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2141 books found      

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Huchet de Quénetain, Christophe.Les Styles Consulat et Empire.Paris: Éditions de l'Amateur, 2005.26 x 24 cm. Hardcover with dust-jacket. 192 pages. Richly illustrated in colour, study of the Consulate and Empire styles in French decorative arts, focusing on furniture, interior decoration, architecture, and iconography from the period 1799?1815. Text in French. Condition: very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9782859174132

Booknumber: 79211Add to cart € 38.00

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Samoyault, Jean-Pierre.Pendules et bronzes d'ameublement entrés sous le Premier Empire. Musée national de Château de Fontainebleau Catalogue des collections de mobilier 1.Paris: Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1989.28 x 22 cm. Half leather binding with green morocco spine and corners, marbled boards. 204 pages, many b/w illustrations and 16 plates in colour. Catalogue volume of the furniture collections of the Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau, focused on clocks and furnishing bronzes from the First Empire period. French text. Condition: leather slightly rubbed, small signs of use, very good, see picture. Rare.
ISBN: 2711821730

Booknumber: 79210Add to cart € 1200.00


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Blümm, Anke.'Entartete Baukunst'?: Zum Umgang mit dem Neuen Bauen 1933-1945.München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013.24 x 16 cm. Hardcover with dust-jacket. 486 pages with illustrations. From the series 'Schriften der Berliner Forschungsstelle' "Entartete Kunst." Text in German. Original retail price 72 euro. As new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783770555888

Booknumber: 79155Add to cart € 29.00

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Decker, Gunnar.Franz Fühmann: Die Kunst des Scheiterns. Eine Biografie.Rostock: Hinstorff Verlag GmbH / Edition Konrad Reich, 2009.22 x 15.5 cm, hardcover with dust jacket, 456 pages. Text in German. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9783356012941

Booknumber: 79139Add to cart € 15.00

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Berger, Ernst.Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Maltechnik. I. und II. Folge: Die Maltechnik des Altertums - III. Folge: Quellen und Technik der Fresko-, Oel- und Tempera-Malerei des Mittelalters - IV. Folge: Quellen für Maltechnik während der Renaissance und deren Folgezeit - V. Folge: Fresko- und Sgraffito-Technik nach älteren und neueren Quellen.Munchen: Georg D.W. Callwey, 1901-1912.28 x 19 cm. Untrimmed but opened pages. Original wrappers. xii,314 pages, xiv,298 pages, (8),xliv,454 pages & viii,162 pages, with illustrations and some plates. Complete set of five installments in four volumes, covering the development of painting techniques from antiquity to the Renaissance. Text in German. Covers with some wear, slightly browned, 1 or 2 pages with some underlinings with green pencil, although very good set. See pictures.
     Contents: I. und II. Folge: Die Maltechnik des Altertums. Vollständig umgearbeitete Auflage der "Erläuterungen zu den Versuchen zur Rekonstruktion der Maltechnik des Altertums". Includes two colored plates and 57 illustrations. Published 1904. / III. Folge: Quellen und Technik der Fresko-, Oel- und Tempera-Malerei des Mittelalters von der byzantinischen Zeit bis einschließlich der "Erfindung der Oelmalerei" durch die Brüder van Eyck. Includes 16 illustrations in the text. Second revised edition. Published 1912. / IV. Folge: Quellen für Maltechnik während der Renaissance und deren Folgezeit, including the De Mayerne manuscript, published for the first time with translation and notes. Includes 7 illustrations in the text. Published 1901. / V. Folge: Fresko- und Sgraffito-Technik nach älteren und neueren Quellen, edited by the author. Includes 12 plates and 6 illustrations in the text. Published 1909.

Booknumber: 79125Add to cart € 325.00


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Wackernagel, P.A. / Henschel, D.G. / Janson, H.W. / Bazin, G. / Hamann, R. / etc. (eds.).Kunst van Europa / Kunst der Wereld. [ 32 volumes ].Amsterdam: Elsevier, Ca. 1960-1980.32 hardcovers in slipcases. Includes mounted color plates and numerous black-and-white illustrations. Kunst van Europa (18 volumes) covers European art history from antiquity to modern movements, including Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, and Impressionism. Kunst der Wereld (14 volumes) explores non-European art with a focus on Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas. Text in Dutch. Minor wear, books in very good condition, see picture. Due to the weight of the complete set, additional shipping costs may apply.
Booknumber: 79093Add to cart € 80.00


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Küng, Hans.Sämtliche Werke. Bande 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,22,23,24.Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2015-2020.23 cm. 21 volumes of the series. Hardcover with dust jackets. Partial set of Hans Küng's collected works, missing volumes 4, 16, and 21. Price when new for these 21 volumes is 1870 euro. This theological series covers his major contributions to Catholicism, ecumenism, and interfaith dialogue. Some volumes edited by Stephan Schlensog. Text in German. Small signs of use, very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9783451352249
     Rechtfertigung 9783451352010 / Konzil und Ökumene 9783451352027 / Kirche 9783451352034 / Unfehlbarkeit 9783451352058 / Kirchenreform 9783451352065 / Philosophie - Theologie 9783451352072 / Christ sein 9783451352089 / Existiert Gott? 9783451352096 / Ewiges Leben? 9783451352102 / Glaube und Naturwissenschaft 9783451352119 / Christentum und Weltreligionen 9783451352126 / Theologie im Aufbruch 9783451352133 / Spurensuche 9783451352140 / Judentum 9783451352157 / Islam 9783451352171 / Literatur, Kunst, Musik 9783451352188 / Weltethos 9783451352195 / Weltpolitik und Weltwirtschaft 9783451352201 / Erinnerungen II 9783451352225 / Erinnerungen III 9783451352232 / Begegnungen 9783451352249.

Booknumber: 79004Add to cart € 1100.00

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Lejeal, AlfredRecherches historiques sur les manufactures de faïence et de porcelaine de l'arrondissement de Valenciennes.Valenciennes: Lemaitre, Libraire-Éditeur, 1868.Small folio (30x2 cm). Contemporary halfmorocco, gilt title on spine (hinges weak); covers with decorated paper; small leather cornerpieces; marbled endpapers. Original printed wrappers preserved (sl. soiled; small stamp). (viii),xii,142 pp. Printed on thick handmade paper. Uncut. (Serious stain innermargin halftitle; waterstains and lightbrown spots in places; tears in some innermargins (a few affecting the text) neatly repaired). With frontispiece: photographical reproduction mounted on cardboard, 1 leaf in text "Généalogie des Lamoninarts" and 6 plates: 1). lithographed colourplate on glazed paper, 2-5) "plan du moulin à broyer", "manufacture" et "plan et coup d'un four"., 5-6) etchings by Jacquemart "porcelaines de Valenciennes". - On the whole a reasonable copy of this rare book. - With autograph dedication: "Hommage à M. Éduard Charton, fondateur et directeur du Magasin Pittoresque à Paris. Par son trés humble et trés obéissant serviteur. (Belgique) Nivelles, le 27 mars 1870. Abel Lagasse, Ier Echevin, petit-fils de Lamoninary".
Booknumber: 78991Add to cart € 150.00


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Delange, CarleRecueil des principales pièces connues de la faïence française dite de Henri II et Diane de Poitiers dessinées et lithographiées par C. Delange et C. Bornemann. - (Also edited with different title: "Recueil des fayences françaises...").Paris: LibrairieLeplanquet-Chédeville, (1861).Large folio (41x29 cm). Portfolio. Original printed boards soiled and discoloured; ties broken). Title (browned) and 52 lithographed plates (27x19 cm), mounted on white cardboard with printed borders. - (The booklet with 32 pp. explanatory text missing). - Nice collection with clean plates, printed in a limited edition.
Booknumber: 78981Add to cart € 120.00


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Delange, Carle & C. BornemannRecueil des fayences (faiences) françaises dites de Henri II et Diane de Poitiers dessinées par Carle Delange et lithographiées par C. Delange et C. Bornemann.Pais: No ed., 1861.Large 4to (33,5x25,5 cm). Original wrappers (a bit rubbed) over cardboard with paper title-label on frontcover. 52 lithographed plates (27x19 cm), including title, mounted on lightbrown cardboard leaves. - Booklet with 32 pages explanatory text is missing. - Nice collection, printed in a limited edition. Very rare. - Bound, but less luxury variant of the portfolio
Booknumber: 78980Add to cart € 150.00


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Jacquemart, A.Les merveilles de la céramique ou l'art de façonner et décorer les vases en terre cuite, faënce, grès et porcelaine. Troisième édition. Première partie: Orient, Deuxième partie,1: Occident. Antiquité, Moyen-Âge et Renaissance. Deuxième partie, 2: Temps modernes.Paris: Librairie Hachette & Cie, 1874-1879.3 vols. Small 8vo (18x11,5cm). Contemporary halfmorocco, spines with ribbons and nicely gilt in compartments; covers with marbled paper (corners sl. bumped); marbled endpapers. - Vol. 1: (iv),339,(i)pp. with 55 woodengravings by H. Catenacci. - Vol. II,1: (iv),332 pp. with 221 woodengravings by J. Jacquemart. - Vol. II,2: (viii),371,(i:blank)pp. with 49 woodengravings and 833 monogrammes par J. Jacquemart. "Bibliothèque des Merveilles. - Owner's stamp on fly-leaves but a good spotless set. With together 325 woodengravings: illustrations and plates.
Booknumber: 78887Add to cart € 60.00


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Goosen, Louis.Van Abraham tot Zacheüs: Thema's uit het Oude en het Nieuwe Testament in religie, beeldende kunst, literatuur, muziek en theater.Nijmegen: SUN, 2009.24 x 17 cm. Paperback. 494 pp., illustrations. Signed with dedication 'Louis'. Text in Dutch. Very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9789085067597

Booknumber: 78864Add to cart € 18.00

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Belting, Hans.Das Bild und sein Publikum im Mittelalter: Form und Funktion früher Bildtafeln der Passion.Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1981.20 x 13.5 cm, paperback. 320 pp., ill. Text in German. 'Gebr. Mann Studio-Reihe'. Study on the form and function of early Passion image panels in the Middle Ages. Reading crease, signs of use, previous owner's name in pen, some annotations and underlining in pencil. Despite all, still good. See picture.
ISBN: 3786113076

Booknumber: 78823Add to cart € 9.00

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Meyer, J.Meyer's Universum oder Abbildung und Beschreibung des Sehenswerthesten und Merkwürdigsten der Natur und Kunst auf der ganzen Erde. Band I - X. - Verschiedene AuflagenHildburghausen und New York: Druck und Verlag vom Bibliographischen Institut, 1833-1843.10 vols. Oblong large 8vo (between 20x29 & 19x26 cm). 20th century blue halfcloth with cloth cornerpieces; on spine gilt title on morocco label and gilt ornament; covers with marbled paper. With 464 (of 471) steelengravings, incl. portrait of Amalia. With 7 engraved titles with small view and 5 printed wrappers of the 12 parts of vol. 4,5,6,7 & 10. - The 7 missing engravings: no. 252-253, 326-329 and 411 and their 18 pp. missing descriptive texts: pp. 49-56, 136-143 and 405-408. Not cut out but mistake of the binder. - Browned in places, brown spots, more or less serious, textleaves proportionally more affected, and a few leaves with small marginal waterstain. - A good, nice uniformly rebound set of the first 10 volumes with very nice views of cities, monuments and nature. - Added a small exercise-book (21x17 cm) with 10 leaves: handwritten table in contemporary hand of the first 10 volumes.
Booknumber: 78775Add to cart € 1000.00


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Arndt, Karl / Bernd Moeller.Albrecht Dürers 'Vier Apostel': Eine kirchen- und kunsthistorische Untersuchung.Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2003.23 x 15.5 cm. Hardcover. 96 pages, illustrations, 1 plate in color. Published as volume 202 in the series Schriften des Vereins für Reformationsgeschichte. Text in German. As new. See picture.
ISBN: 3579017616

Booknumber: 78761Add to cart € 9.00

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Koch, Josef.Artes Liberales. Von der antiken Bildung zur Wissenschaft des Mittelalters & Humanismus, Mystik und Kunst in der Welt des Mittelalters. Zweite unveränderte Auflage.Leiden / Koln: E. J. Brill, 1959.24.5 x 16 cm, two books in softcover. xii, 156 pages; x, 180 pages. Part of the series 'Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters', volumes III and V. Text in German. Covers and paper somewhat discolored due to age, top edges roughly opened. With the name of the previous owner. Still very good. See picture.
Booknumber: 78725Add to cart € 25.00

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Moorsel, P.P.V. Van.Called to Egypt. Collected studies on painting in Christian Egypt.Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2000.Wrappers (paperback) xxii,290 pp.: ill., some in col.; 24 cm. - " Publication of the 'De Goeije Fund' No. XXX " Text in English. Spine slightly sun-faded. Very good. See picture. Price when new 87 euro.
ISBN: 9062589820

Booknumber: 78719Add to cart € 40.00

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Ringbom, Sixten.Icon to Narrative: The Rise of the Dramatic Close-Up in Fifteenth-Century Devotional Painting. Second edition, revised and augmented with a postscript. Originally published in 1965 in Acta Academia Aboensis, ser. A Humaniora Vol. 31 nr. 2.Doornspijk: Davaco, 1983.23 x 15.5 cm, hardcover. 242 pages, 48 black-and-white plates. Text in English. Previous owner's name in pen, cover somewhat stained, edges thumbed, various annotations and underlining in pencil, but still good. See picture.
ISBN: 9070288141

Booknumber: 78710Add to cart € 80.00

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Gudiol, José.Goya 1746-1828: Biography, Analytical Study and Catalogue of His Paintings. Translated from Spanish by Kenneth Lyons. [ 4 volumes ].Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa, 1971.29.5 x 25 cm, four volumes, red imitation leather bindings with paper and plastic dust jackets, text in English, 1295 plates across volumes II, III, and IV, paper slightly yellowed due to age but otherwise in very good/ fine condition. Extra shipping costs due to weight of 12.8 kg. See pictures.
Booknumber: 78693Add to cart € 110.00

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Ertz, Klaus.Jan Brueghel der Ältere (1568-1625): Die Gemälde mit kritischem Oeuvrekatalog.Köln: DuMont Buchverlag, 1979.31 x 25.5 cm, cloth hardcover with gilt title, dust jacket, cardboard slipcase, 646 pages, tipped-in plates in color, fine condition. Weight is 3.8 kg. See picture.
ISBN: 3770111346

Booknumber: 78692Add to cart € 100.00

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Tümpel, Christian / Tümpel, Astrid.Rembrandt.Antwerpen: Mercatorfonds, 1986.33.5 x 25 cm, cloth hardcover with dust jacket and slipcase, 448 pages, 450 illustrations, including 350 in color, text in Dutch, very good/ fine. See picture.
ISBN: 9061531667

Booknumber: 78691Add to cart € 25.00

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Guillaud, Jacqueline / Guillaud, Maurice.Rembrandt: The Human Form and Spirit.Paris / New York: Guillaud Editions, 1986.30 x 23.5 cm, brown cloth hardcover with dust jacket in cardboard slipcase, 684 pages, richly illustrated with color and black-and-white images, text in English, as good as new. Weight is 3.2 kg. See picture.
ISBN: 051756341X

Booknumber: 78690Add to cart € 25.00

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Seipel, Wilfried (ed.).Pieter Breughel der Jüngere - Jan Brueghel der Ältere. Flämische Malerei um 1600. Tradition und Fortschritt / Pieter Bruegel d. Ä. im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien [ 2 books in slipcase ].Wien / Milano / Lingen: Skira / Luca Verlag Lingen / KHM Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1997.28.5 x 25 cm, two books in a slipcase, 536 pages & 164 pages in total, richly illustrated with color and black-and-white images, text in German, very good/ fine condition. Weight is 4.4 kg. See picture.
ISBN: 9923641435
     ISBN: 3900325807 & 9923641435

Booknumber: 78688Add to cart € 60.00

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Schretlen, M.J.Dutch and Flemish Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century [ Reprint of 1925 ].New York: Hacker Art Books, 1969.31 x 23.5 cm. Cloth hardcover, x, 72, (2) pages and 84 plates with illustrations. Text in English. Very good, no dust jacket. See picture.
     This book explores the development and artistry of woodcut prints in the Netherlands and Flanders during the 15th century. It includes analysis and imagery of rare works.

Booknumber: 78621Add to cart € 30.00

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Vandermeulen, H (intr.) / J. Oliver.In beeld geprezen. Miniaturen uit Maaslandse devotieboeken 1250-1350.Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 1989.24 x 16 cm. Paperback. 206 pages, b&w illustrations and 1 plate in color. Text in Dutch. Exhibition catalogue from the Provinciaal Museum voor Religieuze Kunst in Sint-Truiden, held from August 10 to November 12, 1989. Very good, see picture.
Booknumber: 78620Add to cart € 9.00

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Duchateau, Marcel.Etienne Bauwens.Tielt / Amsterdam: Lannoo, 1979.27.5 x 23.5 cm, cloth hardcover with gilt lettering on cover and spine, original illustrated dust jacket. 98 pages, illustrated in color and black and white. Text in Dutch. This is copy number 267 of a limited edition of 500 copies. Dust jacket slightly damaged on the spine. Otherwise in very good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9020907980

Booknumber: 78615Add to cart € 22.00

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Marijnissen, R.H.Schilderijen: Echt, Fraude, Vals. Moderne onderzoekingsmethoden van de schilderijenexpertise.Brussel / Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1985.20.5 x 27 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 416 pages, illustrated in color and black and white. Text in Dutch. In very good/ fine condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9010056880
     The author, associated with the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels, explores various criteria for determining the authenticity of paintings, focusing on Flemish and Dutch art from the 15th to the 19th century. Topics include scientific approaches, laboratory analysis, comparative style research, and costume history, with case studies of specific paintings.

Booknumber: 78614Add to cart € 25.00

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Mellinkoff, Ruth.Outcasts: Signs of Otherness in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages.Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993.31 x 24 cm, two volumes, red cloth hardcovers with dust jackets. Volume 1: Text, 360 pages; Volume 2: Illustrations, unpaginated with nearly 700 images, most in color. This work examines the pictorial signs used by medieval artists to identify and denigrate figures considered outcasts, including Jews, heretics, Muslims, blacks, executioners, prostitutes, lepers, gamblers, foot soldiers, entertainers, and peasants. Focuses on art from Northern Europe, primarily from the 13th to the mid-16th century. Spines of the dust jackets are sun-faded; otherwise in fine condition. Total weight 4.82 kg. Extra shipping costs may apply. See picture.
ISBN: 9780520078154

Booknumber: 78609Add to cart € 200.00

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Becherucci, Luisa / De Vecchi, Pierluigi.The Complete Work of Raphael. An Artabras Book.New York: Harrison House, c1969 [1978?].37.5 x 28 cm, cloth with gilt lettering, dust jacket. 650 pages featuring 49 full-color plates and over 875 black-and-white illustrations. This comprehensive monograph on Raphael includes contributions from eight Italian scholars, exploring the artist's life, paintings, drawings, and architectural works. Dust jacket partially sun-faded, paper lightly yellowed, otherwise in very good condition. Large book. Weight 4.8 kg. Extra shipping costs may apply. See picture.
ISBN: 0517254220

Booknumber: 78607Add to cart € 35.00

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MichelangeloThe Complete Work of Michelangelo. An Artabras Book.New York: Reynal and Company in association with William Morrow and Company, (1978).37.5 x 28.5 cm, cloth with gilt lettering. 600 pages featuring 1,040 illustrations, including 32 color plates. This monumental volume provides the most comprehensive study of Michelangelo's life and work, categorized under eight general headings: personality, sculpture, painting, architecture, drawings, thinker, writer, and language. Compiled by leading Michelangelo scholars under the direction of Mario Salmi. Spine of the dust jacket slightly sun-faded, otherwise in very good condition. Large book. Weight 5.32 kg. Extra shipping costs may apply. See picture.
Booknumber: 78606Add to cart € 35.00

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Gerson, Horst.Rembrandt Paintings. An Artabras Book.New York: Harrison House Publishers, 1985.37.5 x 27.5 cm. Cloth hardcover, gilt title. with dust jacket. 528 pages. This is an unchanged reprint of the 1968 edition originally published by Meulenhoff International. The book includes 140 full-color pages and over 580 black-and-white reproductions. It features a complete catalogue and discussions on authenticity, edited by Gary Schwartz, with additional contributions by D.W. Bloemena. Translated into English by Heinz Norden, and designed by Frits Stoepman. The book offers a definitive presentation of Rembrandt's work, examining his life, art, and influence on the art world. Dust jacket slightly worn, paper slightly yellowed; in very good condition. Large book. Weight is 4.1 kg., extra shipping costs may apply. See picture.
ISBN: 0517254204

Booknumber: 78605Add to cart € 35.00

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Maillard, Robert (ed.).Dictionnaire Universel de la Peinture.Paris: S.N.L. - Dictionnaires Robert., 1975.Six volumes, hardcovers with dust jackets. Complete set edited by Robert Maillard, with a preface by René Huyghe of the Académie Française. This universal dictionary of painting spans from A to Z, covering painters, movements, techniques, and schools worldwide, organized alphabetically. Includes numerous illustrations, some in color. Text in French. Extra shipping costs may apply. See picture.
Booknumber: 78602Add to cart € 80.00


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Bénézit, E.Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers. Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue, revue et corrigée sous la direction des héritiers de E. Benezit.Paris: Gründ, 1976.10 vols. Orig. blue cloth, gilt text on spines and frontcovers. Together ca. 8000 pp., facsimiles of signatures and monograms; 25x16 cm. Extra shipping costs may apply. - Small signs of use, very good set. See picture
ISBN: 2700001524

Booknumber: 78600Add to cart € 80.00


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Rembrandt van Rijn.Rembrandt van Rijn. Forty-Eight Etchings.Sofia: Bulgarski Houdozhnik Publishing House., 1987.48.5 x 34.5 cm. Large cloth portfolio. 12 pages text and 48 tipped-in illustrations. This edition is based on the three-volume publication 'The Etchings of Rembrandt' by Charles Blanc, issued under the supervision of Firmin Delangle, and originally published by Quantin in Paris in 1880. It features reproductions of all the artist?s prints, using the copy owned by the Ivan Vazov National Library, Plovdiv. Text in English. In very good condition. Weight is 2.7 kg., extra shipping costs may apply. See picture.
Booknumber: 78597Add to cart € 40.00


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Mauquoy-Hendrickx, Marie / Liebaers, Herman / Schmook, Ger (red.).Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de grafische kunst: Opgedragen aan Prof. Dr. Louis Lebeer ter gelegenheid van zijn tachtigste verjaardag.Antwerpen: Vereeniging van de Antwerpsche Bibliophielen, 1975.24 x 16 cm, paperback with original publisher?s cover. 466 pages, illustrated in black and white. Contains 29 contributions on the history of graphic art, dedicated to Prof. Dr. Louis Lebeer on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Text in Dutch and French. The book is in very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78586Add to cart € 15.00

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Voronova, Tamara / Sterligov, Andrei.Les Manuscrits enluminés occidentaux du VIIIe au XVIe siècle à la Bibliothèque nationale de Russie de Saint-Pétersbourg.Bournemouth / Saint-Pétersbourg: Parkstone Aurora / Editions d'art Aurora, 1996.32.5 x 24.5 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 288 pages with 374 color plates. This work explores illuminated manuscripts from the 8th to the 16th centuries, featuring collections held at the National Library of Russia in Saint Petersburg, including works from France, Spain, England, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. Text in French. The book is in very good to fine condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9781859952368

Booknumber: 78584Add to cart € 20.00

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Porcher, Jean.French Miniatures from Illuminated Manuscripts.London: Collins, 1960.30.5 x 24 cm, hardcover with dust jacket. 276 pages with many tipped-in color plates. Text in English. The paper shows some browning, and the dust jacket has minor creases, but the book is otherwise in very good condition. See picture.
Booknumber: 78583Add to cart € 20.00

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Verbraeken, Paul / Muylle, Jan / Sorber, Frieda.Joachim Beuckelaer: Het markt- en keukenstuk in de Nederlanden 1550-1650.Brussel: Gemeentekrediet, 1986.30 x 21 cm, paperback with illustrated cover. 208 pages with numerous color and black-and-white illustrations. Published as a catalog for the exhibition held at the Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Ghent from December 12, 1986, to March 8, 1987. Text in Dutch. Shows slight signs of wear, spine slightly folded, but overall in very good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9050660096

Booknumber: 78582Add to cart € 18.00

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Lane, Richard.L'estampe japonaise. Images du Monde flottant, avec un catalogue illustré de l'Ukiyo-e.Fribourg: Office du Livre, 1979.28.5 x 25.5 cm, blue cloth hardcover with silver lettering on spine, dust jacket, and cardboard slipcase. 370 pages with numerous illustrations. This work provides an in-depth study of Japanese prints from the Edo period, including an illustrated catalog of Ukiyo-e masterpieces. Text in French. Slight signs of wear, with some natural age-toning, but overall in very good condition. See picture.
ISBN: 9782719100660

Booknumber: 78581Add to cart € 40.00

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Appuhn, Horst (Hrsg.).Wenzelsbibel: König Wenzels Prachthandschrift der deutschen Bibel.Dortmund: Harenberg, 1990.18 x 12.5 cm. Eight paperbacks in a box. Together circa 3,000 pages. This edition is a facsimile of the richly illustrated German Bible manuscript originally created between 1390 and 1400 in Prague. Text in German. The box show slight signs of use, but the set is in very good condition. See picture. Weight is 4.5 kg!
ISBN: 361102001X

Booknumber: 78580Add to cart € 50.00

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