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394 books found

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Nabert, Nathalie (ed.).La prière dans l'ordre des Chartreux.Paris: Beauchesne / Cerf, 2024.21,5 x 13,5 cm, paperback, 272 pages, text in French, study on prayer in the Carthusian Order, exploring its historical development, theological foundations, and spiritual practices, including influences from the Desert Fathers and the Eastern and Western traditions of hesychasm, featuring an anthology of key Carthusian authors, original retail price 29 euro, very good/ fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9782204164641
Booknumber: 79088Add to cart
€ 17.00
ISBN: 9782204164641
Booknumber: 79088Add to cart

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Weiß, Bardo.Der dreieine Schöpfer und die frühen deutschen Mystikerinnen.Paderborn / Munchen / Wien / etc.: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2006.24 x 16.5 cm, hardcover, 846 pages, text in German, theological study on the role of the Trinity and Creation in the spirituality of early German female mystics, exploring their connection to Augustinian Trinitarian theology and its influence on their mystical writings, original retail price 157.90 euro, as new, see picture.
ISBN: 9783506757357
Booknumber: 79085Add to cart
€ 95.00
ISBN: 9783506757357
Booknumber: 79085Add to cart

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Courcelles, Dominique de (Hrsg.).Mystique. Texte précédé de Paysages spirituels par Pierre-Antoine Fabre.Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Millon, 2020.24 x 16 cm, paperback. 318 pages. Text in French. Study on mysticism, exploring its figures, doctrines, and expressions across religious and cultural contexts, with a preface essay by Pierre-Antoine Fabre titled Paysages spirituels. Fine condition, see picture.
ISBN: 9782841373826
Booknumber: 79050Add to cart
€ 19.00
ISBN: 9782841373826
Booknumber: 79050Add to cart

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Ruh, Kurt.Geschichte der abendländischen Mystik. [ 4 volumes ] Die Grundlegung durch die Kirchenväter und die Mönchstheologie des 12. Jahrhunderts / Frauenmystik und franziskanische Mystik der Frühzeit / Die Mystik des deutschen Predigerordens und ihre Grundlegung durch die Hochscholastik / Die niederländische Mystik des 14. Jahrhunderts.Munchen: C. H. Beck, 1990-1999.22.5 x 15 cm, blue cloth bindings. Four volumes. 414, 547, 534, 340 pages. Text in German. No dust jackets. Library stamp on verso of title pages, otherwise clean and in very good condition, see picture.
ISBN: 3406353710
ISBM 1: 3406344712 / 2: 3406344992 / 3: 3406353710 / 4: 3406353710
Booknumber: 78963Add to cart
€ 100.00
ISBN: 3406353710
ISBM 1: 3406344712 / 2: 3406344992 / 3: 3406353710 / 4: 3406353710
Booknumber: 78963Add to cart

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Grundmann, Herbert.Religiöse Bewegungen im Mittelalter. 4., unveränderte Auflage.Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1970.22.5 x 15.5 cm. Original black cloth. vi,580 pp. cm. Text in German. Reprint = Nachdruck 1935 - 1955. Spine faded, signs of use, previous owner's name, some pages with several notes and underlinings in pencil. Although still good, see picture.
¶ Untersuchungen über die geschichtlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen der Ketzerei, den Bettelorden und der religiösen Frauenbewegung im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert und über die geschichtlichen Grundlagen der deutschen Mystik. Anhang: Neue Beiträge zur geschichte der religiösen Bewegungen im Mittelalter.
Booknumber: 78940Add to cart
€ 10.00
¶ Untersuchungen über die geschichtlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen der Ketzerei, den Bettelorden und der religiösen Frauenbewegung im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert und über die geschichtlichen Grundlagen der deutschen Mystik. Anhang: Neue Beiträge zur geschichte der religiösen Bewegungen im Mittelalter.
Booknumber: 78940Add to cart

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Riedel, Ingrid.Hildegard van Bingen. Profetes van de kosmische wijsheid.Baarn: Ten Have, 1996.24.5x17 cm. Original hardcover, with dust-jacket. 200 pp.; ills. and 12 plates in color. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - Dust jacket slightly damaged. Previous owner's name. Otherwise Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9789025946623
Booknumber: 78840Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789025946623
Booknumber: 78840Add to cart

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Beer, Frances.Women and Mystical Experience in the Middle Ages.Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1992.23.5 x 15.5 cm, paperback. vi, 174 pp, illustrated. Text in English. Spine faded, otherwise very good. See picture.
ISBN: 9780851153438
Booknumber: 78832Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9780851153438
Booknumber: 78832Add to cart

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Joannes Van Het Kruis.Joannes van het Kruis. Mystieke werken uit het spaans vertaald volgens de laatste kritische uitgaven en van inleidingen voorzien door J. Peters & J.A. Jacobs. Derde verbeterde druk.Gent: Carmelitana, 1980.19x11.5 cm. Original cloth, gilt. With dust-jacket. Bookmark ribbons. 1326 pp.: 7 plates. Printed on thin paper. Text in Dutch. - (spine dust-jacket discolored and dust-jacket slightly damaged) Otherwise very good, see picture.
ISBN: 9070092069
Booknumber: 78459Add to cart
€ 28.00
ISBN: 9070092069
Booknumber: 78459Add to cart

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Schrijvers, Jos.Les principes de la vie spirituelle. Septieme edition.Paris: l'Edition Universelle / Desclee de Brouwer, 1937.Paperback. 522 pp.; 20x13 cm. Text in French / Français - (spine folded, covers bit worn, paper slightly browned) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 78007Add to cart
€ 45.00
Booknumber: 78007Add to cart

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Molinos, Miguel.Le guide spirituel. Introduction par Jean Grenier.Paris: Fayard, 1970.Paperback. 184 pp.; 21.5x13.5 cm. " Documents Spirituels, 2 " Text in French / Français - Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 77738Add to cart
€ 30.00
Booknumber: 77738Add to cart

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Lacroix, Paul ( Bibliophile Jacob )Histoire des Mystificateurs et des Mystifiés. Edition autorisée pour la Belgique et l'étranger, interdite pour la France [ 3 volumes in 1 binding ].Bruxelles: Alph. Lebègue, Imprimeur-Éditeur, 1856-1858.Half cloth hardcover. 184,168,206 pp.; 14x10 cm. Text in French / Français. - (small signs of use, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 77678Add to cart
€ 85.00
Booknumber: 77678Add to cart

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Stinissen, Guido.Als God beslag legt op een mens.Gent: Carmelitana, 1986.Paperback. 112 pp.; 18.5x11.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. (spine slightly folded) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9070092336
Booknumber: 77336Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9070092336
Booknumber: 77336Add to cart

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Stinissen, Guido.Zoek mij in jou. Bidden zoals Teresa van Avila.Gent: Carmelitana, 1997.Paperback. 100 pp.; 19.5x13.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9070092786
Booknumber: 77335Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9070092786
Booknumber: 77335Add to cart

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Stein, Edith / Michael Linssen.Edith Stein. Kiezen voor de waarheid.(Gent): Carmelitana, 1998.Paperback. 84 pp.; 20x12.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands. Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9070092921
Booknumber: 77334Add to cart
€ 9.00
ISBN: 9070092921
Booknumber: 77334Add to cart

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Gieraths, Gundolf.Rijnlandse mystiek.Haarlem: J.H. Gottmer, 1981.Paperback. 156,(4) pp.; 18x10.5 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9025713017
Booknumber: 77332Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9025713017
Booknumber: 77332Add to cart

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Coune, Michel.Sint Benedictus' regel dag aan dag.Bonheiden: Abdij Bethlehem, 1985.Paperback. 304 pp.; 20.5x14 cm. " Monastieke Cahiers 32 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (spine bit folded, previous owner's name, few marginal lines and underlinings in pencil) Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 77159Add to cart
€ 10.00
Booknumber: 77159Add to cart

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Lafrance, Jean.Het gebed van het hart.Bonheiden: Abdij Bethlehem, 1981.Paperback. 134 pp.; 20.5x14 cm. " Monastieke Cahiers 19 " Text in Dutch / Nederlands. - (previous owner's name) Very good. See picture
Booknumber: 77156Add to cart
€ 9.00
Booknumber: 77156Add to cart

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Riedel, Ingrid.Hildegard van Bingen. Profetes van de kosmische wijsheid.Baarn: Ten Have, 1996.Original hardcover, with dust-jacket. 200 pp.; ills. and 12 plates in color; 24.5x17 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - (slightly discolored) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9789025946623
Booknumber: 76879Add to cart
€ 12.00
ISBN: 9789025946623
Booknumber: 76879Add to cart

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Berthier, G. F.Oeuvres spirituelles du père G. F. Berthier. Réflexions. [ 5 volumes ].Lyon / Paris: Librairie Catholique de Perisse Freres, 1837.5 vols. Half leather hardcovers. (4),viii,400 pp., (4),390 pp., (4),406 pp., (4),558 pp. & (4),392 pp.; 18x11.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (label on spines, leather rubbed, hinges bit weak, stamp on rear title pages, paper bit browned, some spots/ foxing) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 76671Add to cart
€ 110.00
Booknumber: 76671Add to cart

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Tanquerey, Ad. / J. B. Bord.Brevior Synopsis Theologiae Dogmaticae. Editio nona [ No 672 ].Paris / Tournai / Rome: Societe de Saint Jean l'Evangeliste / Desclee et Cie, 1952.Half cloth hardcover. xxiv,828 pp.; 17x10.5 cm. Thin (bible) paper. Text in Latin - (small signs of use, slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
Booknumber: 76533Add to cart
€ 22.00
Booknumber: 76533Add to cart

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Lamennais.L'imitation de Jésus-Christ.Paris: Seuil, 1979.Paperback. 256 pp.; 18x11 cm. Text in French / Français. - (slightly browned) Although very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782020050814
Booknumber: 76483Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9782020050814
Booknumber: 76483Add to cart

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Conrad de Meester.Dans le ciel de noter âme. 'Dernière retraite' avec Élisabeth de la Trinité.Paris: Cerf, 1992.Paperback. 178 pp.; 18x11 cm. " Foi vivante 303 " Text in French / Français - (spine slightly folded) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782204046367
Booknumber: 76481Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9782204046367
Booknumber: 76481Add to cart

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Bernardot, Marie-Vincent.De l'eucharistie a la trinité. Préface de A. M. Carré.Paris: Cerf, 1991.Paperback. 144 pp.; 18x11 cm. " Foi vivante 186 " Text in French / Français - Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782204012232
Booknumber: 76480Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9782204012232
Booknumber: 76480Add to cart

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Élisabeth de la Trinité.Élisabeth de la Trinité Pensées I. Vous êtes la Maison de Dieu. Textes choisis et présentés par Conrad De Meester, carme. 4e édition.Paris: Cerf, 1997.Paperback. 112 pp.; 18x11 cm. " Foi vivante - Les Classiques 207 " Text in French / Français - As new, see picture
ISBN: 9782204022040
Booknumber: 76479Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9782204022040
Booknumber: 76479Add to cart

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Sales, Saint François de / Étienne-Marie Lajeunie (ed.).Saint François de Sales Traité de l'amour de Dieu Livres I à VI.Paris: Seuil, (1996).Paperback. 448 pp.; 18x11 cm. " Livre de Vie 146 " Text in French / Français. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9782020286411
Booknumber: 76476Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9782020286411
Booknumber: 76476Add to cart

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Sales, Saint François de / Étienne-Marie Lajeunie (ed.).Saint François de Sales Introduction a la vie dévote.Paris: Seuil, (1995).Paperback. 332 pp.; 18x11 cm. " Livre de Vie 22 " Text in French / Français. - Very good. See picture
ISBN: 9782020236102
Booknumber: 76475Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9782020236102
Booknumber: 76475Add to cart

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Anger, Chanoine Joseph.La doctrine du corps mystique de Jésus-Christ d'après les Principes de la Théologie de Saint-Thomas. Lettre préface du R.P. de la Taille. Huitième édition revue.Paris: Beauchesne et ses fils, 1946.Paperback. x,522 pp.; 23x14 cm. Text in French / Français. - (small label on spine, covers bit damaged, stamp on rear title page, paper browned) Although (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 76383Add to cart
€ 14.00
Booknumber: 76383Add to cart

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Geiger, L.B.Philosophie et Spiritualité. Préface de Étienne Gilson. [ Volume 1 ].Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1963.Paperback. 238,ii pp.; 22.5x14 cm. Text in French - (covers with some brown spots, paper browned, slightly worn) Although good, see picture
Booknumber: 76344Add to cart
€ 12.00
Booknumber: 76344Add to cart

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Thérèse de Lisieux : Conrad de Meester (ed.).Thérèse de Lisieux. Sa vie, son message. Préface cardinal Danneels. Postface cardinal Ballestrero. Photos Jérôme Salvatico ocd.Paris: Mediaspaul, 1996.Original hardcover, dustjacket. 290 pp.; many ills, photographs, color and b&w; 30.5x22.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (plasticized dust-jacket) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782712206215
Booknumber: 76286Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9782712206215
Booknumber: 76286Add to cart

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Ludovico De Ponte, R. P. [ Ludovicus de Ponte / Ludwig de Ponte ]:Dux spiritualis, in quo agitur De Oratione, Meditatione, & Contemplatione: De Visitationibus Divinis, Gratijsq; extraordinarijs: De Mortificatione, Heroicisq; actionibus, sive operibus, quae illas omnes comitantur. Interprete R. P. Melchiore Trevinnio Eiusdem Societatis Jesu Presbytero. Editio secunda cum Indice copiosissimo rerum, Locorum S. Scripturae, & Capitum.Coloniae Agrippinae: Ioannem Kinchii [ Kinckium ], 1617.Later half leather. (20),720,(10) pp.; 20x16 cm. Text in Latin. (label on spine, edges covers bit damaged, stamps, paper browned, several spots/ foxing, few pages bit restored) Although still good, see pictures
Booknumber: 76104Add to cart
€ 150.00
Booknumber: 76104Add to cart

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Wendel, Saskia.Christliche Mystik. Eine Einführung. 2. Auflage.Kevelaer: Topos taschenbucher, 2011.Paperback. 136 pp.; 18x12 cm. Text in German / Deutsch - As new, see picture
ISBN: 9783836705271
Booknumber: 76080Add to cart
€ 7.00
ISBN: 9783836705271
Booknumber: 76080Add to cart

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Courcelles, Dominique de.Thérèse d'Avila. Femme d'écriture et de pouvoir.Grenoble: Jerome Millon, 1993.Paperback. 228,(4) pp.; 20x13 cm. Text in French / Français - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9782905614940
Booknumber: 75882Add to cart
€ 12.00
ISBN: 9782905614940
Booknumber: 75882Add to cart

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Verbaal, Wim.Een middeleeuws drama. Het conflict tussen scholing en vorming bij Abaelardus en Bernardus.Kapellen / Kampen: Pelckmans / Klement, 2002.Paperback. 324 pp.; 22x14 cm. Text in Dutch / Nederlands - (Spine very slightly folded) Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9789077070031
Booknumber: 75844Add to cart
€ 10.00
ISBN: 9789077070031
Booknumber: 75844Add to cart

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Bouyer, Louis.Mémoires. Postface et notes de Jean Duchesne.Paris: Cerf, 2014.Paperback. 332 pp.; 21x13 cm. Text in French. Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9782204098755
Booknumber: 75811Add to cart
€ 28.00
ISBN: 9782204098755
Booknumber: 75811Add to cart

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Pio de Pietrelcina, Padre.Recueil de lettres. Correspondance avec ses directeurs spirituels 1910-1922. Traduction Yves d'Horrer.Paris: Pierre Tequi, 2001.Original hardcover. 1600 pp.; 16x11 cm. " Livres d'Or des Écrits Mystiques " Text in French / Français - Fine condition, see picture
ISBN: 9782740308943
Booknumber: 75782Add to cart
€ 22.00
ISBN: 9782740308943
Booknumber: 75782Add to cart

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Bouyer, Louis.Le mystère pascal : méditation sur la liturgie des trois derniers jours de la semaine sainte.Paris: Cerf, 2009.Paperback. 480 pp.; 20x13 cm. Text in French. As new, see picture
ISBN: 9782204087810
Booknumber: 75665Add to cart
€ 20.00
ISBN: 9782204087810
Booknumber: 75665Add to cart

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Marie de Saint-Jean + Marie de la Trinite [mulatier].Correspondance [ 3 volumes ] 1. L'abîme appelant l'abîme : 27 novembre 1928 - 28 août 1940 / 2. Sous la voile : 17 mai 1941 - 19 décembre 1950 / 3. Les deux oliviers : 14 janvier 1951 - 31 mars 1969.Paris: Cerf Patrimoines, 2013-2016.3 vols. Paperbacks. 678 pp., 534 pp., 564 pp.; 23x15 cm. [ vol. 1 not uniformly bound (21.5x14.5 cm.)] Text in French / Français. - Very good, see picture
ISBN: 9782204115674
ISBN 1: 9782204098670 2: 9782204115650 3: 9782204115674
Booknumber: 75653Add to cart
€ 70.00
ISBN: 9782204115674
ISBN 1: 9782204098670 2: 9782204115650 3: 9782204115674
Booknumber: 75653Add to cart

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Puyvelde, Leo Van.Van Eyck. L'agneau mystique.Paris / Bruxelles: Editions Marion, 1946.Original cloth, dust-jacket. 128 pp.; many b&w ills. and tipped-in plates in color; 33x26 cm. Text in French / Français. - (slightly browned) Very good, see picture
Booknumber: 75543Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 75543Add to cart

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Verhaege, C.Manuel de Théologie Mystique a l'usage des confesseurs.Paris / Bruxelles: Societe Generale de Librarie Catholique / Victor Palme / G. Lebrocquy, 1876.Later hardcover. 320 pp.; 18x12.5 cm. Text in French / Français. - (stamp, lines on title page, spots/ foxing mainly to edges) Although good, see picture
Booknumber: 75278Add to cart
€ 20.00
Booknumber: 75278Add to cart

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Arintero, P. Fr. Juan G.Cantar de los Cantares. Exposición Mistica con nueva version castellana acomodada al original texto de la vulgata y variantes del hebreo y del griego. 2.a edición aumendata y corregida.Salamanca: Fides, 1925.Paperback. 634 pp.; 19x12.5 cm. - (spine and covers worn, number in ink on cover, some stamps, paper browned) Although still (very) good, see picture
Booknumber: 75275Add to cart
€ 60.00
Booknumber: 75275Add to cart
