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Mérindol, Christian de.Le Roi René et la Seconde Maison d'Anjou: Emblématique, Art, Histoire.Paris: Le Léopard d'Or, 1987.Large paperback. xii,488 pp., 72 plates in black-and-white and some in color; 28.5x19.5 cm. Text in French / Français. (small previous owner's stamp) Very good, see picture.
ISBN: 2863770578
     Study in French examining the heraldry, art, and history associated with King René and the Second House of Anjou.

Booknumber: 78317Add to cart € 45.00

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Outcault, R. F.Buster Brown, son chien Tiger et leurs aventures. "Résolution: je vais être tellement sage que ma maman ne me reconnaîtra plus, alors elle ne pourra plus me corriger".Paris: Librairie Hachette & Cie, c. 1904.Oblong folio (30x42 cm). Half cloth. Frontcover with nice colourplate. Illustrated general title in black and white and 30 colourplates with 15 adventures of 4 plates each. A nice collection of comic histories edited by Outcault in the New York Herald, 1903-1904. - Some imperfections: tear in lower margin title and in 12 other leaves (repaired); the first leaf of the 5th story spotted and wrinkled with more marginal tears and a damaged outter corner. Still on the whole a good copy of comics for children.
     the 15 stories: 1) Buster and Tiger et leurs aventures. 2) Buster imagine une nouvelle couveuse. 3).. organise une petite fête charmante. 4) fait le nettoyage. 5).. partie pour l'homme de la fourrière. 6).. se déguse en fille. 7).. joue du violon. 8).. trait la vache rousse. 9).. fait la commande d'une petite soeur. 10).. fait des courses avec sa maman. 11) Oncle Buster vient faire une visite. 12).. aide la nouvelle cuisinière. 13)a une nouvelle bicyclette. 14).. et l'arbre de Noël. 15) Bonne Année.

Booknumber: 76038Add to cart € 250.00


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Prelle de la Nieppe, Edgar de (intr.).Épitaphier de Nivelles. (Extrait du Tome IV des Annales de la Société archéologique de l'arrondissement de Nivelles).Nivelles: Librairie de Ch. Guignardé, (1893).Paperback. iv,100 pp.; with 3 plates.; 25x16.5 cm. Uncut, unopened. Text in French / Français. - (slightly worn, some foxing, bit browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 74223Add to cart € 25.00


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Gailliard, Corneile, Jean van Malderghem and Léopold van HollebekeLe blason des armes, suivi de L'armorial des villes, châtellenies, cours féodales, seigneuries et familles de l'ancien Comté de Flandre. Publié, annoté et précédé d'Un essai critique sur l'art de blasonner par Jean van Malderghem, et d'une Notice biographique par Léopold van Hollebeke.Bruxelles: Typ. de Ch. et A. Vanderauwera, 1866.4to (24x19 cm). Mottled half calf with calf cornerpieces, spine nicely gilt in compartments, with morocco title-label; covers with marbled paper; marbled endpapers; uncut. (ii: blank), (ii: halftitle), (ii: title) pp. and a composition of 4 sections: 1). Jean van Malderghem. Essai critique sur l'art de blasonner depuis le XIIIe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIe. xx pp. - 2). Léopold van Hollebeke. Corneille Gailliard. Notice sur sa vie et ses oeuvres. (ii) pp.: Lithographed frontispiece by J. Petyt after I. Rotsaert of the tombstone of Gailliard, and xliv pp. - 3). Le blason des armes, livre très-utille et subtil pour les gentilzhommes apprendre à blasonner; aussi for commodieulx a plusieurs gens artyficieux comme orfèvres, peintres, imprimeurs, etc. 1557. (ii: title), (ii: Index), (ii) frontispiece in colors engraved by Ch. Onghena after Gailliard, 52 pp. With 11 full-page plates with together 67 illustrations and 77 illustrations in text. Together 144 examples, handcoloured, for filling in coats of arms. - 3). L'anchienne noblese de la très-haulte, très-noble et très-puissante Contée de Flandres avecques leurs armes blasonnez.. . (ii: halfti.), (ii: title), 89,(v) pp. - Beautiful copy, printed on handmade paper. Ex-libris with coat of arms pasted in on first marbled endpaper
Booknumber: 73929Add to cart € 300.00


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(Anonym) (Maximilian Dufrène)Rudimenta geographica & heraldica. Anfangsgründe der Erdbeschreibung und Heraldik ... zum Gebrauch der Schulen. Neue, vermehrte, und mit Kupfern verbesserte Auflage. - Rudimenta historica, sive Brevis facilisque methodus juventum... Historische Anfangsgründe, oder kurze und leichte Weise die katholische Jugend in der Geschichte zu unterrichten. Zum Gebrauch der Schulen abgefasst. Opusculum Sextum (vol. 6): Die Kirchengeschichte.Augsburg: im Verlag der Joseph Wolffischen Buchhandlung, 1794 & 1791.2 works in 1 binding. 8vo (18x11 cm). Contemporary half leather, with cornerpieces; covers with marbled paper (top and foot spine dam.; tears in hinges; corners bumped with some damage). Ad 1): (viii),316 pp. With "Tabula" and 7 engravings: 5 heraldic plates (1 folding), 1 folding plate with 4 figures (planetarium and calculation) and 1 large folding world map, 15x28 cm. representing the Western and Eastern hemispheres. - Ad 2: (iv),354 pp. - On page 354: O.A.M.D.G. (Omnia Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) a jesuit motto. - 2 Jesuitical schoolbooks, printed on thin paper, a bit age-toned but spotless. With charming woodcut-vignette on first title.
Booknumber: 73036Add to cart € 250.00


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Neubecker, Ottfried.Elseviers gids van de heraldiek.Amsterdam / Brussel: Elsevier, 1981.Original hardcover, dust-jacket. 264 pp.; many ills.; 18.5x12 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (previous owner's name) Otherwise very good, see picture
ISBN: 9010036235

Booknumber: 68024Add to cart € 8.00

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Helmont, Jan van.Dictionnaire de Renesse & Dictionnaire de Renesse. Lexique Héraldique Illustré [ 2 volumes ].Leuven: Jan van Helmont, 1992-1994.2 vols. Original hardcovers. vi,1136 pp. & 406 pp.; 25.5x18 cm. Text in French / Français. - Very good set, see picture
Booknumber: 67978Add to cart € 170.00

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MORAN, JamesHeraldic Influence On Early Printers' Devices.Leeds, The Elmete Press.1978, XV,104pp. Illustrated. Cloth, gold stamped decoration. No. 388 of a Limited Edition of 475 Copies. In very good condition.
Booknumber: 64973Add to cart € 39.00

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YODER, EdwardCompromise With War. A Brief Critique of the War Philosophy of Charles Clayton Morrison as Expressed in the Christian Century and The Christian and the WarThe Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pennslyvania - Reprinted from the Gospel Herald.1944, 14pp. Pamphlet. Stapled. In good condition.
Booknumber: 63207Add to cart € 10.00

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VOLBORTH, Carl-Alexander vonFabelwesen der Heraldik in Familien- und StädtewappenBelser Verlag.1996, 128 S. Illustriert. Gebunden. Mit Schutzumschlag. Sehr gut erhalten.
ISBN: 9783763023295

Booknumber: 61295Add to cart € 10.00

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CANDLIN, ClaraThe Herald Wind. translations of sung Dynasty Poems, Lyrics and Songs. By Clara M. Candlin with an introduction by L. Cranmer-Byng. Foreword by Dr. Hu ShihJohn Murray / Wisdom of the East Series.1955, 113pp. Cloth. With dustjacket. In good condition.
Booknumber: 59414Add to cart € 9.00

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Castronovo, DavidBeyond the Gray Flannel Suit. Books from the 1950s that Made American Culture.Continuum.2004, 207pp, Hardcover. With dustjacket. In very good condition.
ISBN: 9780826416261
     American writers of the 1920s, such as Hemingway and Fitzgerald, have been heralded as The Lost Generation, while an earlier generation formed The American Renaissance. Far less critical attention has been paid to mid-twentieth-century literature and how a super-charged body of writing changed our perceptions of the world. Beyond the Gray Flannel Suit considers the books of our lives, which shaped our times, whether we realize it or not. Where did youth culture come from? Why do people argue over pop and high culture? What part do race and ethnicity play in an author's work? By examining a carefully selected range of books and authors, Castronovo shows the true significance of the remarkable literary explosion that took place between the late 1940s and the JFK years.

Booknumber: 59332Add to cart € 10.00

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SMYTH, JohnThe Victoria Cross 1856-1964. A Shorter Version of the Standard Work by Brigadier the Rt. Hon Sir John Smyth ...Frederick Muller Ltd London.1965, 221pp, Illustrated. Cloth. With dustjacket. In good condition.
Booknumber: 59234Add to cart € 10.00

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Robyns de Schneidauer, Louis.Folklore Nobiliaire. Coutumes héraldiques et féodales belges.Bruxelles: Bulletin du Service de Recherches Historiques et Folkloriques du Brabant, 1938.Paperback. 68 pp.; 23.5x15.5 cm. "Le Folklore Brabançon 17e année no 101 Avril 1938". Text in French / Français. - (slightly browned, ex-libris, previous owner's stamps, some pages loose) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 54740Add to cart € 30.00


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Dansaert, G.L'Art Héraldique et ses diverses applications.Bruxelles: Imp. J. Vanden Acker, 1912.Original wrappers (paperback). 112 pp.: fig., plates; 22 cm. Uncut, unopened. Text in French - In very good condition, see picture(s)
Booknumber: 54739Add to cart € 30.00


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Sweertius (ed.)Monumenta sepulcralia et inscriptiones publicae privataeq(ue) ducatus Brabantiae. Franciscus Sweertius (Sweerts) posteritati collegit.Antverpiae: Apud Gasparum Bellerum, 1613.Small 8vo (16x10 cm). Contemporary full leather, spine with ribbons, gilt in compartments; with morocco title-label; edges painted red (first hinge with small holes; corners sl. dam.; some rubbings). (xx),394,(ii) pp. With woodcut title-vignette. A few names underlined in red by the printer. - (Short margins; marginal wormhole in a few leaves; last quire lower outer corner with wormhole restored). - The first 20 pages: 'Epistola dedicatoria' of Blasius De Bejar,et Aegidius Coss, 'De fato scriptorum..' of Thomas Morus & 'Syllabus eorum qui Epithaphia publicarunt..'. Page 387-394 ''Appendix', the las two pages 'Approbation' & 'Privilège'. - On the whole a good spotless copy, paper age-toned, of some quires leaves more browned.
Booknumber: 53757Add to cart € 300.00

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Gevaert, EmileL'héraldique, son esprit, son langage et ses applications.Bruxelles, Paris: Édition du Bulletin des Metiers d'Art, des presses de Vromant & Cie, 1923.Large 4to (29,5x23 cm). Printed publisher's soft boards, uncut. 444,(ii: blank) pp. With 583 numbered illustrations (i.a.: 20 full page in text and 43 leaves of art paper with 86 illustrations). Carefully printed, with headpieces (7) on handmade paper. Title printed in red and black, subtitles and decorative additions in red. - With "Table analytique", "Table des partitions", "Table des noms cités" and "Bibliographie". - Nice copy, only 3 leaves with a few negligible spots.
Booknumber: 53467Add to cart € 70.00

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(Christyn)Jurisprudentia heroica sive de jure Belgarum circa nobilitatem et insignia demonstrato in commentario ad edictum Serenissimorum Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellae. Emulgatum 14 Decembris 1616. In quo Interpretationes seu declarationes Regiae ejusdem Edicti, leges Romanae, variae supremorum Senatuum decisiones, Historiae, Antiquitates, Fragmenta genealogica, Tituli & Ordines equestres à Rege Catholico concedi soliti? .Bruxellis: Balthazaris Vivien, 1668.Folio (35,5x23,5 cm). Contemporary full calf, spine with ribbons. Binding worn (gilt faded, leather rubbed, hinges broken but still holding strong, loss of leather to the corners). xvi, 586(=598), xxxviii pp. including frontispiece engraved by Danoot and 5 full-page full length portraits. Title printed in red and black, with engraved vignette by Clou(w)et after Quellin. Decorative head- and tailpieces, cupper-engravings by P. Clouet, an engraved initial, a large oval engraving "Schema metallorum et colorum" and numerous decorative heraldic engravings, including 3 historical scenes. With 14 (of 18) engraved double-page plates depicting genealogical trees with all the coats of arms. - The 12 extra pages: 422* (2), 422** (2), unnumbered verso of 417-424 (8 p.). - The contents of the 38 pages at the end: "Elenchus nominum et familiarum nobilum" (16), "Index rerum et verborum memorabilium"(16), "Synopsis authorum"(4), "Errata" (1), blank (1 p.). - Margins frontispiece repaired, some leaves browned, but on the whole a good copy of the first edition of this luxurious illustrated book. - Attention: only 4 (of the 18) double-page engravings are missing.
Booknumber: 49698Add to cart € 300.00

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(Collectif)988-1913. Cavalcade. Praalstoet. Mechlinia. Jubelfeesten van O.L.V. van Hanswijk. Fêtes jubilaires de N.D. d'Hanswijk.Mechelen: H. Dierickx-Beke Zonen, 1913.Oblong folio (36x24 cm). Half cloth, gilt title on spine, covers marbled paper; original decorated wrappers, printed in green and red, preserved. 66,(ii:blank) pp. Decorated title printed in green and red, repeated from the wrappers. With 36 photographs (screens), pasted in (11 full-page plates) and 8 illustrations in text. Printed in 2 columns with Dutch text next to the French text. - Nice copy
Booknumber: 49520Add to cart € 80.00

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Male, Guillaume van( Malinaei Epistolae ). Lettres de la vie intérieure de l'empereur Charles-Quint, écrites par Guillaume (Willem) van Male et publiées pour la première fois par le baron de Reiffenberg. (Lettres écrites entre 1550 et 1555 en Latin) .Bruxelles: Delevingne et Callewaert, Imprimeurs de la Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique, 1843.Large 8vo (27x18 cm(. Contemporary halfmorocco, spine gilt in compartments, with ribbons. Covers renewed with decorated paper, marbled endpapers. xlvi pp.: "Introduction", (ii),110 pp.: "Malinaei Epistolae", pp. 111-112: "Table des Lettres", p. 113-120: "Table alphabétique des Noms". - Second publication of the 'Société des Bibliophiles de Belgique', printed in 200 copies on 'papier vélin ordinaire'. - Endpapers and first innermargin with spots, but on the whole a clean copy. - At the end bound with: J.-G.-A. Luthereau. Notice sur M. le baron de Reiffenberg. Bruxelles, Imprimerie et Lithographie des Beaux-Arts, 1850. 16 pp. with heraldic illustration. Printed on pink paper. - Attention: all the explanatory texts in French, but the letters in Latin
Booknumber: 49382Add to cart € 160.00

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(Martène, Edmond & Ursin Durand)Voyage litteraire de deux religieux Benedictins de la Congrégation de Saint-Maur (in handwriting: "Dom Martenne et Dom. Durand). Où l'on trouvera I: Pièces, Inscriptions..., II: Usages des églises, monastères .., III: Fondations des monastères? . Première (et Seconde) Partie. (Complete)Paris: Delaulne, Foucault, Clouzier, Nyon, Ganeau et Gosselin, 1717.Large 4to (26,5x19,5 cm).Contemporary full calf, spine gilt in compartments, with ribbons; with morocco title-label; marbled endpapers; edges marbled. (viii),312;296 pp. Vignette on title and 2 woodcut head-pieces. With engraved illustrations and 6 engraved plates: 2 full-page in text, 1 half-page with blank verso in text and 3 other plates (2 folding): "Tabernacle de l'autel de l'église de l'abbaye St Urbain près de Joinville" and "Plan de la ville et du siège de Terouanne". - I: Quantité de Pieces, d'Inscriptions & d'Epithaphes, servantes à éclaircir l'histoire, & les généalogies des anciennes familles. II: Plusieurs Usages des églises, cathédrales & l'histoire des églises des Gaules. III: Les fondations des monastères, & une infinité de recherches curieuses & interessantes qu'ils ont faites dans près de cent évêchez & huit cent abbayes qu'ils ont parcouru. - Convent-stamps on title, paper partly age-toned; first fly-leaf renewed, but a good copy with heraldic ex-libris of Baron de Caix de Saint-Aymouth. - Three corners of the binding neatly repaired; top and foot first hinge dam.; small piece of leather top spine missing; some rubbings, but acceptable binding
Booknumber: 49370Add to cart € 600.00

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Adels-Torn, Bury.La Maison de Croy. Etude héraldique, historique et critique.Bruxelles: Societe Belge de Librairie, 1894.Original wrappers, (paperback). 242,(2) pp.; 4 plates and some illustrations in the text.; 25x19.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (covers slightly worn, spine damaged, 1 or 2 notes in pencil, paper bit browned) Although still very good, see picture
Booknumber: 47844Add to cart € 70.00

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(Gastelier de La Tour)Dictionnaire héraldique, contenant tout ce qui a rapport à la science du blason, avec l'explication des termes; leur étymologies, & les exemples nécessaires pour leur intelligence. Suivi des Ordres de Chevalerie dans le Royaume & de l'Ordre de Malte. Par M. G. D. L. T***, Écuyer.Paris: Humblot, Nyon l'ainé, Barrois l'ainé & La Porte, 1777.Small 8vo (17,5x11 cm). 19th century half leather, spine gilt (small tear at top of spine), covers with marbled paper (rubbed); marbled endpapers; marbled edges. 481,(iii: Approbation & Privilège) pp. (maginal waterstain to first quire, incl. plates). With 2 engraved plates (brown spot on second plate). - Acceptable copy of the second edition of this compact dictionary, containing more than 1000 family-names and about 1400 names of estates.
Booknumber: 47567Add to cart € 120.00

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Jougla de Morenas, HenriGrand armorial de France. Catalogue général des armoiries des familles nobles de France. Comprenant les blasons de familles ayant possédé des charges dans le royaume et de celles ayant fait enregistrer leurs armoiries en 1696, de la noblesse de l'Empire des anoblissements de la Restauration, donnant les tableaux généalogiques de familles confirmées dans leur Noblesse entre 1660 et 1830.Paris: Les Éditions Héraldiques, resp. Société du Grand Armorial de France, 1934-1952.7 vols. complete. Folio (33x25 cm). Original chestnut-coloured overlapping wrappers, nicely gilt with ornamental lilies and blue coats of arms as centerpieces (2 spines restored; wrappers are very fragile but there are only a few small imperfections). Uncut. With 7 frontispieces: the coat of arms "... Montjoye St. Denis" repeated. With black and white plate "Des Timbres", double-page genealogical tree of Robert le Fort (-822) and 7 plates printed in vivid colours, silver and gold with together 103 coats of arms. Numerous illustrations of coats of arms in text. - Tome 1: 1934. Introduction, with many illustr. of 'l'écu, les émaux, différents champs, meubles, etc.'; la Maison Royale de France, with genealogical tree and 3 plates (2 in colour); A-Bat. 398,(ii) pp. incl. frontisp. - Tome 2. 1938. Bat-Co. (470, (ii) pp. incl. frontisp. With 2 colourplates. - Tome 3: 1935 (1936). Co-Fi. 390,(ii) pp. incl. frontisp. With autograph dedication by the author. - Tome 4: 1939. Fi-Ma. (vi),537,(i) pp. incl. frontisp. (upper margin 2 leaves partly dustsoiled). - Tome 5: 1948. Ma-Ri. (vi),474 pp. incl. frontisp. With colourplate. - Tome 6: 1949. Ri-Z. (vi),537,(i) pp. incl. frontisp. With colourplate. - Tome 7: 1952. Supplément. Printed by the Société? in 800 copies. (viii), 447, (i) pp. incl. frontisp. Page 1-16: "La Maison de Bourbon". With 1 colourplate: ; p. 17-447: "Additions et corrections aux armes et généalogies des six volumes". - Printed in a limited number of 1050 till 1705 copies for the first 6 volumes and in 800 copies for the 'Supplément' - The original edition, all the volumes carefully printed, with each page within a border, on wove paper (papier vélin). - Complete set.
Booknumber: 47428Add to cart € 1200.00

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Poplimont, Ch.La Belgique héraldique. Recueil historique, chronologique, généalogique et biographique complet de toutes les maisons nobles reconnues de la Belgique.Bruxelles, Paris: G. Adriaens , resp. Henri Carion, Walder, 1863-1867.11 vols. complete. Edited resp. at Bruxelles, 1863-66 (vols. 1-3)and at Paris, 1866-67 (vols. 4-11). The vols 4-6,9-11 by Henri Carion and 7-8 by Walder. 8vo (24x16 cm). Contemporary half leather, spines with ribbons, gilt title on spines, covers with marbled paper, marbled endpapers. Uncut. Tome 1: A - BI, 694 pp.; Tome II: BL - CHAR. 478 pp. ; Tome III: CHAS - DIEU, 584 pp.; Tome IV: DO - GOBA. 488 pp.; Tome V: GOBEL - HO. 420 pp.; Tome VI: HU - L. 462 pp.; Tome VII: M. 438 pp.; Tome VIII: N - POS. 404 pp.; Tome IX: POT - R. 412 pp.; Tome X: S - TR. 500 pp.; Tome XI: TS - Z. 500 pp. Each volume with a table divided in 'Généalogies' and 'Alliances'. - Some imperfections: 1) In first vol. innermargin first and last leaf pasted on fly-leaves. 2) A few slight rubbings to the bindings. 3) Some brown spots in places, mainly in the first and last leaves. 4) more serious large spots in the ninth volume. 5) A few small marginal tears. - On the whole a good set. See Speeckaert: "ouvrage recherché qui donne des notices généalogiques très fournies classées par famille. Les armoiries sont décrites, avec devise. Un travail de longue haleine du généalogiste et historien Poplimont, chevalier de l'Ordre des SS. Maurice et Lazare". - With, pasted in,in every volume the bookplate of Michel de Kerckhove de Denthergem.
Booknumber: 47413Add to cart € 1500.00

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Ghellinck Vaernewyck, Vicomte deSceaux et armoiries des villes, communes, échevinages, châtellenies, métiers et seigneuries de la Flandre ancienne et moderne. Ouvrage publié sous les auspieces de la Société d'Émulation pour l'etude de l'histoire et des antiquités de la Flandre.Paris,( imprimé à Bruges): Desclée de Brouwer et Cie, 1935.Small folio (29x21 cm). Original printed wrappers (a few small tears), uncut. 424 pp. Page 403-423: "Table onomastique". Described in alphabetical order from Aardenburg till Zwynaarde 'indiquées dans leur situation teritoriale d'avant 1789'. With together more than 750 illustrations of seals, and with 2 double-page maps: "La Flandre en 1792 par De Vreese"" and "Carte héraldique de la Flandre, 1610". - Good copy with ex-libris pasted in of Michel de Kerckhove de Denthergem.
Booknumber: 47401Add to cart € 150.00

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May, William E.Human Existence, Medicine and Ethics. Reflections on Human Life.Chicago, Illinois: Franciscan Herald Press, 1977.Paperback. x,182 pp.; 22.5x15 cm. Text in English. - (stamp and some [gift] notes in ink on endpaper, bit browned) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 0819906778

Booknumber: 47349Add to cart € 10.00

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Belleval, Marquis deLes sceaux de Ponthieu.Paris: Émile Lechevalier, 1896.Large 8vo (25,5x16 cm). Orig. printed publisher's wrappers (top spine repaired). Uncut, unopened. viii,288 pp. (first and last leaf browned, brown spots in places). With title-vignette (seal),9 plates with different seals, on glazed paper. With numerous text-illustrations . - Printed in 300 numbered copies on Dutch handmade paper. This is copy nr 183. - 772 seals described in alphabetical order from Abbeville (Commune) till Yseu (Raoul, Sire d')
Booknumber: 47215Add to cart € 80.00

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Prelle de la Nieppe, Edgar de (intr.).Supplément de l'Épitaphier de Nivelles. (Extrait du Tome IV des Annales de la Société archéologique de l'arrondissement de Nivelles).Nivelles: Librairie de Ch. Guignardé, (1893).Paperback. iv,90 pp.; with plates.; 25x16 cm. Text in French / Français. - (sl. worn, sl. browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 44807Add to cart € 12.00

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Bordeaux, R.Les armoiries des corporations d'arts et métiers d'Évreux & des villes & pays d'alentours, publiées.Evreux: Imprimé chez Hérissey, 1864.Small 8vo (12x8 cm). Contemporary wrappers decorated with French lilies, printed in gold. Uncut. 48 pp. and 48 pp. with 24 engraved plates, representing 48 coats of arms. Printed on handmade, glazed paper. Convent stamps on first fly-leaf, but on the whole a fine copy of a charming booklet.
Booknumber: 43524Add to cart € 80.00

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Perrière, Henri de La / Le Baron du Roure de Paulin.Des tenants supports et soutiens dans l'art héraldique.Rome / Paris: Collège Héraldique Romain / H. Daragon, 1910.Orig. wrappers (paperback) 176 pp.: 110 fig.; 25 cm. Uncut, unopened. French. - (sl. worn, sl. browned) Very good.
Booknumber: 40565Add to cart € 40.00

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FOX-DAVIES, ARTHUR CHALES.The The art of heraldry. An encyclopaedia of armory. (reprint of 1904 edition).London: Bloomsbury Books, 1986.Original hardcover, dustjacket. viii,504 pp.; many ills, plates in color.; 35x25 cm. Text in English. Weight is 3,2 kg. - Very good.
ISBN: 0906223342

Booknumber: 37163Add to cart € 40.00

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ROQUE, M. LOUIS DE LA.Devises Héraldiques. Traduites et expliquees.Paris: Alp. Desaide, Graveur Héraldique, 1890.Paperback. viii,442 pp.; 18x12 cm. Uncut, unopened. French - (sl. browned, some spotting) Although very good, see picture.
Booknumber: 33630Add to cart € 18.00

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DAGUIN, A. / CH. BARDIES.Ordres de Chevalerie. Autorisés en France. Notices sur ces ordres. Législation les concernant.Paris: Charles Mendel, 1894.Original wrappers (paperback) xii,192,iv pp.: fig. and ill. in colour on plates; 25 cm. Uncut, unopened. Text in French - In very good/ fine condition, see image.
Booknumber: 30636Add to cart € 75.00

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LABITTE, ALPHONSE.Traité élémentaire du Blason.Paris: Ch. Mendel, 1893.Orig. wrappers (paperback) viii,280 pp. with 503 figures; 22x13 cm. Uncut, unopened. Text in French - (browned) Although still in very good original condition, see image.
Booknumber: 30388Add to cart € 22.00

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ARENDT, LÉON / ALFRED DE RIDDER.Législation Héraldique de la Belgique 1595-1895. Jurisprudence du Conseil Héraldique 1844-1895.Bruxelles: Société Belge de Librairie (Société Anonyme) Oscar Schepens, Directeur, 1896.Orig. wrappers (paperback) viii,462 pp.; 25x17 cm. Uncut, unopened. Text in French - (sl. browned, some foxing mainly to edges) Still in very good original condition, see image.
Booknumber: 30378Add to cart € 30.00

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DANSAERT, G.L'Art Héraldique et ses diverses applications.Bruxelles: Imp. J. Vanden Acker, 1912.Original wrappers (paperback). 112 pp.: fig., plates; 22 cm. Uncut, unopened. Text in French - In very good condition, see image.
Booknumber: 30325Add to cart € 30.00

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KITS NIEUWENKAMP, H.W.M.J.Europeesche "Totemdieren" en eenige andere symbolen. Heraldische sprokkels. 2e druk.Haarlem: Uitgeversbedrijf "Eigen Volk", 1935.Orig. blue half cloth, gilt. 220 pp.: Ill.; 25 cm. Text in Dutch. - (spine faded, covers sl. rubbed, corners sl. bumped, paper sl. browned, although still good).
Booknumber: 12999Add to cart € 18.00

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TANG, A. VAN DER.Stamboom onderzoek. Een handreiking bij het schrijven van uw familiegeschiedenis.Utrecht, Antwerpen: Spectrum, 1981.Pocket. 144 pp., with ill. - "Prisma Boeken, 1948." (spine sl. dam.)
Booknumber: 621Add to cart € 3.00

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HAMERS, N.A., M.J. VAN 'T KRUIJS & R.F. VULSMA. (eds.)Bij ons in de familie. Genealogische en Heraldische bloemlezing uit Gens Nostra 1945-1970.Amsterdam: Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging, 1979.Cloth, gilt. 276 pp., with illustrations.
Booknumber: 612Add to cart € 9.00

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