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Breviarium Romanum:Breviarium Romanum. Ex decreto SS. Concilii Tridentini restitutum. S. PII V pontificis maximi jussu editum aliorumque pontt. cura recognitum PII Papae X auctoritate reformatum cum nova versione Psalterii Pii Papae XII auctoritate editi & Officia Propria Sanctorum... Ruraemundensis. (Hiemalis - Autumnalis - Verna - Aestiva, complete in 4 volumes).Harlemi: Joannis H. Gottmer, (1948-1955).4 vols. 16x10.5 cm. Limp black calf. Gilt, edges gilt. Bookmark ribbons. Printed on India paper in red and black. Printed in 2 columns. Together over 4000 pages. Gilt edges. With gilt stamped monogram IHS on frontcover. With 3 open end boxes, and one that can be closed in leather for daily use. (small signs of use, leather case worn, top edge several pages in rear of Hiemalis volume with small (water) stain) Although still very good set, see pictures
     Verna volume without 'Officia Propria Sanctorum... Ruraemundensis' Date in front of the volumes is 1948, in rear 1955.

Booknumber: 77789Add to cart € 325.00


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DELFORTRIE, E.-J., MAHMOUD-EFFENDI.Mémoire sur les analogies des langues Flamande, Allemande et Anglaise ou étude comparée de ces idiomes. & Mémoire sur l'état actuel des lignes Isocliniques et Isodynamiques dans la Grande-Bretagne, La Hollande, La Belgique et la France.Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1858.Blue half cloth, gilt. Marbled covers. vi,566 pp. & 64 pp.: 1 fold. map.; 29 cm. - "Mémoires Couronnés et Mémoires des Savants Étrangers, Tome XXIX - 1856-1858" (spine sl. soiled, covers sl. worn, paper sl. browned) Although still very good.
Booknumber: 23409Add to cart € 45.00

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Merghelynck, ArthurUne page d'histoire de la féodalité au Pays de Furnes. Le fief-manoir dit "le château de Beauvoorde" à Wulveringhem (1408-1900), son origine probable, sa chronique, ses possesseurs, sa description, etc.; suivi d'études archéologiques et généalogiques sur les anciens lignages flamands van Wulveringhem, de Valuwe, Crucemeet, de Crane (aux fermaux), van den Bampoele, van Rye, de Hertoghe (au rencontre de cerf) et des généalogie et descendance de la maison chevaleresque de Bryarde, originaire du quartier de Cassel en Flandre. Ouvrage étayé de quatre-vingt-treize pieces justificatives, orné de trente-quatre plans, vues et illustrations en photogravure, dressé sur titres et publié par Arthur Merghelynck, écuyer, propriétaire et restaurateur du château de Beauvoorde.Bruges: Typ. Joseph Houdmont-Carbonez, 1900-1901.2 vols. bound in 1 vol. Large 4to (27x23 cm). Binding first half 20th century. Half-morocco (spine faded; a few very sl. rubbings) With morocco cornerpieces, gilt title on spine; spine with ribbons; covers with marbled paper; marbled endpapers. Original frontcovers of both volumes preserved. Uncut. (viii),458; 454, (iv blank) pp. With 7 illustrations in text and 27 plates: mainly views and plans of the castle (1 folding plan). At the end: "Table synoptique et analytique", "Table des noms de personnes", "Table des planches" and "Additions, corrections et modifications". - Very important and highly esteemed work. Printed in 200 copies only. This is copy number 157 of the 190 copies on ordinary paper. - The author bought the castle at Wulveringem in 1875 and restored it completely and fitted it up to a museum. He also founded the Merghelinck Museum at Ypres. See for detailed descriptions "Inventaris Erfgoed Vlaanderen". - Very rare, WorldCat mentions only one copy.
Booknumber: 47402Add to cart € 600.00

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Thomas a KempisVen. viri Thomae a Kempis. De imitatione Christi.Libri Quatuor. Editio acurata.Solisbaci (Sulzbach): Typis et impensis Seidelianis, 1815.12mo (11x7 cm). Contemporary vellum, with gilt title on spine, gilt borders and gilt centerpieces on both sides; edges gilt. 324,(i:'Errores typi'),(i:blank) pp. At the ende: 'Libellus de vera compunctione cordis', 'Epistola exhortativa' and 'Index'. - Printed in 2 columns by "der überregional bedeutende Verlag und Druckerei J. E. von Seidel". - (Paper browned). - Charming booklet.
Booknumber: 75224Add to cart € 90.00


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Ritus solemnis - Altar-size:Ritus Solemnis Impositionis Primarii Lapidis.Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnatii: Pustet, 1892.Original red leather. Blind-stamped and gilt decoration. All edges gilt. Bookmark ribbon; iv,96 pp.; 41.5x29 cm. Text in red and black. Text in Latin. (leather top of spine slightly damaged) Otherwise in fine condition, see pictures
     Full title: Ritus solemnis de Benedictione et Impositione Primarii Lapidis pro ecclesia aedificanda, de coemeterii Benedictione, de ecclesiae et coemeterii reconciliatione... et de Benedictione signi vel campanae. Juxta editionem typicam pontificalis romani ad majorem episcoporum commoditatem concinnatus. Cum cantu sacrorum rituum congregationis.

Booknumber: 75363Add to cart € 120.00


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Ritus solemnis - Altar-size:Ritus Solemnis pro SS. Ordinibus. Editio Altera. Juxta typicam pontificalis romani.Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnatii: Pustet, 1938.Original red leather. Blind-stamped and gilt decoration. All edges gilt. Bookmark ribbon; iv,56,56 pp.; 42x29 cm. Text in red and black. Text in Latin. (leather bit rubbed and thumbed/soiled, several pages with (minor) discoloration spots from previously taped areas) Although still in very good condition, see pictures
     Full title: Ritus Solemnis pro Clerico Faciendo et pro ordinibus minoribus et majoribus conferendis ad majorem episcoporum commoditatem concinnatus. Editio Altera. Juxta typicam pontificalis romani.

Booknumber: 75366Add to cart € 120.00


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Chappuis, H. T.De oorlog in het Oosten in 1877.Dordrecht: J. P. Revers, No year (1878).Stiff boards. iv,420 pp.; 23x14 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. (spine folded, taped and damaged, half first endpaper missing, paper with spots/ foxing, used) Although still good, see pictures, rare
Booknumber: 77787Add to cart € 55.00


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Villani, Matteo e Filippo.Cronica di Matteo Villani [ 6 volumes ] a miglior lezione ridotta coll' aiuto de' Testi a Penna.Roma: Multigrafica Editrice, 1980.6 volumes. Paperbacks. 21x14 cm. Reprint 'Ristampa dell'Edizione Originale Firenze 1823 - 1825'. - (minor wear, few corners slightly bumped) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77788Add to cart € 60.00

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Suckau, E. de.Étude sur Marc-Aurèle. Sa vie et sa doctrine.Paris: Chez A. Durand, 1857.Half cloth Hardcover. xii,244 pp.; 23x14.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (right upper corner slightly bumped, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing throughout) Although (very) good, see picture, rare
Booknumber: 77770Add to cart € 60.00


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Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G.Liberté et Socialisme ou discussion des principes de l'organisation du travail industriel.Paris: Librairie de Guillaumin et Cie, 1868.Original paperback. viii,448 pp.; 22.5x15 cm. Text in French / Français. - (several previous owner's stamps, covers and paper slightly soiled and browned) Although good, see picture
Booknumber: 77771Add to cart € 30.00

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Denis, J.Histoire des théories et des idées morales dans l'antiquité [ 2 volumes ].Paris: Auguste Durand, 1856.2 vols. Paperbacks. viii,424 pp. & iv,454 pp.; 23x14.5 cm. Uncut, mostly still unopened. Text in French / Français. - (covers and paper bit worn and browned) Although very good set, see picture
Booknumber: 77772Add to cart € 30.00

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Proudhon, P. J.De la Capacité Politique des Classes Ouvrières. Nouvelle Edition.Paris / Bruxelles / etc.: Librairie Internationale / A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven, 1868.Paperback. x,360,4 pp.; 18.5x12 cm. " Oeuvres Posthumes de P. J. Proudhon " Text in French / Français. - (spine bit folded, slightly browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77773Add to cart € 30.00

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Heeren, Ach. Vander.Psalmi et Cantica explicata in ordine ad recitationem breviarii. Editio quarta, emendata.Brugis, (Belgii): Car. Beyaert, Editor Pontificius, 1932.Paperback. viii,520 pp.; 20x14.5 cm. " Commentarii Brugenses in S. Scripturam " - (spine and covers slightly damaged, partly loose, previous owner's name, paper browned) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77774Add to cart € 30.00

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Damme, Jean Van.La Main-Morte et la Charité.Bruxelles: A Labroue et Compagnie, 1854-1857.2 volumes in 1 binding. Original cloth. 164,(4),165-550 pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers discolored, paper slightly browned, some spots/ foxing) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77775Add to cart € 55.00


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Buffin, Baron Camille.Récits d'hier et d'aujourd'hui avec une Préface du Compte Carton de Wiart - Wettin Berceau des Families Royales de Belgique, de Grand-Bretagne, de Bulgarie, de Saxe, de Portugal.Renaix: Presses de Leherte-Courtin et Fils, No year, ca1916.Paperback. viii,272,ii pp.; portrait; 23x14.5 cm. Uncut, still unopened. Text in French / Français. - (slightly browned) Very good, unused, see picture
Booknumber: 77776Add to cart € 22.00

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Verhaeghe de Naeyer, Léon.Florence - Étude Politique.Paris: E. Dentu, 1880.Original wrappers. iv,378 pp.; 23x14 cm. Uncut, mostly unopened. Text in French / Français. Dedication copy, signed 'L. VerhaeghedeNaeyer'. - (spine/ covers bit soiled, paper slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77777Add to cart € 65.00

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Nicolas, Michel.Le symbole des apotres - essai historique.Paris: Michel Levy, 1867.Paperback. xxiv,404 pp.; 23x14 cm. Text in French / Français. - (spine/ cover bit damaged and soiled, few dog-ears, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77778Add to cart € 50.00

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Gastoué, Amédée.La musique d'église. Études historiques, esthétiques et pratiques.Lyon: Janin Freres, 1911.Paperback. iv,282,(2) pp.; 20x13.5 cm. Text in French / Français - (small signs of use, paper bit browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77779Add to cart € 30.00

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Gründel, Johannes.Peut-on changer la morale? Traduit de l'allemand par Ch. Guillard.Paris: Cerf / Desclee, 1973.Paperback. 192 pp.; 21x13 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers bit worn, bottom edge with stain) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77780Add to cart € 22.00

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Kurgan, G. / Ph. Moureaux.La quantification en histoire.Bruxelles: Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 1973.Paperback. 180 pp.; 24x15.5 cm. " Travaux du Centre National de Recherches de Logique " Text in French / Français. - (slightly browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77781Add to cart € 12.00

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Howald, Ernst.Vom Geist Antiker Geschichtsschreibung. Sieben Monographien.Munchen und Berlin: Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, 1944.Paperback. 236 pp.; 21x14 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (spine bit folded and with small stain, paper browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77782Add to cart € 6.00

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Drunen, James Van.Adolphe Quetelet.Turnhout: Brepols, 1919.Paperback [stapled booklet]. 24 pp., portrait. 18x13 cm. Text in French / Français. - (label on spine/ covers, staples bit rusty, previous owner's name on front cover, paper bit browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 77783Add to cart € 8.00

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Schepper, Hugo de.Belgium Nostrum' 1500 - 1650. Over Integratie en Desintegratie van het Nederland.Antwerpen: De Orde van den Prince, 1987.Paperback. vi,102 pp.; 21.5x12 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77784Add to cart € 18.00

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Ganshof, François L.Le Moyen Âge. Histoire des Relations Internationales. Tome Premier.Paris: Hachette, 1953.Paperback. xviii,332 pp.; 23x14 cm. Text in French / Français. - (spine folded, slightly browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77785Add to cart € 10.00

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Borghese-Barzini, Prins.Van Peking naar Parijs. Met 127 illustraties. Geautoriseerde Nederlandsche uitgave.Utrecht: Uitgave van A. Oosthoek en H. Honig, 1907.Original cloth. xxiv,572 pp., ills.; 25x17 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - (spine faded, cloth bit worn/ damaged at edges, ex-libris on endpaper, frontispiece partly loose, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing ) Although still very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 77786Add to cart € 100.00


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HEININGEN, Ad van / e.a.De Oversteek. Zoektocht naar 48 Amerikaanse oorlogshelden. 5e HERZIENE DRUKDe Gelderlander.2019, 5e herziene druk, 200pp. Geïllustreerd. Gebonden. In zéér goede staat!
ISBN: 9789090321776

Booknumber: 64418Add to cart € 15.00

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Thomae Aquinatis, S. [ Saint Thomas d'Aquin ] / Clemens Steph. Suermondt.Tabulae Schematicae Summae Theologiae et Summae Contra Gentiles S. Thomae Aquinatis.Romae: Marietti, 1943.Paperback [ stapled booklet ]. 50,(2) pp.; 23x15.5 cm. Loose inserted leave 'Corrigenda et Addenda'. Text in Latin. - (slightly browned, stamp on title page) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77762Add to cart € 10.00

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Limouris, Gennadios (ed.).Orthodox visions of ecumenism. Statements, messages and reports on the Ecumenical Movement 1902 - 1992.Geneva: WCC Publications, 1994.Paperback. xii,284 pp.; 24x16 cm. Text in English. - (some underlinings and notes in pencil) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 2825410802

Booknumber: 77763Add to cart € 45.00

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Berghe, Gie van den.De uitbuiting van de holocaust.Antwerpen / Baarn: Houtekiet, (1990).Paperback. 196 pp.; 21x13 cm. Dedication copy, signed 'Gie' 20-4-1990. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9052400369

Booknumber: 77764Add to cart € 10.00

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Tosh, John.The pursuit of history. Aims, methods and new directions in the study of modern history. Third edition.Harlow / London / New York / etc.: Longman, 2000.Paperback. x,228 pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. "The Silver Library". Text in English. - Very good.
ISBN: 9780582304710

Booknumber: 77765Add to cart € 10.00

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Bremers, Lodewijk Maria Hubertus.De Condylus Mandibulae in Vitro. Een vergelijkend cytologisch en histologisch onderzoek naar de groei van de condylus mandibulae van de rat in vivo en in vitro = The Mandibular Condyle in Vitro. A comparative cytologic and histologic study of the mandibular condyle of the rat in vivo and in vitro (With a summary in English).Sint-Niklaas, Belgie: Scheerders van Kerchove, 1973.Paperback. 100 pp., ills.; 24x16 cm. Thesis, Nijmegen. List of theses (stellingen) loose inserted. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 77766Add to cart € 30.00

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Eisenberg, Josy / Benjamin Gross.Le testament de Moïse. À Bible ouverte VI.Paris: Albin Michel, 1996.Paperback. 408 pp.; 22.5x14.5 cm. "Presences du Judaisme". Text in French / Français. - (small signs of use, previous owner's stamp) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782226084569

Booknumber: 77767Add to cart € 45.00

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Hellegouarc'h Jacqueline / Marc Fumaroli.Anthologie : L'art de la conversation. Préface de Marc Fumaroli.Paris: Classiques Garnier, 1997.Paperback. xlvi,(2),596 pp.; 18.5x12 cm. Text in French / Français. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9782100026005

Booknumber: 77768Add to cart € 18.00

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Olivet, Fabre d'.La vraie maçonnerie et la céleste culture. Introduction et notes critiques par Léon Cellier.Renens (Suisse): La Proue Editeur, 1973.Paperback. 180 pp.; 20.5x14 cm. " Collection Delphica " Text in French / Français - (stamp on half title page, paper bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77769Add to cart € 20.00

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Lefebvre, J.Traité de numismatique générale. 3me Edition, revue, corrigée et augmentée.Paris / Bruxelles: Chez l'auteur / Librairie Levacher / Librairie Tillot, 1890.Original wrappers. iv,432 pp.; 20x13 cm. Untrimmed edges, still unopened. Text in French / Français. - (slightly worn, browned, some spots/ foxing) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73441Add to cart € 30.00

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Affas, Behham F.Mgr. Clement Joseph David 1829 - 1890. One of the greatest Iraqi thinkers in the 19th century.1985.Paperback. (114) pp., some ill.; 23.5x16.5 cm. Text in Arabic - Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77701Add to cart € 35.00


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Borg, Gerard Johannes Antonius.Mit Poesie vertreibe ich den Kummer meines Herzens. Eine studie zur altarabischen Trauerklage der Frau.Nijmegen : (Katholieke Universiteit), 1994.Wrappers (paperback) vii,294 pp. Thesis, Nijmegen. Text in German with summary in Dutch. Very good condition, see picture
Booknumber: 77702Add to cart € 14.00

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Ermers, Rob (Robertus Johannes Henricus Maria).Turkic forms in Arabic structures. The description of Turkic by Arabic grammarians.Nijmegen, 1995.Wrappers (paperback) 260 pp.; 24 cm. Thesis Nijmegen (front cover slightly worn) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77703Add to cart € 22.00

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Abdulla, Kamil.Talking in English / Talking in Arabic. The useful guide for all occasions. Arabic-English / English-Arabic. [ Arabic and English text ].Baghdad - Iraq [Kuwait], 1988.Paperback. 192 pp.; 23x16.5 cm. (few small stains on covers) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77704Add to cart € 22.00


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Bernardin de St. Pierre, Jacques Henri / Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute (ed.).Supériorité Paul et Virgine [ reprint of 1955 edition Text in Syriac ].Glaner/ Losse Holland: Bar-Hebraeus Verlag, 1986.Paperback. 210 pp.; 25x17.5 cm. - Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9050470017

Booknumber: 77705Add to cart € 40.00

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