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Bijbel:De Bijbel uit de grondtekst vertaald. Willibrordvertaling.Boxtel: Katholieke Bijbelstichting, 1981.Original hardcover [imitation leather] with dust-jacket. 1794 pp.: maps; 22x15 cm. Thin paper. Text in Dutch. (dust-jacket and paper slightly browned) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9061730074

Booknumber: 77321Add to cart € 18.00

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Psalterium:Psalterium Syriace [ By permission of the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press the text in this edition is taken with slight alterations from the Cambridge Peshitta Psalter of 1904 ].Great Britain, 1964.Original cloth. 126 pp.; 20.5x16.5 cm. Text in Syriac - (slightly browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77312Add to cart € 20.00

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Lee, Samuelem / Guilelmus Emery Barnes.Pentateuchus Syriace. Adiuvantibus Carolo W. Mitchell / Iohanne Pinkerton.Londini: Apud Sociatatem Bibliophilorum Britannicam et Externam, 1914.Original cloth. 402 pp.; 20.5x16.5 cm. Text in Syriac - (slightly browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77313Add to cart € 20.00

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Mar Severios, Mathews (intr.).Kthobo Daslutho Shimtho ( The Book of Common Prayer - Syriac ).Kottyam: Malankara Orthodox Chruch Publications, 1997.Original hardcover. x,330 pp.; 19x13 cm. Text in Syriac - (small signs of use) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77294Add to cart € 45.00

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Stallaert, Th. - Klein Brevier:Klein Brevier. Door Th. Stallaert C.dd.R. en de Abdij van Berne Heeswijk.Haarlem, Antwerpen: J. H. Gottmer, 1951.Black limp imitation leather. Bookmark ribbons. 8,xxiv,1652,248,vi,112,14 pp. & Loose inserted 'Handleiding voor het bidden van het Klein Brevier, 24 pp' Dutch text. - Fine condition, see picture
     ¶ Dit Klein Brevier bestemd voor Kloosterlingen en Leken bevat in vereenvoudigde vorm alle Officies van het Romeins Brevier.

Booknumber: 77240Add to cart € 30.00


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Romeins Brevier:Het Romeins Brevier. Latijn - Nederlands. [ 2 volumes ].Haarlem / Doornik: Bredego / Gottmer / Desclée & Cie, 1965.2 vols. Black limp cloth. In slipcases. Text in red and black. viii,1976 pp. & viii,1864 pp.; 18,5x12.5 cm. Latin and Dutch - (small signs of use, previous owner's name, 1 or 2 notes in ink on the index page) Although very good set. See pictures.
Booknumber: 77241Add to cart € 60.00


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Sacred Scriptures:Concordant Version The Sacred Scriptures. Designed to put the English reader... a restored greek text... a uniform sublinear... a consistent, emphasized english version with notes... an english concordance and lexicon and a complementary list of the greek elements. Completely Revised, 1930.Los Angeles, California: The Concordant Publishing Concern, 1931.Original hardcover. 21x16 cm. - (leather bit rubbed, red edges faded, few notes in ink on some pages, and several pages with pencil notes in the margins, previous owner's name, slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77084Add to cart € 65.00


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Liturgy of the Hours:The Divine Office. The Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman Rite. As renewed by decree of the Second Vatican Council and promulgated by the authority of Pope Paul VI. I. Advent, Christmastide & Weeks 1-9 of the Year.London / Sydney / Dublin: Collins / E.J. Dwyer / Talbot, 1974.Limp leather. cxii,610,600,662 pp.; 18x12 cm. Thin (bible) paper. Text in English - (covers bit worn, small signs of use, ticket with previous owner's name on endpaper) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 73836Add to cart € 20.00

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Editions Sainte-Madeleine:Missel quotidien complet pour la forme extraordinaire du rite romain latin-françois (bordeaux) Edition entierement nouvelle de l'abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux.Le Barroux: Editions Sainte-Madeleine, 2016.Original limp bordeaux leather hardcover. In slipcase. Edges gilt. Inside dentelle. Bookmark ribbons. xlvi,2590,(2) pp.; 17x10.5 cm. Latin and French. Thin paper - (slipcase with few stains, spine folded, in the center some pages wrinkled, previous owner's name) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77015Add to cart € 30.00


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Bergsma, Johannes H.Die Reform der Messliturgie durch Johannes Bugenhagen (1485-1558).Kevelaer / Hildesheim: Verlag Butzon & Bercker / Bernward Verlag, 1966.Original cloth, dust-jacket. xxvi,(2),236 pp.; 24x16.5 cm. Text in German / Deutsch. - (spine dust-jacket browned, paper browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77026Add to cart € 25.00

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Heinisch, Paul.Theology of the Old Testament. English edition by rev. William Heidt.Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1950.Original hardcover, dustjacket. 386 pp.; 23.5x16 cm. Text in English. - (dust-jacket bit damaged, paper slightly browned, previous owner's stamp) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77055Add to cart € 12.00

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Missale Romanum:Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum S. PII V. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum Clementis VIII. et Urbani VIII. Auctoritate recognitum editio emendata cum additamentis novissimis.Romae: Typis Sacrae Congregationes de Propaganda Fide, 1846.Full leather. Title in read and black,liv,724,ccxxviii pp.; 26x21 cm. Text in Latin - (leather bit rubbed, small label on spine, stamps on title page, small part of first endpaper missing, few page (partly)loose, some spots/ foxing throughout) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77059Add to cart € 110.00


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Breviary - Breviarium - Brevier :Breviarium Romanum. Ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura recognitum. Cum textu psalmorum e versione PII Papae XII auctoritate edita. Editio prima juxta typicam. Tomus Prior & Tomus Alter [ Complete breviary in 2 volumes ].Romae / Turonibus / Parisiis: Sumptibus et Typis Mame, 1961.2 volumes. Limp black leather. Edges gilt. Inside dentelle. Together over 2500 pages printed on thin paper. Text in red and black. Latin text. (slightly worn, previous owner's label on endpaper, bit browned, few dog-ears, used) Although still very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76964Add to cart € 185.00


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Rituale Romanum No 65:Rituale Romanum Pauli V Pontificis Maximi jussu editum aliorumque pontificum cura recognitum atque auctoritate Sanctissimi D.N. PII Papae XI. Ad normam codicis juris canonici accommodatum. Editio juxta typicam.Romae, Tornaci, Parisiis: Desclee & Socii, (1943).Black half cloth hardcover. vi,848,44 pp.; 16x10 cm. Text in red and black. Text in Latin - (loose in binding/ front inner hinge loose, previous owner's name) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 76966Add to cart € 45.00


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Rituale Romanum :Rituale Romanum Pauli V. pontificis maximi jussu editum, et a Benedicto XIV. Auctum et castigatum, cum cantu emendato.Mechliniae: H. Dessain, 1873.Half leather, gilt title text on spine. iv,330,ii,172 pp.; 19x13 cm. Text in Latin (corners bumped, stamp on title page, paper bit browned, few notes in pencil, some dog-ears) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 76967Add to cart € 50.00


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Bijbel - Staten vertaling:Bijbel, dat is de gansche Heilige Schrift, bervattende alle de canonieke boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments : op last van de hoog-mogende Heeren Staten-Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden en volgens het besluit van de nationale synode gehouden te Dordrecht...Amsterdam: Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap, 1904.Cloth hardcover. 1172 pp.; 28x19 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (used, cloth rubbed, name on endpaper, stamp on title page, paper browned, few pages with some stains) Although still good, see picture
Booknumber: 76973Add to cart € 25.00


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Liturgie Chants:Chants de la Liturgie Byzantine. Mélodies Slaves - Textes Français. Édition revue.Chevetogne, Belgique: Editions de Chevetogne, No year (1977?).Oblong size [13x18.5 cm] stapled booklet. 32 pp. music. Text in French / Français. (slightly discolored/ browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76987Add to cart € 20.00


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Thomas a Kempis / R. Challoner.The Imitation of Christ in four books. New revised edition.Braine-le-Comte (Belgium): Zech and Son, (1904).Full leather, gilt title and decoration. All edges gilt. 408 pp.; frontispiece.; 12x8 cm. Text in English. - (slightly browned, bit loos in binding) Although very good, decorative small book, see picture
Booknumber: 77013Add to cart € 22.00


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Ritus solemnis - Altar-size:Ritus Solemnis Impositionis Primarii Lapidis.Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnatii: Pustet, 1892.Original red leather. Blind-stamped and gilt decoration. All edges gilt. Bookmark ribbon; iv,96 pp.; 41.5x29 cm. Text in red and black. Text in Latin. (leather top of spine slightly damaged) Otherwise in fine condition, see pictures
     Full title: Ritus solemnis de Benedictione et Impositione Primarii Lapidis pro ecclesia aedificanda, de coemeterii Benedictione, de ecclesiae et coemeterii reconciliatione... et de Benedictione signi vel campanae. Juxta editionem typicam pontificalis romani ad majorem episcoporum commoditatem concinnatus. Cum cantu sacrorum rituum congregationis.

Booknumber: 75363Add to cart € 120.00


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Ritus solemnis - Altar-size:Ritus Solemnis pro SS. Ordinibus. Editio Altera. Juxta typicam pontificalis romani.Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnatii: Pustet, 1938.Original red leather. Blind-stamped and gilt decoration. All edges gilt. Bookmark ribbon; iv,56,56 pp.; 42x29 cm. Text in red and black. Text in Latin. (leather bit rubbed and thumbed/soiled, several pages with (minor) discoloration spots from previously taped areas) Although still in very good condition, see pictures
     Full title: Ritus Solemnis pro Clerico Faciendo et pro ordinibus minoribus et majoribus conferendis ad majorem episcoporum commoditatem concinnatus. Editio Altera. Juxta typicam pontificalis romani.

Booknumber: 75366Add to cart € 120.00


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Dasberg, Jitschak (translation in Dutch).Siach Jitschak. Gebed van Jitschak Siddoer. De geordende gebeden voor het gehele jaar. Text in Dutch and Hebrew. (juxta posed). 2e druk.Amsterdam: Nederlands-Israëlietisch Kerkgenootschap, 1979.Blue boards, gilt text on spine and (back) cover. xviii,(800) pp. - (spine sunned, slightly worn) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76921Add to cart € 16.00

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Tyshkevich, S.Katolicheskiy katekhizis = Catéchisme Catholique [ text in Russian ].Harbin, 1935.Original paperback. 216 pp.; 19.5x14 cm. - (slightly worn, name on title page, paper browned) Although very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76940Add to cart € 30.00

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Vattioni, F. / A. Tessarolo / G. Albiero (eds.).La Bibbia di Gerusalemme. Quarta edizione, ottobre 1980. [ Italian edition ].Bologna: EDB, 1980.Original red cloth in cardboard slipcase. 2697,7 pp.; 19x13 cm. maps on lining pages. Printed on thin (bible) paper. Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76950Add to cart € 25.00


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Misboek - Carmelieten:Het misboek volgens de ritus der Carmelieten bewerkt naar de nieuwe door de Apostolische Stoel goedgekeurde uitgave. 2e druk.Turnhout: Brepols, (1949).Original black limp leather in slipcase. All edges gilt. xxxii,1472,340 pp.; 16x10.5 cm. Printed on thin (bible) paper. With bookmark ribbons. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - Very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 76951Add to cart € 20.00


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Sursum Corda [ N. 24 ]:Sursum Corda. Livre de prières avec réflexions salutaires appropriées aux principaux exercices de la vie chrétienne.Turnhout (Belgique): Brepols, (1930).Original imm. leather. All edges gilt. In slipcase. 314 pp.; frontispiece.; 10.5x6 cm. Text in French / Français. - Very good. A beautifully charming little book with a lovely cover, see picture
Booknumber: 76958Add to cart € 20.00


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Bijbel:Bijbel, dat is de ganse Heilige Schrift, bevattende al de kanonieke boeken van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament. Door last van de Hoog-mogende Heren Staten-Generaal der Verenigde Nederlanden, en volgens het besluit van de Synode-Nationaal, gehouden te Dordrecht in de jaren 1618 en 1619, uit de oorspronkelijke talen in onze Nederlandse taal getrouwelijk overgezet.Leeuwarden: Jongbloed.No year, ca. 1980. Orig. black immitation leather. In cardboard slipcase. 1198 pp.; 25x17 cm. Text in Dutch. (previous owner's name, few notes on endpaper) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76882Add to cart € 15.00

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BIJBEL - New Bible in Dutch.Bijbel [ 2004 - dundruk goud op snee : 2 kleurig bruin leer met foedraal (luxe uitgave) = 2004 - thin paper edition, gilt edges: 2-color brown leather with slipcase (deluxe edition) ]Heerenveen: Jongbloed, 2004.Limp leather in slipcase. iv,1312,380,xxviii pp.; 15.5x10 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. (small signs of use, 1 or 2 pages bit wrinkled) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9789065392442

Booknumber: 76909Add to cart € 25.00

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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum pro tribus ordinibus Sancti P. N. Francisci aliisque breviario Romano-Seraphico utentibus a Pio PP. VI... et Rmi P. Bonaventurae Marrani... denuo impressum (Altar missal).Mechliniae: H. Dessin, 1931.Full red leather, richly gilt. With bookmark ribbons. xlviii,738,112 pp.; 31.5x24 cm. Weight is 3.5 kg. (Loose in binding, bookblock broken in several places, some pages loose, pages 272-274 and 287-304 are missing) Although still good, very decorative binding, see pictures
Booknumber: 76910Add to cart € 100.00


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Missale Romanum:Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura recognitum. Editio iuxta typicam. [ (small) Altar missal ].Romae, Tornaci, Parisiis, Neo Eboraci: Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae Desclée & Socii, 1961-1962.Full red leather. 5 raised bands. Bookmark ribbons and tabs. lxix,(3),772,278,6,(2) pp. & few extra pages tipped-in, plates in color; 28.5x20.5 cm. and 6 cm. thick. Weight is 3.2 kg. Latin text in red and black. (endpapers torn at inner hinges, some tab page markers missing, few pages with some small tears) Although very good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76911Add to cart € 140.00


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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum... missis trium ordinum S. P. N. Francisci. Noviter approbatis locupletatum ac Rev. Mi. P. Augustini Sépinski... Editio prima post typicam (Altar missal).Ad Claras Aquas, Florentiae: Typis Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1954.Full red leather, gilt. Red edges. With bookmark ribbons and tabs. lxii,(2),860,200 pp.: plate in color; 32.5x23 cm. and 7 cm. thick. Weight is 4.5 kg. Text in Latin. - (leather very slightly rubbed) In very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 76912Add to cart € 150.00


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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum pro tribus ordinibus Sancti P. N. Francisci aliisque breviario Romano-Seraphico utentibus a Pio PP. VI... et Rmi P. Bonaventurae Marrani... denuo impressum (Altar missal).Patersonii, in Neo-Caesarea: E Typographia Societatis Sancti Antonii, 1942.Full red leather, gilt. All edges gilt. With bookmark ribbons and tabs. lxx,(2),788,180,(4) pp., plate; 32.5x24 cm. and 6 cm. thick. Weight is 3.5 kg. In very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 76913Add to cart € 180.00


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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum... missis trium ordinum S. P. N. Francisci. Noviter approbatis locupletatum ac Rev. Mi. P. Augustini Sépinski... Editio prima post typicam (Altar missal).Ad Claras Aquas, Florentiae: Typis Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1954.Full red leather, gilt. Edges gilt. two clasps. With bookmark ribbons and tabs. lxii,(2),860,200 pp.: plate in color; 32.5x23 cm. and 7 cm. thick. Weight is 4.5 kg. Text in Latin. - (leather very slightly rubbed) In very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 76914Add to cart € 200.00


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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum... missis trium ordinum S. P. N. Francisci. Noviter approbatis locupletatum ac Rev. Mi. P. Augustini Sépinski... Editio prima post typicam (Altar missal).Ad Claras Aquas, Florentiae: Typis Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1954.Full black leather, gilt. Edges gilt. two clasps. With bookmark ribbons and tabs. lxii,(2),860,200 pp.: plate in color; 32.5x23 cm. and 7.5 cm. thick. Weight is 4.3 kg. Text in Latin. - (leather very slightly rubbed, 1 tab repaired with tape) In very good condition, see pictures
Booknumber: 76915Add to cart € 200.00


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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum pro tribus ordinibus Sancti P. N. Francisci aliisque breviario Romano-Seraphico utentibus a Pio PP. VI... et Rmi P. Bonaventurae Marrani... denuo impressum (Altar missal).Mechliniae: H. Dessin, 1931.Full red leather, gilt. Red edges. Two silver-colored clasps with elaborate metal decorations on all corners of the front and back. Some screws are missing or replaced, resulting in minor interior damage. Additionally, based on the imprints on the endpapers, it appears that there was previously other hardware attached. With bookmark ribbons and tabs. xlviii,738,112 pp.; 33x24.5 cm. and 7 cm. thick. Weight is 4 kg. (leather bit rubbed, paper slightly browned, some signs of use) Although still very good, highly decorative binding, see pictures
Booknumber: 76916Add to cart € 300.00


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Missale Romano-Seraphicum.Missale Romano-Seraphicum pro tribus ordinibus Sancti P. N. Francisci aliisque breviario Romano-Seraphico utentibus a Pio PP. VI... et Rmi P. Bonaventurae Marrani... denuo impressum (Altar missal).Mechliniae: H. Dessin, 1931.Full red leather, gilt decoration. Edges gilt. With sleek copper-colored corners and clasps. With bookmark ribbons and tabs. xlviii,738,112,14,2,2,2 pp.; 33x24.5 cm. and. 6.5 cm. thick. Weight is 4.2 kg. (leather very slightly rubbed, some small signs of use) Although in very good condition, highly decorative binding, see pictures
Booknumber: 76917Add to cart € 350.00


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Dominical Missal:The Dominical Missal. The masses for Sundays and the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year.Louvain / Bruges: Mont-Cesar / Saint-Andre, 1930.Original limp covers in slipcase. Edges gilt. 762,76 pp.; 15.5x9.5 cm. Headings in English and Latin verso English text - (few dog-ears) Very good. See pictures
Booknumber: 75089Add to cart € 45.00


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Biblia Sacra - Clementis VIII.Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis, Sixti V. et Clementis VIII. Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita. Editio nova, versiculis distincta [ 2 volumes ].Rothomagi: Ric. Lallemant, 1773.2 vols. Full leather hardcovers. viii,602 pp. & ii,ccxxiv pp.; 20x13 cm. Text in Latin - (maps are missing, only the text, leather rubbed, hinges weak and partly bit broken, label on spine, stamp on title pages, browned, some pages with light stains, used) Although still good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76675Add to cart € 60.00


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Schuster, Cardnial (Ildefons).Liber Sacramentorum. Notes historiques et liturgiques sur le Missel Romain. [ 9 volumes ].Bruxelles: Vromant.9 vols. Various editions, published between 1929-1942. 9 vols. Paperbacks. Together over 2500 pp., ill./ plates; 20x13.5 cm. Untrimmed edges, some pages still unopened. Text in French - (covers worn, previous owner's stamps, paper slightly browned, some spots/ foxing) Still good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76679Add to cart € 150.00


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Oppenheim, Philippus.Ius Liturgiae Baptismalis.Taurini / Romae: Domus Editorialis Marietti, 1943.Paperback. xvi,188 pp.; 20x12.5 cm. Untrimmed edges, still unopened " Institutiones Systematico-Historicae in Sacram Liturgiam Liturgia Specialis Series II. Liturgia sacramentalis Vol. II " Text in Latin. - (number on cover, stamp on title page, paper browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 76680Add to cart € 18.00

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Oppenheim, Philippus.Commentationes ad Ritum Baptismalis. Pars I. Ritus Antebaptismales.Taurini / Romae: Domus Editorialis Marietti, 1943.Paperback. x,184 pp.; 20x12.5 cm. Untrimmed edges, still unopened " Institutiones Systematico-Historicae in Sacram Liturgiam Liturgia Specialis Series II. Liturgia sacramentalis Vol. III " Text in Latin. - (number on cover, stamp on title page, paper browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 76681Add to cart € 18.00

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