrations for children's books within their oeuvre is discussed.
Booknumber: 77169Add to cart

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Jana Pawla II.Ekslibrisy Ojca Swietego Jana Pawla II. [ 13 oryginalnych ekslibrisow, opracowana przez Jozefa Tadeusza Czosnyke... 1983 - egz. nr 95 ].Wojcieszow: Jozefa Tadeusza Czosnyki, 1983.Wrappers. 2 pp. text and 13 tipped-in ex-libris; 24.5x17.5 cm. Limited edition, no 95/100. Text in Polish - (spine wrappers slightly damaged) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76410Add to cart
€ 35.00
Booknumber: 76410Add to cart

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Quilici, Piccarda.Carte decorate nella legatoria del '700 dall raccolte della Biblioteca Casanatense.Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca Dello Stato, Libreria Della Stato, 1992.Paperback. 282 pp.; many color ills.; 24x16.5 cm. Italian text " Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Biblioteca Casanatense " - Fine condition, see picture
Booknumber: 76331Add to cart
€ 25.00
Booknumber: 76331Add to cart

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Imschoot, J. / W. Schoon / Br. Zephirijn / Br. Edward (eds.).Grafisch album Grafiek - Technische artikels en typografische modellen. Jaargang 1955-1956, nummer 2. Nr. 44 van de hele reeks.Gent: Kolvo, 1956.Paperback. 32x24.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (edges covers bit damaged, corners slightly bumped) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76278Add to cart
€ 25.00
Booknumber: 76278Add to cart

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Imschoot, J. / W. Schoon / Br. Zephirijn / Br. Edward (eds.).Grafisch album Grafiek - Technische artikels en typografische modellen. Jaargang 1955-1956, nummer 3. Nr. 45 van de hele reeks.Gent: Kolvo, 1956.Paperback. 32x24.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (edges covers bit damaged, corners slightly bumped) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76277Add to cart
€ 25.00
Booknumber: 76277Add to cart

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Maris, Leo van / Frans Montens.Jan Krejci - Oldrich Kulhanek. Overzicht van hun grafisch werk 1966 - 1974.Leiden: De Bange Duivel, 1974.Original wrappers. viii,60 pp.; 29.5x21 cm. complete with 2 original etchings. Limited edition, no. 539 of 750 copies - (slightly browned) Very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76263Add to cart
€ 35.00
Booknumber: 76263Add to cart

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Gerrits, Matthieu / Willy Wolters / Pastor G. Thuring (eds.).1933 - 11 december - 1983. 50 jaar Sint Antonius Breedeweg. Aan de stam van Groesbeeks kerk. Schets van circa 900 jaar geloof en kerk te Groesbeek en een halve eeuw Sint Antoniusparochie te Breedeweg.Gennep: Grafisch Bedrijf H.W. Janssen b.v., 1983.Paperback. 144 pp.; 29.5x21 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. (slightly browned, some spots, smoke odor from previous owner) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 75469Add to cart
€ 10.00
Booknumber: 75469Add to cart

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Pasolini, Pier Paolo.De nachtegaal van de Katholieke Kerk / L'Usignolo della Chiesa Cattolica [ tweetalig ] uit het Italiaans vertaald door Yolanda Bloemen met een nawoord van Floris Meens.Rimburg: Huis Clos, 2017.Paperback. 96 pp.; 22x14 cm. " Huis Clos nummer 66 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands and Italian. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9789079020386
Booknumber: 75164Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789079020386
Booknumber: 75164Add to cart

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Helmond-Lehning, Toke van.Bin ich kein Schriftsteller? Walter Benjamin en Ernst Bloch en hun medewerking aan i10.Rimburg: Huis Clos, 2016.Paperback. 136 pp.; 23x14 cm. " Huis Clos nummer 61 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9789079020355
Booknumber: 75162Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789079020355
Booknumber: 75162Add to cart

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Berg, Erik van den (ed.).Worp en wederworp. 26 interviews met Misha Mengelberg. Met een introductie van Matthijs de Ridder.Rimburg: Huis Clos, 2015.Paperback. 196 pp.; 22x14 cm. " Huis Clos nummer 57 / papier Bioset " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9789079020300
Booknumber: 75160Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789079020300
Booknumber: 75160Add to cart

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Mengelberg, Misha.Enkele regels in de dierentuin. [ Best verzorgd boek 2012 ].Rimburg: Huis Clos, 2012.Hardcover [beige]. 128 pp.; 22x14 cm. " Huis Clos nummer 43 - 750 exemplaren / letter Elzevir / papier Munken Polar " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9789079020140
Booknumber: 75159Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789079020140
Booknumber: 75159Add to cart

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Mengelberg, Misha.Enkele regels in de dierentuin. [ Best verzorgd boek 2012 ].Rimburg: Huis Clos, 2012.Hardcover [black]. 128 pp.; 22x14 cm. " Huis Clos nummer 43 - 750 exemplaren / letter Elzevir / papier Munken Polar " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9789079020140
Booknumber: 75158Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789079020140
Booknumber: 75158Add to cart

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Faassen, Sjoerd van, Hans Oldewarris en Kees Thomassen (eds.).W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1903-1965.Rotterdam : Uitgeverij 010, 1993.Orig. half cloth. With dustjacket. 272 pp.: ill., some in col.; 25 cm. Text in Dutch - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9064501580
¶ With contributions of = Met bijdragen van: Sjaak Hubregtse, Frank de Glas, Kees Thomassen, Koosje Sierman, Rudi Ekkart, Sjoerd van Faassen, Hans Oldewarris en Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer. Samenstelling fondscatalogus onder verantwoordelijkheid van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek door Peter van Beest en Peter de Bode.
Booknumber: 74322Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9064501580
¶ With contributions of = Met bijdragen van: Sjaak Hubregtse, Frank de Glas, Kees Thomassen, Koosje Sierman, Rudi Ekkart, Sjoerd van Faassen, Hans Oldewarris en Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer. Samenstelling fondscatalogus onder verantwoordelijkheid van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek door Peter van Beest en Peter de Bode.
Booknumber: 74322Add to cart

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Janssen, Frans A. / José Bouman.De boekdrukkerij. Johan Coenraad Zweijgardt's Beknopte beschrijving over den oorsprong, uitvinding en verdere volmaking der boekdrukkunst. Benevens eene handleiding over de inrigting, werkingen en vereischten eener boekdrukkerij. Met eene naauwkeurige opgave van al de formaten [1822].Haarlem: Joh. Enschede en zonen / Grafisch Studie-Centrum, 1986.Original green cloth. 222 pp.; ills.; 24x17 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (no dust-jacket) Otherwise very good, see picture
ISBN: 9070024411
Booknumber: 73515Add to cart
€ 8.00
ISBN: 9070024411
Booknumber: 73515Add to cart

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OUDEN, WILLEM DEN - WAL, GIJSBERT VAN DER.Leven en werk van Willem den Ouden. [ Met een complete catalogus van zijn grafische werk ].Amsterdam: SUN, 2003.Original hardcover, dustjacket. 240 pp.; many ills.; 30x25 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9058750973
Booknumber: 67564Add to cart
€ 14.00
ISBN: 9058750973
Booknumber: 67564Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 5 - 1957, 4-6Utrecht, J.L. Beijers.1957, Softcover. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67374Add to cart
€ 7.00
Booknumber: 67374Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 4 - 1954Utrecht, J.L. Beijers.1954, Softcover. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67373Add to cart
€ 7.00
Booknumber: 67373Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 3 - 1954, nummer 3-4Utrecht, J.L. Beijers.1954, Softcover, geniet. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67372Add to cart
€ 7.00
Booknumber: 67372Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 3 - 1954, nummer 5-6Utrecht, J.L. Beijers.1954, Softcover, geniet. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67371Add to cart
€ 7.00
Booknumber: 67371Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 2 - 1952, nummer 1-2Utrecht, J.L. Beijers.1952, Softcover, geniet. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67370Add to cart
€ 7.00
Booknumber: 67370Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 1 - 1951, nummer 1/6Utrecht, J.L. Beijers.1951, Softcover, geniet. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67369Add to cart
€ 7.00
Booknumber: 67369Add to cart

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N/AVoewood Rare Books Catalogue One.Voewood Rare Books, Norfolk - Sale Catalogue with 80 items.120pp. Illustrated. Softcover. 28x21cm. In very good condition.
Booknumber: 67359Add to cart
€ 10.00
Booknumber: 67359Add to cart

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ZOETE, Johan deNou al uitgecopperd? Koppermaandag 2017.Amsterdam, De Buitenkant.2017, Softcover, geniet. Oplage 650 exemplaren. In zeer goede staat.
Booknumber: 67358Add to cart
€ 9.00
Booknumber: 67358Add to cart

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N/AE-Legende. Koppermaandag Amsterdam 2018.De Buitenkant, Amsterdam.2018, Softcover, geniet. Oplage 750 exemplaren. In zeer goede staat.
Booknumber: 67357Add to cart
€ 9.00
Booknumber: 67357Add to cart

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GUMBERT, H.L. ( redactie) / Diverse auteursFolium Librorum Vitae Deditum (complete set van dit boekentijdschrift)J.L. Beijers, Leiden.1951-1957, 5 jaargangen = 30 afleveringen in 15 softcovers + Brief van Gumpert bij het eerste nummer + Kaartje staking uitgave + 3 losse bladen 'jaarinhoud'. In goede staat. Pakketzending.
Booknumber: 67356Add to cart
€ 50.00
Booknumber: 67356Add to cart

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N/ACatalogue 115: A selection of books pertaining to the book arts, particularly relating to bookbinding, printing, bookselling & library history.Forest Books.2017, 468 items. Illustrated. Softcover. In good condition.
Including books from the library of Howard M. Nixon OBE (1909-1983), who held high in the British Library and was a world authority on bookbinding.
Booknumber: 67353Add to cart
€ 10.00
Including books from the library of Howard M. Nixon OBE (1909-1983), who held high in the British Library and was a world authority on bookbinding.
Booknumber: 67353Add to cart

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LEEUWEN, Jan vanVarianten en capittel-indeling uit de tekst van Hs Brussel 667, alsmede de kortere inlassingen uit dit hs. Jan van Leeuwen en zijn tractaat: Van vijf manieren broederliker minnen..Zonder jaar, 77pp. Paperback. Roestvlekkig en met lichte gebruikssporen.
Booknumber: 67352Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 67352Add to cart

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SLEGTE, J. deToespraak gehouden door de Heer de Slegte voor De Gesprekskring Amsterdam op 13 november 1959.Aangeboden door Boekhandel J. de Slegte.(1959), (8)pp. Softcover. 17,5x12cm. In goede staat.
Booknumber: 67350Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 67350Add to cart

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KUYPER, Bub / MAAS, Nop (redactie)Bram de Does. Laurens Janszoon Costerprijs 2007. + Laurens van Krevelen. Laurens Janszoon Costerprijs 2009.Stichting Laurens Janszoon Costerprijs, Haarlem.2007:2009, 2 softcovers. In zeer goede staat. Prijs is voor de 2 boekjes samen.
Booknumber: 67348Add to cart
€ 10.00
Booknumber: 67348Add to cart

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N/NNosbüsch & Stucke. Auktionen Berlin. Auktion 15 - Sonder Katalog Russische Avantgarde 18. Mai 2019.Nosbüsch & Stucke Auktionen, Berlin.2019, Illustriert. Softcover. 30x21cm. Sehr gut erhalten.
Booknumber: 67347Add to cart
€ 10.00
Booknumber: 67347Add to cart

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JARNDYCEThe Dickens Catalogue (1528 items) + Charles Dickens a Catalogue. (2 sales catalogues)Jarndyce Antiquarian Booksellers, London - Catalogue CCXVIII / Valentine Rare Books, London.2016, 1528 items. Illustrated. Paperback. In very good condition. / 2008, 52pp. 96 items. Illustrated. Paperback. In very good condition.
Booknumber: 67346Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 67346Add to cart

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N/NMitgliederverzeichnis 2011.Maximilian-Gesellschaft für alte und neue Buchkunst.2011, 45S. Broschur. 24x12cm. Sehr gut erhalten.
Booknumber: 67345Add to cart
€ 9.00
Booknumber: 67345Add to cart

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KOMRIJ, Gerrit (voorwoord)Gerrit Komrij 60. En daarvan wilde hij leven! Verkooptentoonstelling van manuscripten & documenten [&] auteursexemplaren van eigen werk. 31 maart-21 april 2004.Leiden, antiquariaat AioloZ - Catalogus 65.2004, (64)pp. Geïllustreerd. Softcover. In zeer goede staat.
Booknumber: 67344Add to cart
€ 18.00
Booknumber: 67344Add to cart

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HEMMINK, Gert Jan (voorzien van historisch commentaar door oprichter gjh)AMO het complete fonds 1984-2004. Alle 136 uitgaven aangevuld met varianten, proeven, originele etsen en tekeningen.Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - Catalogus 77.2016, Geïllustreerd. Softcover. In zeer goede staat.
Losse prijslijst bijgevoegd.
Booknumber: 67343Add to cart
€ 15.00
Losse prijslijst bijgevoegd.
Booknumber: 67343Add to cart

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SIMS REEDBritish Illustrated Books.Sims Reed Rare Books, London.2008. 146pp. Illustrated. Paperback. In very good condition.
Catalogue with 150 numbers.
Booknumber: 67342Add to cart
€ 10.00
Catalogue with 150 numbers.
Booknumber: 67342Add to cart
