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197 books found      

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Mols, Stephan T.A.M. / Eric M. Moormann.Omni Pede Stare. Saggi architettonici e circumvesuviani in memoriam Jos de Waele.Electa Napoli, 2005.Paperback. 344 pp.; ills.; 28x24.5 cm. " Studi della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei 9 " Contributions in various languages - (small signs of use) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9788851002657

Booknumber: 77756Add to cart € 70.00

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Kwang-pyo, Lee (preface, Minister of Culture and Information)Relics Salvaged from the Seabed off Sinan. Materials I. Compiled by the Bureau of Cultural Properties, Ministry of Culture and Information.Seoul: Dong Hwa Publishing Co., 1985.Original cloth. In slipcase. 340 pp., ills, plates, in color and b&w.; 30.5x21.5 cm. Text in English. - (slipcase slightly worn, some spots/ foxing mainly to cloth and edges) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77521Add to cart € 60.00

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Vincent, P. L. Hugues / P. M. A. Steve.Jérusalem de l'ancien testament. Recherches d'archeologie et d'histoire. [part 1: Archéologie de la Ville]Paris: Librairie Lecoffre, 1954.Large paperback. xii,372 pp.; ills.; 28x23 cm. Text in French / Français. - (small label on spine, stamp on rear title page, paper bit browned, only vol. 1) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77253Add to cart € 40.00

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Kenyon, Kathleen M.Digging up Jericho.London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1957.Original green cloth. 268 pp.; ills, 64 plates, figures, folding plan in rear.; 22x14.5 cm. Text in English. - (no dust-jacket, small label on spine, stamp, few notes/ underlinings in ink, paper bit browned) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77154Add to cart € 55.00

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Moor, J. C. de / N. Poulissen / G. I. Davies / E. W. Nicholson / and others.Crises and perspectives. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Polytheism, Biblical Theology, Palestinian Archaeology and Intertestamental Literature. Papers read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament Conference held at Cambridge, U.K. 1985.Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.Original cloth hardcover, gilt. vi,150 pp.; 24.5x16.5 cm. " Oudtestamentische Studiën Deel XXIV " 8 contributions in English - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9004078738

Booknumber: 77038Add to cart € 16.00

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Hinke, Jan / Yvette Hoitink / Evert Ulrich.Dat coevent toe Oldenzal. De geschiedenis en opgraving van het Agnesklooster te Oldenzaal.Oldenzaal / Hengelo: Stichting Werkgroep St. Agnesklooster / Broekhuis uitgeverij, 2004.Original hardcover, dust-jacket. 304 pp.; many color ills.; 30.5x21.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9070162946

Booknumber: 76888Add to cart € 15.00

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Pauly : Hubert Cancik / Helmuth Schneider (eds.).Der Neue Pauly - Enzyklopädie der Antike. [ Complete set, 16 volumes in 19 bindings & Historischer Atlas der antiken Welt ].Stuttgart / Weimar: J. B. Metzler, 1996-2012.Original cloth hardcovers with dust-jackets; 27x19 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - Very good set, minor wear to some dust-jackets, previous owner's name in atlas, otherwise as new, see pictures
ISBN: 3476014703
     '24000 Stichwörter mit Rahmenartikeln. Gesamtumfang: etwa 9000 Seiten mit zweispaltigem Satz im Lexikonformat'

Booknumber: 76802Add to cart € 895.00


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Déchelette, J.Manuel d'archéologie préhistorique Celtique et Gallo-Romaine. [ 3 volumes ] II. Archéologie Celtique ou protohistorique. Première partie : Age du Bronze. II. Archéologie Celtique ou protohistorique. Deuxième partie. Premier age du fer ou époque de Hallstatt. II. Archéologie Celtique ou protohistorique. Troisième partie. Second age du fer ou époque de la Tène.Paris: Alphonse Picard et Fils, 1910-1914.3 vols. Orig. publ. brown cloth, gilt. Together ca. 1700 pages with many fig., ill., maps; 23.5x15.5 cm. Untrimmed edges, edges still unopened. Text in French. - (slightly browned, few small stains/ foxing) Although very good set, see pictures
Booknumber: 76462Add to cart € 100.00


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Contenau, G.Monuments Mésopotamiens. Nouvellement acquis ou peu connus (Musée du Louvre).Paris: Les Editions d'Art et d'Histoire., 1934.Large paperback. 28 pp., 7 figures, 15 plates.; 29x23 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers worn, bit damaged, slightly loose in wrappers) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 76411Add to cart € 25.00

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Halbertsma, Tjalling H. F.Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia. Discovery, Reconstruction and Appropriation. Second Edition, revised, updated and expanded.Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2015.Paperback. xxviii,568 pp.; ills.; 23.5x15.5 cm. Text in English. - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9789004288836

Booknumber: 76441Add to cart € 55.00

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Bendazzi, Wladimiro / Riccardo Ricci.Ravenna. Guide to the knowledge of the city. Mosaics art history archaeology monuments museums.Ravenna: Sirri-Ravenna, 1993.Paperback. 252 pp., many color illustrations; 24x17 cm. Text in English - Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9788886239011

Booknumber: 76392Add to cart € 8.00

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Hausmann, Ulrich.Allgemeine Grundlagen der Archäologie. Begriff und Methode, Geschichte, Problem der Form, Schriftzeugnisse.Munchen: C.H. Beck, 1969.Original black cloth hardcover, with dust-jacket. xxxii530 pp., ill., plates; 24.5x17 cm. " Handbuch der Archaologie " Text in German / Deutsch. - (number in ink on spine dust-jacket, small trace of removed label from cloth spine, stamp on endpaper and title page) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 75987Add to cart € 15.00

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Kluijtmans, Huub.E palude emergo. Uit het veen kwam ik boven. Nieuwe feiten en inzichten Peelvondsten.Grashoek / Panningen: Huub Kluijtmans / DTP Graphic Products, 2010.Original hardcover. 144 pp.; ills, some in color.; 30x21 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - As new, see picture
ISBN: 9789076461410

Booknumber: 75891Add to cart € 11.00

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Panhuysen, Titus A. S. M.Romeins Maastricht en zijn beelden.Maastricht / Assen: Bonnefantenmuseum / Van Gorcum, 1996.Original covers with dust-jacket. 452 pp.; many ills, and 3 maps in rear pocket.; 24x18.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. With a summary in English 'Roman Maastricht reflected in stones, 10 pp. - Very good/ fine. See picture.
Booknumber: 75369Add to cart € 20.00

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Seyppel, C. M.Er - Sie - Es. IIte aegÿptische Humoreske. Nach der Natur abgemahlt und niedergeschrieben 1302 Jahre vor Christi Geburt durch C. M. Seyppel, Hofmaler und Poët der seligen Majestät König Rhampsinit III. Memphis, Pÿramidenstrasse No 36, Iste Etage. Meldung beim Portier.(Düsseldorf): (F. Rangette & Söhne, Hof-Lith., (1883).Large 8vo (29x20 cm). Jute over cardboard. Stitched like an excercise book. With 2 leather ties pulled through te jute (1 a bit shorter). Completely lithographed book. Frontcover in brown with a seal as centerpiece (crackling). Deliberately damaged margins of covers and leaves: imitation with "künstliche Alterungsspuren" of an original papyrus, called "Mumiendruck". 42 pp. Title in red and black and each page with illustrations. The whole printed on deliberately browned and soiled pages with damaged margins. "Zweite (von drei) Satire die perfekt ein ausgegrabenes Buch imitiert".
Booknumber: 75225Add to cart € 120.00


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Ferrua, Antonio.Le Pitture della nuova catacomba di Via Latina.Citta del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, 1960.Original hardcover. 110 pp.; figures in the text and 120 plates with illustrations, some in color, 1 folding.; 28x22 cm. - (no dust-jacket, few markings in pencil) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 75117Add to cart € 35.00


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Karageorghis, Vassos.The civilization of prehistoric Cyprus / by Vassos Karageorghis - Greek edition!Athens: Ekdotike Athenon, 1976.Original hardcover. 230 pp.; many color ills.; 32x25 cm. Text in Greek - (no dust-jacket, bit browned) Although good, see picture
Booknumber: 75048Add to cart € 20.00


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Dijkman, Wim / Anton Ervynck.Antler, bone, horn, ivory and teeth: the use of animal skeletal materials in Roman and early medieval Maastricht.Maastricht: Archaeology Section, Department of Urban Development and Ground Maintenance, 1998.Paperback. iv,92 pp.; ills.; 29.5x21 cm. "Archaeologica Mosana I". Text in English. - (cover slightly discolored) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9075472021

Booknumber: 74804Add to cart € 15.00

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Kaunhowen, F.Die Gastropoden der Maestrichter Kreide. Mit 18 Tafeln. [ Reprint of 1897 edition, Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fischer ].Werkgroep "Heruitgaven van de afdeling Limburg der Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging", 1993.Large paperback. 132,(52) pp.; ills.; 31x24 cm. " Palaeontologische Abhandlungen Neue Folge Band IV. (der Ganzen Reihe Band VIII.) Heft 1 - No 3 in de reeks 'Heruitgaven van belangrijke en zeldzame boekwerken met betrekking tot de geologie van Limburg ". Text in German / Deutsch. - (few stains on front-cover and edge) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9080152323

Booknumber: 74805Add to cart € 16.00

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Kovac, L'ubomir / Dana Elhottova / Andrej Mock / a.o.The Cave Biota of Slovakia.Liptovsky Mikulas: State Nature Conservancy SR, Slovak Caves Administration, (2014).Original hardcover. 192 pp.; ills.; 24.5x17 cm. "Speleologia Slovaca 5". Text in English. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9788089310746

Booknumber: 74572Add to cart € 22.00

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Searight, Susan.The Prehistoric Rock Art of Morocco. A Study of its extension, environment and meaning.Oxford: Archaeopress, 2004.Paperback. ii,246 pp.; ills.; 30x21 cm. "BAR International Series 1310". Text in English. - (covers slightly worn, top and foot of spine strengthened with tape) Otherwise very good, see picture
ISBN: 1841716596

Booknumber: 74576Add to cart € 74.00

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Strocka, Volker Michael.Casa del Principe di Napoli (VI 15, 7.8) Photographien von Peter Grunwald. Wandgraphiken von Pavlos Papagialias.Tubingen: Ernst Wasmuth, 1984.Original red cloth. 54 pp.; 21 plates with illustrations/ photographs, i.a. 4 in color.; 50x34.5 cm., large (folio) book " Deutsches Archaologisches Institut. Hauser in Pompeji. Band 1 " Text in German / Deutsch. (few small stains on cover) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 3803010322

Booknumber: 74428Add to cart € 65.00


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Albright, William Foxwell.Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. The Ayer Lectures of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School 1941. [ Third Edition ].Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1953.Original blue cloth. xii,246 pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. Text in English. - (small ticket on spine, stamp on rear title page, few notes in pencil) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74137Add to cart € 18.00

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Vaux, R. de.L'archéologie et les manuscrits de la mer morte. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy.London: Published for the British Academy, 1961.Original blue cloth. xvi,108 pp. 42 plates, i.a. 4 folding ; 25x16 cm. Text in French / Français. - (small ticket on spine, stamp on rear title page) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74138Add to cart € 16.00

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Marquart, Jos.Die Benin-Sammlung des Reichsmuseums für Völkerkunde in Leiden. Beschrieben und mit Ausführlichen Prolegomena zur Geschichte der Handelswege und Völkerbewegungen in Nordafrika.Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1913.Original cloth. 16,ccclxviii,132 pp.; figures, 14 plates and 2 folding maps in rear.; 33x27.5 cm. " Veroffentlichungen des Reichsmuseums fur Volkerkunde in Leiden Serie II, Nr. 7 " Text in German / Deutsch - (cloth worn, binding partly loose, taped in several places, stamp, few notes in pencil, few stains, slightly browned) Used although still acceptable/ good and complete, see pictures
Booknumber: 74008Add to cart € 85.00


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Provoost, Arnold / Jan Vaes.Leuven graaft naar zijn verleden. Publikatie naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling 'Leuven graaft naar zijn verleden' Faculteitsgebouw Letteren en Wijsbegeerte van de Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven 20 maart-2 april 1980.Leuven: Acco, 1980.Paperback. 148 pp.; ills.; 27x19.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (some spots/ foxing to edges) Otherwise very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73896Add to cart € 10.00

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Sollberger, Edmond / a.o.De la Babylonie à la Syrie en passant par Mari. Mélanges offerts à Monsieur J.R. Kupper à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire.Liège: Textes réunis par Ö. Tunca, 1990.Paperback. xii,276 pp.; ills, plates .; 27.5x19 cm. Text in French / Français. - (ticket on spine, stamp on half title and title page) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 51761Add to cart € 45.00

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Menard, Rene / Cl. Sauvageot.La vie privée des anciens (complete set in 4 volumes).Paris: A. Morel, 1880-1883.4 vols. Original publishers wrappers, untrimmed edges, still unopened; 25x16 cm. Richly illustrated. Text in French. - (slightly browned, some stains/ spots/ foxing throughout) Although very good, see pictures
     ¶ Contents: (1): Les peuples dans l'antiquité. viii,622 pp. (2): La famille dans l'antiquité. iv,572 pp. (3): Le travail dans l'antiquité. iv,608 pp. (4): Les institutions dans l'antiquité. iv,676 pp.

Booknumber: 67772Add to cart € 100.00


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Feldboek, Ole / John Erichsen / Klaus Kjølsen / John Wodstrup.Asiatisk Plads. Le nouveau siège du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Copenhague.Copenhague: Ministere Royal des Affaires Etrangeres du Danemark, 1980.Original hardcover, dustjacket. 96 pp.; many ills.; 26.5x22 cm. Text in French / Français - (small stain on dust-jacket) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 8787646234

Booknumber: 67589Add to cart € 12.00

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Penrose, Sefryn. With a foreword by Antony GormleyImages of Change. An archaeology of England's contemporary landscape.English Heritage.2010, 200pp, Illustrated. Paperback. In very good condition.
ISBN: 9781848020719
     "Motorways, airports, tower blocks, power stations, windfarms; TV and the internet, easy travel and shrinking distances; business parks, starter homes and vast shopping and leisure complexes. All of these helped define the later 20th-century world and their material remains remind us of the major changes brought about through innovation and rapidly developing technology. Illustrated with striking aerial and ground photographs of some stunning and sometimes surprising 20th-century landscapes, Images of Change highlights for perhaps the first time the impact the developments of the last century have had on the landscape and gives us a new angle on the industrial, military, domestic and agricultural influences at work around us. By turns dramatic, beautiful, perhaps even shocking, the images and accompanying text will convince that the later 20th century should not be seen as an age that has devalued or destroyed what went before. Understanding how the 20th-century landscape is perceived and how it connects to the past is part of what this book is about - helping us to understand that change and creation is as important in the landscape as preservation. We recognise and celebrate the process of landscape change for earlier periods - the 20th century should be no different."

Booknumber: 59354Add to cart € 15.00

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FANNING, Martin / GILLESPIE, RaymondPrint Culture and Intellectual Life in Ireland, 1660-1941.The Woodfield Press.2006, xx,267pp. Illustrated. Hardcover with dustjacket. In very good condition
ISBN: 9781905094004
     In this innovative volume, ten leading scholars from a variety of backgrounds examine how the production, circulation, and reception of books reflected Irish intellectual life. Through rigorous encounters with seminal works in their own particular fields-law, music, archaeology, Celtic studies, history, literary criticism, and art-the contributors explore how print and publishing impacted on the way ideas were shaped and spread in modern Ireland. These studies take the reader from the early modern elite literary coteries, and the restricted world of the hand press, to the commercial mass markets of 19th and 20th century Ireland. As a result of these changes, a social and intellectual world-at once international, and yet specifically Irish-emerges in which ideas were shaped by print, and in turn, shaped the role of the book in modern Ireland.

Booknumber: 59327Add to cart € 20.00

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BEIGTON, RobA Year in the Life of South CornwallFrances Lincoln.2010, 112pp. Illustrated. Hardcover, with dust jacket. In very good condition.
ISBN: 9780711228801
     Cornwall is a holiday paradise known in summer to countless thousands of families, who taste the delights of sun, sea, sand, pasties and clotted cream. For most of the rest of the year the place returns to its sleepy laid-back self as the native people and new residents alike fall back into the rhythm of the seasons. In winter it is possible to walk the spectacular landscapes in complete solitude. This book is a journey through the seasons of South Cornwall in a collection of stunning specially commissioned photographs, from the quiet calm of villages in winter, to the spring flowers on the coastal path, to the hot gardens of summer and the rich colours of autumn. Along the way, thematic sections explore Cornwall's rich traditions of archaeology, sailing, fishing and smuggling.

Booknumber: 66138Add to cart € 14.00

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Broeckaert, J.Graf- en gedenkschriften der stad Dendermonde uitgegeven door Jan Broeckaert Inscriptions funéraires et monumentales de la ville de Termonde publiées par Jean Broeckaert.Dendermonde, Termonde: Aug. De Schepper-Philips, 1896.Large 4to. (31x25 cm). Bound in modern halfleather, spine gilt in compartments; with leather cornerpieces; decorated paper on covers. Original wrappers (sl. dam.) preserved, uncut. xvi,306,(ii) pp. With 32 lithographed plates (with a few explanatory notes in pencil) and numerous illustrations in text. "Geschiedkundige Kring .. Lande van Dendermonde, Buitengewone uitgaven, VII", "Cercle archéologique de.. Pays de Termonde, Publications extraordinaires, VII". - From the contents: "O.L. Vrouwkerk, Begijnhof, Klooster der Brigittinen, der Kapucijnen, der Augustijnen en der Carmelieten, St Gilliskerk, Verschillende Opschriften. - The tombstones with Latin or Dutch inscriptions, a few with French inscriptions. With explanations in Dutch and French, printed in 2 columns.
Booknumber: 47209Add to cart € 300.00

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Brodribb, A. C. C. / A. R. Hands / D. R. Walker.The Roman Villa at Shakenoak Farm, Oxfordshire Excavations 1960-1976.Oxford: Hadrian Books, 2005.Paperback. xvi,570 pp.; ills, fold. plan.; 29.5x21 cm. " BAR british Series 395 " Text in English. Very good, see picture
ISBN: 1841718572

Booknumber: 56702Add to cart € 92.00

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Girard, Jules.Études sur l'Éloquence Attique. Lysias - Hypéride - Démosthène.Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1874.Half cloth hardcover. Marbled covers. Original paper covers preserved. xii,306,(2) pp.; 19x12.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (slightly worn, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 54922Add to cart € 40.00


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Dauvergne, De Montlaur, Bourquelot, Mally, Du Broc, etc.L'art en province. (Périodique fondée par Achilles Allier en 1835). Dixième Année(1850). Nouvelle Série.Moulins: P. A. Desrosiers, 1850 (on spine 1849).Large 4to (31x24 cm). Halfcloth, title label (sl. dam.) on spine; covers grey cardboard (hinges teared; top and foot spine dam.). 218 pp. printed in 2 columns, with woodengraved illustrations and 9(of 11) lithographed plates: frontispiece (coloured lithograph after Emile Sagot), 1 large, folding, portrait (60x46 cm) of Charles de Bourbon, in vivid colours ('fragment d'un vitrail de la cathédrale de Moulins'), and 7 (of 9) other lithographs, partly in colours, by Champagnat, publ. by Desrosiers (6 plates and 1 fullpage between text). - The last 2 plates "Tapisserie de Dijon" and "Habitation d'un Fakir" are not present. - Mainly about the "Bourbonnais": Nohant-Vicq (peintures murales), Jaligny (notice historique), Neuville (cimétière romain), Mauzac (l'Église, with schematic plate in text) and "Excursions d'Artistes" p.84-94 by A. Dauvergne: Château de Cindré with 2 plates (château & peintures à fresques), Grand-Chambord, Chavroche, Trézel, etc. - Inner state nice and clean. Important for i.a. the contribution about the Vallée de la Besbre and very rare.
Booknumber: 54478Add to cart € 240.00


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Martirosyan A.A.Argishtihinili. Urartskie pamyatniki. Vyp. 1 / Argishtikhinili. Urartskie monuments. Vol. 1. - Russian text.Yerevan (Epebah): Publishing-of Academy Armenian SSR, 1974.Original hardcover, dustjacket. 176 pp.; ill., photogr., maps, plans, 58 plates.; 30x23 cm. "Archaeological monuments Armenia. Volume 8" Text in Russian - (dust-jacket damaged, covers bit stained, slightly worn) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 54253Add to cart € 110.00


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Watzinger, Carl.Denkmäler Palästinas. Eine Einführung in die Archäologie des heiligen Landes. I: Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende der israelitischen Königszeit. II: Von der Herrschaft der Assyrer bis zur arabischen Eroberung. (2 volumes).Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1933 - 1935.2 vols. Wrappers (paperbacks) viii,118 pp.: 10 fig. and 40 plates with 88 ill. & x,168 pp.: 15 fig. and 40 plates with 82 ill.; 24 cm. Uncut. Text in German (ticket on spines, stamp on covers and title pages, slightly browned) Although still good set, interior is clean. See picture
Booknumber: 54164Add to cart € 40.00

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Pettinato, Giovanni / P. Mander.Culto Ufficiale ad Ebla Durante il Regno di Ibbi-Sipis.Roma: Istituto per l'Oriente, Centro per le Antichita e la Storia dell'arte del Vicino Oriente, 1979.Paperback. (8),132 pp.; 12 plates.; 28x20 cm. "Orientis Antiqui Collectio XVI". - (top of spine bumped, edges covers bit damaged, trace of removed ticket on spine, stamp on endpaper and title) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 53362Add to cart € 22.00

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Gerke, Friedrich.Der Sarkophag des Iunius Bassus.Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann, 1936.Later plasticized library hardcover. 38,(2),4 pp.; 48 illustrations on 32 plates.; 32x23.5 cm. "Bilderhefte Antiker Kunst herausgegeben vom Archäologischen Institut des deutschen Reiches Heft IV". Text in German / Deutsch. - (ticket on spine, stamp on half title and title page, previous owner's names, paper bit browned, few small stains) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 53376Add to cart € 27.00

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